Games of their kind. Types of computer games. There are three classes of games

Literary play as an effective tool

training and education of schoolchildren.

Annotation. The topic of this material is literary play and its role in instilling interest in reading fiction. The author not only describes the features of gaming technology used in literature lessons, but also tells how it is used in practice, what results it produces, and why it is attractive for students and teachers.

Among the variety of pedagogical technologies used today, I give preference to the game. Writing literary games for students is my favorite activity. In my teaching practice, I have already compiled more than a hundred of them.

Why a literary game? It’s no secret that schoolchildren read little, rarely go to the library, are frankly bored in literature lessons, feel constrained and constrained when speaking at the blackboard, their outlook leaves much to be desired, their behavior is defiant and aggressive... How to awaken this “sleepy” kingdom, how to diversify school life, how to add “life” to the lesson, how to awaken interest and love for reading, how to reach the heart of every child? Questions, questions, questions... There is only one answer.

The use of games in teaching provides high level mental, emotional and behavioral activity of students, contributes to the connection to the process of cognition of such mental properties as imagination, memory, emotions, speech. Games also allow you to practice practical skills, which is very important when teaching the analysis of a literary text in a literature lesson. During the game there is an active “trying on” different social role, entering into someone else's destiny, while the guys “live” in their imagination what they may not experience in life. All this is the basis for the moral education of the individual.

Lessons using games or game situations are effective means training and education, since the departure from the traditional structure of the lesson and the introduction of a game plot attracts the attention of students of the whole class.

Play is also an important means of personal development, especially in our dynamic age, when significant behavioral flexibility is required from a person. The point is also that most of the methods used by the teacher are intellectualized and deal with storytelling, explanation, and memorization. Feelings are usually suppressed. The game stimulates emotions, encourages children to include their feelings, to “work” with them and with them.

Thus, play is a powerful stimulating pedagogical tool that can be used in working with children of all ages. It is especially effective when educational topic touches the feelings when it is necessary to instill interest in the subject being studied, when it is necessary to test the knowledge of all students without pressure and edification... Experience shows that the introduction of even game elements into students’ regular educational activities increases their interest and forms positive motives for learning. The guys take on the job with pleasure and always do it perfectly.

The main goal of using games and game elements in a teacher’s work is to increase students’ interest in studying literature and involve them in the learning process emotional sphere children, a combination of rational and emotional when acquiring knowledge. And also the children’s passion for reading, surprise at their literature, showing its limitless possibilities... Everyone gets pleasure: both the children and the teacher. Firstly, the game is interesting to prepare, secondly, ideas and fantasies know no bounds, thirdly, enthusiasm is at its highest, fourthly, the most diverse talents and abilities of students are discovered.

The methodology for conducting a literary game is quite simple. Most often, it is carried out as the final stage in the study of a work, where the main goal is to summarize. This is exactly how KVN took place based on fairy tales, or a game based on works of oral folk art, when children had already become acquainted with many folk genres, or an evening concert on the topic “Russian folk song.” Here the children applied both the knowledge gained in the literature lesson and their life experience, and revealed their talents. Some assignments were given at home, so we did a lot of preparation after school and rehearsed routines. But KVN based on the story by V. Kataev “Son of the Regiment”, “What? Where? When?" based on the story “The Fate of Man” by M. Sholokhov, “Brain Ring” based on the story “Olesya” are carried out before studying the works in class, when the students read the book at home on their own. The main goal here is to get people interested in the work, pay attention to the details of the text, and show the importance and significance of each episode to reveal the character of the hero.

Although most games are played at the middle level, high school students are not left out. When it is felt that reading a particular text will be “difficult”, that the children have no interest in this author, a game is announced. The mood for reading immediately changes, the desire appears, and the eyes light up. This was the case with V. Astafiev’s story “Ode to the Russian Vegetable Garden,” or with the collection “Mirgorod,” or with the drama “Boris Godunov,” or with A. Ostrovsky’s novel “How the Steel Was Tempered.” Foreign authors have a particularly difficult time in the senior ranks. And here game moments are included in the lesson.

One of the difficulties in the work of a literature teacher is conducting extracurricular reading lessons, so we mainly engage in games in these classes. Long before the appointed day of the game, the task is given to read the specified book and a game is announced, the principle of which is either explained to the children in advance, or the names of competitions are posted on the notice board; for some, the whole team begins to prepare for them after school. The results of the games often exceed all expectations. The students understood the text, were able to draw conclusions from what they read, showed themselves, and looked at others. But the most important thing is that no one is bored, everyone is actively working, everyone is worried. After such events, the teacher looks at each student somehow differently, as if through the prism of the game...

Here is the performance of one girl in the role of Dunya Vyrina, the heroine of the story “ Stationmaster”, by the way, composed independently and read at his father’s makeshift grave. Her trembling voice and sad appearance still ring in my ears. So get used to the character that there were tears in the eyes of the audience?! And the student seemed to be so average, she never stood out among her classmates. Please, the game “forced” me to look at it with different eyes.

And here is the “Festival of Arts” based on the collection of stories “Notes of a Hunter”. The whole class dressed up in costumes of Turgenev’s characters, even those who weren’t members of the team!.. But what a great desire the guys had just to take part in the game, to support their comrades with one look...

And one day, former graduates expressed a desire to compete in the “Game Mosaic” based on the story by G. Troeppolsky “White Bim Black Ear” with current students. Once again they wanted to test themselves, feel the intensity of the struggle, and experience positive emotions. For the teacher, this desire became a great joy, and the conversations after the game did not subside for a long time.

The games we played come to mind... How great it is! Excitement! Pressure! Laughter! Tears! The bitterness of defeat! The joy of victory! Surprises! Discoveries! Delight! And... the desire to read, read and read again.

Yes, they begin to read, and not “go through” software literary texts. They read everything and everyone. Sometimes they admit that it’s not very interesting, it’s not entirely clear, but the future game, the anticipation of it, the preparation for it seem to spur the guys on. They felt the limitlessness of their possibilities, began to behave relaxed and at ease in an unfamiliar environment, believed in themselves, learned to quickly navigate the text, read carefully, LISTEN and HEAR the person standing next to them, and a desire to create appeared.

And what crafts, drawings, posters, baby books, and costumes are prepared by schoolchildren! The teacher feels joy again, a feeling of pride is born: rural children are so talented, so capable, so active, so smart and attentive, so kind and sensitive...

Parents are also slowly starting to get involved in the literary game, some of whom used to complain that children don’t read, that you can’t force a child to sit down with a book. They are always invited to all literary games. At first they came as spectators, and then they themselves became participants in the games “What? Where? When?" based on the poem by A. Tvardovsky “Vasily Terkin”, “Finest Hour” based on the story by A. Gaidar “The Fate of the Drummer”... Later, mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers admitted that some of them last years the first time I picked up the book, I even had to take notes on the work while reading, so as not to miss the details and not fall in the face in front of my own child. And what happiness shone in the eyes of adults when they saw how resourceful, friendly, and savvy their children were in the game. Parents still felt the pleasure of beating their own children. After all, how did their authority grow in the eyes of the guys then!

Thus, the use of literary games in teaching gives very good results. They are obvious: firstly, an interest in reading and literature appears, and students read the book not superficially, but very carefully and concentratedly, fearing to miss details that will then turn out to be important when analyzing the text; secondly, the material on the topic is summarized not boringly and dryly, but naturally and with great desire and eagerness; thirdly, they develop different types speech activity, including expressive reading of any text; fourthly, children’s abilities are revealed, everyone sees how talented and smart their classmate can be; fifthly, a sense of collectivism, responsibility for the assigned work, a sense of duty, and philanthropy is formed. Therefore, it is literary play, as an integral part of gaming technology, that is an effective means of teaching and educating schoolchildren.

"Types of games in kindergarten and their developmental significance"

Tsybulko Oksana Ivanovna

Types of game

Goals and objectives

Implementation methods

(by age)

Specific characteristics

Developmental value

    Creative (games initiated by children);

children independently determine the purpose, content and rules of the game, most often depicting the life around them, human activities and relationships between people.

constitute the most saturated typical group of games for preschoolers.

Creative play teaches children to think about how to implement a particular idea. Creative play develops valuable qualities for a future student: activity, independence, self-organization.

are essential for the all-round development of the child. Through playful activities, children strive to satisfy their active interest in the life around them and transform into adult heroes. works of art. Thus creating a playful life, children believe in its truth, are sincerely happy, sad, and worried.

    1. Plot-role-playing (with elements of labor, with elements of artistic and creative activity).

Under the influence of enriching the content of games, the nature of relationships between children changes. Their games become cooperative, based on a common interest in them; the level of children's relationships increases.

Children develop interest in creative role-playing games from the age of 3-4 years.

The structure of a role-playing game, according to D.B. Elkonin, includes the following components:

    The roles that children take on during the game.

    Play actions through which children realize the roles they have taken on and the relationships between them.

    Playful use of objects, conditional replacement of real objects at the child’s disposal.

    Real relationships between playing children, expressed in various remarks, through which the entire course of the game is regulated.

For children at play, coordination of actions, preliminary selection of a topic, a calmer distribution of roles and game material, mutual assistance during the game.

In addition, increasing the level of role relationships helps to improve real relationships, provided that the role is performed at a good level.

However, there is also a feedback - role relationships become higher under the influence of successful, good relationships in the group. A child performs his role in the game much better if he feels that the children trust him and treat him well. This leads to the conclusion about the importance of choosing partners and the teacher’s positive assessment of the merits of each child.

    1. Theater activities director's games and dramatization games.

they help children better understand the idea of ​​a work, feel its artistic value, and have a positive effect on the development of expressive speech and movements.

are created based on a ready-made plot from a literary work or theatrical performance. The game plan and sequence of actions are determined in advance. Such a game is more difficult for children than inheriting what they see in life, because you need to well understand and feel the images of the characters, their behavior, remember the text of the work (sequence, deployment of actions, lines of characters)

In order for children to be able to convey the appropriate image, they need to develop their imagination, learn to put themselves in the place of the heroes of the work, to be imbued with their feelings and experiences.

In the process of work, children develop their imagination, form speech, intonation, facial expressions, and motor skills (gestures, gait, posture, movements). Children learn to combine movement and speech in roles, develop a sense of partnership and creativity.

    1. Construction games

direct the child’s attention to different types of construction, promote the acquisition of organizational design skills, and involve them in labor activity

Interest develops from an early age; the child’s role in this game should gradually become more complex with his age.

In progressconstruction games the child actively and constantly creates something new. And he sees the results of his work. Children should have enough building material, different designs and sizes.

In construction games, children’s interest in the properties of an object and their desire to learn how to work with it are clearly demonstrated. The material for these games can be construction sets of different types and sizes, natural material (sand, clay, cones, etc.), from which children create various things, according to their own plans or on the instructions of the teacher. It is very important that the teacher helps students make the transition from aimlessly piling up material to creating thoughtful structures.

    Didactic (games initiated by adults withready-made rules);

They contribute mainly to the development of children’s mental abilities, since they contain a mental task, the solution of which is the meaning of the game. They also contribute to the development of senses, attention, and logical thinking. A prerequisite for the didactic game isrules, without which activity takes on a spontaneous character.

Didactic game is used in teaching children of different ages, in various classes and outside of them (physical education, mental education, moral education, aesthetic education, labor education, development of communication skills).

When organizing didactic games for children, it should be taken into account that from the age of 3 to 4 years the child becomes more active, his actions are more complex and varied, his desire to assert himself increases; But at the same time, the baby’s attention is still unstable, he is quickly distracted. Solving a problem in didactic games requires greater stability of attention and enhanced mental activity than in other games. This creates certain difficulties for a small child. They can be overcome through engaging learning, i.e. use of didactic games,

Didactic game is a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon: it is also a game method of teaching children preschool age, and a form of education, and independent play activity, and a means of comprehensive education of the child.

INgames with objects toys and real objects are used. By playing with them, children learn to compare, establish similarities and differences between objects. The value of these games is that with their help children become familiar with the properties of objects and their characteristics: color, size, shape, quality. They solve problems of comparison, classification, and establishing sequence in solving problems. As children acquire new knowledge about the subject environment, tasks in games become more difficult in identifying an object by this characteristic (color, shape, quality, purpose, etc.), which is very important for the development of abstract, logical thinking.

    Outdoor games

are important for the physical education of preschool children, because they contribute to their harmonious development, satisfy the children’s need for movement, and contribute to the enrichment of their motor experience

Game exercises are characterized by the specificity of motor tasks, in accordance with age characteristics and physical training of children

    The basisstory-based outdoor games based on the child’s experience, his ideas of movements characteristic of this or that image, his ideas about the world around him about the world around him (the actions of people, animals, birds), which he reflects

    For non-story gamesCharacteristic is the specificity of game tasks that correspond to the age-related characteristics of children’s physical training.

Game exercises are characterized by specific motor tasks, in accordance with the age characteristics and physical fitness of children. If in plot-based outdoor games the main attention of players is aimed at creating images, achieving specific purpose, exact implementation of the rules, which often leads to ignoring the clarity in the execution of movements, then while performing game exercises, preschoolers must flawlessly perform basic movements.

    Folk (created by the people).

Thanks to them, such qualities as restraint, attentiveness, perseverance, organization are formed; strength, agility, speed, endurance and flexibility developed. The set goal is achieved through various movements: walking, jumping, running, throwing, etc.

IN junior groups Games with words are aimed mainly at developing speech, cultivating correct sound pronunciation, consolidating and activating vocabulary, and developing correct orientation in space.

For children of primary preschool age, who have very little experience, Ukrainian outdoor games of a plot nature with basic rules and a simple structure are recommended. In the second younger group, children have access to activitiesandnew round dance games: “Chicken”, “Kisonka» , “Where are our pens?”

These are games that came to us from very ancient times and were built taking into account ethnic characteristics. They are an integral part of a child's life modern society, which makes it possible to assimilate universal human values. The developmental potential of these games is ensured not only by the presence of appropriate toys, but also by a special creative aura that an adult must create.

increase the child’s interest in activities, and, above all, in a didactic toy that attracts attention with its brightness and interesting content. It is important to combine the mental task in the game with the active actions and movements of the child himself.

As shown in the literature, children's games can be classified on different grounds. Within the framework of psychological and pedagogical research, various classifications of games are distinguished. The program for raising and teaching children in kindergarten contains the following: kinds games:plot, didactic, moving, musical and didactic.

Their difference by type reflects the educational tasks of the sensory, mental, and physical development of preschool children.

The classification developed by S. L. Novoselova is based on the idea of ​​on whose initiative the game arises. She distinguishes 3 classes of games:

1. Games arise on the initiative of the child.

These are amateur story games:

ü Plot - display;

ü Plot-role-playing;

ü Director's;

ü Theatrical.

2.Educational games initiated by an adult implementing them for educational and educational purposes. These include:

ü Didactic;

ü Plot - didactic;

ü Movable;

ü Leisure.

3. Folk games, which may arise from

initiative of adults and older children.

As part of ethnographic research, various classifications of games with rules have been developed. The most general clear classification of games with rules is given by Shvartsman.

They highlight games based on:

a) dexterity, i.e. physical competence;

b) strategic games requiring mental competence;

c) games based on chance, luck, where the result depends on the physical or mental competence of the player.

Traditionally, the literature defines two most general types play activity: role-playing and play with rules.

Director's acting as a special independent type is not distinguished, but is interpreted as a type of plot, as a form individual game child.(2, p.58)

Study by psychologist E.E. Kravtsova’s genesis of play activity in the context of the age-related psychological development of preschool children - imagination - convincingly showed that director’s play has the status of an independent type, since the entire development of play in preschool age begins and ends with it. Among director's games, she identifies the following varieties: games with small toys, with multifunctional objects, cubes, using a pencil on paper.

So, the following characteristics are used as the basis for classification:

2) Form of organization and measure of regulation for adults;

3) The nature of the skills required by the game;

4) Objects around which the game is built.

As an analysis of the literature shows, researchers do not take into account enough distinctive features various types of games. And this makes it difficult for the teacher to manage different types of games and does not allow them to fully use their developmental potential.

The specific characteristics of these types of games - directing, plot, games with rules, in my opinion, appear most clearly when comparing them with each other.

In this regard, it seems appropriate, taking as a basis the general specific features of the game highlighted above, (character process of activity, the presence of an imaginary situation) conduct a comparative analysis of the director's, plot-role-playing, game with rules in order to highlight their distinctive features.

An important point What significantly distinguishes directorial, plot-based games from games with rules is the nature of the activity process itself. Director's, story game do not have a finite result. The moment of completion of these games is arbitrary and depends on the wishes of the players. In games with rules, the result is determined by the rules, the winning criteria established by the participants in the preparatory period.

The essential features that distinguish all these three types of games are, as shown in the studies of E.E. Kravtsova mechanism of divergence between the visible and semantic fields (imaginary situation).

In directorial and rule-based play, imagination is a prerequisite for play. By coming up with “what will be what” in the game, distributing functions between toys, combining objects according to meaning, the child learns to construct a situation. In games with rules, the imaginary situation is present in a hidden form; the rules determine the child’s behavior. They are given from the outside, in finished form or generated by game participants. As a distinctive feature of the game E.E. Kravtsova notes that a preparatory stage is necessary, where the child must comprehend them and appropriate them before acting according to the rules.

In a role-playing game, there is a second type of relationship between play and imagination. A role-playing game is imagination in action. The imaginary situation is present in it in its pure form. Accepting a role, fulfilling it during the game, the child acts in accordance with the logic of adult behavior, realizing role relationships, and carries out actions with substitute objects.

In a number of psychological and pedagogical studies, the idea is expressed about fundamentally the different nature of the rules in games.

Despite the variety of rules, in all cases the players voluntarily accept and achieve their implementation in the interests of the very existence of the game.

Essentially, in developed forms of directing, in plot-role-playing, in games with rules, the obligatory rules for all its participants is a characteristic associated with jointness, with implementation various types relationships between players: role-playing plot-role-playing games,

competitive and cooperative relationships in games with rules. It follows that these types of games differ from each other the nature of the combination of interests of the players.

Thus, from the entire list of characteristic features of games: directorial, plot-role-playing, games with rules, we can single out imaginary situation. All the specific features of various types of games are associated with it: the nature of the activity process, the mechanism of divergence between the visible and semantic fields, the features of the relationship between the game and the imagination, the nature of the rules in a role-playing game and a game with rules, the type of relationship between the players.

Exactly imaginary situation gives these types of child activities a playful character with its unpredictability, surprise, and makes it possible to distinguish play activities from children’s simple actions according to the rule with objects and toys.

Specific Features gaming activity determine its exceptional importance for mental and personal development

preschoolers. Therefore, it seems appropriate to consider the role of play in the development of a child’s personality.

Yulia Slautina
Types of games and their role in the life, education and training of preschool children

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A game - not just a favorite activity for children, it is the leading activity of preschoolers. It is in it that the main new formations are formed, preparing the child’s transition to primary school age, and the moral foundations of the child’s personality are formed. The game contributes to the formation of self-esteem in a preschooler. It initially manifests the ability to voluntarily, on one’s own initiative, submit to various requirements.

In play, as the leading activity of preschoolers, mental processes are actively formed or restructured, ranging from the simplest to the most complex. Visual acuity increases significantly under conditions of gaming activity (research by G.V. Endovitskaya). In the game, the child identifies the conscious goal of memorizing and recall earlier and more easily, and remembers a larger number of words than in laboratory conditions (Z. M. Istomina et al.).

Gaming activities create particularly favorable conditions for the development of intelligence. During the game, a symbolic (sign) function of consciousness is formed, which manifests itself in the use of their substitutes instead of real objects (a stick instead of a horse, a leaf instead of a plate, etc.). The use of external real substitutes turns into the use of internal, figurative substitutes, and this rearranges all the child’s mental processes, allows him to build in his mind ideas about objects and phenomena of reality and apply them in solving various mental problems.

It is also important that the game actively develops the ability to take the point of view of another person, a partner in the game, to look at things from his position.

In the process of play activity, the child’s imagination is formed as the psychological basis of creativity, making the subject capable of creating new things in various fields of activity and at different levels of significance.

The game also creates (research by A.V. Zaporozhets) favorable conditions for organizing the movements of a preschooler. When a child takes on a certain role (for example, a hare, a fox, a cat, etc.), he consciously and voluntarily reproduces certain movements characteristic of the character being portrayed.

The game is the leading means of psychotherapy in preschool age, performing diagnostic, therapeutic, and educational functions. Game psychotherapy is successfully used to correct, for example, fears and other negative emotional states (A. I. Zakharov, A. S. Spivakovskaya, O. A. Karabanova).

The value of gaming activity is not limited to its influence on the development of an individual, a child. The game has great potential for the formation of a “children’s society.”

In the process of play, new types of activities of the preschooler arise and develop. It is in games with rules that the child begins to pay attention to the method and means of achieving the result, and not just to the result itself; in them he learns to consciously obey the rules. The use of games and game techniques makes learning at this age “consistent with the nature of the child.”

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Games vary in content, characteristic features, by the place they occupy in the lives of children, in their upbringing and education.

Svetlana Leonidovna Novoselova distinguishes three classes of games:

1. Games that arise on the initiative of the child:

Independent games (game - experimentation)

Self-plot games (plot-display, plot-role-playing, director's, theatrical);

2. Games initiated by an adult, which introduces them for educational and educational purposes:

Educational games (didactic, plot-didactic, active);

Leisure (fun games, entertainment games, intellectual games, festive and carnival games, theatrical productions);

3. Games coming from the historically established traditions of the ethnic group (folk), which can arise on the initiative of both an adult and older children: traditional or folk games (historically, they underlie many educational and leisure games).

There are several groups of games, developing the child’s intelligence and cognitive activity.

Group I– creative (plot-role-playing). In these games, the plot is a form of intellectual activity.

Role-playing games are created by the children themselves, with some guidance from the teacher. They are based on children's amateur activities. Sometimes such games are called creative role-playing games; children do not simply copy certain actions, but creatively comprehend them and reproduce them in a created images, game actions.

Group II– object games, such as manipulations with toys and objects.

Through them, children learn shape, color, volume, material, the animal world, the human world, etc.

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Director's games are a type of creative games. In them, as in all creative games, there is an imaginary or imaginary situation. The child shows creativity and imagination, inventing the content of the game and identifying its participants.

The script is based on the child’s direct experience: it reflects an event in which he himself was a spectator and participant.

In a director's acting, speech is the main component.

The child uses speech means of expression to create the image of each character: change intonation, volume, tempo, rhythm of statements, logical stress, emotional coloring, the use of various suffixes, onomatopoeia.

This game often uses many characters, but there are usually no more than three or four “active” characters.

In a child’s life, director’s play appears earlier than plot-role play. But both have common roots, namely: plot-based play, during which the child early age masters methods of acting with objects, masters the sequence of game actions from personal experience(feeding the doll, putting it to bed, bathing, examination by a doctor, etc.).

A feature of the director's game is that the partners (toys, their substitutes) are inanimate objects and they do not have their own desires, interests, or claims. And this is natural, since such playful communication is easier for a small child than communication with peers, in which it is necessary to take into account the position and mood of the partners, and seek a common language with them.

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The basis of the game is an imaginary or imaginary situation, which consists in the child taking on the role of an adult, which he performs in a game environment created by him.

Children’s independence in role-playing games is one of its characteristic features. Children themselves choose the theme of the game and determine the lines of its development. Such freedom in realizing the concept of the game and flights of fantasy allow the child to independently engage in those areas of human activity that in reality will be inaccessible to him for a long time. By uniting in a game, children choose partners of their own free will, set the game rules themselves, monitor their implementation, and regulate relationships.

But the most important thing is that in the game the child embodies his view, his ideas, his attitude towards the event that he is acting out.

A role-playing game has the following structural components: plot, content, role.

The main component of a role-playing game is the plot; without it, there is no role-playing game itself.

Game plot– this is the sphere of reality that is reproduced by children. Depending on this, games are divided into:

1. Games based on everyday themes: “home”, “family”, “holiday”.

2. Games on industrial and social topics are the work of people.

3. Games on heroic and patriotic themes - the heroic deeds of our people.

4. Games on themes of literary works, films, television and radio programs: “sailors” and “pilots”, “hare and wolf”, “Cheburashka and the crocodile Gena”, etc.

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The structure of a role-playing game includes the following components:

Roles played by children during the game;

Game actions with the help of which children realize roles;

Game use of objects, real ones are replaced by game ones.

The relationship between children, which is expressed in remarks and remarks, regulates the course of the game.

Role- this is the child’s play position: he identifies himself with any character in the plot and acts in accordance with ideas about him.

Submission of the child to the rules of role-playing behavior is the main element of role-playing game. Deviation of any of the players from these rules causes protests from the playing partners.

The role appears in the game in the third year of the child’s life.

The development of a role in a game occurs from the execution of role-playing actions to role-models.

For 3-year-old children, everyday activities predominate: cooking, bathing, washing, transporting, etc. Then role designations associated with certain actions appear: I am a mother, I am a driver, I am a doctor. The role taken gives a certain direction and meaning to the action with objects.

At the age of 4-5 years, playing a role becomes a significant motive for play activity: the child does not just want to play, he has a need to fulfill one or another role, using speech, facial expressions and gestures.

At the age of 5-7 years, role-playing dialogues appear in games, with the help of which relationships between characters are expressed and game interaction is established.

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In the first years of life, with the teaching influence of adults, the child goes through stages of development of gaming activity:

The first such stage– introductory game. An adult organizes object-based play activities using a variety of toys and objects.

At the second stage A display game appears in which the adult not only names the object, but also draws the child’s attention to its intended purpose.

Third stage- a plot-display game is formed, in which children begin to actively reflect impressions received in everyday life (putting a doll down, feeding it, rolling it in a stroller, cooking food, etc.).

The main condition for the development of role-playing games is joint games between an adult and a child. The teacher plays out situations, involving children in the active participation. For example, it modifies the game feeding situation, which young children love to portray in games: it introduces new characters, new dishes, new utensils.

The teacher creates situations that stimulate the child to use substitute objects and to act in an imaginary situation.

Drama demonstrations are effective for the development of plot-based play.

Fourth stage– own role-playing game.

Role-playing in its developed form represents an activity in which children take on the roles (functions) of adults and, in a social form, in specially created play conditions, reproduce the actions of adults and their relationships. These conditions are characterized by the use of a variety of game objects that replace the actual objects of adult activity.

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Theatrical games represent the acting out of literary works (fairy tales, short stories, specially written dramatizations). The heroes of literary works become characters, and their adventures, events changed by children's imagination, become the plot of the game.

In theatrical games they develop different kinds children's creativity: artistic and speech, musical and game, dance, stage, singing.

Types of theatrical games(according to L.V. Artyomova):

Dramatization games;


In dramatization games the child independently creates an image using a set of expressive means, performs his own actions in playing the role, performs any plot with a pre-existing script, within which improvisation develops. Improvisation concerns not only the text, but also the stage action.

Dramatization games can be performed without spectators or have the nature of a concert performance.

If they are played out in the usual theatrical form or in the form of a mass plot spectacle, then such games are called theatricalizations.

Dramatizations are based on the actions of a performer, who usually uses puppets.

Researcher L.V. Artyomova identifies several types of dramatization games for preschoolers:

1. Dramatization games with fingers.

The child puts the attributes on his fingers. He “plays” the character, acting with one or more fingers, pronouncing the text.

2. Dramatization games with bibabo dolls.

In these games, bibabo dolls are placed on the fingers. They usually operate on a screen behind which the driver stands. You can make such dolls yourself using old toys.

3. Improvisation - acting out a plot without prior preparation.

In traditional pedagogy, dramatization games are classified as creative games, included in the structure of plot-role-playing games.

In the director's game the child is not a stage character, he acts as a toy hero, acts as a screenwriter and director, controls the toys or their substitutes. This independence in inventing a plot is considered especially important for the further formation of play and imagination (E. E. Kravtsova). When “voicing” the characters and commenting on the plot, the child uses different means of verbal expression (intonation and facial expressions).

The peculiarity of these games is the transfer of functions from one object of reality to another. The similarity with directing is that the child organizes the space, plays the roles himself or accompanies the play with text.

Director's games can be group games: everyone leads the toys in a common plot or acts as the director of an impromptu concert or play. At the same time, experience of communication, coordination of plans and plot actions is accumulated.

For example, L.V. Artyomova offers a classification of director’s games in accordance with the variety of theaters:

1. Tabletop toy theater.

Toys and crafts are used that stand steadily on the table and do not interfere with movement.

2. Tabletop picture theater.

Characters and scenery - pictures. Their actions are limited. The character's mood is conveyed by the intonation of the player. Characters appear as the action progresses, which creates an element of surprise and arouses the interest of children.

3. Stand-book.

The dynamics and sequence of events are depicted using alternating illustrations.

4. Flannelograph.

Pictures or characters are displayed on the screen. They are held in place by flannel, which covers the screen and the back of the picture.

5. Shadow theater. It requires a screen made of translucent paper, black flat characters and a bright light source behind them, thanks to which the characters cast shadows on the screen. The image can also be obtained using your fingers. The show is accompanied by appropriate sound.

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Conditions for the development of theatrical games:

From an early age, teach children to listen to the artistic word and respond emotionally to it.

To foster in children an interest in dramatization and theatrical activities.

For this purpose, use different types of theater, use elements of costumes and attributes that arouse great interest in children and a desire to play in a fairy tale.

Strengthening interest is facilitated by participation in the design of the performance, in the creative work of making theatrical toys, composing dramatizations and taking into account individual characteristics child.

Take care of the equipment for theatrical games.

You should purchase theatrical toys, make homemade toys, create a fund of costumes, update the scenery and attributes. Involve family members of the pupils in this work.

Pay serious attention to the selection of literary works for theatrical games.

Selection of literature with a moral idea that is understandable for children, with dynamic events, with characters endowed with expressive characteristics. Fairy tales meet these requirements. Fairy tales are easy to play out, since they are built on short dialogues between characters and contain repetitions of situations. The heroes of fairy tales enter into certain relationships in which their character traits, thoughts, and feelings are revealed.

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Construction games - a type of creative games in which children display the surrounding objective world, independently erect structures and protect them.

The similarity between role-playing and construction games lies in the unification of children based on common interests and joint activities.

The difference between them is that in a role-playing game various phenomena are reflected and relationships between people are mastered, while in a construction game the main thing is to become familiar with the relevant activities of people, with the technology used and its use.

The educational and developmental influence of construction games lies in the ideological content, the phenomena reflected in them, in children’s mastery of construction methods, in the development of their constructive thinking, enrichment of speech, and simplification of positive relationships. Their influence on mental development is determined in a plan, the solution of which requires preliminary thinking: what to build, the material, the sequence of construction.

In the process of construction games, the teacher teaches children to observe, distinguish, compare, correlate some parts of buildings with others, remember and reproduce construction techniques, and focus on the sequence of actions.

Construction games use both construction and natural materials: clay, sand, snow, stones, etc.

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The main feature of didactic games is determined by their name: they are educational games. They are created by adults for the purpose of raising and educating children. But for children at play, the educational value of a didactic game does not appear openly, but is realized through a game task, game actions, and rules.

Didactic games have existed for centuries. Their first creator was a people who noticed an amazing feature of young children - their receptivity to learning through play. Folk didactic games provide a relationship between educational and training influences, taking into account the age-related psychophysiological characteristics of the child.

The classics of Russian folk pedagogy have become such didactic games as “Magpie-White-sided”, “Guli-Guli”, “Ladushki”, “Jumpers”, “Fanta”, “Barynya”, “Paints” and many others.

Types of didactic games:

1. Didactic games with objects develop mental operations, improve speech, cultivate arbitrariness of behavior, memory, and attention.

Among games with objects, plot-didactic games and dramatization games occupy a special place.

In story-based didactic games, children play certain roles, for example, seller and buyer.

Dramatization games help clarify ideas about different everyday situations (“Olya the doll got sick”, about literary works(“Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales”, about norms of behavior (“Visiting the doll Masha”).

To develop coordination and visual control, games with didactic toys of a motor nature are organized.

For kids, there are numerous options for games with rolling balls down a slide, into hoops, games with inserts, collapsible eggs, balls, and turrets.

Children aged 4-6 years are intended to play with spillikins, skittles, and table billiards.

The development of coordination of movements of the forearm, hand and especially fingers are important prerequisites for preparing a child to master writing.

2. Board and printed games help clarify and expand children’s ideas about the world around them, systematize knowledge, develop thought processes: “Paired Pictures”, “Loto”, “Dominoes”, “Labyrinth”, “Cut Pictures”, “Puzzles”.

3. Word games. The process of solving a learning task is carried out in a mental way, based on ideas and without relying on visualization. Therefore, word games are carried out mainly with children of middle and mainly older preschool age. Among these games there are many folk games associated with nursery rhymes, jokes, riddles, and shapeshifters, some of which are also accessible to children due to the imagery of speech, built on dialogue, and the content being similar to childhood experience. Besides speech development, the formation of auditory attention with the help of verbal games, an emotional mood is created, mental operations are improved, reaction speed is developed, and the ability to understand humor is developed.

The didactic game has its own structure, which includes several components.

Educational (didactic) task- the main element of the didactic game, to which all others are subordinated.

For children, the learning task is formulated as a game task.

Game actions- these are ways of demonstrating a child’s activity for play purposes.

Depending on the age and level of development of children, game actions in the didactic game also change.

Children aged 2-4 years old in a didactic game are captivated by the process, but are not interested in the result of the game. Therefore, the game actions are simple and of the same type: disassemble and assemble the pyramid; guess by onomatopoeia who is screaming (dog, goat, cow).

At 4-5 years old, children perform play actions one by one ( board-printed games"Loto", "Domino", "Labyrinth").

In the games of children aged 5-7 years, gaming actions of a mental nature predominate: show observation, compare, recall what was previously learned, classify objects and phenomena according to certain criteria, etc.

The developmental effect of a didactic game directly depends on how diverse and meaningful the actions performed by the child are. If the teacher, conducting didactic game, acts on its own, and the children only observe, then its educational value disappears.

Rules ensure the implementation of game content. They make the game democratic: all participants in the game obey them.

The learning task, game actions and rules are interconnected. The learning task determines the game actions, and the rules help to carry out the game actions and solve the problem.

Genuine play is based on children's independence and self-organization.

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Outdoor games are a type of game with rules. An outdoor game is a game with rules, during which, along with other educational tasks, the task of developing movements is primarily accomplished. Compared to the games of children of other age levels, the nature of the games at the preschool level differs in that it is not necessary to determine the winner. After the end of the game, they evaluate how the game went, how the children followed the rules, and treated each other. And only in older groups do they begin to gradually introduce elements of competition, and begin to compare the strengths of teams and individual players.

The form of outdoor games refers to the way it is carried out, the organization of the game, the relationship between the players, the responsibilities of each individual or team. The expression of the form of the game is the rule.

In the variety of children's outdoor games, there are several main types:

Games based on dexterity, physical skill;

Games based on luck (where the outcome does not depend on the physical fitness or mental competence of the players).

The source of outdoor games with rules are folk games, which are characterized by brightness of concept, meaningfulness, simplicity and entertainment.

The rules in an outdoor game play an organizing role: they determine its course, the sequence of actions, the relationships between the players, and the behavior of each child. The rules oblige you to obey the purpose and meaning of the game; children must be able to use them in different conditions.

In younger groups, the teacher explains the content and rules as the game progresses, in older groups - before the start. Outdoor games are organized indoors and outdoors with a small number of children or with the whole group.

Older preschoolers need to be taught to play outdoor games independently. To do this, it is necessary to develop their interest in these games, provide them with the opportunity to organize them during walks, during leisure hours, on holidays, etc.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the game, like any creative activity, is emotionally rich and brings joy and pleasure to every child by its very process

Modern pedagogical literature outlines a fairly wide range of approaches to the classification of games. Let's look at just a few. A.V. Zaporozhets and A.P. Usov developed the following classification:

1) “Creative games and their varieties: games - dramatization and construction games;

2) outdoor games;

3) didactic games.”

N.Ya. has a slightly different approach to the classification of games. Mikhailenko and N.A. Korotkova. They offer the following option:

“...Games with rules can be divided into three subgroups:

Outdoor games (tag, hide and seek, hopscotch, etc.);

Story games can be divided into several subgroups: role-playing games (when a child turns into a doctor, mother, grandmother);

Director's games (plays out battles, controlling toy soldiers, controls the life of a doll family); play - dramatization (an analogy can be drawn with a play...)

In our opinion, an interesting approach to the classification of games was found by P.I. Pidkasisty and Zh.S. Khaidarov. They proposed dividing games into two main types: natural and artificial games.

Thus, natural games are divided into three types:

● games of warm-blooded animals and their young;

● games of primitive people and their children;

● games of modern children at different stages of development.

Artificial games are divided into two large types: children's games and productive games, for example, “mother-daughter” or “hopscotch”.

The genus of scoring games has two main classes:

Energy, which are characterized by a “release of muscle strength”; for example, hockey and rounders;

Intellectual ones are combined into three types - abstract, symbolic and imitative, which are characterized by a large “release of mental energy”.

A special approach to the classification of pedagogical games was made by G.K. Selevko. The author classifies pedagogical games according to the following parameters of gaming technologies:

● by area of ​​activity: physical, intellectual, labor, social, psychological;

● by the nature of the pedagogical process: teaching, training, controlling, generalizing, cognitive, educational, developmental, reproductive, productive, creative, communicative, diagnostic, career guidance, psychotechnical;

● according to gaming methods: subject, plot, role-playing, business, imitation, dramatization;

● by subject area: mathematical, chemical, biological, physical, environmental, musical, theatrical. Literary, labor, technical, industrial, physical education, sports, military applied, tourism, folk, social science, management, economic, commercial;

● by gaming environment: without objects, with objects, tabletop, indoor, outdoor, on-site, computer, television, technical means training (TSO), technical with vehicles.

Teachers of institutions additional education How do practitioners classify games into the following types:

Sedentary games. There can be any number of participants in the game; children play sitting or standing still. They are held when it is necessary to select future participants for a game in the hall, on stage, or a relay game. Can be used when there is a pause during a holiday, concert or with friends;

Relay games are a competition between two or more teams in running, reaction speed, ingenuity, erudition, and creativity. Tasks may involve carrying objects, running with unstable objects, blindfolded rides, creative tasks (pantomimes, puzzles, quiz questions, singing competitions). In the relay game there can be tasks for the whole team or separately for girls and boys, for fans;

Attractions are divided into spectacular and organized on the site. Spectacular attractions are competition games between two or more participants in dexterity, strength, accuracy, reaction speed, and the ability to navigate in the dark. All other children are fans, spectators;

Attractions have a small reserve of entertainment because they are fleeting. In organizing them, it is important to use bright props: balls, skittles, cubes, masks, etc. Attractions for the site are games of extreme throwing, agility, endurance and patience. Each participant plays for his own pleasure and needs spectators. When large public holidays are held, where many children participate, it is advisable to divide the site into sectors for various attractions: strength games, folk games, games demonstrating agility, aimed throwing, etc. With a large number of players, you can develop a token system, where for a certain (5- 7) the number of tokens a child can receive a prize in a specially designated place;

Games from the stage are, firstly, games for the entire auditorium: when the organizer asks a question, and the answer sounds in chorus; when children perform a choral song or a song auction is held; when a sedentary game is played, where participants, sitting still, perform actions (clap, stomp, etc.).

Secondly, the game from the stage can be with a separate participant from the audience invited to the stage, with whom a spectacular attraction is performed.

Thirdly, a game for two or more teams with whom the relay game is being played. When organizing, it is important to take into account good visibility from the audience of what is happening on stage, and all tasks should have a reserve of entertainment value.

Competitive programs are also popular among teenagers and young people: KVN, “Brain Ring”, “What? Where? When?".

Massive outdoor games involving movement and formation of all players to the music, where children dance and sing. A large number of children take part in them. Games can be played in the lobby or outside. Most often, these games are organized at the New Year's holiday, Maslenitsa, Neptune's holiday, etc., they can begin or end large street events. Thus, when considering different approaches to the classification of games, it is necessary to understand that a game is not only a children's activity or a “business” game. It is recurrent and permanent in nature and is clearly expressed in the behavior of most adults. Life is a game, and where there is a game, there is another life.