You can drink juices while dieting. What and how to drink during a diet for weight loss. What is forbidden to drink on a diet?

What you should and shouldn't do to get back in shape for the holidays

German scientists have proven that drinking juices, eating only fruits and going on a diet is harmful for those who want to lose weight. What should and should not be done to get back in shape for the holidays?

Mistake #1: Dieting

Dieting usually means giving up foods you love. It is prescribed only for intolerance to any foods or for certain diseases. However, for those who want to get rid of excess weight Once and for all, diets are absolutely contraindicated, says Researcher nutrition center named after. Elsa Kröner Fresenius at the Technical University of Munich Volker Schusdziarra.

The main thing for those who want to lose weight is to change their usual diet. In this case, products must be selected individually, in accordance with the characteristics of the body and habits of the person. It is important to get used to the new nutrition system gradually. According to gastroenterologists, it is impossible to transform a lover of good food into an indifferent ascetic or turn a meat-eater into a vegetarian in a couple of weeks.

Cakes with cream, fried pork legs and even alcohol can be consumed as long as a person does not abuse it and saves on calories by refusing other foods. Some people allow themselves to enjoy cakes only on certain days, while others simply reduce the amount or choose low-calorie foods. For example, one gram of cake with cream contains 3.7 calories, and one gram of cake with cottage cheese contains only 2.2.

Changing your usual diet can lead to the loss of extra pounds if you follow these four rules:

Reduce the number of calories you consume.

The food should remain filling so that you don't feel hungry after eating.

The products must be tasty.

Food lifts a person’s mood, so the desire to lose weight should not worsen the quality of life.

Mistake two: eating less

Anyone who goes to bed with their stomach growling from hunger is more likely to develop bulimia than achieve their desired weight.

No one can endure a diet that doesn't make you feel full for long, says Shusdziarra.

According to doctors, it is not how much a person eats that matters, but what he eats. After all, satiety does not depend on the calorie content of food, but on its quantity. If the stomach is full, then it sends a signal to the brain: “I don’t want to eat anymore,” and the person stops eating.

A similar study was conducted at the University of Munich: one group of people ate pasta, the other ate potatoes. As a result, flour lovers gained 200 extra kilocalories.

Mistake three: fruits do not harm your figure

Fruits are healthy food. However, for those wishing to lose weight, they are useful only as carbohydrate substitutes. Apples and bananas also contain calories and, when combined with other foods, also add extra weight.

If you eat one small apple every day for a year, the resulting number of calories will be equal to 2.5 kilograms of fat. Purely theoretically, apple cider vinegar adds up to 25 extra pounds to a person over the course of 10 years,” says Shusdziarra.

At the same time, fruits stimulate insulin production as they contain large amounts of carbohydrates. High level This hormone prevents the deposition of fat in the body, so it is advisable to switch to fruits and vegetables, but completely. And not everyone can do this.

Vegetables like bell pepper, cucumbers and carrots reduce insulin levels in the blood. However, they contain few calories, so they are good for losing weight.

Mistake four: fruit juices help you lose weight

If you believe the advertising, fruit juices are not only tasty and healthy due to the vitamins and minerals they contain. They also help you become slim and keep fit. However, they contain both calories and sugar in large quantities, so there can be no talk of any weight loss.

German Association healthy eating recommends drinking 1.5 liters of plain water every day instead of juices. Unsweetened tea and even coffee are also suitable. According to doctors, diluted juices, in addition to being high in calories, also do not give a feeling of fullness. In terms of its energy value, half a liter of juice corresponds to a 200 gram beef chop. Here the person losing weight is faced with a choice: either drink juice or eat a hearty meal. In addition, juices contain sugar, which is quickly absorbed into the blood and reduces the level of insulin, which is responsible for fighting fat deposition.

Mistake five: having a big breakfast

German wisdom says: Eat like a king in the morning, eat like a peasant at lunch, and eat like a beggar in the evening. But the wisdom is old, and before there were other standards of beauty: a full body was considered the standard.

Today nutritionists have a different opinion:

At breakfast, a person has the first opportunity to give up extra calories. After all, they do not burn themselves. And the number of calories does not change depending on the time of meal.
If a person cannot deny himself a hearty breakfast, he will have to count the calories consumed at lunch or dinner. Bread with extra pounds adds butter. Less energy value in vegetables, ham, cottage cheese and eggs.

You also need to be careful with muesli and oatmeal. Fruits, yogurt and cottage cheese should fill you up, advise Shusdziarra.

To cope with excess weight, you should not buy store-bought juices, as they contain a lot of sugar and other substances that are harmful to your figure and health. A diet based on store-bought juice will not bring the desired results. It is important to drink only natural drinks, which should be freshly squeezed and free of sugar and salt. It is recommended to choose vegetables and fruits that are in season.

Losing weight with juices is one of the most effective ways lose weight. Juices can saturate the body with useful substances, vitamins and minerals. They give a feeling of lightness and, of course, give you slimness.

Important: Nutritionists have long emphasized that regular consumption of juices provides good health.

When choosing a juice diet for yourself, every person should know that in addition to positive results, it can also “give” some side effects. For example, not all juices really help you lose weight. Some of them are oversaturated with carbohydrates. Others create increased acidity. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the correct choice of components and components of your juice.

Important: When choosing to lose weight with juices, you must make sure in advance that your kidneys are healthy and resilient, since they will be subject to a serious load.

Make sure that you do not have diabetes, as the concepts of “diabetes” and “overweight” are always inseparable. Fresh fruits contain a lot of sugar and can be detrimental to your health.

Fresh juices tend to quickly “lose” their vitamins. Therefore, they need to be drunk immediately after juicing. Already half an hour after spinning, under the influence of the sun and air, the amount of vitamins becomes half as much.

If you take up a juice diet, drink only natural homemade juices. Those juices that are sold in stores most likely contain a small percentage of vitamins, and everything else: sugar syrup, water and preservatives.

How to choose healthy juices for weight loss

Various combinations of juices are great for losing pounds. Therefore, the weight loss process depends on the correct choice of drink. Everyone knows that they come in vegetable and fruit varieties, but they have some differences. And they lie not only in origin.

The main differences are the level of sugar or glucose in the product. Fruit juices contain much more of it. This, accordingly, slightly increases appetite. But vegetable juices, on the contrary, reduce blood sugar levels. So it is the latter that are considered useful for losing weight.

However, any freshly squeezed juice helps fill the space in the stomach if you drink it half an hour before meals. And when adding different spices, metabolism accelerates, which manifests itself in weight loss. Vegetable and fruit juices have different properties that affect the weight loss process and the body as a whole.

Juice mono-diets

Many nutritionists and doctors agree that fasting days on natural drinks rich in vitamins and minerals are healthy and even recommended. A diet of freshly squeezed juices will help cleanse the body, improve metabolism and improve work digestive system.

It is important to carry out preliminary preparation, that is, start giving up junk food, reduce the usual amount of food and include more fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Scientists have proven that foods in liquid form are better absorbed by the body. A juice diet will provide you with plenty of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances.

It is important to consider that no more than two liters of fresh juice are allowed per day. Juices with pulp are higher in calories, so it is better to dilute them with still water.

It is best to combine the use of natural drinks with proper nutrition.

Birch sap diet

Birch sap, popular in ancient times, is very beneficial for health and can also be used for weight loss. It has a strong diuretic effect and speeds up metabolism.

A juice diet for weight loss improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and promotes the health of the entire body. The simplest diet option is to drink juice (100 ml) half an hour before meals.

You can stick to a juice diet for no more than two weeks. The menu might look something like this:

  • breakfast: a portion of porridge or cottage cheese, fruit and tea;
  • snack: fruit salad;
  • lunch: soup, low-fat fish or meat dish, salad and juice;
  • snack: a portion of cottage cheese;
  • dinner: stewed or baked vegetables and kefir.

Lemon juice diet

Strict diet

It is allowed to drink water and juices. Any solid food is prohibited. Duration - 2-5 days.

Nutritionists advise following it for no more than 3 days - this is the optimal duration of the diet. Over a long period, it can adversely affect human health.

A complete juice diet is a diet that is dominated by freshly prepared juices from vegetables and fruits, as well as light plant foods. There are several schemes for using the juice diet, the strictest of which prescribes the use of juices only (that is, juices will be your only food for the whole day).

It is important to know that juices for weight loss in their pure form are a powerful remedy that has a cleansing effect. Be sure to take into account the characteristics of your body; at the beginning of practice, be sure to dilute any fresh juice (at least 3 parts juice - 1 part mineral still or just clean, filtered water).

This is necessary so as not to “upset” the stomach, not to disrupt its microflora and normal functioning. Otherwise, instead of losing weight, you will have to engage in treatment aimed at restoring the functions of the digestive system.

Experts in the field of nutrition and dietetics recommend, even with a juice diet, to drink juices not in their pure form (squeeze), but drinks with pulp (vegetables and fruits are peeled and simply crushed with a blender or mixer, then diluted with water). Such juices for weight loss are more effective, because they contain healthy fiber.

Fresh natural juices with pulp are prepared not only for weight loss, but simply for pleasure (it's incredibly tasty!). If desired, you can add your favorite spices to vegetable drinks - cinnamon, red pepper, nutmeg, ginger, turmeric.

Basic Rules

There are quite conflicting opinions regarding whether you can drink juice on a diet for weight loss. You should know that everything depends on the right choice drink and an adequate assessment of your health.

Packaged juices are usually made from concentrates. They contain a lot of sugar, dyes and flavorings.

Moreover, we are talking not only about fruit and berry drinks, but also about vegetable drinks. However, vitamins and beneficial microelements are also present in them, so the juice from the package can be consumed every day, and during the juice diet you should drink exclusively fresh juice.

Any juice diet can be healthy and effective only if it is based on freshly squeezed drinks. Natural juice should be consumed immediately after preparation, maximum within 8 hours if stored in a cool, dark place.

During any such weight loss program, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  1. It is advisable to dilute juices half and half with water to reduce the load on the pancreas, especially in the case of strict diet when you need to drink 2–3 liters of drink per day.
  2. In addition to juice, drink only drinking or non-carbonated mineral water.
  3. Choose juice, its quantity and duration of use, taking into account your health status (do not drink acidic drinks if you have gastrointestinal diseases, too sweet ones if you have diabetes).

To make a choice, you should additionally be guided by your own taste preferences and the properties of the “raw materials” - a specific fruit, vegetable or berry. It should also be taken into account that fruits contain a lot of carbohydrates, so their excessive consumption leads, on the contrary, to the appearance of excess fat and weight.

Vegetables are just as healthy as fruits, but have lower calorie content. To reduce the sweetness of fruit drinks or obtain new flavors, it is recommended to dilute them with vegetable drinks.

It is preferable to prepare fresh juices with pulp - such drinks will contain fiber, so they will become excellent meal replacements. In this case, you should consider whether it is possible to consume smoothies according to the rules of the diet.

The juice diet involves strict adherence to a certain set of rules:

  • They use only fresh juices that they make themselves.

Packaged drinks sold in stores are not suitable because they are made from dry concentrate and contain sweeteners.

  • To reduce the load on the pancreas, they are diluted (1:1) with drinking water or still mineral water.
  • Vegetable juices should dominate the menu. Fruits and berries contain sugar, so otherwise the weight loss effect will not be observed.

In addition, vegetable juices are lower in calories than fruit juices and have greater cleansing power, but are less rich in vitamins.

To achieve results, you must be able to prepare the drink correctly. To do this, you should follow the following recommendations:

  • Choose only fresh and ripe fruits and vegetables without spoilage or defects.
  • You need to prepare the juice in a juicer or blender. There is no point in grating, since the vegetable or fruit quickly oxidizes and loses its precious beneficial features.
  • You only need to drink freshly squeezed juice, since after an hour it contains almost no vitamins and microelements. And after 4 hours it is an absolutely useless drink.
  • Juices with pulp are higher in calories.
  • It is not necessary to drink one type of drink; you can and even need to create different interesting cocktails, especially since many cannot be consumed in their pure form.

Diet on homemade drinks

Today there are a lot of options for losing weight using juices. But you need to prepare for such diets. You should first reduce the amount of meat consumed, then fried and smoked foods. It is advisable to introduce juice into the daily menu gradually. To do this, you can drink a glass of freshly prepared drink instead of dinner.

Also, before starting a diet, it is advisable to do a fasting day on vegetables or fruits. You can also make it using juices, which should be diluted with boiled or distilled water.

First, keep in mind that on a juice diet you don't need to drink excessively or uncontrollably. In total, you should drink no more than one liter of various freshly prepared drinks from vegetables and fruits per day. Otherwise, you risk not losing weight, but gaining weight (especially if you choose the wrong drinks for your juice diet).

Fruit and berry juices must be chosen carefully; they contain a lot of sugar and little fiber, so if you consume them excessively, you risk gaining weight.

  • It is better not to use orange and grape juices for weight loss; they are good in themselves, they contain a lot of vitamins, but they are not entirely appropriate in a juice diet.
  • Pomegranate juice is a very good choice of drink for weight loss; it replenishes the body's iron supply and contains relatively little sugar. Pomegranate juice diluted with water is no less healthy, but not very tasty, but you definitely won’t be in danger of overdosing. Pomegranate juice can be diluted not only with water, but also with other juices - carrot, beetroot, apple, apricot.
  • Carrot juice is suitable for weight loss, but it has a peculiar taste; not everyone likes it in its pure form. You also shouldn’t drink a lot of it often because of the risk of oversaturating the body with beta-carotene. The best option is to dilute the fresh juice with water and prepare cocktails with other vegetable or fruit juices.
  • Apple juice is also a good option for losing weight; on a juice diet, it is better to mix it with vegetable and berry juices.
  • Beetroot juice is a useful, extremely powerful means for losing weight, but it has contraindications (you can’t drink it if you have urolithiasis, kidney ailments, gout, arthritis, hypotension, increased acidity). The ideal option is a combination of beet juice and carrot juice.
  • Cabbage juice is useful not only for weight loss, but also for general health. It is also better to dilute it with water (3 parts juice to 1 part water) or mix it with other vegetable juices.
  • Pumpkin juice is probably the only drink that nutritionists allow not to be diluted during a juice diet; it is useful for weight loss and health improvement. If desired, you can prepare healthy cocktails based on pumpkin juice, mixing it with other natural drinks(to your taste).

Video: “The benefits of lemon juice”

Few people know that lemon juice drinking is not only healthy, but also very effective for weight loss. It contains a huge amount of vitamin C, B, PP, E, minerals, magnesium, fluorine.

Important: lemon juice strengthens blood vessels and regulates heart function.

How to squeeze juice correctly

It is best to squeeze juice using a regular juicer, of which there is now a huge selection on store shelves, from the simplest manual ones to the super sophisticated ones with electronic control. Choose the one that you like and can afford, and use it in accordance with the instructions included with it.

If you don’t have a juicer and don’t have the opportunity or desire to buy one, then you can use a blender or food processor, grinding fruits and vegetables into puree. There is no need to peel and core the fruits (unless, of course, they are edible at all and your blender/combine can grind them: hard seeds, such as apples or plums, should, of course, be removed).

The juice diet, except perhaps the first option, is very strict and difficult, and before starting it, you should definitely consult a doctor, and during the diet, monitor your condition at the first signs of trouble (feeling of weakness, drowsiness, lethargy, unpleasant “acetone”) bad breath) stop immediately.

Fresh fruit juices have a more pronounced taste compared to vegetable ones, but they also have a higher calorie content. In addition, fruit juices should not be consumed by people with endocrine diseases or any gastrointestinal diseases. However, this does not mean at all that they are unsuitable for weight loss - they are excellent for weight correction.

Nutritionists advise drinking juices diluted with water 1:1 for weight loss. This allows you to reduce acidity and drink them in large quantities (up to 2.5 liters per day) without harm to health.

Apple juice for weight loss.

If we evaluate the chances of real weight loss with juice diets, we can conclude that it all depends on the way you eat and individual characteristics body. Each diet must be carefully planned, because it is impossible to live on juices alone!

You can lose weight with juices different ways. Quite a lot of diets have been developed today. Everyone can choose the most suitable option. Typically, there are three methods of using juices for weight loss:

  • Drink as a supplement to your main diet. This method is the most gentle and acceptable for weight loss. If you drink it before meals, you can more easily control your appetite and portion size. This should be done half an hour before meals. As a result of this approach to losing weight, you can get rid of 2 - 3 kilograms of excess weight in a month. On the one hand, a person will eat less, on the other hand, he will receive the necessary vitamins.
  • Arrange fasting days on juices. At the same time, there are strict and gentle ways to carry out this method. In the first case, you need to drink only the juice of one fruit or vegetable during the day. In the second, it is accompanied by a mono-diet on vegetables or proteins. But gentle does not lead to loss of a large amount of weight.
  • Juice diet for a week. But it is important to know that experts do not approve of it. It is quite harmful and can disrupt many processes in the body. After using it, the opposite effect may occur. You should not drink juices for more than two days in a row.
  • But if you need to adhere to this diet, then you need to drink about half a liter of drink per day. different vegetables and fruits, as well as 200 - 300 grams of plain water. You can lose a decent amount of weight in 3 to 5 days. But, most likely, the lost kilograms will return.

You need to gradually exit the juice diet. In the first days, you need to eat unsweetened oatmeal cooked in water, as well as low-fat natural yogurt. Other foods and dishes should be introduced gradually in small quantities.

Only reasonable and rational use of a juice diet gives positive weight loss results without harm to health.

Juice diet: recipes for vitamin cocktails

As mentioned above, drinks can be drunk not only pure or diluted with water, but also combined into cocktails. The most popular are the following:

  • Pineapple-citrus cocktail. For this purpose, you will need to combine the juices of orange, grapefruit, and lemon. Also add pineapple and passion fruit. Mix well. For best effect it must be diluted with water.

Video: “Ginger for weight loss”

Ginger is quite unusual taste qualities root It has a bright, bitter and even pungent taste with a citrus aroma. It is almost impossible to drink pure ginger juice, but it can easily be added to drinking water and teas while receiving drinks.

Important: Ginger strengthens immune system, as it contains a large amount of vitamin C. By accelerating metabolism, it speeds up the process of losing weight, helps food digest faster and breaks down fats.

The root itself is quite dry and for one kilogram of fresh ginger root, even in the most powerful juicer you can get only 180 ml of pure juice. But infusions from the root itself are no less useful. It is very simple to obtain: ginger shavings are poured with water and infused for a day. It is recommended to drink ginger drinks before and after meals.

Juices are a source of vitamins, microelements and beneficial antioxidants.

By choosing a certain diet or general principles proper nutrition, you are faced with certain dietary restrictions.

In the article we will consider whether it is possible to drink juices while on a diet, the differences different drinks, and whether they belong to the list of allowed foods on the diet.

Myths and truth

No. Regular juices from the nearest store can be used during a diet to lose weight and improve the health of the body. Pay attention to the description: the juice must be directly pressed, not a diluted concentrate. If a certain manufacturer did not violate manufacturing technology (pasteurization at temperatures up to 90°C for less than a minute), then most of the useful components were definitely preserved.

Also, some brands additionally enrich their products with vitamins and other beneficial additives.

  1. All useful components evaporate 10 minutes after spinning.
  1. Grape juice is a calorie bomb!

There is a clear exaggeration here. The calorie content of grape juice is approximately 54 kcal per 100 ml. For example, orange juice contains 45 kcal. Data indicates that the grape version is slightly higher in calories, but the difference is not as significant.

  1. It is better to eat the whole fruit than to drink fresh fruit.

Yes. In addition to natural vitamins, whole fruits contain fiber from plant fibers, which is not digested in the gastrointestinal tract. It is able to remove harmful waste products and cholesterol from the body, which guarantees the prevention of diabetes and heart disease.

However, some people have digestive disorders and fiber intolerance - in such cases, it is advisable to replace fruits and various vegetables with juices.

  1. Juices should be drunk on an “empty stomach”.

True only in some cases. On an empty stomach, they will be useful only for those who have reduced stomach acidity. For everyone else, this can cause problems with the gastric mucosa.

  1. Juices should be diluted.

Partially true. This recommendation is valid for children and the elderly. The child chooses juice to relieve thirst. At the same time, due to sugar, it does not cope with this function very well, so you can safely dilute fresh juice with water in a 1:1 ratio. This also applies to those who have a tendency to bloat (elderly people) - excess sugar can provoke fermentation of food in the intestines.

  1. Citrus juices destroy tooth enamel.

Yes. This is due to the many acids in the composition. To reduce the risk of this effect on your teeth, drink juices with a straw or rinse your mouth with water after drinking fresh juice.

  1. Vegetable juices must be mixed.

It all depends on your taste. If you want to improve the drink (vegetable options may be bland or, conversely, too rich in taste), you can prepare fruit and vegetable mixtures. For example, beet juice can be combined with apple or carrot juice.

  1. Certain juices have a healing effect.

Yes. For example, fresh beets or chokeberry dilate blood vessels and reduce blood pressure. If you have low blood pressure, you should be careful with their use.

  1. The mixture is healthier.

Regarding packaged options - no. Certain juices have stricter safety standards. If the package contains a juice mixture, it is much more difficult to check the quality.

  1. Juices are of better quality than nectars.

Be sure to check out:

What is the danger for those losing weight?

The diet during weight loss is characterized by a reduced number of calories - this is necessary for effective weight loss and the breakdown of subcutaneous fat.

Freshly squeezed and packaged juices contain not only healthy vitamins, but also extra calories in the form of various sugars.

For example, some of the sugar in fresh apple juice is about 10%, and in grape juice - up to 15%. Abuse of juices can significantly complicate the process of losing weight.

Note! To quench your thirst while on a diet, it’s better to drink clean water or fresh juice diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Attention to composition

A team of scientists for the Daily Mail found how much natural sugar and calories a variety of drinks can contain.

The results were impressive: 0.5 liters of freshly squeezed orange juice contains approximately 230 kcal and 50 g of fruit sugar (the same amount is found in a can of sweet soda). Reconstituted grape juice boasts 176 calories and 43 grams of sugar - the same as 4 large sweet-glazed donuts.

Scientists also noted a lower-calorie fresh juice - carrot (only 60 kcal and 5 g of sugar).

If we talk about packaged juices, the amount of sweeteners in such products is much higher.

note! If you want to purchase juice for your diet, pay attention to vegetable options.

Which is better: the product in a can or fresh

The answer to this question is quite obvious at first glance. When studying this topic in detail, some nuances arise.

Exotic fruits from supermarkets boast perfect appearance: they were collected while still “green” and ripened during transportation.

The amount of nutrients in such conditions is noticeably reduced, which means that fresh juice from such fruits will not be as healthy as possible.

At the same time, raw materials for packaged juices are always processed at the collection sites; for this purpose, the most ripe and high-quality fruits are selected. Store-bought juice is preserved through special multi-layer packaging and slight pasteurization.

If you are confident in the quality of fruits and vegetables, it is better to prepare homemade fresh juice; in all other cases, juice from packages will be an excellent source of vitamins.

Choosing the best option

  • Fresh carrots have a reduced calorie content and a large amount of vitamin A. It helps maintain the body's immune defense and healthy skin. This drink can also stimulate digestive processes, accelerating the breakdown of fats. At the same time, you should be careful about the amount of juice you drink - large portions can negatively affect the health of the liver;
  • Beetroot juice improves liver and kidney function; it is indicated for those who suffer from constipation and slow digestion. However, it is not recommended to drink it in its pure form; it is better to make a combination with other vegetables and fruits;

Be careful! More than 50 ml of pure beet juice can significantly reduce blood pressure and cause dizziness.

  • watermelon – provides a feeling of fullness and reduces overall cravings for sweets. It is also considered a mild diuretic: along with excess fluid, you can get rid of high blood pressure and cleanse the kidneys. Drinking watermelon juice reduces the percentage of bad cholesterol in the body (this indicator is often elevated in overweight people) and can be used to prevent diabetes;
  • tomato juice is a source of vitamin C, carotene and a number of microelements. It improves digestive processes and reduces appetite, while the sugar content in this drink is minimal. Regular consumption of fresh tomato while losing weight allows you to lose weight faster overweight with health benefits.

R. Lustig, professor of medicine at the University of California

If you have a choice: fruit or similar fresh juice, always choose the first. You won't be able to eat too much fruit, which means you'll provide your body with less natural sugar (for example, 500 ml of juice is more than 1 kilogram of ripe oranges).

Another significant disadvantage of juice is the lack vegetable fiber in the composition. If you eat whole fruits, plant fiber creates a protective layer in the intestines through which sugar penetrates much more slowly and the liver is not as actively stressed. Drinking a glass of juice can overload your liver.

L. Vergatus, personal trainer, nutritionist

The consumption of a variety of fresh juices should be moderate even in a normal diet, not to mention the diet of a person losing weight. In this case, it is better to choose low-calorie juices from vegetables, fruits, and their combinations.

You should not drink more than one glass per day. For variety and extra fiber in your diet, you can make a smoothie by chopping and blending whole pieces of fruit.

N. Fadeeva, nutritionist, doctor of medical sciences

The benefits of freshly squeezed juices are obvious - they retain maximum benefits from fresh vegetables, fruits and a variety of greens. This concentration of nutrients is possible due to the transition of the entire contents of the fetus into a liquid state. At the same time, valuable plant fiber gets into the fresh juices with pulp.

Useful video

Watch a video about juicing while losing weight:

Main conclusions

All kinds of juices are an important source of vitamins, minerals and plant antioxidants. However, their use in dietary nutrition has a number of nuances:

  1. Pay attention to the composition and content of natural sugar in the drink.
  2. You should not drink juice instead of water, it will not quench your thirst, but, on the contrary, will have the opposite effect.
  3. Some types of fresh juices (pineapple, tomato) improve digestion and fat breakdown.
  4. When choosing: juice or fruit, choose the second option due to its valuable fiber content.

Moderation and a competent approach are important in everything - then the drink will bring exceptional benefits to the body and the entire weight loss process!

The fastest and effective method get your figure in order, if you need to get rid of a couple of kilograms for the next holiday or a date with a young man, use a juice diet.

The essence of the juice diet, which is also called juice fasting, is that all that can be consumed during such a diet is fresh juices. Juices sold in packages are not suitable for this diet. Juices should be exclusively freshly squeezed and no more than 15 minutes should pass from the moment of preparing the juice to its consumption.

A juice diet, lasting 1-7 days, allows you to lose up to 10 kg without harm to the body, but for those who first decided to try this method of losing weight, nutritionists recommend starting with 1-3 days.

Depending on the goals pursued, you can drink juices for about 7 days and at the same time lose noticeably weight in such a short period of time, or gradually reach the desired weight, spending fasting days on fresh juices once or twice a week.

Pros of the juice diet

In addition to weight loss, a juice diet has a number of benefits:
cleansing the intestines and taste buds;
saturating the body with vitamins and enzymes;
juices can be consumed in unlimited quantities and prepared from a wide variety of vegetables and fruits;
juices are an excellent source of energy for the body.

Disadvantages of the diet

Lack of solid food is a major challenge for some;
inability to consume fresh juices while outside the home;
the need to care for the oral cavity after each use of juice in order to preserve tooth enamel, which is exposed to the destructive effects of fruit acid.

A juice diet is contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal problems, as well as for people with allergies.

Basic principles of the juice diet

You should drink juices often, but little by little. Best option— 1 glass of fresh juice every 2 hours;
the amount of juice consumed should not exceed 2 liters per day;
juices should be varied, so juice products can be mixed and matched to suit your taste;
beet juice should not be consumed more often than 2 times a day;
It is necessary to consume clean water in an amount of 1.5 - 2 liters per day.

Particular attention should be paid to quitting the juice diet. For the first 2 days, limit yourself to eating fruits (in small quantities, chewing thoroughly) and juices. Over the next two days, add fresh vegetable salads to your diet, and then introduce fermented milk products and oatmeal. After a week, you can return to your normal diet, but in order for the achieved results to last longer, limit your consumption of heavy, fatty and fried foods.

In anticipation International Day juices, we decided to figure out whether you can drink sweet juices while dieting and which smoothies will help you lose weight.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest category, senior researcher at the clinic of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Research Institute of Nutrition”

We lose weight from low-calorie foods, this is an axiom

This fact seems obvious, but many people forget about it: low-calorie foods help reduce excess weight. If we focus on low-calorie foods, this helps reduce the overall calorie content of our diet and, therefore, get rid of extra pounds.

The more vegetables and fruits of different types in your diet, the greater your chances of losing weight.

TO low-calorie foods include vegetables and fruits, with some exceptions. Average calorie content fruits - about 50 kcal, but there are exceptions, for example, grapes, bananas and avocados. Vegetables have even lower calorie content: on average, no more than 30 kcal per 100 grams. The calorie content of a cucumber, for example, is only 14 kcal.


A glass of juice a day is an important part of your diet.

The World Health Organization recommends eating 5 servings of vegetables and fruits per day. One of these servings should be replaced with a glass of vegetable or fruit juice. Both juices and whole fruits and vegetables are low-calorie, so they can be consumed at any time, even the most low calorie diets. From the juice you can get almost all the vitamins and microelements found in a variety of fruits. And the more diverse the range of juices you drink, the greater the opportunity to provide the body with useful substances, because their content in juices varies. The main thing is to remember that one glass of juice a day will be enough.

The only thing that can prevent you from drinking sweet fruit juices is diabetes. In this case, the diet is limited individually on the recommendation of a doctor, depending on the severity of the disease.

Misconception: You can’t drink juices while dieting.

Look at the calorie content of juices, and you will immediately understand that this is completely wrong. We gain weight and gain kilograms not from fats and carbohydrates, but from excess calories - juices do not provide excess calories. By the way, even the lowest-calorie diet is allowed to include a serving of sweet fruit juice. After all, unlike sweets, flour and other refined sweets, juice will help add “sweets” to your diet without extra calories. In addition, juice is a product of natural origin, containing many biologically active and beneficial substances.

The best dessert during a diet is a smoothie

Smoothies are a wonderful low-calorie dessert that will help all those with a sweet tooth who want to lose weight. A portion of a delicious sweet smoothie will help you get positive emotions and stop the strong craving for unhealthy sweets that many experience when dieting. At the same time, smoothies will help you lose weight, as they improve intestinal motility and have a mild diuretic effect. Very often, on low-calorie diets, a situation arises when, with a decrease in the amount of food consumed, intestinal function becomes difficult. In such a situation, a smoothie is the first assistant.

We have prepared for you several delicious and healthy recipes that will help you not be sad while on a diet.

Fruit smoothie for breakfast

Apple juice will bring potassium, improve the functioning of the digestive system and prevent colon diseases. Tangerines and orange juice will provide vitamin C and folic acid, apricots will add dietary fiber, each of them antioxidants, and yogurt will soften the taste.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • tangerine (peeled) - 2 pcs.;
  • egg juice - 100 ml;
  • orange juice - 100 ml;
  • pitted apricots - 400 g;
  • natural yogurt - 200 g.


Blend tangerines and apricots in a blender for 30 seconds. Add orange juice, apple juice and yogurt. Stir for another 15-30 seconds. If desired, you can add a little cinnamon. Pour into glasses.

Pomegranate smoothie

Pomegranate juice is an important source of polyphenols - biologically active substances with high antioxidant activity.

Ingredients for 1 serving:

  • 50 ml pomegranate juice;
  • 1 pear;
  • ½ grapefruit;
  • ½ teaspoon grated fresh ginger root;
  • 2 tablespoons of walnuts.


Cut the pear, remove the core and chop the pulp. Peel the grapefruit and divide into slices. Place pear pieces, grapefruit, walnuts and ginger in a blender bowl, add pomegranate juice and grind well into a homogeneous mass. If desired, you can add a couple of ice cubes. Pour the finished smoothie into a glass and serve immediately.

Cream soup with beets and tomato juice

Vegetable juices are low in calories, tomato juice is rich in lycopene, which helps reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, and beet juice contains the antioxidant betalain, the presence of which beets owe their color.

Ingredients for 1 serving:

  • tomato juice - 150 ml;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • couscous - 50 g;
  • beets (boiled) - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, herbs to taste.


Cut the onion into cubes. Heat in a saucepan vegetable oil and lightly fry the onion. Add finely diced carrots to the onion and lightly fry too. Then chop the boiled beets and add them to the fried vegetables. Pour boiling water over the couscous, leave for 15 minutes, let it swell. Pour water over the vegetables to cover them slightly, and cook until done. After the vegetables are cooked, pour in tomato juice and bring to a boil. Add the swollen couscous to the vegetables in the broth and mix with a blender until smooth.