Entertainment industry organization management of geographic entertainment zones. Entertainment industry infrastructure. Features of the development of the entertainment industry in Russia

By having fun, a person (or a group of people) satisfies his spiritual needs and evaluates his own personality. Entertainment processes are carried out both in natural and artificially created environments.

The goal of the entertainment industry is to create conditions for entertainment, that is, a set of phenomena on the presence of which the entertainment process depends.

The social orientation of the entertainment industry serves to form new personal and social needs, as well as to manifest and develop needs under existing conditions.

The entertainment industry, solving multifaceted problems:


Forming an optimistic mood


The development of human culture shapes and develops personality.

The entertainment industry includes enterprises whose main activities are related to satisfying human needs for entertainment - circuses, zoos, attractions, game libraries, recreation parks, cinemas, gyms, libraries, tourism enterprises, including tourist accommodation facilities, recreation areas, historical attractions, etc. Industries that produce related equipment or inventory are also included in the entertainment industry.

The entertainment industry acts as an independent, relatively isolated link in the economic system, attracting significant material, financial, labor resources. In this regard, entertainment industry enterprises are characterized by specific technologies, management systems, results of activities, and organization of personnel work.

The main characteristics of the entertainment process include: voluntary choice of the type of entertainment by a person; preliminary preparedness of the individual to consume entertainment; frequent changes of entertainment; an unlimited list of types of entertainment, combining entertainment with other activities (for example, recreation plus entertainment, sports and entertainment, entertainment and education, etc.); frequency of entertainment consumption (timed to the human life cycle, annual, weekly, daily).

It is advisable to distinguish between mass entertainment and individual entertainment. Entertainment can be organized specifically or occur spontaneously.

Some of the most important contemporary challenges in studying the entertainment industry include the following.

1. Based on the important place of entertainment in the formation personal characteristics The patterns and trends in the development of the entertainment industry need to be studied. Creating adequate models of the entertainment industry will contribute to more effective management relevant processes, increasing the effectiveness of social policy.

2. The entertainment industry of a number of countries has been turned into a profitable area for capital investment with a short payback period. A developed competitive network of enterprises provides a person with an extensive voluntary choice of a specific form and method of entertainment. At the same time, it is important to see the difference between adjusting the entertainment industry to human needs, “soft” consumption management and selfish manipulation of people’s consciousness by offering them a specified range of entertainment.

3. Modern life is characterized by an accelerated rhythm, increased mental stress, and emotional imbalance of people. Escapism and human relaxation are important value orientations of the entertainment industry.

4. Regardless of whether a person has fun alone or in company, entertainment is an individual good. In addition, today a person receives a significant part of his entertainment at home, in a narrow circle. In this regard, the targeted development of the entertainment industry must be “programmed” to overcome and compensate for the negative consequences of the disunity of people.

5. The demand for entertainment industry activities depends on the amount and forms of use of free time. The income of the population is also an important factor.

Rice. 22 Leisure industry

There is a wide variety of enterprises involved in creating and organizing entertainment conditions.

In the traditional classification of economic sectors, the corresponding enterprises are dispersed across many industries, sometimes forming their non-main auxiliary or secondary activities.

For a long time, insufficient attention was paid to the study and satisfaction of people's spiritual needs.

Since the entertainment industry is relatively young, the issues of economics, organization and management of enterprises that provide the entertainment process have not been sufficiently developed. The issues of technological connection between the components of such an enterprise and its infrastructure have not been resolved. The set of organizational and economic characteristics characteristic of an entertainment industry enterprise has not been formed.

Experience in developing the entertainment industry in various countries allows us to imagine the fundamental composition of its independent units.

The entertainment industry includes enterprises (organizations, institutions) whose main activities are related to satisfying human needs for entertainment. Such units are enterprises with a pronounced entertainment nature of their activities - circuses, zoos, amusement rides, game arcades, recreation parks, mobile towns, etc. A variety of entertainment enterprises - stationary and mobile theaters, cinemas, art studios, concert organizations and groups (philharmonic societies, orchestras, ensembles, music halls, art and musical groups, radio broadcasting and television, etc.) also provide entertainment. TO individual entertainment includes businesses physical culture(artificial swimming pools, skating rinks, gyms and clubs), as well as sports and entertainment enterprises. Visiting libraries, museums, exhibitions, club institutions etc. also accompanied by entertainment.

The entertainment industry acts as an independent, relatively isolated part of the economic system, attracting significant material, financial and labor resources. In this regard, entertainment industry enterprises are characterized by specific technologies, management systems, results of activities, and organization of personnel work.

Studying tourists as consumers of specific outcomes is important. IN in a broad sense positive emotions of a tourist can be associated with any moment of a tourist trip (movement to a vacation spot, the fact of changing one’s location, the vacation itself). It should be noted that the concept of “tourist” in relation to a specific individual is temporary. Patterns of consumption of entertainment industry products should be studied in comparison with a person's previous lifestyle.

Rice. 23. Classification of leisure industry enterprises

The hospitality industry is inextricably linked with entertainment. Currently, there is not a single hotel that does not have conditions for entertainment.

While having fun, a person (or a group of people) satisfies his spiritual needs, evaluates his own personality, and analyzes his role on the scale of various social systems. Entertainment processes are carried out both in natural and artificially created environments.

The entertainment industry aims to create conditions for entertainment, that is, a set of phenomena on the presence of which the entertainment process depends.

The social orientation of the development of the entertainment industry is expressed in the fact that it serves the formation of new personal and social needs, as well as the manifestation and development of needs under existing conditions. The entertainment industry, solving multifaceted problems (primarily education, the formation of an optimistic mood, education, recreation, development of human culture), essentially forms and develops personality. By filling part of his free time with entertainment, a person restores himself as a work unit.

In statistical practice, there is no criterion for identifying the sphere of activity involved in entertaining people. This situation is primarily due to insufficient classification of the initial types of activities. It should also be noted that there is an extremely wide variety of enterprises designed to create and organize entertainment conditions. In the traditional classification of economic sectors, the corresponding industries are dispersed across many industries, forming in some cases their non-core, auxiliary or secondary activities.

For a long time, insufficient attention was paid to the study and satisfaction of people's spiritual needs. Therefore, the lack of development of issues of economics, organization and management of enterprises that provide the entertainment process is associated with the relative “youth” of the entertainment industry. Questions remain unresolved about the technological unity of the components of such an enterprise and its infrastructure. It is difficult to form a set of organizational and economic characteristics characteristic of entertainment industry enterprises.

The experience of developing the entertainment industry in various countries allows us to imagine the fundamental composition of its independent units.

The entertainment industry includes enterprises (organizations, institutions) whose main activities are related to satisfying human needs for entertainment. Such units are enterprises with a pronounced entertainment nature of their activities - circuses, zoos, attractions, game libraries, recreation parks, mobile towns, etc. A variety of entertainment enterprises, including stationary and mobile theaters, cinemas, art studios, concert organizations and groups (orchestras, ensembles, music halls, etc.) also provide entertainment. Entertainment is inherent in physical education classes (in artificial water pools, in gyms, clubs, etc.), as well as in sports and entertainment events. Introduction to cultural values ​​(in libraries, museums, exhibitions) is also associated with entertainment.

In world practice, tourism enterprises, including tourist accommodation facilities, also belong to the sphere of entertainment services to the population in world practice. A number of enterprises, organizations, and institutions provide entertainment in the form of their non-core activities. In addition to hotels, these include recreation areas and historical sites.

Industries that produce related equipment and inventory should also be part of the entertainment industry.

The entertainment industry acts as an independent, relatively isolated part of the economic system, attracting significant material, financial, and labor resources. In this regard, entertainment industry enterprises are characterized by specific technologies, management systems, results of activities, and organization of personnel work.

The study of tourists as consumers of specific entertainment industry outcomes is certainly important. In a broad sense, a tourist’s joyful emotions can be associated with any moment of a tourist trip (moving to a vacation spot, the fact of changing his location, the vacation itself). Special types of activities are also carried out that purposefully evoke appropriate emotions. Patterns of consumption of entertainment industry products should be studied in comparison with a person's previous lifestyle. The main characteristics of the entertainment process include:

Voluntary choice of the type of entertainment by a person;

Unlimited list of types of entertainment;

Preliminary preparedness of the individual to consume entertainment;

Frequent changes of entertainment;

Combining entertainment with other activities (for example, recreation and entertainment, sports and entertainment, entertainment and education);

Frequency of entertainment consumption (timed to the human life cycle).

It is advisable to distinguish between mass entertainment and individual entertainment. Entertainment can be organized specifically or occur spontaneously. From creating a list of entertainment, you should move on to comparing the importance various entertainments, and then evaluate individual entertainment based on its contribution to personal development.

Steel Vitalina Alekseevna Researcher Kama State Engineering and Economic Academy

Entertainment is one of the most important areas of a person’s daily life, which, along with education, can significantly influence the state of society. The need for them appears immediately after primary needs are satisfied. Satisfaction with their quality and availability is for a person an indicator of his social status, and for society - an indicator of the development of the country’s economy as a whole and its social sphere in particular, since the formation of the entertainment industry is a direct consequence of achieving a certain level income of the population when they have available funds. The practice of creating special conditions for organizing entertainment processes led to the emergence of a fairly powerful entertainment industry, which in its modern form took shape by the end of the 20th century.

The global entertainment industry accumulates billions of dollars and is a significant part of the economy of most countries. Despite the scale of the entertainment industry, the system of economic knowledge in relation to this area of ​​research is vague and ambiguous. Questions not only of management and marketing remain open - the conceptual apparatus and basic theoretical principles of the area under study are not fully formed.

The purpose of this article is to form the main categories of the conceptual apparatus of the modern entertainment industry.

The entertainment industry, in addition to concert halls, casinos, cinemas, includes parks, attractions, nightclubs, Internet cafes, water parks, go-kart tracks, etc. This may also include enterprises organizing sports and entertainment events, as well as physical education classes (for example , swimming pools, gyms, etc.). Some cultural enterprises (libraries, museums, exhibitions) may also be associated with entertainment.

Diversity in the entertainment industry is universally recognized as a virtue, but at the same time it is a significant factor that complicates the management and marketing of these properties. The most accurate reality regarding the formation of the theoretical base of the entertainment industry is reflected by the statements of specialists and entrepreneurs operating in this sector of the economy, voiced at the conference “Entertainment Industry and Gambling Business” (March, 2004, Moscow): “... The very concept of “entertainment industry” quite broadly, and to date, both the authorities and business do not have a single clear definition of it. The entertainment industry includes cinemas, theaters, golf clubs, parks, water parks, nightclubs, sports and health centers, roller rinks, skating rinks, etc. Many areas are associated with the entertainment industry entrepreneurial activity: tourism, construction business, food industry companies, etc. There is an opinion that the gambling business (casinos, slot machines, sweepstakes, etc.) are also part of the entertainment industry...”

Pricewaterhouse Coopers defines the concept of “entertainment industry” as follows: “...The concept of the entertainment industry includes any activity protected by copyright and related to the film business, music, television, literature, the production of computer programs, video and audio materials, as well as companies associated with their delivery and sales."

Like the above, most existing definitions of the entertainment industry are limited to listing the types of activities or businesses classified as entertainment. However, this approach does not reveal the specifics of the activities of enterprises engaged in entertaining people and does not reflect the type of need they are focused on.

It is well known that entertainment directly affects the spiritual state. Through entertainment, a person satisfies his spiritual, intellectual or physiological needs, evaluates himself as a person, analyzes his role in various situations and social systems, and receives a charge of emotions and thrills. Let's look at a number of definitions and try to identify the key characteristics of entertainment as such.

The key point and main motivating motive for entertainment is impression and pleasure. According to the Encyclopedic Dictionary of F. A. Brockhaus and I. A. Efron: “... an impression is usually called the general result of the influence on a given subject of a known complex phenomenon or set of phenomena (for example, a picture, an event).” Pleasure is a consequence of the impressions received. Dictionary Russian language gives the following definition of the term “pleasure”: “Pleasure means a controlled feeling of joy from pleasant impressions and experiences, creating a positive emotional background.”

Analyzing the above definitions, we can distinguish General characteristics entertainment is pleasure, a complex of positive emotions and impressions that accompany the entertainment process or are its result, regardless of the form in which it is presented. The form or source of entertainment can be different - be it roller skating, playing cards, playing dominoes, going to a nightclub or watching a football team play.

Thus, the product of the entertainment industry in a broad sense is the impression and pleasure obtained through the consumption of products (services and goods) sufficient to satisfy needs in the process and for the purpose of entertainment. In accordance with the methodology for determining consumption elements, the system under study for satisfying needs can be represented in the form of the following diagram (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Connection diagram of entertainment service consumption elements

The external environmental factors indicated in the diagram are factors influencing the choice of means to satisfy the specified need:

  1. The desire to receive a complex of entertainment, etc. (cultural and entertainment complexes, shopping and entertainment centers).
  2. Desire to get a professional result (specialized enterprises, sports centers).
  3. The desire to save time (Internet entertainment, passive, amateur entertainment...).
  4. Prestige in a certain environment (entertainment establishments closed to the general public).

By discussing the variety of ways to satisfy this need, we can judge the presence of competition in the entertainment industry at the interproduct level. That is, there is an entertainment alternative “between going to the theater, cinema and an evening at the water park.” It is the competitive alternative between the consumption of a number of products that makes it possible to judge their relatedness by the nature of the need being satisfied. The consumer forms a request and effective demand, choosing a way to satisfy it within the framework of existing alternatives.

Taking into account the above, as well as the existence in world theory and practice of similar and related concepts, it is possible to understand the term “entertainment industry” as an interconnected system of enterprises and entrepreneurs that provide all services necessary for consumption in the entertainment process and sufficient for the actual process of entertaining people and goods.

The totality of enterprises providing entertainment services and organizing leisure activities for people forms the entertainment infrastructure. An infrastructure facility related to the entertainment sector should be understood as an integral functioning facility, which is a building, a part thereof or a set of non-residential buildings, structures and corresponding facilities offering a service or a set of entertainment services.

Modern entertainment centers rarely stop at one direction, and, as a rule, their offer is based on a product that is based on a complex of entertainment and a number of related services: food, accommodation, retail And so on. This circumstance determines the complex and multi-level structure of the entertainment industry product (Fig. 2). Complex structure product of entertainment infrastructure is a feature of the entertainment industry, which determines the specifics of marketing tools.

Rice. 2. Product structure of entertainment enterprises

Core (Core product - basic product) is an anchor type of activity, the main activity of an entertainment infrastructure facility, generating a flow of the target audience. The raison d'être of an entertainment infrastructure facility is to provide basic set services. As a rule, multiplex cinemas, children's entertainment centers, bowling alleys, as well as fitness centers, aquariums and water parks act as anchors.

As discussed above, entertainment can play an additional function in mixed format properties. In such cases, the entertainment component is given a place on the periphery. And large (from 1,000 sq. m.) grocery stores, supermarkets of household appliances, sporting goods, children's goods, mono-brand fashion stores (mostly women's) are used as anchors.

Periphery (Augement product - additional product) - constitutes a complex of related services of the entertainment center. These can be numerous food courts, shops, salons, etc. The list of additional services, their variety and combination are individual for each entertainment facility, and are determined by the positioning line, thematic design of the facility, the amount of investment, the availability of free space, the complexity of the facilities and technical requirements, the presence of facilities located near the entertainment complex. Creating a special set of additional services around the anchor activity is often the only direction of differentiation that allows the client to make a choice in favor of one or another entertainment center.



Course work
on the topic of:
"Entertainment Industry and Tourism"

student of group T-201
Nikulina Irina Yurievna
Scientific adviser:
Professor of the Department of SCS and T,
Doctor of Technical Sciences Zabaev Yuri Valentinovich

Moscow 2010

1. Entertainment industry as a field of activity 4
1.1. Entertainment industry, basic concepts 4
Goals and objectives of the entertainment industry
1.2. 5 theme parks
1.3 Gambling business in the entertainment industry 9

2. Entertainment industry in tourism. Analysis of animation activities using the example of beach, religious and gastronomic tourism. eleven
2.1. Animation in the Entertainment Industry 12
2.2. Strategic planning
in animation activities. 14
2.3. Typology and types of tourism
animation activities 16
2.4. Analysis of animation activities using the example of beach, religious and gastronomic tourism. 18

Conclusion 23

List of sources used 25
Appendix 1 – Presentation “Theme Parks”
and amusement parks" 27

The entertainment industry is currently one of the fastest growing industries. The emergence and development of the entertainment industry is a direct consequence of the achievement of a certain level of income of the population, when, in addition to satisfying basic needs, the need for additional services arises, and free funds appear in order to use these services. The very concept of “entertainment industry” is quite broad, and until now, both the authorities, business and society do not have a clear, unified definition of it. The entertainment industry includes cinemas, theaters, bowling alleys, golf clubs, parks, attractions, water parks, nightclubs, Internet cafes, sports and health centers and clubs, roller skating rinks, skating rinks, go-kart tracks, etc. A special place among the listed enterprises is occupied by and gambling enterprises. The role of entertainment in tourism is also great. Thus, the issue of developing the entertainment industry in the tourism sector becomes relevant.
Object of study: entertainment industry.
Subject of research: the role of the entertainment industry in tourism and hospitality.
Purpose of the study: to determine ways to increase the importance of the entertainment industry for tourism and hospitality.
Research objectives:
1.Assess the entertainment industry in the modern world.
2. Consider the main enterprises of the entertainment industry.
3. Consider the entertainment industry in the tourism sector.
4. Suggest the main directions for improving the organization of entertainment in tourism and hospitality.
1.Analysis and synthesis; 2.Comparison
1. Entertainment industry as a field of activity
1.1.Entertainment industry, basic concepts. Goals and objectives of the entertainment industry.
The entertainment industry is a field of activity aimed at satisfying people's needs for various types of entertainment. It acts as an independent, relatively isolated link in the economic system, attracting significant material, financial, and labor resources. The entertainment industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. At the same time, throughout the world it is strictly integrated into other industries, and therefore is subject to less influence from external, economic, and negative factors. But despite all this, the entertainment industry is considered a fairly young industry as it has not yet been fully explored.
The purpose of the entertainment industry is to create conditions for entertainment, the voluntary choice of the type of entertainment by a person, an unlimited list of types of entertainment.
Entertainment Industry Challenges:
? education of people
? creating an optimistic mood in people
? rest
? education and development of human culture
By filling part of his free time with entertainment, a person restores himself as a work unit. But the main feature of the entertainment industry is the short lifespan of entertainment establishments, since this is still a completely new field of activity. The entertainment industry includes enterprises (organizations, institutions) whose main activities are related to satisfying human needs for entertainment. Such units are enterprises with a pronounced entertainment nature of their activities - circuses, zoos, amusement rides, game arcades, recreation parks, mobile towns, etc.
1.2. Theme amusement parks.
An amusement park (amusement park, theme park) is a specific area intended for recreation and entertainment, the peculiarity of which is a range of services that meet a specific theme. An amusement park differs from ordinary recreational places in that it is intended specifically for the entertainment of people, mainly adults, teenagers and children.
The concept of theme parks is based on some main topic, around which all attractions are built. The central theme of the park runs through the attractions, restaurants, shops and live performances. Every park should have its regular guests. Therefore, the key to a park's success must be to create an environment where guests leave the park and want to return. It is also necessary to periodically update the attractions.
Theme parks come in several categories:
1.Cultural-historical - correspond to a specific topic that is related to one or more historical events(Disneyland, Asian Village park in Singapore, Asterix park in France and others).
2. National natural scientific and educational reserves are reservations with unique natural objects (waterfalls, canyons, picturesque landscapes, islands, etc.). First in the world national park- Yellowstone.
3. Oceanariums and dolphinariums are parks that specialize in collecting, maintaining, studying and demonstrating representatives of the aquatic environment. The largest park in this category is considered to be the Sea World of Floria park (Orlando, Florida, USA).
4. Zoos are special scientific and educational institutions designed to keep wild animals in captivity (or semi-captivity) for the purpose of demonstration to the public, study, conservation and reproduction. There are zoos in almost every major tourist center.
5. Attraction parks are amusement parks of various varieties. In every big city There are similar amusement parks.
6.Water parks – water entertainment complexes. They combine exciting water attractions, traditional sports (tennis, bowling, billiards), visiting bars and cafes. In Russia there are about 30 water parks, open and closed, in many cities.
7. Industrial - use the educational and entertaining interest of visitors by turning the technological process into an attraction. The participation of tourists in production processes is an important element of entertainment for young people and older people.
Theme parks originated in Europe and were implemented in the form of pleasure parks, which existed in many European capitals at the end of the 19th century: Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen, Prater Park in Vienna, etc. Gradually, traditional leisure parks were forced out of the tourism market . They were replaced by larger and more modern theme parks, which spread throughout the world.

The largest theme park appeared in the USA in the middle
50s of the 20th century. It was Disneyland Park in Anayham (California), built by Walt Disney, an American film director and animator. The concept of the park is an exciting journey through a magical land, the heroes of which are characters from famous children's cartoons.
According to the plans of the builders of Disneyland, primarily Walt Disney, the theme park is a center of family recreation and entertainment, which largely determines the choice of the theme of the park itself. To bring people together different ages and, first of all, to attract the adult population, the theme of the park should be not only entertaining, but also informational and educational.
Disneyland is a unique children's theme park in California with a large number of attractions, mainly based on Disney cartoons. A special company was created - the Walt Disney Company, which has been organizing and operating incredible-scale show production with its own unique style, images and cliches for more than 40 years. The park features a lake and canals, railways, simulated cities and jungles, caves and mountains. A variety of moving animal models are arranged; The continuous performance involves thousands of actors-animators in the images and costumes of fairy-tale and historical heroes. An entire tourism service industry has been created, a system of 26 hotels, many restaurants, transport hubs, sports facilities, swimming pools, tennis courts, horse riding and ice skating tracks in winter, and much more has been built. Millions of people visit Disneyland in the USA every year. Due to its tremendous success, in 1971, a similar entertainment center was built in Orlando (Florida, USA) - Disney World, but on a larger scale.
In 1992, EuroDisneyland was created in Europe, near Paris. Traditionally, the attractions have a thematic focus: “Fantasyland” - based on children’s cartoons, “Adventureland” - adventures based on modern Hollywood films, “Space Mountains” - galactic adventures and science fiction, etc. The park has many attractions, and there is a road around the park. Railway with five stations. Numerous castles, bridges, waterfalls, tunnels and caves were built. There is also a developed system of restaurants and cafes in the national style for visitors. Parks are a constant destination for tourists from all over the world, regardless of their age. The total number of visitors exceeds one billion people.
Permanent exhibitions at Disneyland tell about the history of America and the cultures of different peoples. From general information offered to visitors during park excursions, these entertainment industry institutions have moved on to organizing full-fledged educational process. Theme parks provide large dedicated funds for education. They create specialized schools, open training programs, invite teachers to conduct classes, and publish educational literature. Educational programs designed for both younger and older children. Short-term seminars are organized for adults.
Another of the most famous theme parks is located in Spain - Port Aventura. The park is considered the second largest in Europe after EuroDisneyland. The park has 5 thematic zones: “Mediterranean”, “Polynesia”, “China”, “Mexico”, “Wild West”.
Theme parks in Germany, Denmark, and the Netherlands are very popular. Parks have also developed rapidly in the Asia-Pacific region.
Theme parks are an integral part of the tourism industry. The main feature of the success of parks is the use high technology. Also, a large place in the attraction system is occupied by more serious entertainment for adults, which belongs to the category of the gambling industry - billiards, skittles, cards, roulette, etc.
1.3. Gambling business in the entertainment industry.
Gambling business is an entrepreneurial activity that aims to generate income from the game. The gambling business is now considered as a component of the entertainment and tourism industry.
The gambling business includes:
? gambling establishments (gambling houses, casinos, clubs, halls with slot machines)
? enterprises producing equipment and accessories for the gambling business
? publishing houses producing books for the gambling business
Gambling establishments are special institutions where gambling is organized - cards, roulette, etc. Game is the basis of the gambling business.
Many scientists have studied the phenomenon of the game. Almost all of them came to the conclusion that play occupies an important place in a person’s life at all stages and most often performs a useful function. During the game, situations change quickly, interest and excitement arise. The concept of “gambling” has existed for a long time. Gambling is a special type of game that causes intense passion, usually associated with material interest. Gambling– the basis of any casino.
A casino is a stationary or mobile leisure center of an open or closed type, which is a structural subdivision of the parent enterprise of a certain organizational and legal form. The main goals of the casino are: providing services to the population in the field of organizing leisure time and generating profit.
Modern casinos are cultural and entertainment centers with services high level and ensuring customer safety. To attract customers, gambling establishments use different ways. Most of them provide free drinks and snacks, show programs; Many casinos organize buffets for players.
IN Lately The circle of consumers of gambling establishments' services has expanded significantly. Not only well-off people, but also other categories of the population become visitors to these establishments. Gambling establishments are visited by a variety of representatives of the social ladder: businessmen, famous artists and athletes, intellectuals (teachers, doctors), students and young people from wealthy families, as well as teenagers. Today, the percentage of consumers of gambling services is as follows: businessmen – 25%, people with above average income – 25%, people with average income – 25%, students and young people from wealthy families – 15%, teenagers – 10%.
The procedure and conditions for the operation of casinos are determined by the current legislation in each country. But there are countries where playing in casinos is prohibited: Switzerland, Spain and Scandinavian countries. The operation of the casino is based on the holding of games on its territory with the payment of cash winnings in strict accordance with the game rules established for this casino.
For any company - a large entertainment center, as well as for gambling establishments, it is very important issue is personnel selection. For gambling establishments in Russia, this issue is most acute, since in our country there are practically no unified system professional training and uniform requirements for representatives of professions related to the gambling business. Therefore, the organizers of the gambling business are forced to train and select personnel themselves and improve their qualifications.
Currently, the gambling business is considered one of the most promising areas in the entertainment industry, since this type of business activity brings in large incomes, provides all employees with year-round work, and there is also an increasing interest of the population and businessmen in this type of entertainment.

2. Entertainment industry in tourism. Analysis of animation activities in the entertainment industry.
The entertainment industry is inextricably linked with tourism and the hospitality industry. Currently, there is not a single hotel that does not have conditions for entertainment. Entertainment processes are carried out both in natural and artificially created environments.
Tourism enterprises, including tourist accommodation facilities, belong to the sphere of entertainment services to the population. Most enterprises (organizations) provide entertainment in the form of their non-core activities. It is important to study tourists as consumers of specific entertainment industry outputs. The joyful emotions of a tourist received from entertainment programs can affect any moment of the tourist trip.

2.1. Animation in the entertainment industry.
Animation is a special element of socio-cultural activities and is included in the leisure infrastructure of the population different countries peace. Animation is one of the areas of development of public activity. This is one of the socio-cultural mechanisms with the help of which conditions can be created for the disclosure of human abilities and needs, for new opportunities and ways of use in new living conditions - i.e. improving the quality of life.
Animation is the stimulation of full-fledged recreational, socio-cultural, and leisure activities of a person by influencing his vitality, inspiration and spirituality.
There are tourist, recreational, and hotel animations.
Hotel animation is a comprehensive recreational service based on personal human contact between the tour animator and the tourist and their joint participation in the entertainment offered by the animation program of the tourist complex. This is a leisure activity offered by hotels, hotels, and tourist complexes. She is one of effective means attracting guests to the hotel. It also influences the positive assessment of the hotel’s work as a whole.
Tourist animation is a type of tourist activity carried out on tourist enterprise(hotel, tourist complex), on a vehicle (train, cruise ship) or at the place where tourists are staying (in a theater or city park, etc.), which involves tourists in a variety of activities through participation in specially designed leisure programs. Tourist animation is the most important component of the tourism product.
Recreational animation is a type of leisure activity aimed at restoring a person’s spiritual and physical strength. Programs implemented for recreational purposes can be carried out both by tourism enterprises with tourists, and by leisure establishments with local residents.
The following animation functions are distinguished:
1. Recreational – adaptation to a state of rest, transition from labor activity to leisure, restoration of mental and physical functions of the body.
2. Pedagogical – obtaining new information, consolidating new knowledge and impressions.
3. Economic – advertising a country, region, tourist complex, company through direct information about an animation event or through turning a tourist into a voluntary advertising medium; increasing the profitability and profitability of a tourism enterprise.
Now animation is becoming a characteristic tourist product and a necessary element of tourist programs. Animation, using the interest of the tourist, includes the tourist in the action, diversifies entertainment, activates the consumption of information, develops and educates the individual.
Thus, the importance of tourist animation lies in improving the quality, diversity and attractiveness of the tourism product, increasing the number of regular customers and demand for the tourism product. And also in increasing the load on the material resources of the tourism enterprise and in increasing the profitability and profitability of tourism activities.
In order for animation activities to have fruitful results, animation at a tourism enterprise must be carefully planned, clearly regulated, organizationally managed and provided with material, financial and human resources. This is the main task of the chief animation manager of a tourist hotel complex.

2.2.Strategic planning in animation activities.
As already mentioned in paragraph 2.1., animation activities at a tourist enterprise must be planned. To do this, you need to have highly qualified specialists and a clear personnel management system. The management staff of the hotel animation service is the subject of management in the management of hotel animation, headed by the chief animation manager, who ensures the solution of basic tasks.
The main objectives of strategic planning of animation activities are:
? development of an animation strategy and concept for a tourist complex, consistent with its marketing strategy
? development of standard animation programs and methods of their adaptation to real groups and tourists
? analysis of factors influencing the effectiveness of management and the situation in the hotel market of the region and country from the point of view of animation activities
? participation in the formation of pricing policy
? long-term and short-term planning of animation activities
An animation hotel division must have its own goals and objectives to achieve the overall goal of the hotel enterprise - successful operation in the service sector market. Strategy is both planned and adaptive to changing situations.
Creating an animation strategy is a creative process. But it is impossible to give clear recommendations for planning and formulating the concept. However, there are some basic elements when creating the concept of animation activities in hospitality enterprises:
? using opportunities to involve guests in an active life, getting to know each other, awakening joyful emotions, ensuring a comfortable and memorable vacation.
? creating a relaxing environment.
? territorial distribution of animation programs.
? the presence of exclusive animation (highest quality animation, one of a kind).
? voluntary attraction and attraction of guests.
? compliance with a single standard (every guest is treated equally).
Animation programs in hotels must change annually to meet the growing desires and expectations of guests; programs should be varied and meet different desires and interests; programs should cover all leisure activities.
Following a single corporate style is important in the animation concept. On the external side, adherence to the corporate style should be emphasized by the uniform for all animation service employees, as well as the presence of the logo and corporate coloring on all items, technical means and equipment used for animation events. WITH inside there must be adherence to the principles of the animation service concept announced for employees and guests: the same high quality of service for all guests.
Fulfillment of all the above requirements depends on the competence of the staff and the efficiency of the internal organization of the hotel animation service.

2.3. Typology and types of tourist animation activities.
Programmed animation influence on a person during rest helps to preserve and restore his health, physical, moral and spiritual strength.
All this determines the conditional typology of directions and programs of tourist animation:
1) tourist and recreational (hiking, rally, tourist competitions)
2) sports and recreation ( sport competitions, fitness, relay races)
3) entertainment and recreation (holiday, competition, festival, carnival, fair, disco)
4) educational, educational, amateur (excursions, lectures, conversations, quizzes; training in sports, crafts, etc.)
5) complex (combined excursions, weekend trips, participation in a show program, etc.)
The range of tourists' needs is very wide, as people
go on trips for various purposes. According to the demand and motivation for travel, the following types of animation are formed to satisfy the various needs of tourists:
? animation in motion - satisfies the need
modern man in motion, combined with pleasure and pleasant impressions;
? animation through experience – satisfies the need to feel the new, the unknown when communicating, when overcoming difficulties;
? animation through communication – satisfies the need to communicate with new people, interesting people, in knowing yourself through communication;
? animation through calming – satisfies people’s need for psychological relief from everyday fatigue through solitude, contact with nature, as well as the need for peace;
? cultural animation – satisfies the need of people for the spiritual development of the individual through familiarization with cultural and historical monuments and modern examples of the culture of the country, region, people, nation;
? creative animation – satisfies people’s need for creativity, demonstrating their abilities and establishing contacts with like-minded people through joint creativity.
Animation programs must change throughout the season
in content, intensity, timing, in order to meet the needs of guests of different nationalities, ages, incomes and capabilities (physical, intellectual, etc.).
The quality and volume of animation programs performed in tourist complexes and hotels depends on the effectiveness of animation management.
Animation programs depend on the size of the hotel, its location, functional orientation, as well as on the professionalism of the tour animators and their talent.

2.4.Analysis of animation activities using the example of beach, religious and gastronomic tourism.
There are a wide variety of animation programs. Animation programs vary depending on the type of tourism, the goals and age of tourists, their income, etc. In this course work will be given brief analysis animation activities using the example of 3 types of tourism: beach, religious and gastronomic.
Beach tourism is the most common type of vacation. Includes relaxation on the beach near the sea (ocean), accommodation in coastal hotels. This type of tourism is popular among people of all ages. Typically, the goals of such tourists are to relax on the beach by the sea, get a tan, and take a break from everyday city life. The most common countries of beach tourism among Russian tourists are Turkey, Egypt, and Thailand. Many people come with families with children or just with friends.
For this type of tourism, we can recommend both sports and recreational, entertainment and recreational, and combined types of animation. These types of animations may include sport games on the beach (for example, playing volleyball, football), aerobics classes both on the water in the pool and just on the beach, various water games (the “Marco Polo” game); various competitions, festivals involving hotel guests and receiving gifts; participation of guests in the show program. Show programs may include dances, songs, performances of folk ensembles of a given country (for example, oriental dances in Turkey, songs of Turkish performers). Introducing guests to the animators, evening discos with the participation of animators.
Children's animation is an important element in beach tourism. In resort hotels, children should be given great attention, since the quality of their parents' rest depends on this. To organize children's animation activities, special structures, premises and equipment for children are used. Many tourist complexes have a special room for children's animation - a mini-club.
Animators should keep children occupied as interestingly as possible in order to give parents the opportunity to rest peacefully. It is also necessary to ensure the complete safety of children.
Animation for children should be different from entertainment for children at school or kindergarten its colorfulness and effectiveness, so that children will remember it for a long time. To do this, animators can use various costumes of clowns and cartoon characters.
Young children can be captivated by modeling, drawing, and playing, but they quickly get tired.
Middle-aged children easily get carried away by competition and creative activities. But events should be bright and interesting. You can offer activities or games with an educational, educational focus.
Children adolescence very energetic. For them, you can offer discos, various competitions with prizes and gifts (a “Beauty” competition for girls, competitions for scholars, riddles, songs, drawings, crafts, sports competitions for boys). Teenagers can also be included in the development of events, preparation and conduct of games and competitions.
Depending on the age, you can offer children a variety of conversations, fun hours, quizzes, carnivals, concerts, Olympics, picnics, tournaments, shows, excursions, etc. Children love to sing various songs to the soundtrack, parodying famous singers. Also, some animation programs for children can be carried out together with parents.
Religious tourism is a type of tourism that includes tourists visiting saints.

The hospitality industry is inextricably linked with entertainment. Currently, there is not a single hotel that does not have conditions for entertainment. While having fun, a person (or a group of people) satisfies his spiritual needs, evaluates his own personality, and analyzes his role on the scale of various social systems. Entertainment processes are carried out both in natural and artificially created environments. The entertainment industry aims to create conditions for entertainment, that is, a set of phenomena on the presence of which the entertainment process depends. The social orientation of the development of the entertainment industry is expressed in the fact that it serves to form new personal and social needs, as well as the manifestation and development of needs under existing conditions. The entertainment industry, solving multifaceted problems (primarily education, the formation of an optimistic mood, education, recreation, development of human culture), essentially forms and develops personality. By filling part of his free time with entertainment, a person restores himself as a work unit. In statistical practice, there is no criterion for identifying the sphere of activity involved in entertaining people. This situation is primarily due to insufficient classification of the initial types of activities. It should also be noted that there is an extremely wide variety of enterprises designed to create and organize entertainment conditions. In the traditional classification of economic sectors, the corresponding industries are dispersed across many industries, forming in some cases their non-core, auxiliary or secondary activities.

For a long time, insufficient attention was paid to the study and satisfaction of people's spiritual needs. Therefore, the lack of development of issues of economics, organization and management of enterprises that provide the entertainment process is associated with the relative “youth” of the entertainment industry. Questions remain unresolved about the technological unity of the components of such an enterprise and its infrastructure. It is difficult to form a set of organizational and economic characteristics characteristic of enterprises in the entertainment industry. Experience in the development of the entertainment industry in various countries allows us to imagine the fundamental composition of its independent units. The entertainment industry includes enterprises (organizations, institutions) whose main activities are related to meeting human needs for entertainment . Such units are enterprises with a pronounced entertainment nature of their activities - circuses, zoos, attractions, game libraries, recreation parks, mobile towns, etc. A variety of entertainment enterprises, including stationary and mobile theaters, cinemas, art studios, concert organizations and groups (orchestras, ensembles, music halls, etc.) also provide entertainment. Entertainment is inherent in physical education classes (in artificial water pools, in gyms, clubs, etc.), as well as in sports and entertainment events. Introducing cultural values ​​(in libraries, museums, at exhibitions) is also associated with entertainment. In world practice, tourism enterprises, including tourist accommodation facilities, also belong to the sphere of entertainment services for the population. A number of enterprises, organizations, and institutions provide entertainment in the form of their non-core activities. In addition to hotels, these include recreation areas and historical sites.

Industries that produce relevant equipment and inventory should also be part of the entertainment industry. The entertainment industry acts as an independent, relatively isolated part of the economic system, attracting significant material, financial, and labor resources. In this regard, entertainment industry enterprises are characterized by specific technologies, management systems, results of activities, and organization of personnel work. The study of tourists as consumers of specific results of the entertainment industry is certainly important. In a broad sense, a tourist’s joyful emotions can be associated with any moment of a tourist trip (moving to a vacation spot, the fact of changing his location, the vacation itself). Special types of activities are also carried out that purposefully evoke appropriate emotions. Patterns of consumption of entertainment industry products should be studied in comparison with a person's previous lifestyle. The main characteristics of the entertainment process include:

  • * voluntary choice of the type of entertainment by a person; * unlimited list of types of entertainment;
  • * preliminary preparedness of the individual for consumption

entertainment;* frequent change of entertainment;

* combining entertainment with other activities (for example, recreation and entertainment, sports and entertainment, entertainment and education); * frequency of entertainment consumption (timed to the human life cycle).

It is advisable to distinguish between mass entertainment and individual entertainment. Entertainment can be organized specifically or occur spontaneously. From forming a list of entertainment, one should move on to comparing the importance of various entertainments, and then evaluate individual entertainments according to their contribution to the development of the individual. In Russia, entertainment organizing activities developed on a charitable basis. At the beginning of the 19th century. A society is being created in St. Petersburg with the goal of organizing public entertainment. On holidays, over 2 thousand people took part in mass entertainment. People's houses (there were 237 of them by 1914) are considered the first club institutions. Games have become widespread. By the beginning of the 20th century. A network of leisure educational institutions has developed in Russia.

In 1991, in the USSR there were 134.6 thousand club institutions, 2471 museums, 747 professional theaters, 140 film installations. Trends in the development of the entertainment industry have formed. The current situation in Russia is characterized by the destruction of the entertainment industry formed over the past decades and the emergence of new trends.

The number of museums and professional theaters is growing, while the number of visits is decreasing. The number of national natural parks has increased. Currently, a completely new direction has begun to be actively used all over the world - animation, that is, the revitalization of recreation and the organization of direct impressions from personal participation in events. Theme parks (such as Disneyland, Legoland, Port Aventura, etc.) with animated characters with whom you can chat are very popular. So-called show museums with “living” representatives of the subjects on display began to appear.

Unfortunately, in Russia they have not yet realized that this type of entertainment is very attractive to clients. Due to the lack of such entertainment in our country, most tourists prefer to holiday abroad. However, the heads of travel companies in some regions of our country have already realized that this kind of enterprise can make a great contribution to the development of tourism, the regional economy, and also have a significant social effect.

The first steps in this direction are already being taken. For example, in the north-west of the Moscow region (Istrinsky, Volokolamsky, Klinsky and Ruzsky districts) the first safari park is being built. One of the domestic examples of a “show museum” is Borodino.