What causes bitterness in the mouth and how can it be eliminated? Very dry mouth at night

Dry mouth at night is a symptom that many people experience. This one symptom may be based on several factors. Sometimes he doesn't create problems. But in most cases, people experience considerable discomfort in the form of sleep disturbances and constant thirst. Dry mouth at night, causes and cures are closely related. Each individual case has its own recommendations.


There is a separate disease called dry mouth. In medicine it is called xerostomia. Characterized by a disorder of insufficient salivation. As a result, the oral mucosa does not receive sufficient moisture.


  1. formation of cracks on the lips, corners of the mouth and inside;
  2. spread of dryness in the throat;
  3. change in voice, appearance of rudeness and hoarseness in it;
  4. unpleasant odors from the mouth of varying intensity;
  5. sometimes metallic taste;
  6. lack of moisture in the mouth;
  7. burning tongue;
  8. difficulty chewing, speech;
  9. impaired swallowing and taste.

In some cases, a complete cessation of salivation occurs.

With xerostomia, saliva is absent or secreted in small quantities. This makes chewing much more difficult. Initially, these symptoms appear only at night. As the disease progresses due to various causes, dry mouth accompanies a person during the daytime. But since liquid is constantly consumed during the day, it becomes less noticeable than at night.

  • Short-term xerostomia

Caused by any condition that leads to dehydration. Heavy bleeding during menstruation, burns, fever and chills make salivation inconsistent. Typically, such dry mouth at night goes away after a short time. Some groups may cause salivation problems medicines. After stopping their use, the dryness gradually disappears.

  • Persistent xerostomia

Usually, a complete lack of salivation occurs in a person after a special operation. It is aimed at removing the salivary glands. After this, the oral mucosa is always dry. Moisturizers come to help eliminate this problem. They are used constantly. Complete disruption is associated with senile atrophy of the salivary glands.


Severe dry mouth at night is not as harmless as it seems. Lack of salivation leads to the accumulation of microbes on the tongue and enamel. The likelihood of purulent formations increases. There is also a risk of developing microbial and fungal infections. Persistent xerostomia can impair the sense of taste.


Diet features

Nutrition is one of the foundations of maintaining the body. Numerous diets involve excluding certain foods from the diet. Fasting can be fasting or strict. Individually, the body reacts to the diet with dry mouth at night. Not every diet causes such a reaction. But those who limit the amount of salt in their food too much often complain of this symptom. And this is quite understandable. When salt enters the body, it prevents the rapid loss of fluid in cells. Water is retained in tissues, maintaining the sodium-potassium balance. If salt is completely excluded from dishes, then fluid will leave the body with great loss. Due to such metabolic processes, dry mouth develops. If the diet without salt is long-term, the symptom appears every night and gradually intensifies.

What to do

It is necessary to include a small amount of salt in food. With any diet, it is important to follow a drinking regime.


Strong alcoholic drinks have a depressing effect on many beneficial substances in the body. With prolonged use, vitamin C is destroyed in cells and dehydration occurs. The negative effect increases if smoking tobacco is added to this bad habit. Initially, dry mouth will not cause discomfort. But increasingly, the urge to drink water at night will disrupt your sleep. Sometimes dry mouth after strong drinks It manifests itself not only at night, but also in the morning. The same symptom is observed in people who drink coffee excessively. The substances in it have a drying effect, increasing urine excretion. Drinking a mug of sweet coffee at night will cause dry mouth.

What to do

Need to get rid of it for a while bad habits. If this is not possible, then the dose of alcohol, tobacco and caffeine is significantly reduced. It is recommended to drink enough liquid throughout the day.


This condition of the body can be caused by heat. Increased sweating takes a considerable percentage of water from the body. And if at this moment you drink a large amount of water, then the removal of fluid through the pores will increase. Significant physical activity activates cells, metabolism increases. The water balance is gradually disturbed. Dry mouth in men after hard work is observed almost constantly.

What to do

To protect the body from dehydration in extreme heat, it is recommended to often take a contrast shower and drink warm, but not cold, drinks. It is advisable to exclude sweet carbonated drinks, which only increase thirst. If there is no additional cooling in the room, it is better to tie a damp scarf on your forehead. For severe physical activity Be sure to drink plenty of water.

Infectious diseases

ARVI and other diseases in the acute period contribute to the rapid loss of fluid from the body. During this period, defense forces are aimed at fighting the pathogen. Dry mouth occurs with flu, sore throat, and bronchitis. A sore throat causes dry mouth at night.

What to do

Besides drug treatment During a cold, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids. It doesn't have to be water. Various herbal teas with the addition of honey and lemon perfectly restore water balance. Additional sweetening is not recommended. At night, weak tea is drunk.

Eating salty, spicy, sweet foods

Like a lack of salt, its excess leads to dry mouth. Discomfort will immediately appear within a few hours if such food was eaten in the evening. Dehydration of the body occurs gradually. Usually a person wakes up from thirst in the dead of night and an unpleasant feeling in the stomach. In addition to dehydration, too salty and spicy foods aggravate various gastrointestinal disorders. Along with dry mouth, an unpleasant odor appears.

What to do

Avoid eating spicy and salty foods during excess quantities. It is better to eat sweets during the day. To eliminate dryness during the day, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with plain water. The liquid is consumed in small quantities, but often.

Chronic diseases

Many diseases of the endocrine system and gastrointestinal tract cause dry mouth at night. A common problem is dysbiosis. Disruption of intestinal microflora at an early stage has no symptoms. As the disease takes root, a person is plagued by dyspeptic disorders - nausea, heartburn, diarrhea. With loose stools, the body loses a large amount of water.

What to do

If you suspect some chronic diseases, you should consult a specialist. A complete examination and tests will help identify violations. Treatment is mandatory.

Sleeping with your mouth open and snoring

These individual characteristics humans are often associated with breathing problems and the structure of the nasopharynx. Constant entry of air and difficult salivation causes severe dry mouth. A person may wake up several times during the night by drinking large amounts of water.

What to do

If you suffer from snoring, this may indicate ENT diseases. You should consult your doctor. Changing your usual body position at night also helps. Usually the mouth opens if a person constantly sleeps on his back. It is recommended to sleep on your stomach or side. The room must have constant access to moist air. In the summer, it is enough to place an open container of water on the window. In winter, wet things are placed on the batteries. When evaporated, dry mouth will not be significant.

Sports activities

Daily intense exercise leads to increased sweating. This happens if a person exercises, breathes and drinks water incorrectly during sports activities.

What to do

Control of activity and rest is necessary. You should consult with your instructor on how to properly drink fluids during gymnastics or other activities. Breathing control and acceptable loads are important.

  1. A timely visit to the doctor is required to identify a number of diseases.
  2. Drink enough clean water throughout the day.
  3. At night, it is advisable to eat non-acidic vegetables and fruits with a high liquid content.
  4. Oral hygiene and massage of the inner surface of the cheeks are required.
  5. The evening portion of food should be limited, smoked foods, sweet drinks, and alcohol are excluded.
  6. Before going to bed, it is important to learn to control your breathing. It should be done through the nose.
  7. Continuous steam and aerosol inhalations of the usual mineral water promote hydration.
  8. When relaxing before going to bed, it is recommended to keep a bottle of water next to you. If necessary, rinse your mouth and take a small sip.

Dry mouth in diabetes mellitus.

Very often people feel thirsty and dry mouth at night. This phenomenon may be triggered by external causes and may not pose a significant health hazard, but may be a symptom of a serious illness.

In medical practice, dry mouth is commonly called xerostomia. This phenomenon can be permanent or temporary, depending on the provoking factors.

Regardless of what the cause of xerostomia is, it is best to prevent this condition or eliminate it at the very beginning - this way you can avoid very unpleasant consequences in the future. For this, it is very important to know the reasons why your mouth gets dry.

Causes of dry mouth

The appearance of this unpleasant symptom can be caused by temporary changes in the state of the body or indicate the presence of a serious illness.

Most common reasons The reasons why your mouth gets dry at night are:

Very often, if your mouth is dry, the cause may be the use of certain medications. Most often, this reaction is observed during treatment with tricyclic antidepressants, antihypertensives and antihistamines.

Xerostomia: acute and chronic diseases

There are a number of acute and chronic diseases that cause dry mouth:

Clinical signs

A decrease in the amount of saliva secreted at night cannot but attract attention. Most often clinical signs xerostomia are:

  1. Increased thirst and feeling of dryness. This forces a person to drink more fluid and, as a result, leads to more frequent and copious urination.
  2. Against the background of dry mucous membranes, patients begin to complain of a feeling of pain and soreness in the throat.
  3. An inflammatory process of the red border of the lips develops - cheilitis. In this case, the border turns red, swells and peels. Painful cracks appear in the corners of the lips.
  4. The tongue with xerostomia also dries out, turns red and may begin to peel. Patients begin to complain of itching and burning on the tongue.
  5. Due to dry mucous membranes, the patient's voice changes, speech becomes slurred, and the voice becomes hoarse.
  6. There may be loss of sensitivity of taste and tactile receptors in the oral mucosa.

The disease may be accompanied by a strong unpleasant odor from the mouth.

Effects of dry mouth at night

If the problem of dryness is not given due attention, it can lead to the development of a number of serious consequences:

  1. Disorders of the digestive system.
  2. Carious lesions of teeth.
  3. Imbalance of oral microflora, which can lead to dysbacteriosis and the development of fungal diseases.
  4. Cracks and ulcerations appear on the mucous membrane of the tongue and oral cavity. A secondary infection may occur.
  5. Are developing inflammatory diseases gums - gingivitis, periodontal disease.
  6. There are difficulties when swallowing and breathing.
  7. Lymphadenopathy may develop.

Knowing about the possibility of such consequences, it is necessary to understand that the earlier treatment and preventive measures are carried out, the greater the chances of success.

How to treat

When this unpleasant symptom appears, it is important first of all find out its causes and take measures to eliminate them. If dryness is caused by a serious illness, careful examination and treatment by specialists is necessary.

If you were able to determine the cause of such an unpleasant phenomenon as dry mucous membranes at night, you need to take measures to eliminate it.

  1. Compliance with drinking regime. Loss of moisture must be regularly replenished, even if you are not at all thirsty. The rate of fluid intake for a person is determined based on his body weight and is 30-40 ml per 1 kg of weight.
  2. Before going to bed, you can rinse your mouth with water adding a few drops lemon juice. This will stimulate saliva production.
  3. To stimulate salivation, you can chew bubble gum. It is advisable to choose a product good quality. You can suck on lollipops that have a sour taste.
  4. You can lubricate your lips with Vaseline or a special balm at night.
  5. It is very useful for dry mouth to take a small amount of coltsfoot decoction or a few drops of echinacea tincture at night. You can add drops to juice or water.
  6. In order for salivation to gradually recover, it is advisable to give up addictions to alcohol and cigarettes.
  7. If dry mouth and thirst occur as a result of taking medications, you should contact your doctor and discuss the possibility of replacing these medications with analogues that do not have a similar effect.
  8. It is very important to visit the dentist regularly. An experienced specialist will be able to promptly notice the problem that has arisen and give advice on how to eliminate it.
  9. It is important to ensure that the air in the room is sufficiently humidified. You can use special household appliances or hang a wet towel in the room. Aquariums and other water reservoirs have a good effect.
  10. If you are concerned about dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue at night, it is advisable to avoid eating at night.

If, despite following all these recommendations, the feeling of dryness still does not disappear, a specialist may recommend special preparations - substitutes for natural saliva. These can be special moisturizing gels - Salajen or Elosak. In addition, there are drugs whose action allows you to increase the secretion of the salivary glands - Galantamine, Pilocarpine, Prozerin. You can take such medications only as prescribed by a doctor.

Treatment with home remedies

If your mouth is very dry, you can use folk remedies to eliminate this problem:

  1. Every hour, take 10 drops of echinacea alcohol extract. The course of treatment should not exceed 2 months.
  2. You can add a small amount of hot chili pepper to your food. This can only be done if you do not have diseases of the digestive system.
  3. You can suck on small ice cubes.
  4. Food can be made more moist with sauces. It should be consumed semi-liquid or soft, at room temperature or slightly warm.
  5. To increase the amount of saliva produced. You can brush your teeth with fluoride-containing toothpastes and use mouth rinses.

If you have increased dryness of the oral mucosa, you should avoid eating crackers, nuts, dried fruits and crispbreads. In addition, you should limit your consumption of sweets and salty food.

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Causes and remedies for dry mouth at night Link to main publication

Xerostomia or dry mouth is a disease that causes a lot of trouble. The mucous membrane often dries out during night sleep. According to statistics, about 10% of the population faced the problem.

Xerostomia in adults occurs for various reasons. If you notice an unpleasant phenomenon, which includes dizziness, weakness, and thirst, be sure to consult a doctor. Often, dry mucous membranes are one of the signs of pathological processes in the body.

Causes of occurrence

Xerostomia often occurs in old age. The salivary glands secrete a smaller volume of fluid, and discomfort in the oral cavity is felt. Insufficiently moistened mucous membrane is favorable soil for the appearance of wounds, microcracks, and the development of inflammatory processes.

In addition to old age, there are other provoking factors:

  • mouth breathing. Often, with nasal congestion at night, a person involuntarily breathes through his mouth. In some patients, a runny nose becomes chronic. It is quite difficult to get rid of increased dryness of the mucous membranes when breathing through the mouth;
  • medications. Taking antidepressants, diuretics, and blood pressure-lowering compounds sometimes causes the mucous membrane in the mouth to dry out. Xerostomia, as a side effect, occurs in patients taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and allergy pills;
  • autoimmune diseases. Problems with salivation occur with lupus erythematosus, Sjögren's disease, and rheumatoid arthritis. The tissue of the salivary glands is damaged, the body considers the cells to be foreign bodies and rejects them. It is impossible to eliminate the problem; maintenance therapy and hydration of oral tissues throughout life are recommended;
  • irradiation in the treatment of cancer. A reduced volume of fluid in the mouth and poor functioning of the salivary glands are one of the side effects of irradiation of the head and neck;
  • diabetes. In some patients, a dangerous chronic disease was detected during a blood sugar test prescribed to check for persistent dry mouth. If the lack of saliva is added frequent urination, thirst, be sure to consult a doctor to check for suspected diabetes.

How to treat periodontitis in children? Find out effective medications and traditional recipes.

Read about the symptoms and treatment of stomatitis in adults at home at this address.

Less common causes of dry mouth at night are the following conditions and diseases:

  • a stone blocking the ducts of the salivary gland;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • constant use of rinses containing alcohol;
  • anorexia, bulimia (appetite problems);
  • hormonal imbalances during pregnancy;
  • an infection affecting the salivary glands.


Lack of saliva causes discomfort and provokes pathological changes in the mucous membrane. A minimum of fluid in the mouth is no less irritating than excessive salivation.

Main patient complaints:

  • poorly healing wounds, traumatic injuries;
  • inflammatory processes of gum tissue, redness, slight swelling;
  • the appearance of carious cavities;
  • formation of erosions, ulcers, oral candidiasis;
  • burning of throat, tongue;
  • coughing attacks;
  • chapped lips, “jams” in the corners of the mouth;
  • putrid odor from the mouth.


Who should I contact if I have frequent dry mouth? Make your first visit to a dental surgeon.

The specialist will check whether the salivary glands are working correctly, determine the volume of liquid, and evaluate the viscosity and transparency of the secretions. After examination, stones in the ducts and infection of the salivary glands are often discovered.

The highest qualifications are those who practice maxillofacial surgeons in hospitals, rather than in outpatient clinics. If the problem is caused not only by the condition of the salivary glands or stones in the ducts, the jaw surgeon will prescribe an additional examination.

To clarify the diagnosis and identify underlying diseases, it is required laboratory research:

  • blood for sugar;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • blood chemistry.

Important! Consultation with a gastroenterologist, ENT doctor, or dentist is required. If autoimmune pathologies are suspected, a visit to an immunologist is recommended.

Methods and rules of treatment

After clarifying the diagnosis, general and local treatment is required, taking into account the identified pathologies. Eliminating the causes that interfere with the normal functioning of the salivary glands is a prerequisite for successful therapy.

The prognosis depends on the pathology or condition that provoked the unpleasant symptom.

General therapy


  • severe autoimmune diseases require symptomatic therapy to normalize quality of life. It is impossible to completely get rid of autoimmune pathologies;
  • if increased dryness of the mucous membranes develops at night due to human fault/in diseases that respond well to treatment, the harmful factor will first have to be eliminated. If your nose is stuffy, consult an ENT doctor;
  • If you have dry mouth during pregnancy, women should not take most medications. Symptomatic treatment in the oral cavity will help;
  • Avoid alcohol rinses. For hygiene measures, use formulations without irritating components, herbal decoctions. The popular mouthwash Listerine provides a good effect for fresh breath and the fight against putrefactive bacteria. Choose the Basic series without alcohol (Strong Teeth, Healthy Gums or Total Care);
  • Is the malfunction of the salivary glands caused by the ducts in which the stone is found? A dental surgeon will solve the problem. After elimination inflammatory process, removal of the stone that impedes the passage of fluid, the condition of the oral cavity returns to normal;
  • Has the doctor determined that bitterness and dryness in the mouth, cracks, and redness occur while taking medications? Contact the specialist who prescribed the drug, ask to prescribe an analogue/cancel the composition. Most drugs have good substitutes; choosing a remedy will not be difficult;
  • When diagnosing candidal stomatitis or thrush in the oral cavity, timely treatment of the disease is required. It is mandatory to take antifungal medications, treat affected areas with dental gels, and strengthen the immune system. (Read more about stomatitis in children here; about stomatitis in adults is written on this page).

How to relieve the symptoms of xerostomia

Measures aimed at softening the mucous membrane, eliminating irritation and ulcers will help relieve unpleasant symptoms and dry mouth during sleep. Both natural formulations and pharmaceutical products are recommended.

How to increase salivation:

  • Use chewing gum several times a day. Observe two conditions: the gum must be sugar-free, chew for a short time (2-3 minutes);
  • some dentists advise rinsing your mouth with a decoction of bitter herbs or drinking drops of lemon juice;
  • The drugs Cevimeline or Pilocarpine will help stimulate saliva production.

Important! Accept medicines, select drops or herbs only after consulting a dentist. Choosing the wrong product can provoke allergies and further dry out damaged tissues.

Moisturizing the mucous membrane:

  • Drink water in small sips throughout the day. In the evening, place a glass of boiled/purified water on your bedside table. If you wake up at night with very dry mucous membranes, drink some liquid;
  • rinses with herbal extracts and mineral components eliminate signs of xerostomia. The product “Bionete with calcium” and the rinse aid “Lakalut Flora” give a good effect. The compositions not only moisturize dry mucous membranes, but also protect against bacterial and fungal infections;
  • toothpaste for sensitive mucous membranes. During hygiene procedures, conventional cleansing compositions sometimes irritate the mucous membranes. Use the Lakalut Flora series paste or Bionete Oral Balanse. Components special means moisturize mucous membranes, preserve normal level acidity, restore microflora.

Folk remedies and recipes

Proven recipes:

  • soda + salt. You will need a liter of boiling water, 1 tsp. natural ingredients. Add 1 tsp to the solution. olive oil. Breathe in the healing steam for 5 minutes;
  • herbal collection Combine lemon balm, chamomile, calendula. Take 1 tsp. collection, pour in a liter of boiling water. Let it brew for 15 minutes, slightly heat the liquid to create steam. The duration of the procedure is the same as in recipe No. 1;
  • inhalation with Karavaev balm. Excellent product to combat dry mucous membranes. Pour one and a half liters of boiling water into a bowl, add 20 drops of the medicinal composition. Breathe either through your mouth or through your nose. The duration of the procedure is no more than five minutes.

Learn about the advantages and features of removable butterfly dentures.

ABOUT beneficial properties and the effect of toothpastes with calcium without fluoride is written on this page.

Read here about using aligners to straighten your teeth.

Some factors that provoke dry mucous membranes are practically impossible to combat (autoimmune pathologies) or impractical (hormonal imbalance during pregnancy). In other cases, simple rules prevent unpleasant symptoms in the oral cavity.

Preventive measures:

  • drinking enough fluids throughout the day;
  • good hygiene of teeth and gums, use of high-quality toothpaste that does not irritate delicate tissues;
  • timely treatment of acute forms of diseases, control of chronic pathologies;
  • prevention of nasal congestion;
  • avoiding the constant use of mouthwashes containing alcohol. Alternate formulations with active and softer properties;
  • consult a doctor in time to cancel (replace) medications that reduce saliva production;
  • do not injure the mucous membranes, prevent infection from entering from unwashed vegetables/fruits, through shared dishes or toothbrushes;
  • During/after courses of radiation to the upper body, visit your dentist to monitor your oral health. With radiation therapy, sometimes not only dry mouth develops, but also a dangerous disease - osteonecrosis (destruction of the jaw bone);
  • Maintain an adequate level of humidity in your living space. Constantly running air conditioning and central heating radiators are one of the reasons for insufficient hydration of the mucous membranes;
  • do not smoke at night, do not drink strong alcohol in the evening, avoid salted/smoked fish during dinner. Unfortunately, patients in dental clinics who complain of cracks, ulcers, and irritation of the mucous membranes often violate these simple recommendations.

If xerostomia occurs frequently during sleep, do not self-medicate. A glass of water will temporarily relieve unpleasant symptoms, but will not solve the problem. Only after examination and identification of the causes of dry tissue in the mouth can complex therapy begin. Visit a dentist or specialists, and you will certainly eliminate the factors that interfere with your normal life.

Find out more interesting information about methods of eliminating dry mouth from the following video:

Dry mouth at night is a problem that affects many people. This occurs when the salivary glands are unable to produce enough fluid to keep the mouth moist. Saliva helps fight bacteria and acids, which are known to contribute to the development of gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath.

In medicine, insufficient salivation and dry mouth are called xerostomia.

Thus, a lack of saliva in the mouth can be very uncomfortable and can also disrupt normal sleep and negatively affect your oral health. The article discusses the causes of dry mouth at night, such as diabetes, stress, frequent urination, pregnancy, as well as information on home remedies that can be used to control the problem and other treatment options.

Associated symptoms

  • Halitosis (bad breath)
  • Regularly waking up in the middle of the night to drink water
  • Burning or cracked tongue
  • Dry mouth after waking up
  • Constantly dry throat
  • Dry lips after waking up
  • Foamy, thick, viscous saliva in the morning.


It is normal for a person to sometimes experience dry mouth. This happens mainly when he is nervous, or when the body is dehydrated. But the persistent problem of dryness should not be taken lightly as it could be a sign of some health condition.

The problem occurs when the salivary glands are unable to produce enough saliva due to dehydration, which is a common occurrence when a person does not consume the required amount of fluid.

Dry mouth can also be caused by the following factors:

  • Sjögren's syndrome is a condition during which the salivary glands are attacked and damaged by the immune system
  • Medicines – different types medications can cause dry mouth at night. These include diuretics, antihistamines and antidepressants. You should study the instructions to determine whether this problem side effect taking medication.
  • Nasal congestion - breathing through the mouth during sleep can cause the mucous membrane to dry out
  • Radiation therapy - such exposure to the neck and head can cause inflammation of the salivary glands.
  • Diabetes is a disease that is known to cause blood sugar levels to rise to extreme levels. In this case, an important additional symptom is severe thirst.

It is necessary to inform your physician or dentist about the observed symptoms. They will help you understand why you are experiencing dry mouth.


Saliva plays a very important role in the mouth and ensures that the mouth remains healthy. Having dryness can cause additional problems, such as:

  • Difficulty swallowing, eating, or speaking
  • Soreness or burning in the mouth
  • Caries and gum disease
  • Dry lips
  • Recurrent mouth infection such as thrush
  • Bad breath
  • Decreased sense of taste.


Saliva is an important component in the mouth as it helps balance acidity levels. It also washes away acid from around your gums and teeth. People suffering from diabetes are known to experience dry mouth at night.

The following symptoms may also be observed:

  • Oral candidiasis (thrush)
  • Inflammation of the gums, known as gingivitis
  • Irritation in the corners of the mouth.

Symptoms of thrush include chapping at the corners of the lips, redness of the tongue, and white patches in the mouth. A diabetic can reduce the impact of this condition by:

  • Frequent use of lip balm to protect against irritation
  • Controlling your blood sugar levels within the recommended range
  • Using an alcohol-free mouthwash or gel
  • Cleaning dentures or braces after meals
  • Trying to maintain a sufficient level of water in the body throughout the day. You may need to carry water with you at all times.


The problem is very common in the first trimester of pregnancy. It tends to get worse at night and may be accompanied by additional symptoms such as:

  • Metallic taste
  • Stuffy, dry nose
  • Stomach upset
  • Chapped lips
  • Hot flashes
  • Headache.

These signs and symptoms may be due to various metabolic and hormonal changes that occur in the body during pregnancy.

Pregnancy-Related Causes of Dry Mouth

  • Use of certain medications
  • Increased blood volume. This forces the kidneys to process more fluid. The end result is dry mouth and frequent urination
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Increased metabolic rate. This causes intense sweating, which leads to increased loss of fluid from the body.
  • Dehydration due to lack of fluid.


Menopause causes significant hormonal changes in women. A decrease in estrogen levels leads to a decrease in the amount of moisture in the mucous membranes. This is the reason why a woman is likely to experience dry eyes and mouth.

Salivary cortisol also increases during menopause. The estrogen hormone regulates cortisol during the day before the menopause phase begins. Decreased estrogen levels mean a weakening of the limiting factor.

Therefore, there will be a burning sensation and dry mouth. You can reduce some menopausal symptoms by taking hormone replacement therapy. However, administration of progesterone may worsen symptoms.

Dry mouth while sleeping

Xerostomia can be caused by many factors. But lack of sufficient moisture during sleep is mainly caused by snoring or sleeping with your mouth open. Other factors that may play a role in the problem include:

  • Side effects of taking medications
  • Stress.

According to the American Dental Association, more than four hundred prescription and over-the-counter medications can cause dry mouth. Frequent occurrence of this problem should be addressed by a professional, regardless of its cause. The mouth requires sufficient supplies of saliva, even during sleep.

Dryness at night and frequent urination

Dry mouth and frequent urination are considered the most common symptoms of diabetes. Blood sugar levels may begin to drop when a person starts taking diabetes medications, insulin, or when their diet changes. This happens because some of the glucose will find its way into the body's cells.

This means that it will not be in the blood, which will lead to the disappearance of these symptoms. Failure to comply with this condition will mean that they will begin to appear again.

Panic attacks at night

Nighttime panic attacks create a lot of anxiety. Among other things, this may be accompanied by a feeling of dry mouth, causing discomfort. The mouth feels sticky when the salivary glands cannot produce enough saliva.

You may also feel like your mouth is not clean. Chewing and swallowing may become worse over time. It is important to see your dentist if you regularly suffer from dry mouth and nighttime anxiety as this can be very harmful.

The problem may in some sense be caused by feelings of anxiety. Symptoms of this condition are likely to flare up each time you have a panic attack and then go away. Stress and anxiety can reduce the amount of saliva in your mouth.

Very dry mouth at night

The reason may be:

  • Age: Dry nights are not a natural part of aging, but a person is likely to take more medications as they get older. Many of these drugs may have side effects.
  • Playing or exercising in the heat: The salivary glands become dry as body fluids will be concentrated in other areas. If you continue this activity, you will experience severe dry mouth and thirst.
  • Cancer treatment: Radiation therapy causes inflammation of the salivary glands. Chemotherapy can also change the nature of saliva, as well as the amount that the body produces.
  • Dehydration: due to the inability to consume enough fluids.
  • Surgery or injury: Injury to the neck or head can lead to this problem.
  • Tobacco use: Smoking or chewing tobacco increases the chances of developing dry mouth.


It is necessary to determine what is causing this problem before trying to get rid of it. The cause must be identified for proper treatment. To reduce dry mouth, you need:

  • Use a humidifier at night
  • Chewing gum to stimulate saliva flow (sugar-free)
  • Use your nose to breathe, not your mouth
  • Limit the amount of caffeine consumed per day
  • Change to other decongestants or antihistamines (in consultation with your doctor)
  • Do not use mouthwash that may contain alcohol as this is one of the causes of dryness.
  • Try a mouthwash designed for this problem
  • Stop using tobacco products
  • Drink water frequently.

Home Remedies

Increase fluid intake

Dehydration is the main cause of this condition. Increasing your fluid intake ensures that the body remains hydrated at all times. Proper hydration ensures that the body is able to produce enough saliva to relieve all symptoms associated with dryness at night.

  • Eat liquid foods, such as soups and stews
  • Drink the required amount of water daily
  • Drink herbal teas, such as chamomile and green tea
  • Include vegetable and fruit juices and cocktails in your diet
  • Take 1-2 glasses of coconut water daily.

Red pepper

  • Apply a small amount of ground pepper to your finger and then rub it on your tongue (this may cause a burning sensation for some time)
  • You can sprinkle red pepper on salads and soups.

NOTE. The spicier it is, the better. Therefore, cayenne varieties will work most effectively, but they are more difficult to find on sale here.

Fennel seeds

  • Chew the seeds throughout the day
  • Combine equal quantities of fenugreek and fennel seeds. Dry the seeds before grinding them. Add salt and take the mixture with every meal.

People often complain of a feeling of dry mouth at night. This phenomenon can be a symptom of various diseases. In addition, dry mouth can be caused by a number of other reasons.

Whatever factors provoke this condition, it is better to prevent it in order to avoid further undesirable consequences. Therefore, it is important to know why your mouth gets very dry at night.

Reasons why your mouth gets dry at night

Dry mouth can be a sign of a temporary condition of the body or a dangerous disease.

In medical terminology, dry mouth that occurs at night is called xerostomia. The phenomenon of dry mouth in humans can be permanent or temporary.

It all depends on what factors provoked it. It is accompanied by a sore throat, a feeling of discomfort, sticking of the tongue to the palate, thirst, change taste qualities and dry lips.

Common reasons why your mouth gets dry at night are:

  • Dehydration. The lack of water in the body is caused by hyperthermia of the body and high air temperatures. Dehydration is also the result of vomiting, diarrhea, blood loss, and burns. If a person does not drink enough liquid for the body, he may also experience dry mouth.
  • Difficulty breathing. Due to blocked nasal passages during a runny nose, adenoids, and deviated nasal septum, the patient breathes through the mouth, which also provokes dry mouth.
  • Adverse reaction to the use of medications. A large number of medications can cause this phenomenon. Most often these are drugs that are prescribed for hypertension, neurasthenia, and allergies.
  • Sweet or salty foods. Eating such foods helps draw fluid out of cells. Therefore, thirst appears, which is accompanied by a feeling of dry mouth.
  • Night snoring. People who snore during their sleep have dry mouth linings.
  • Stressful situations and nervous tension. Often this feeling occurs due to stress and anxiety.
  • Intoxication. Usually occurs when toxic substances enter the body, for the removal of which the body requires a large amount of fluid. This is also possible after abusing alcoholic beverages. Then, due to the formed acetaldehyde, cell death occurs. To remove them from the body, you need water.
  • Low level of air humidity. It is important to remember that humidity below 40% makes you thirsty.
  • Vitamin A deficiency. Its consequence is keratinization of the oral mucosa. The particles that flake off clog the salivary ducts.
  • Brain damage. Due to the fact that the nervous system is affected, salivation is impaired.
  • Toxicosis. Pregnant women often complain that their mouths are dry. During pregnancy, this phenomenon provokes toxicosis, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

More information about why dry mouth occurs at night can be found in the video:

As a result of the above reasons, this condition occurs temporarily. This feeling always occurs due to the following factors:

  • dysfunction of the salivary glands as a result of surgical interventions
  • radiation therapy in the treatment of cancer
  • menopause
  • old age
  • atrophy of the salivary glands due to frequent use of active disinfectants

If you often experience dry mouth, you should consult a doctor, because very often it is caused by serious illnesses.

Dry mouth at night: possible diseases

Xerostomia - increased dryness of the oral mucosa

Often xerostomia appears as a symptom of some pathology in the human body. Severe diseases that are accompanied by dry mouth at night are the following:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Stroke
  • Hypotension
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes
  • Anemia
  • Allergy
  • Stones in the salivary ducts
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Mumps
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Brain injuries
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Schergen's syndrome

In addition, there are other diseases, the symptoms of which are dry mouth:

  • This symptom may indicate otolaryngological pathologies: sinusitis, rhinitis, hay fever and polyps in the nasal cavity
  • If, in addition to dry mouth, there are signs such as a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, a coating on the tongue, this may indicate problems with the digestive organs. Most often, such symptoms accompany pancreatitis, duodenitis, gastritis, as well as diseases of the gallbladder and its ducts.

To determine whether dry mouth is a sign of illness, it is important to consult with your doctor. If, after examination and tests, a specialist diagnoses a disease, then first of all it is necessary to deal with the underlying pathology. When treating a certain disease, your mouth will stop drying out.

Pathology treatment method

Only a doctor can prescribe the correct treatment for pathology depending on the cause of its occurrence.

To get rid of discomfort in the throat and mouth, you can use the following methods:

  • If there is a feeling of dryness in the mouth, you need to drink liquid. It's better to drink plain water. After other drinks, the feeling of thirst and dry mouth will often occur.
  • There are also medications to increase salivation. Such medications can only be prescribed by a specialist.
  • To reduce discomfort in the oral cavity, you can inhale with a herbal medicine - Vitaon.
  • For better saliva production, it is recommended to suck on sour candy. Chewing gum or a fruit seed are also suitable for this.
  • You can chew the ice. Chewing lemon will help in this regard.
  • It is recommended to add a little chili pepper to your food, which contains a component that stimulates the functioning of the salivary glands.

Treatment with folk remedies

The best advice from traditional medicine

To get rid of dry mouth, you can perform soda-salt inhalations. To do this, take the ingredients one teaspoon at a time and pour in a liter. hot water. Covered with a towel, breathe over the steam for about fifteen minutes. It is advisable to do this procedure before bedtime.

Such inhalations can be done using a decoction of medicinal herbs. Medicinal plants that prevent dry mouth include:

  • Chamomile
  • Melissa
  • Calendula

For such inhalations, you can make decoctions from one herb or collection. For a teaspoon of mixture - one glass of boiling water. It is important to remember the rules for inhalation. High temperature steam may cause burns to the respiratory tract.

To avoid this problem, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Limit consumption of salty foods and sweets.
  • Drink at least two liters of fluid daily. It is better to drink slowly and in small sips.
  • Refuse alcoholic drinks, smoking and other bad habits.
  • Carry out wet cleaning more often, ensure air humidity in the room.
  • Do not rinse your mouth with alcohol-containing solutions.
  • Eating fruits and vegetables is also a preventative measure for dry mouth.
  • You need to brush your teeth twice a day – after waking up and before going to bed. It is advisable to do this with a product containing fluoride.

For good saliva production, Chinese sages advised making movements like when rinsing the mouth. This should be done with your mouth closed. Repeat up to thirty times. After swallowing, saliva is mentally directed to the navel area. There is an opinion that regular exercise will help avoid dry mouth.

What are the complications?

If the pathology is treated incorrectly, dangerous consequences can occur.

Dry mouth is a somewhat dangerous condition. This pathology is fraught with complications.

The most common undesirable consequences are:

  • decreased taste
  • thrush
  • inflammatory processes of the oral mucosa
  • the appearance of ulcers and pustules in the mouth
  • disorders of the digestive organs
  • stomatitis
  • gingivitis
  • chronic tonsillitis

In addition, caries develops faster in a dry mouth. This is due to the difficulty of removing food debris. Problems also arise with the use of dentures.

In 24 hours, a healthy adult secretes about 2 liters of saliva, which contains water, mineral salts and special enzymes that allow carbohydrates to be dissolved directly in the mouth. If the amount of secretion decreases, the person feels discomfort that does not go away after drinking the liquid.

Besides, dry mouth increases the proliferation of microbes and other pathogenic flora. Xerostomia is a constant dry mouth that occurs after eating salty, smoked or fatty foods and goes away after a few hours.

Constant dry mouth - the causes of which disease you will learn from our article and video, where experts talk about the causes and symptoms

If discomfort is observed constantly, regardless of the products consumed, then you should pay attention to this and seek advice from a specialist to identify the cause of the disorder.

Normally, the oral cavity is moistened with secretions from the salivary glands. A constant feeling of dry mouth, which brings great discomfort to a person, can be caused by various diseases or dysfunction of body systems.

The main reasons are:

  • Diabetes. A sharp increase in blood glucose levels.
  • Disruption of the cerebral cortex. This includes stroke or micro-stroke, trigeminal nerve inflammation, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Nerve impulses are supplied to the peripheral system of the salivary glands intermittently or not at all, causing their dysfunction.
  • Dehydration. Often observed with profuse vomiting, as well as with diarrhea or high fever.
  • Oncology. There is a disruption in the functioning of the salivary glands, which leads to a decrease in the amount of saliva secreted.
  • Mumps or mumps. The disease is caused by a paramyxovirus. It is more common in boys of preschool age.
  • Mikulicz disease. Enlarged glands due to dysfunction of the lymphatic system.
  • Sialadenitis. An inflammatory process in the salivary glands that occurs due to the formation of stones.
  • Sjogren's syndrome. Violation immune system in women of Balzac age, which disrupts the functioning of the eye and salivary glands.
  • Sialostasis. Untimely secretion of saliva.
  • Sialolithiasis. Formation of dense growths inside the gland ducts.

Note! In addition to diseases, dry mouth can be caused by alcohol abuse and smoking. In this case, you need to give up bad habits, and the problem will no longer bother you.

Dry mouth and nose: cause

In addition to discomfort in the oral cavity, dryness can also bother the sinuses.

Risk groups include:

  • People who are constantly indoors where dry and warm air predominates.
  • Allergy sufferers. Due to the body's reaction to the allergen, sneezing, watery eyes, and a runny nose may appear, which together causes a disruption in the functioning of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.
  • Infectious diseases(ARVI, flu, sinusitis, adenoids). This is the first sign of the onset of the disease.
  • Side effects from taking antihistamine and sedative medications, and most often from drops or spray in the nose.
  • Disturbance of soft tissue physiology, which may be congenital, or after external intervention.
  • Presence of foreign particles in the air(dust, cement, shavings) or harmful chemicals.
  • In women during menopause hormonal levels change, which causes dry mucous tissues.

In addition to dryness, these phenomena cause partial loss of smell and taste, and a constant feeling of thirst. To reduce or completely eliminate symptoms, it is necessary to remove the root cause of the disorder.

Constant dry mouth and throat

If your mouth and throat are dry, and drinking liquids does not eliminate this discomfort, you should pay close attention to this. Moreover, this causes painful sensations in the throat, burning tongue, itching in the mouth and cracked lips. To avoid atrophy of the mucous membranes, you need to consult a specialist to identify the cause of discomfort.

The main cause of dry mouth and throat is an infection caused by bacteria. Increased body temperature and severe intoxication disrupt secretion production, especially if the infection has spread to the salivary glands. It can also be a side effect of using medications in the form of a throat spray.

The described symptom may indicate rheumatoid arthritis or osteochondrosis. Inconvenience can also occur after taking medications, especially during chemotherapy. If a sour taste in the mouth is added to dryness during pregnancy, this may indicate the onset of gestational diabetes.

It is necessary to pay attention to the composition of the air that a person constantly inhales.

This can be a long and constant stay in a room with harmful impurities that irritate the mucous membranes, causing discomfort.

Dry mouth at night: causes and solutions

If a person often feels dry mouth at night, this brings not only local physical discomfort, but also problems with proper sleep. Because of this, during the day the individual becomes irritable and inattentive. To avoid such inconveniences, it is necessary to find out the cause of such a violation and eliminate it.

The most common reason why a person feels dry mouth at night is considered to be obstruction of the nasal airways. It can occur due to nasal congestion due to colds (rhinitis, including allergic, sinusitis), congenital defects or deformities, due to physical influence.

To eliminate the first cause, it is necessary to remove the infection from the body. If the problem lies in two other factors, you should contact an otolaryngologist, traumatologist or plastic surgeon.

A late dinner, especially if it is dominated by protein foods, can cause xerostomia at night. To digest this particular component, the body spends more fluid than usual, which in turn causes similar inconvenience.

Also, fatty, smoked or salty foods at night can cause a decrease in saliva production. It contains harmful toxins, and fluid is needed to remove them from the body. To avoid this, you need to watch your diet, eat light foods and not overeat at night, It’s better to have dinner a few hours before bedtime.

If dry mouth is caused by any medical condition, then it will manifest itself not only at night, therefore, in order to alleviate your condition, you should follow simple rules during daylight hours:

  • The daily routine needs to be balanced, have dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime, give preference to light, plant-based foods.
  • If the room is heated or the air conditioner is running, you need to humidify the air. You can purchase a special device, hang a wet towel on the radiator, or place a bowl of water next to the bed.
  • Near the bed you need to supply water for drinking. When you wake up, you can wet your throat and the discomfort will go away.
  • You need to drink during the day sufficient amount of water, at least 1.5-2 liters.
  • After noon It is necessary to avoid drinking coffee and strong tea.
  • You can inhale before going to bed with various pharmaceutical herbs (chamomile, lemon balm, mint).

Important to remember! If, having eliminated everything possible reasons drying out of the mucous membrane, the problem still remains, you need to contact a specialist to identify possible diseases and their treatment.

Dry mouth in the morning: causes

Every person has experienced xerostomia in the morning at least several times in their life. This is due to the small amount of saliva secreted or its viscosity. In adults, this process can be observed after drinking alcohol the night before.

Alcohol leads to intoxication of the body with harmful substances, and it requires more fluid to eliminate them. The same result is observed in heavy smokers who smoke more than one pack of cigarettes per day.

Dry mouth in the morning can be a sign of the onset of type II diabetes.

If the pathology does not go away within a day, you should consult a specialist. Disruption of innervation after awakening can be caused by medications.

Most often this is side effect antiallergic, antibacterial medications and those intended to normalize blood pressure. Before use, you must carefully study the instructions. This result also occurs after chemotherapy and antibiotics.

Unpleasant sensations in the morning may occur due to breathing problems during sleep. Severe snoring, nasal congestion, adenoids and an uncomfortable head posture during sleep lead to a person breathing through the mouth at night and feeling discomfort in the morning.

The reason may also be dry air in the room where a person sleeps or intense daytime training. Usually, after drinking in the morning, all unpleasant symptoms disappear.

Dry mouth after eating: causes

After eating, a person may suffer from xerostomia. This is due to a disruption in the functioning of the salivary glands. The cause may be severe stress or neurological diseases. Usually, after eliminating the problems, the dryness goes away.

Oncological diseases cause a decrease in the amount of secretion released from the salivary glands during meals and immediately after meals. This inconvenience is also preceded by mechanical damage during dental procedures, flux inflammation or infectious lesions of the oral cavity.

If the food was not dry (viscous porridge, sandwiches, cheese, etc.), then a disruption of the innervation may be caused by a disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, since this system connects all organs involved in the digestion of food.

Why does my mouth feel dry when there is saliva?

Sometimes a person is bothered by the feeling of dry mouth when there is a normal amount of secretion from the salivary glands.

This may be caused by:

  • changes in the composition and consistency of the released liquid;
  • damage or removal of some components that are responsible for the formation and secretion of secretions;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs);
  • eating sticky foods and dry snacks;
  • dental diseases;
  • the use of certain medications;

Constant thirst and dry mouth: causes

Xerostomia can be either an independent phenomenon or an accompaniment of various diseases.

Doctors classify two types of dry mouth:

  1. Objective.
  2. Subjective.

The first type is associated with dysfunction of the salivary glands, the second indicates a disruption in the functioning of any system or individual human organ. If thirst and dry mouth do not go away after drinking liquids, you should pay close attention to this.

Constant thirst and dry mouth can be caused by the following disorders:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • diseases of the liver and biliary tract;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas;
  • kidney pathology;
  • digestive disorders (vomiting, diarrhea);
  • neurological disorders;
  • intoxication from narcotic substances;
  • constant mouth breathing;
  • stomach diseases (ulcers, gastritis);
  • high body temperature;
  • disease or blockage of the salivary glands;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the hypothalamus;
  • gastrointestinal pathology (appendicitis, cholecystitis, intestinal obstruction);
  • dental diseases.

It is important to know! If a person is healthy, he can also feel thirsty: in summer, in hot weather; women, during breastfeeding; when using drugs or herbs that cause a diuretic effect; after eating salty or fatty foods; with heavy physical exertion and constant sports; if a person does not drink enough liquid during the day; constant presence in an air-conditioned room; stress, anxiety and a sharp release of adrenaline.

Weakness and dry mouth: causes

It happens that xerostomia is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, such as weakness of the whole body, dizziness and fatigue. Most likely, the root cause of this condition is a disorder in the cardiovascular system - hypotension.

Lack of oxygen in the blood causes disturbances in the functioning of systems and organs, including the glands that secrete saliva. This is why people with vegetative-vascular dystonia often suffer from dry mouth and weakness in the body.

Women during menopause are considered a risk factor. Changes hormonal levels affect the mucous tissues of the body and the functioning of the salivary glands. In addition to the above symptoms, headaches, mood swings and impotence are observed.

Weakness in the body and dehydration of the oral cavity may indicate serious pathologies:

  • anemia;
  • formation of benign tumors;
  • leukemia;
  • concussion;
  • infection in the blood;
  • onset of ARVI or influenza;
  • diseases caused by a virus;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • lymphoma.

To avoid serious consequences, it is necessary to start treatment at early stages, so timely contact with a specialist will increase the chances of recovery.

Bitterness and dry mouth: causes

If, in addition to dryness, a person constantly feels bitterness in the mouth, this could probably be a sign of two main disorders:

  1. Liver and gallbladder diseases. If these organs do not function properly, bile may be released and decay products may be absorbed into the blood, after which they enter the salivary glands, remain there and provoke bitterness. Due to the retention of secretions in the gallbladder, thickening begins and stones form. If they begin to move along the channels, the person feels severe pain symptoms in the right hypochondrium and bitterness in the mouth. The list of diseases includes biliary dyskinesia, hepatitis (chronic or toxic).
  2. Disorders of the stomach and pancreas. At increased acidity Acid is released into the esophagus, which causes bitterness and dry mouth, accompanied by sour belching and bad breath. The cause may be gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, gastritis, chronic or acute cholecystitis).

Carefully! Unpleasant sensations in the mouth can be a consequence of HIV infection or side effects from taking medications, especially if a person takes more than two different types at one time.

Dry mouth and burning tongue

During dehydration of the oral cavity, a burning sensation may occur on the tongue and other soft tissues (gums, palate, inner side cheeks, lips). Doctors call this pathology burning tongue syndrome or glossodynia. Most likely, this indicates internal pathologies in the digestive system, especially the release of stomach acid into the esophagus.

In addition to the above disease, there are factors that locally affect the condition of the oral mucosa:

  • eating spicy food;
  • allergy to toothpaste that contains lauryl sulfite;
  • reaction to a low-quality denture, braces or filling;
  • candidiasis in the mouth;
  • chemotherapy for oncology;
  • with a deficiency of vitamin B, zinc and iron in the body;
  • aphthous stomatitis;
  • use of antibiotics;
  • amenorrhea;
  • neurological diseases.

Possible local causes of such discomfort should be removed; if the expected result does not occur, then it is necessary to undergo full examination body.

White tongue and dry mouth: causes

The tongue is a kind of diagnostician of the body’s digestive system, so a white coating signals a violation in digestive system and diseases of the body.

Together with drying of the mucous membrane in the mouth, Plaque on the tongue occurs due to dysfunction of the esophagus, intestines and stomach:

  • colitis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
  • gastritis;
  • reflux esophagitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • inflammation of appendicitis.

Such diagnoses often require surgical intervention, so you should not put off going to the clinic.

In addition to disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, other pathologies can affect the condition of the tongue:

  • intoxication of the body;
  • scarlet fever;
  • dysentery;
  • ARVI;
  • angina;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • diphtheria;
  • gonorrhea;
  • dermatosis;
  • HIV infection;
  • dehydration;
  • Siemens and Brunauer syndromes.

Attention! Plaque on the tongue may indicate a local disease: stomatitis or glossitis; thrush in the mouth; poor oral hygiene; eating sweet foods. You should also pay attention to the functioning of the kidneys, heart and lungs. If the plaque does not go away for a long time and is accompanied by dry mouth, you need to undergo diagnostics and identify the root cause of this disorder.

Nausea and dry mouth: causes

Sometimes after eating a person may feel nausea and xerostomia. This is the first sign of food poisoning and appears long before vomiting or diarrhea.

The cause may also be banal overeating, a strict diet or poor nutrition.

If the unpleasant symptoms disappear after some time, there is no need to worry. If there is constant discomfort, you should carefully study the possible causes of this pathology. This may be caused by gastritis if dizziness and low blood pressure are added to the symptoms.

Girls with such symptoms should rule out or confirm pregnancy, especially with the slightest delay menstrual cycle, because this could be the beginning of toxicosis.

If general weakness, loss of appetite, profuse sweating, a constant feeling of fear and trembling in the hands are added to the unpleasant sensations, you should pay attention to the hormonal state of the body and the functioning of the thyroid gland. Such symptoms indicate serious illnesses and you should not leave the situation to chance, in the hope that everything will go away on its own.

Dry mouth and frequent urination: causes

These symptoms indicate problems with the kidneys and genitourinary system. Acute inflammation of chronic pathologies in these organs often causes disturbances in the regulation of the body's water balance, which results in a constant feeling of thirst and an increase in the amount of urine excreted.

The second cause of discomfort may be diabetes. Increased glucose levels cause increased blood pressure, due to which the flow of necessary fluid from cells to vessels increases.

An increase in volume in the veins contributes to the desire to replenish water reserves, and a feeling of thirst and dry mouth sets in, and this affects the functioning of the kidneys and Bladder, which should remove more water from the body.

Frequent consumption of coffee and alcohol (especially beer) leads to an increase in the urge to go to the toilet. Also diuretics should be avoided and drinks made from rose hips, cranberries, etc. In this case, xerostomia may be caused frequent urges to the toilet and goes away on its own when urination is regulated.

Constant dry mouth after stress: what to do

Often, dry mouth is a concomitant side effect of severe and prolonged stress or depression, and after the condition normalizes, it goes away on its own. But after long-term neurological disorders, it is difficult for the body to recover on its own and it happens that it takes longer than we would like.

To remove an unpleasant symptom, it is necessary to get rid of the original cause - cure stress and other diseases of the nervous system. Contact a specialist, follow his recommendations, and, if necessary, take antidepressants and sedatives.

Walk more fresh air and drink at least 2.5-3 liters of water per day, listen to pleasant and soothing music, and do what you love.

Constant dry mouth is not always a sign of serious pathologies, and may be a consequence of malnutrition. But if such discomfort constantly bothers you, you need to contact a specialist to determine the root cause of the disorder.

Constant dry mouth - the causes of which disease, see this video:

The causes of which disease is constant dry mouth can be found in this video:

Dry mouth at night is a problem that affects many people. This occurs when the salivary glands are unable to produce enough fluid to keep the mouth moist. Saliva helps fight bacteria and acids, which are known to contribute to the development of gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath.

In medicine, insufficient salivation and dry mouth are called xerostomia.

Thus, a lack of saliva in the mouth can be very uncomfortable and can also disrupt normal sleep and negatively affect your oral health. The article discusses the causes of dry mouth at night, such as diabetes, stress, frequent urination, pregnancy, as well as information on home remedies that can be used to control the problem and other treatment options.

Associated symptoms

  • Halitosis (bad breath)
  • Regularly waking up in the middle of the night to drink water
  • burning or
  • Dry mouth after waking up
  • Constantly dry throat
  • Dry lips after waking up
  • Foamy, thick, viscous saliva in the morning.


It is normal for a person to sometimes experience dry mouth. This happens mainly when he is nervous, or when the body is dehydrated. But the persistent problem of dryness should not be taken lightly as it could be a sign of some health condition.

The problem occurs when the salivary glands are unable to produce enough saliva due to dehydration, which is a common occurrence when a person does not consume the required amount of fluid.

Dry mouth can also be caused by the following factors:

  • Sjögren's syndrome is a condition during which the salivary glands are attacked and damaged by the immune system
  • Medications – Various types of medications can cause dry mouth at night. These include diuretics, antihistamines and antidepressants. You should study the instructions to determine whether this problem is a side effect of taking the medicine.
  • Nasal congestion - breathing through the mouth during sleep can cause the mucous membrane to dry out
  • Radiation therapy - such exposure to the neck and head can cause inflammation of the salivary glands.
  • Diabetes is a disease that is known to cause blood sugar levels to rise to extreme levels. In this case, an important additional symptom is severe thirst.

It is necessary to inform your physician or dentist about the observed symptoms. They will help you understand why you are experiencing dry mouth.


Saliva plays a very important role in the mouth and ensures that the mouth remains healthy. Having dryness can cause additional problems, such as:

  • Difficulty swallowing, eating, or speaking
  • Soreness or burning in the mouth
  • Caries and gum disease
  • Dry lips
  • Recurrent mouth infection such as thrush
  • Bad breath
  • Decreased sense of taste.


Saliva is an important component in the mouth as it helps balance acidity levels. It also washes away acid from around your gums and teeth. People suffering from diabetes are known to experience dry mouth at night.

The following symptoms may also be observed:

  • Oral candidiasis (thrush)
  • Inflammation of the gums, known as gingivitis
  • Irritation in the corners of the mouth.

Symptoms of thrush include chapping at the corners of the lips, redness of the tongue, and white patches in the mouth. A diabetic can reduce the impact of this condition by:

  • Frequent use of lip balm to protect against irritation
  • Controlling your blood sugar levels within the recommended range
  • Using an alcohol-free mouthwash or gel
  • Cleaning dentures or braces after meals
  • Trying to maintain a sufficient level of water in the body throughout the day. You may need to carry water with you at all times.


The problem is very common in the first trimester of pregnancy. It tends to get worse at night and may be accompanied by additional symptoms such as:

  • Metallic taste
  • Stuffy, dry nose
  • Stomach upset
  • Chapped lips
  • Hot flashes
  • Headache.

These signs and symptoms may be due to various metabolic and hormonal changes that occur in the body during pregnancy.

Pregnancy-Related Causes of Dry Mouth

  • Use of certain medications
  • Increased blood volume. This forces the kidneys to process more fluid. The end result is dry mouth and frequent urination
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Increased metabolic rate. This causes intense sweating, which leads to increased loss of fluid from the body.
  • Dehydration due to lack of fluid.


Menopause causes significant hormonal changes in women. A decrease in estrogen levels leads to a decrease in the amount of moisture in the mucous membranes. This is the reason why a woman is likely to experience dry eyes and mouth.

Salivary cortisol also increases during menopause. The estrogen hormone regulates cortisol during the day before the menopause phase begins. Decreased estrogen levels mean a weakening of the limiting factor.

Therefore, there will be a burning sensation and dry mouth. You can reduce some menopausal symptoms by taking hormone replacement therapy. However, administration of progesterone may worsen symptoms.

Dry mouth while sleeping

Xerostomia can be caused by many factors. But lack of sufficient moisture during sleep is mainly caused by snoring or sleeping with your mouth open. Other factors that may play a role in the problem include:

  • Side effects of taking medications
  • Stress.

According to the American Dental Association, more than four hundred prescription and over-the-counter medications can cause dry mouth. Frequent occurrence of this problem should be addressed by a professional, regardless of its cause. The mouth requires sufficient supplies of saliva, even during sleep.

Dryness at night and frequent urination

Dry mouth and frequent urination are considered the most common symptoms of diabetes. Blood sugar levels may begin to drop when a person starts taking diabetes medications, insulin, or when their diet changes. This happens because some of the glucose will find its way into the body's cells.

This means that it will not be in the blood, which will lead to the disappearance of these symptoms. Failure to comply with this condition will mean that they will begin to appear again.

Panic attacks at night

Nighttime panic attacks create a lot of anxiety. Among other things, this may be accompanied by a feeling of dry mouth, causing discomfort. The mouth feels sticky when the salivary glands cannot produce enough saliva.

You may also feel like your mouth is not clean. Chewing and swallowing may become worse over time. It is important to see your dentist if you regularly suffer from dry mouth and nighttime anxiety as this can be very harmful.

The problem may in some sense be caused by feelings of anxiety. Symptoms of this condition are likely to flare up each time you have a panic attack and then go away. Stress and anxiety can reduce the amount of saliva in your mouth.

Very dry mouth at night

The reason may be:

  • Age: Dry nights are not a natural part of aging, but a person is likely to take more medications as they get older. Many of these drugs may have side effects.
  • Playing or exercising in the heat: The salivary glands become dry as body fluids will be concentrated in other areas. If you continue this activity, you will experience severe dry mouth and thirst.
  • Cancer treatment: Radiation therapy causes inflammation of the salivary glands. Chemotherapy can also change the nature of saliva, as well as the amount that the body produces.
  • Dehydration: due to the inability to consume enough fluids.
  • Surgery or injury: Injury to the neck or head can lead to this problem.
  • Tobacco use: Smoking or chewing tobacco increases the chances of developing dry mouth.


It is necessary to determine what is causing this problem before trying to get rid of it. The cause must be identified for proper treatment. To reduce dry mouth, you need:

  • Use a humidifier at night
  • Chewing gum to stimulate saliva flow (sugar-free)
  • Use your nose to breathe, not your mouth
  • Limit the amount of caffeine consumed per day
  • Change to other decongestants or antihistamines (in consultation with your doctor)
  • Do not use mouthwash that may contain alcohol as this is one of the causes of dryness.
  • Try a mouthwash designed for this problem
  • Stop using tobacco products
  • Drink water frequently.

Home Remedies

Increase fluid intake

Dehydration is the main cause of this condition. Increasing your fluid intake ensures that the body remains hydrated at all times. Proper hydration ensures that the body is able to produce enough saliva to relieve all symptoms associated with dryness at night.

  • Eat liquid foods, such as soups and stews
  • Drink the required amount of water daily
  • Drink herbal teas, such as chamomile and green tea
  • Include vegetable and fruit juices and cocktails in your diet
  • Take 1-2 glasses of coconut water daily.

Red pepper

Xerostomia, or dry mouth at night, occurs in a large number of people, regardless of gender or age category. Characteristic feature This symptom is something that is often expressed in women during pregnancy, but is almost never diagnosed in children.

A wide range of predisposing factors can cause such an unpleasant symptom, ranging from various pathologies to poor nutrition.

If dry mouth at night is part of the clinical picture of any pathology, then it will certainly be accompanied by many other symptoms, such as weakness, an unpleasant taste in the mouth and nausea.

To determine the cause of the appearance of such a sign, the patient must undergo a series of laboratory and instrumental examinations. Treatment tactics are selected individually, depending on the cause of dry mouth. In most cases, conservative treatment methods are used.


The most common causes of dry mouth at night are:

  • lack of fluid in the body, i.e. dehydration. This condition appears against the background of fever, prolonged vomiting or diarrhea, and is often the result of heavy blood loss or extensive burns. In addition, the banal consumption of a small amount of liquid per day can cause dehydration;
  • disruption of the breathing process, which occurs due to chronic or severe runny nose, deviated nasal septum or adenoids. This forces the person to breathe through the mouth;
  • indiscriminate use of certain medications;
  • eating excessively sweet or salty foods, which helps draw fluid out of cells. Against this background, thirst appears, which entails the appearance of a similar symptom;
  • night snoring leads to drying out of the oral mucosa;
  • getting into human body toxic substances that require a lot of liquid to remove;
  • maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle, in particular, drinking large amounts of alcohol-containing drinks;
  • low air humidity in the room in which a person sleeps;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy.

Against the background of the above factors, nighttime dry mouth is temporary. This feeling can be caused on an ongoing basis by:

  • disruption of the functioning of the salivary glands, which occurs during surgery;
  • irradiation of the body during the treatment of cancer;
  • the onset of menopause in women;
  • retirement age;
  • atrophy of the salivary glands, which occurs due to the use of active disinfectants.

If you experience frequent dryness of the oral mucosa, you should seek help from a clinician, as this can lead to serious illnesses.

Dryness of the oral cavity at night is caused by:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • stroke;
  • disorders of the endocrine system;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • anemia;
  • allergic reactions;
  • Parkinson's syndrome;
  • brain injuries.

In addition, dry mouth can occur due to:

  • the appearance of polyps in the nasal cavity;
  • sinusitis or rhinitis;
  • acute or chronic pancreatitis;
  • duodenitis;
  • gastritis;
  • diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts.

To determine whether dry mouth at night is a sign of illness, you need to consult with specialists. This is due to the fact that such a symptom will provide an opportunity for early diagnosis and elimination of a particular disease.


Depending on the reasons for the appearance of such discomfort at night, it is divided into:

  • physiological – has nothing to do with diseases;
  • pathological – is a symptom of some pathology.

In addition, there are permanent and temporary, as well as severe and moderate dry mouth.


In cases where dry mouth is caused by the presence of a particular disease in a person, it will be accompanied by additional clinical manifestations. These include:

  • peeling of lips;
  • the appearance of a white or yellowish coating on the tongue;
  • pain syndrome of varying intensity localized on the abdomen;
  • severe dizziness;
  • severe thirst that does not go away even after drinking liquid;
  • skin itching;
  • dry mucous membranes of the eyes;
  • increased body temperature;
  • increased brittleness of nails;
  • dullness of hair;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • decreased potency.

Together with the main symptom, the external manifestations described above will provide additional information to the doctor to establish the correct diagnosis.


If dry mouth begins to appear frequently, then this should be an alarming sign and an impetus to seek help.

First of all, you should contact a specialist such as a dental surgeon. During a thorough examination, he will conduct:

  • how well the salivary glands function;
  • assessment of viscosity and transparency of secretions.

After examination, stones in the ducts or damage to the salivary glands by an infectious process are most often discovered.

If the causes of the occurrence do not lie in such pathologies, then the doctor will prescribe additional examinations by a gastroenterologist, immunologist or ENT doctor.

To clarify the diagnosis, laboratory tests are often used, namely:

  • general analysis and blood biochemistry;
  • general urine analysis.

A comprehensive diagnosis necessarily includes instrumental examinations - CT, ultrasound, MRI, radiography with or without contrast, as well as a biopsy.


Dry mouth at night causes and elimination are two main factors that are closely interrelated.

Eliminating such unpleasant sign carried out using a conservative method, namely:

  • First of all, you need to drink liquid. For this, ordinary purified or boiled water is best suited. If you drink other drinks, your mouth will become dry for a short period of time;
  • taking medications aimed at increasing salivation and eliminating additional symptoms;
  • the use of inhalations with herbal medicines;
  • sucking sour candies - helps improve saliva production.

In addition, they have a good effect folk remedies, which involve performing inhalations using such medicinal plants, How:

  • mint and lemon balm;
  • calendula and chamomile.

For treatment, you can use both a collection of herbs and plants individually.

Surgical elimination of the causes of dry mouth at night is resorted to if a radical resolution of the pathological process is necessary.


Dryness of the oral cavity at night can indicate dangerous conditions that, if not treated in a timely manner, are fraught with consequences.

The most common complications are:

  • change in taste;
  • thrush;
  • the appearance of an inflammatory process in the oral cavity;
  • disruption of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • caries;
  • the appearance of ulcerative and purulent lesions in the mouth;
  • stomatitis and gingivitis.


To avoid such a problem, people need to follow several rules.