Standard 40.02 01 basic level. Social right provision. Advantages of studying at the VGUES branch in Nakhodka

Qualification - lawyer

The graduate is ready for independent professional activity in the field social protection rights of citizens: monitor compliance with laws and regulations, carry out social, legal and judicial protection of citizens in the field of social security, possess a package of documents for the appointment of pensions, benefits, compensation and other payments, be able to establish, assign, recalculate, index and make adjustments to social payments.

The graduate is able to develop documents of a legal nature, create and maintain personalized records of documentation for state pension insurance, inform and consult citizens and officials on the application of legislative acts in the field of social protection of the population, and master ethical and legal standards.

A graduate who has mastered a professional program is able to competently qualify facts and circumstances from a legal point of view, perform a legal action in strict accordance with the law, know Russian legislation and the practice of its application, and navigate the specialized literature.

A graduate, a specialist lawyer, can apply his knowledge in organizations and enterprises of any organizational and legal form, in the bodies of the Russian Pension Fund system, in non-state pension funds, in bodies and services for social protection of the population, as well as in the system of internal affairs bodies, in self-government bodies.

Graduates are invited:

  • 9th grade with a period of study of 2 years 10 minutes - full-time education,
  • 11th grades with duration of study:
  • 1 year 10 minutes – full-time education,

    2 years 10 months – correspondence course

Educational materials



Human resources department inspector

Passport office specialist

Assistant lawyer

Social Security Legal Assistant

Service delivery specialist at MFC

Specialist of the government procurement department

Russian Pension Fund Specialist

Legal Advisor

Social Security Lawyer

Professional achievements

Melkonyan David Araikovich from 2007 to 2010. - Studied at the College of Law (diploma with honors). In 2014 he graduated from the Law Institute of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Moscow. State University Ways of Communication (MIIT) (specialty - jurisprudence, qualified as a lawyer).

David Araikovich has had legal practice since 2009: 2 years in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Assistant to the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly Russian Federation. He worked for several years at the Law Firm “Legal Consultant”, as the head of the department of judicial representatives. Currently is General Director Moscow Legal Center "Vector".

In addition, David Araikovich has letters of gratitude from the Government of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the federal press and the media; is a Member of the Russian Lawyers Association and a Judge of the Federal Arbitration Court, included in the TOP 10 best lawyers in Moscow according to the Mosnews portal.

College student Marina Storozhenko, graduated in 2018 with a degree in Law and Social Security Organization. She underwent industrial and pre-graduation practice from the college in judicial district No. 271 of the Lefortovo district of Moscow, after which the judge thanked her for the work done and offered her to become the head of the office of this district. Despite having to wait two months until she came of age, they still did not look for another candidate for the position.



Average professional education:

Type of training: In absentia using distance learning technologies

Issued document: State Diploma

Qualification: Lawyer

Next group recruitment: April May

Enroll in SYNERGY University


Hours: 3 years 10 months

based on general

Find out the cost

Hours: 2 years 10 months

based on average

Find out the cost

Learning remotely
installment plan
Guarantee of legitimacy

Diploma in the database

Center additional education provides training services within the framework of the training program "". The specially developed educational program for this program includes a complete list of all necessary subjects. The main target audience of the presented program are persons who wish to obtain secondary vocational education. The full training program is designed for 2 years and 10 months or 3 years and 10 months.

When creating educational programs, the Center for Continuing Education is guided by the wishes of students, as well as the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-F3, professional standards and qualification requirements.

A student who has completed the entire course of study and successfully passed the final test for this program receives Diploma, confirming his professional level.


Block 1. General questions

Distance learning is online learning via the Internet. The World Wide Web allows you to exchange information instantly, create the necessary databases, collect in one place the required amount of information materials and make them available to everyone around the world. Distance learning is an independent form of learning in which information technology is the leading means.

Popularity distance learning is gaining enormous momentum and there are a lot of reasons, for example:

  • Learning using distance learning technologies provides a wide audience reach.
  • Anyone can study remotely, regardless of their actual location.
  • Distance learning is not tied to the location of the training sessions (building, classroom, etc.); training is conducted online via the Internet.
  • Saving time and financial resources, without the cost of transportation, accommodation, etc.
  • And, most importantly, training can be combined with any other activity.

Distance learning and e-learning are slightly different concepts.

Electronic learning (e-learning) is the use of new approaches to learning, among which the main task is the use of information technology (IT) and the Internet.

Distance learning is a broader concept that includes various forms and types. Its main difference is training literally “at a distance.”

The form of education at the Krasnodar Multidisciplinary Institute of Continuing Education for distance programs of additional vocational education is correspondence with the use of distance educational technologies in full.

Distance learning is a new term of our time, but it originated with the advent of postal communication. High Internet speeds have made it possible to take remote learning opportunities to a new level. The time has come for new technologies, a new concept of “E-Learning” has appeared - remote learning on the Internet using the most modern programs.

Today, training programs that can be mastered online are gradually replacing full-time and part-time forms of education. More and more educational organizations around the world are introducing online learning for the convenience of their students.

The distance format allows you to structure the educational process more flexibly, exactly as it suits you!

The learning process is structured in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on education (Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 23, 2017 No. 816 “On approval of the Procedure for application by organizations engaged in educational activities, e-learning, distance educational technologies in the implementation of educational programs”, others regulations Russian Federation).

Educational programs are developed in accordance with professional standards and qualification requirements.

Students who have passed the admission procedure are formed into separate groups according to their specialties. Training is conducted online (from English on-line - interactive) via the Internet on our educational portal. To complete the training you need Personal Computer(or other computer device) with Internet access.

Students are provided with a key to the educational portal and access to its resources: materials for familiarization, video trainings and webinars, interactive tests and assignments

Today, online learning is a unique opportunity to independently gain additional knowledge and improve professional competencies using the latest information technologies.

Distance learning is ideal for active and creative individuals, working people, young mothers, and those who live far from large cities.

Block 2. Organizational issues of distance learning

“The duration of training is individual for different programs. Professional retraining programs at the Krasnodar Multidisciplinary Institute of Continuing Education range from 256 to 1150 academic hours. Advanced training programs are developed in the number of hours from 18 to 200 hours. It is possible to develop a program individually (upon request) Part 6 of Art. 76 Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 2013 No. 499 on approval of the Procedure for organization and implementation educational activities for additional professional programs (clause 12)"

For advanced training, it is assumed that the student already has a secondary vocational or higher education, for which advanced training is necessary.

For retraining, it is assumed that the student has a basic secondary vocational or higher education. In this case, the learning process during retraining affects only professional disciplines, but does not cover the basic and mandatory ones for secondary vocational and higher education in general (i.e. history, foreign languages, etc.).

The electronic course is convenient, inexpensive and, most importantly, quick way training based on educational text materials, multimedia and interactive applications (their availability depends on the course program). The entire process is subject to the curriculum; upon completion of training, a final certification is carried out and a diploma of the established form or a certificate of advanced training is issued, confirming the receipt of additional qualifications.

You don’t need to come to enroll; this is the main advantage of distance learning. You also do not need to come to the sessions to take the final exams. Educational process Conducted entirely online on the educational portal. All organizational issues can be resolved through telephone conversations, correspondence by e-mail, instant messengers (WhatsApp, Viber) or postal service.

For e-learning you only need a computer or tablet device and Internet access. It may be necessary to install a number of standard programs necessary for training (for example, MS Office package, etc. as recommended).

The E-Learning process is based on content – ​​electronic content.

Content refers to digital textbooks and recorded lectures. These are texts and diagrams, photographs, images, videos. Currently, educational simulators and the possibility of creating virtual reality at the level of information technology are being widely introduced.

Block 3: How the classes work

Classes are held on the basis of an educational portal, where you are assigned a personal password and you find everything you need. Just open Required documents, study, save to your computer or print if necessary.

Classes can be individual or joint. In the first case, this is your independent work, completing assignments to study materials. Classes are held on the basis of an educational portal, where you are assigned a personal password and you find everything you need. Simply open the necessary documents, study, save to your computer or print if necessary. Video lectures, depending on the type of download, can also be downloaded to your PC or viewed on the educational portal in your personal account or YouTube.

The second type of classes are online events (webinars, conferences) based on pre-generated lists of participants, when students and teachers gather at the same time in one virtual place and consider certain issues together. Such classes are very close to real classrooms: you can see and hear the teacher, communicate with colleagues, only all actions take place on your computer monitor in real time.

No, a permanent Internet connection is not required. Training materials can be downloaded and saved on your computer device, and, if necessary, printed. A stable Internet connection is required only when participating in webinars and taking test tasks.

A webinar is a live video conference with a presentation by one or more speakers. The webinar is accompanied by a chat, questions are asked to the speaker, and discussions are held. Webinars are prepared in advance, the organizers notify students about the time of the webinar and issue an access code to it via e-mail

Self-training is the main component of distance learning programs. Independent work is required to obtain practical skills, deepen and consolidate knowledge and information, as well as to develop the most important professional competencies. You are given the opportunity to study lecture material, recommended literature - textbooks, digitized in the course database. Also, you can watch educational films, videos and listen to audio recordings of lectures. Recordings of previously held webinars and video conferences serve as interesting and educational material for self-study.

All educational material on the training portal is divided into blocks. Testing, as a rule, is expected at the end of each such block (from 3 to 10 questions). Upon completion of the training, the student is asked to take an extended test (final certification). If the student answers incorrectly, the system recommends that he re-study certain material and is given an additional attempt to pass the test. /collapse]

Practical training is mostly provided for in professional retraining programs. When performing practical work, it is possible to use any available sources of information, but direct copying of texts (except for quoting) and plagiarism are not allowed. If any are detected by the verification systems of the educational portal, the written exam will not be considered passed.

Block 4: Paperwork

You can enroll in distance learning without visiting an educational organization using e-mail and traditional mail. Please choose a training program on our website. Here you will find a description of the training program, curriculum, as well as information about teachers. Leave a request in electronic form and we will contact you as soon as possible!

Enrollment occurs as follows:

  1. You send scanned copies by email:
    — copies of the passport (main page and with registration/registration data),
    – basic document of education (diploma with attachments),
    — marriage certificate (or certificate of change of data, if the full name has been changed).
    We will also need scanned copies (their templates will be sent to you upon request by a specialist from the educational organization):
    - applications for admission,
    — an agreement signed by you on the provision of educational services,
    — consent to processing personal data,
    - statements,
    — consent to send a document on education by mail. Or, if you wish, you can come to our office in person.”
  2. After registering the contract, the specialist will send you a receipt with its assigned number and indicating your data (full name).
  3. The specialist transfers the completed package of your documents to the training department, and an order for enrollment in training is generated. Based on the order, your login and password are generated to access the educational portal for the training program you have chosen, about which we send you electronic message to the e-mail you specified in the application.
  4. If you need the original contract, then the completed and signed form in an envelope must be sent by mail (the address is indicated in the contract). We will also send you the original contract signed on our part, as well as the original certificate of enrollment (provided upon request).

The original diploma is sent by mail by registered certified letter with notification to the address specified by you in the application - consent to send the education document by mail. A specialist from the training department will call you first to verify it. Or, if you wish, you can come to our office in person.

Block 5. Distance professional retraining

Students in distance vocational retraining programs most often become adults, successfully and steadily working people. Often, retraining is required for people who do not work in accordance with their main diploma, but for some reason occupy related positions. So, for example, a universal teacher becomes a defectologist, a child psychologist retrains as a speech therapist, etc. A specialist receives a diploma that provides official qualifications and new knowledge that helps to grow professionally. It happens that the main specialty becomes irrelevant after five to seven or another number of years, then retraining allows you to quickly get a new profession and find employment in another field.

Distance retraining is ideal for working people. You will not need to go on vacation during the sessions; you can study without interrupting your work process and without significantly changing your usual lifestyle. Flexible free schedule is the main advantage. Distance learning is also great for young mothers - study right with your baby on your lap, you can be distracted at any time. Geographical boundaries are not limited, i.e. even being in the most remote outback, you can get an education in a prestigious educational organization. The main thing you need is Internet access.

Retraining programs and courses are available to specialists with secondary vocational, higher, or incomplete higher education. If you enroll on the basis of incomplete higher education (while studying at a university), you will receive a diploma of professional retraining simultaneously with a university diploma, i.e. It is impossible to obtain a professional retraining diploma before completing your studies at a university.

Distance learning is not particularly difficult. The program interface is intuitive, your actions are already planned in advance: press the buttons that the system prompts you, open files, follow links. The technical support department will certainly help you with setting up the necessary programs, and you can easily solve any difficulties with our specialists. Already during the first lessons of the distance learning program, you will understand the logic of the process and will feel confident in front of the monitor. The interface of the educational portal is quite simple and is aimed at a wide range of users.

Distance learning suits most people with a wide variety of personalities and personal characteristics. Passionate and creative people with a high level of motivation and a desire to learn as much as possible find it entertaining.

There are also students who do not really like to study. Note that they also find the e-learning process quite exciting - the new form of delivery greatly diversifies even traditional programs. Distance courses and training programs are developed on the basis of current information, current legislation, taking into account professional standards and qualification requirements. Lectures and all educational materials are updated as legislation changes and new trends and information emerge. It is much faster to update electronic learning materials than to republish a printed publication (textbook, monograph, etc.). Each innovation (in legislation, in science, in practice) can be quickly reflected in the materials of the distance program. New technologies inherent in distance learning contribute to the elimination of illiteracy in provincial areas, which is still relevant for our country. Thus, distance education is free access to up-to-date information and knowledge!

Yes, sure. Based on international treaties on mutual recognition of educational documents. If the Russian Federation does not have such a treaty/agreement with the country of which you are a citizen, then enrollment may require nostrification of your main diploma (confirmation of education, a procedure established by law).

Tuition costs vary. In state educational organizations you can enroll in budget places, in private - such an opportunity, as a rule, is not available. The quality of training in private educational organizations that value their reputation, responsibly approach the selection of teaching staff and have experience in educational activities ensures the survival of the organization. The services of a private educational organization simply must meet all the necessary requirements in order to withstand competition in the educational services market.


QUALIFICATION - "Lawyer". Those who have completed grades 9, 10, 11 can enter the College of Law in Moscow by transferring from another college. To enter the specialty of law and organization of social security, a certificate of basic education is required. Training at the Faculty of Law and Organization of Social Security is conducted in three forms of training: full-time, part-time (weekend group), part-time (distance learning). Based on the results of passing tests, exams, and defending a thesis, graduates receive a state diploma.


Full-time college education built on personal contact between teacher and student. Classes are held five times a week from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 16.00 hours depending on the schedule. The total number of classroom hours is at least 36 per week. Each group has its own curator who maintains contact with parents and comprehensively helps the student. Admission to full-time (full-time) education is possible after grades 9 and 11 by transfer from another technical school or college.Benefits for full-time college education. A student enrolled in full-time study at a college is provided with all the benefits provided. This includes a deferment from the army, preferential travel, and payment with maternity capital.


There are several ways to implement distance learning for those who are not able to attend classes every day. A weekend group is one of the most popular ways to get a college education.It provides an opportunity to consolidate practical experience acquired in the process of work with theoretical knowledge.Weekend group classes are held once a week on Saturdays in accordance with the schedule. Studying in a weekend group is an opportunity to effectively and profitably combine study with work and everyday life. Admission to a weekend group is possible after grades 9, 11, by transfer from another technical school or college.


Distance learning students are graduates of grades 9 and 11, as well as graduates of colleges and universities. The duration of training depends on the level of previous education. By studying remotely in college, the student has more freedom of choice. You can choose the right pace, convenient time, and in some cases, suitable topics. An individual approach is indeed a very big advantage. There are holidays, January - February in winter, July - August in summer. By studying online, there is no need to frequently travel to sessions, rent housing, or change the usual rhythm of life.


After receiving a “lawyer” diploma, graduates can enter institutes to continue their studies in an abbreviated form. Admission to universities takes place without passing the Unified State Exam and internal tests. The duration of training is from 3 to 4 years, depending on the form of training.


Starting from the second year, students of the Faculty of Law undergo educational and practical training. The internship of college students takes place in specialized companies and organizations in Moscow. Student knowledge is assumed in English at the Elementary level.


For those entering college to major in law and organization of social security after grades 9-11, preparatory courses are organized in parallel with their studies at school. The college also prepares students for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam. Classes are held from October to May, once a week (weekend group).

“Admission to the Moscow Law College of Law - Quality of Education and Successful Career!“

First among equals. Our choice is quality, availability, confidence, reliability. Join us!

College of Law (legal) after 9th grade

College of Law (legal)after 11th grade

In accordance with subclause 5.2.41 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 3, 2013 No. 466 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 23, Art. 2923; No. 33, Art. 4386 ; No. 37, Article 4702; 2014, No. 2, Article 126; No. 6, Article 582), paragraph 17 of the Rules for the development, approval of federal state educational standards and amendments to them, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2013 No. 661 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 33, Art. 4377), I order:

Table 1

3.3. The time frame for obtaining SVE for advanced training is one year longer than the period for obtaining SVE for basic training.

The deadlines for obtaining SVE for PPSSZ in-depth training in full-time education and the assigned qualifications are given in.

table 2

* Regardless of the educational technologies used.

** Educational organizations that train mid-level specialists on the basis of the basic general education, implement the federal state educational standard of secondary general education within the framework of the PPSSZ, including taking into account the acquired specialty of secondary vocational education.

The time frame for obtaining SVE for basic and advanced training in PPSSZ, regardless of the educational technologies used, increases:

a) for students in full-time and part-time forms of study:

on the basis of secondary general education - for no more than 1 year;

on the basis of basic general education - no more than 1.5 years;

b) for disabled people and persons with disabilities health - no more than 10 months.

IV. Characteristics of professional activities of graduates

4.1. Area of ​​professional activity of graduates: implementation legal norms in the social sphere, implementation of state powers for pension provision, state and municipal powers for social protection of the population.

4.2. The objects of professional activity of graduates are:

legal documents;

databases of recipients of pensions, benefits and social support measures for certain categories of citizens and families registered;

pensions, benefits, compensation and other payments falling within the competence of bodies and institutions of social protection of the population, as well as bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;

state and municipal services to individuals, families and categories of citizens in need of social support and protection.

4.3. A lawyer (basic training) prepares for the following types of activities:

4.3.1. Ensuring the implementation of citizens' rights in the field of pensions and social protection.

4.3.2. Organizational support for the activities of social protection institutions and bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

4.4. A lawyer (in-depth training) prepares for the following types of activities:

4.4.1. Ensuring the implementation of citizens' rights in the field of pensions and social protection.

4.4.2. Organizational support for the activities of social protection institutions and bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

4.4.3. Judicial and legal protection of citizens in the field of social protection and pensions.

4.4.4. Social and legal protection of citizens.

V. Requirements for the results of mastering the training program for mid-level specialists

5.1. A lawyer (basic training) must have general competencies, including the ability to:

OK 2. Organize your own activities, choose standard methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and take responsibility for them.

OK 4. Search and use information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

OK 6. Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and consumers.

OK 7. Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), the result of completing tasks.

5.2. A lawyer (basic training) must have professional competencies corresponding to the following types of activities:

5.2.1. Ensuring the implementation of citizens' rights in the field of pensions and social protection.

5.2.2. Organizational support for the activities of social protection institutions and bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

5.3. A lawyer (advanced training) must have general competencies, including the ability to:

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in it.

OK 2. Organize your own activities, determine methods and means of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK 3. Solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.

OK 4. Search, analyze and evaluate information necessary for setting and solving professional problems, professional and personal development.

OK 5. Use information and communication technologies to improve professional activities.

OK 6. Work in a team and team, ensure its cohesion; communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and consumers.

OK 7. Set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control their work, taking responsibility for the results of completing tasks.

OK 8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan professional development.

OK 9. Navigate in the context of constant changes in the legal framework.

OK 10. Follow the basics healthy image life, labor protection requirements.

OK 11. Observe business etiquette, culture and psychological foundations of communication, norms and rules of behavior.

OK 12. Show intolerance towards corrupt behavior.

5.4. A lawyer (in-depth training) must have professional competencies corresponding to the following types of activities:

5.4.1. Ensuring the implementation of citizens' rights in the field of pensions and social protection.

PC 1.1. Carry out professional interpretation of regulatory legal acts to implement the rights of citizens in the field of pensions and social protection.

PC 1.2. Receive citizens on issues of pensions and social protection.

PC 1.3. Consider a package of documents for the appointment of pensions, benefits, compensation, other payments, as well as social support measures for certain categories of citizens in need of social protection.

PC 1.4. Establish (assign, recalculate, transfer), index and adjust pensions, assign benefits, compensation and other social payments using information and computer technologies.

PC 1.5. Carry out the formation and storage of files of recipients of pensions, benefits and other social payments.

PC 1.6. Consult citizens and representatives legal entities on issues of pensions and social protection.

5.4.2. Organizational support for the activities of social protection institutions and bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

PC 2.1. Maintain databases of recipients of pensions, benefits, compensation and other social payments, as well as services and benefits, up to date.

PC 2.2. Identify people in need of social protection and keep track of them using information and computer technologies.

PC 2.3. Organize and coordinate social work with individuals, categories of citizens and families in need of social support and protection.

5.4.3. Judicial and legal protection of citizens in the field of social protection and pensions.

PC 3.1. Analyze practical situations, establish signs of offenses and correctly qualify them, give them a legal assessment, using periodicals and special publications, reference books, information reference and legal systems.

PC 3.2. Take the necessary measures to restore the violated rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens.

PC 3.3. Draw up statements, requests, draft responses to them, procedural documents using information reference and legal systems.

PC 3.4. To create, using information reference and legal systems, a package of documents necessary for decision-making by an authorized body or official.

PC 3.5. Monitor judicial practice Constitutional, Supreme, Higher Arbitration Courts in the field of social protection and pension provision for the purpose of uniform application of legislation, using information reference and legal systems.

5.4.4. Social and legal protection of citizens.

PC 4.1. Plan work on social protection of the population, determine its content, forms and methods.

PC 4.2. Provide legal, social assistance and services to individuals, categories of citizens and families in need of social protection.

PC 4.3. Conduct monitoring and analysis of social processes (conditions, causes, motives for manifestation) in the municipality.

PC 4.4. Research and analyze activities regarding the state of social and legal protection of certain categories of citizens.

PC 4.5. Promote the integration of the activities of various state and public organizations and institutions in order to ensure social security of the population.

VI. Requirements for the structure of the training program for mid-level specialists

6.1. PPSSZ provides for the study of the following educational cycles:

general humanitarian and socio-economic;

mathematical and general natural sciences;


and sections:

educational practice;

industrial practice (according to specialty profile);

production practice (pre-graduation);

intermediate certification;

state final certification.

6.2. The obligatory part of PPSSZ for educational cycles should be about 70 percent of the total amount of time allotted for their development. The variable part (about 30 percent) provides the opportunity to expand and (or) deepen training, determined by the content of the mandatory part, to obtain additional competencies, skills and knowledge necessary to ensure the competitiveness of the graduate in accordance with the demands of the regional labor market and opportunities for continuing education. Disciplines, interdisciplinary courses and professional modules of the elective part are determined by the educational organization.

The general humanitarian and socio-economic, mathematical and general natural science educational cycles consist of disciplines.

The professional educational cycle consists of general professional disciplines and professional modules in accordance with the types of activities. A professional module includes one or more interdisciplinary courses. When students master professional modules, educational and (or) practical training is carried out (according to the specialty profile).

6.3. The mandatory part of the general humanitarian and socio-economic educational cycle of the PPSSZ basic training should include the study of the following compulsory disciplines: “Fundamentals of Philosophy”, “History”, “Foreign Language”, “ Physical Culture"; in-depth training - “Fundamentals of Philosophy”, “History”, “Psychology of Communication”, “Foreign Language”, “Physical Education”.

A mandatory part of the professional educational cycle of PPSSZ, both basic and advanced training, should include the study of the discipline “Life Safety”. The volume of hours for the discipline “Life Safety” is 68 hours, of which 48 hours are for mastering the basics of military service.

6.4. When determining the structure of the educational program and the complexity of its development, an educational organization can use a system of credit units, with one credit unit corresponding to 36 academic hours.

Table 3

Structure of the training program for mid-level specialists in basic training

2268 1512
OGSE.00 510 340
48 OGSE.01. Fundamentals of Philosophy
be able to: navigate the current economic, political and cultural situation in Russia and the world; identify the interconnection of domestic, regional, global socio-economic, political and cultural problems; know: the main directions of development of key regions of the world at the turn of the century (XX and XXI centuries); the essence and causes of local, regional, interstate conflicts at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st centuries. the main processes (integration, multicultural, migration and others) of political and economic development of leading states and regions of the world; the purpose of the UN, NATO, EU and other organizations and the main directions of their activities; on the role of science, culture and religion in preserving and strengthening national and state traditions; content and purpose of the most important regulatory legal acts of global and regional importance; 48 OGSE.02. Story
be able to: communicate (orally and in writing) in foreign language on professional and everyday topics; translate (with a dictionary) foreign professional texts; independently improve oral and written speech, expand your vocabulary; meaning: lexical (1200-1400 lexical units) and grammatical minimum required for reading and translating (with a dictionary) foreign professional texts; 122 OGSE.03. Foreign language
244 122 OGSE.04. Physical Culture , , ,
EN.00 150 100
As a result of studying the mandatory part of the educational cycle, the student must be able to: solve problems of finding the derivative of a complex function, derivatives of the second and higher orders; apply basic integration methods when solving problems; apply methods of mathematical analysis when solving problems of an applied nature, including professional ones; know: basic concepts and methods of mathematical analysis; basic numerical methods for solving applied problems; EN.01. Mathematics ,
be able to: use basic system software products; use applied software general purpose for processing text, graphic, numerical information; know: the basic concepts of automated information processing, the general composition and structure of personal electronic computers (hereinafter referred to as computers) and computer systems; basic system software products and application software packages for processing text, graphic, numerical and tabular information. EN.02. Computer science , ,
P.00 1608 1072
OP.00 1144 762
, , , ,
be able to: differentiate executive (administrative) activities from other types of government activities; draw up various administrative and legal documents; distinguish subjects of executive and administrative activities from others; distinguish administrative-legal relations from other legal relations; analyze and apply in practice the norms of administrative legislation; provide consulting assistance to subjects of administrative legal relations; Logically and competently express and justify your point of view on administrative and legal issues; know: the concept and sources of administrative law; concept and types of administrative legal norms; concepts government controlled And civil service; the composition of an administrative offense, the procedure for bringing to administrative responsibility, types of administrative penalties, the concept and types of administrative-legal relations; concept and types of subjects of administrative law; administrative legal status of subjects of administrative law; , , , , , , 2.4
, , ,
be able to: apply labor legislation in practice; analyze and prepare proposals for resolving labor disputes; analyze and solve legal problems in the field of labor relations; analyze and prepare proposals for improving the legal activities of the organization; know: normative legal acts regulating social relations in labor law; content of Russian labor law; rights and obligations of workers and employers; the procedure for concluding, terminating and amending employment contracts; types of employment contracts; content of labor discipline; procedure for resolving labor disputes; types of working time and rest time; forms and systems of remuneration of workers; basics of labor protection; the procedure and conditions for the material liability of the parties to the employment contract; OP.05. Labor law , , , 1.8, , 2.5
be able to: apply regulatory legal acts in practice when resolving practical situations; draw up contracts, powers of attorney; provide legal assistance to subjects of civil legal relations; analyze and solve legal problems in the field of civil relations; logically and competently express and justify your point of view on civil law topics; know: the concept and main sources of civil law; concept and features of civil law relations; subjects and objects of civil law; the content of civil rights, the procedure for their implementation and protection; concept, types and conditions of validity of transactions; main categories of the institution of representation; the concept and rules for calculating deadlines, including the limitation period; legal concept of ownership, forms and types of ownership, grounds for the emergence and termination of ownership rights, contractual and non-contractual obligations; basic issues of inheritance law; civil liability; OP.06. Civil law , , , , , ,
be able to: apply regulatory legal acts when resolving practical situations; draw up a marriage contract and alimony agreement; provide legal assistance in order to restore violated rights; analyze and solve legal problems in the field of family legal relations; know: basic concepts and sources of family law; content of the main institutions of family law OP.07. Family law , , , , , , , , ,
OP.08. Civil process , , , , ,
OP.09. Insurance business , , ,
be able to: collect and process information necessary for orientation in one’s professional activities; present statistical information in the form of tables, graphs and diagrams; calculate basic statistical indicators; analyze statistical information and draw appropriate conclusions; know: the legislative framework on the organization of state statistical reporting and responsibility for violating the procedure for its presentation; modern structure of state statistics bodies; sources of statistical information; economic and statistical methods for processing accounting and statistical information; statistical patterns and dynamics of socio-economic processes occurring in the country; OP.10. Statistics
be able to: calculate the main technical and economic indicators of the organization’s activities in accordance with the accepted methodology; evaluate the efficiency of using the organization's main resources; know: legislative and other regulatory legal acts regulating the organizational and economic activities of organizations of various organizational and legal forms; composition and content of the organization’s material, technical, labor and financial resources; main aspects of the development of organizations as economic entities in a market economy; material, technical, labor and financial resources of the organization, indicators of their effective use; pricing mechanisms for products (services), forms of remuneration in modern conditions; economics of the social sphere and its features; OP.11. Economics of the organization , 2.4
be able to: direct the activities of a structural unit of the organization to achieve common goals; make decisions on organizing the implementation of organizational tasks facing the structural unit; motivate members of the structural unit to effectively perform work in accordance with the powers delegated to them; apply business communication techniques in professional activities; know: features of modern management; functions, types and psychology of management; basics of organizing the work of a team of performers; principles of business communication in a team; features of management organization in the field of professional activity; information technologies in management; OP.12. Management , , , , 2.4
be able to: draw up organizational and administrative documents in accordance with the current GOST; carry out processing of incoming, internal and outgoing documents, monitoring their execution; draw up documents for transfer to the organization’s archives; know: the concept of a document, its properties, methods of documentation; rules for the preparation and execution of organizational and administrative documents (hereinafter referred to as ORD); system and standard technology for documentation support of management (hereinafter referred to as DOU); features of paperwork based on citizens' requests and confidential paperwork; OP.13. Documentation support for management , , ,
OP.14. Information technologies in professional activities ,
68 OP.15. Life safety ,
PM.00 Professional modules 464 310
PM.01 Ensuring the implementation of citizens' rights in the field of pension provision and social protection As a result of studying the professional module, the student must: have practical experience in: analyzing current legislation in the field of pension provision and social protection; reception of citizens on issues of pensions and social protection; determination of the right, size and terms of appointment labor pensions , state pensions, benefits, compensation, monthly cash payments and maternity (family) capital; formation of pension and personal files of recipients of pensions and benefits, other social benefits and their storage; use of computer programs for the appointment of pensions and benefits, social payments, accounting and consideration of pension applications of citizens; determining the right to recalculation, transfer from one type of pension to another, indexation and adjustment of labor pensions, state pensions, indexation of benefits, compensation, monthly cash payments and maternity (family) capital and other social benefits; determining the right to provide services and social support measures to certain categories of citizens; informing citizens and officials about changes in the field of pensions and social protection of the population; communication with elderly people and people with disabilities; public speaking and verbal argumentation of a position; be able to: analyze current legislation in the field of pension provision, the assignment of benefits, compensation, the provision of services and social support measures to certain categories of citizens in need of social protection using information reference and legal systems; accept documents necessary for the establishment of pensions, benefits, compensation, monthly cash payments, maternity (family) capital and other social payments necessary for the establishment of pensions, benefits and other social payments; determine the list of documents necessary to establish pensions, benefits, compensation, monthly cash payments, maternity (family) capital and other social benefits; explain the procedure for obtaining missing documents and the deadlines for their provision; determine the right, size and timing of assignment of labor pensions, state pensions, benefits, compensation, monthly cash payments and maternity (family) capital using information reference and legal systems; create pension affairs; cases of recipients of benefits, monthly cash payments, maternity (family) capital and other social payments; draw up draft responses to written requests from citizens using information reference and legal systems, keep records of requests; use computer programs for assigning and paying pensions, benefits and other social benefits; advise citizens and representatives of legal entities on issues of pension provision and social protection, using information reference and legal systems; request information about the contents of individual personal accounts of insured persons and analyze the information received about work experience, wages and insurance premiums; draw up draft decisions on the refusal to grant pensions, benefits, compensation, maternity (family) capital, monthly cash payments, the provision of services and other social benefits, using information reference and legal systems; carry out an assessment of the pension rights of insured persons, including taking into account special work experience; use periodicals and special publications, reference literature in professional activities; inform citizens and officials about changes in the field of pensions and social protection of the population; provide consulting assistance to citizens on issues of medical and social examination; explain the essence of mental processes and their changes in people with disabilities and the elderly; correctly organize psychological contact with clients (consumers of services); give a psychological description of the individual, apply business communication techniques and rules of behavior culture; follow ethical rules, norms and principles in professional activities; know: the content of regulatory legal acts at the federal, regional and municipal levels governing the establishment of pensions, benefits and other social benefits, the provision of services; concepts and types of labor pensions, state pensions, benefits, monthly cash payments (hereinafter - EDV), additional material support, other social benefits, conditions for their appointment, amounts and terms; legal regulation in the field of medical and social examination; basic concepts and categories of medical and social expertise; the main functions of public service institutions for medical and social examination; legal significance of expert opinions of medical and social examination; structure of labor pensions; the concept and types of social services and assistance to needy citizens; state standards of social services; the procedure for providing social services and other social benefits; the procedure for the formation of pension and personal files of recipients of pensions, benefits, monthly cash payments, maternity (family) capital and other social payments; computer programs for assigning pensions, benefits, considering oral and written requests from citizens; ways to inform citizens and officials about changes in the field of pensions and social protection; basic concepts of general psychology, the essence of mental processes; basics of personality psychology; modern ideas about personality, its structure and age-related changes; features of the psychology of disabled and elderly people; Basic Rules professional ethics and techniques of business communication in a team. MDK.01.01. Social security law MDK.01.02. Psychology of socio-legal activity , , , ,
PM.02 Organizational support for the activities of social protection institutions and bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation As a result of studying the professional module, the student must: have practical experience: maintaining an up-to-date database of recipients of pensions, benefits, compensation, services, benefits and other social payments using computer technology; identification and registration of persons in need of social protection; organizing and coordinating social work with individuals, families and categories of citizens in need of social support and protection using computer and telecommunication technologies; consulting citizens and representatives of legal entities on issues of pension provision and social protection of the population using computer and telecommunication technologies; participation in the organizational and managerial work of structural divisions of bodies and institutions for social protection of the population, bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation; be able to: maintain up-to-date databases of recipients of pensions, benefits, compensation, services and other social benefits using computer technology; identify and register persons in need of social protection; participate in the organizational and managerial work of structural divisions of bodies and institutions of social protection of the population, bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation; interact in the process of work with executive authorities, organizations, institutions, public organizations; collect and analyze information for statistical and other reporting; identify from the database persons in need of measures of state social support and assistance, using computer technology; make decisions on establishing guardianship and trusteeship; exercise control and accounting for adopted children, children taken under guardianship and guardianship, transferred to foster care; forward complex or controversial cases on pension issues, on issues of providing social assistance to superiors in the order of subordination; to delimit the competence of social protection bodies and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, to determine their subordination and operating procedures; apply business communication techniques and rules of behavior culture in professional activities; follow ethical rules, norms and principles in professional activities; know: regulatory legal acts of the federal, regional, municipal levels, local regulatory acts of organizations regulating the organization of work of the bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and social protection of the population; the system of state bodies and institutions for social protection of the population, bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation; organizational and managerial functions of employees of bodies and institutions of social protection of the population, bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation; advanced forms of labor organization, information and communication technologies used in the bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, bodies and institutions of social protection of the population; the procedure for forwarding complex or controversial cases on pension issues and issues of providing social assistance to higher-ranking persons in the order of subordination; the procedure for maintaining a database of recipients of pensions, benefits, compensation and other social payments, and the provision of services; document flow in the system of bodies and institutions for social protection of the population, bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation; federal, regional, municipal programs in the field of social protection of the population and their resource support; Code of professional ethics for specialists of bodies and institutions of social protection of the population, bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. MDK.02.01. Organization of the work of bodies and institutions for social protection of the population, bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR) , , ,
The variable part of the educational cycles of the PPSSZ (determined by the educational organization independently) 1026 684
Total hours of training in the educational cycles of the PPSSZ 3294 2196
UP.00 Educational practice 8 weeks 288 ,
PP.00 Industrial practice (according to specialty profile)
PDP.00 Industrial practice (pre-graduation) 4 weeks
PA.00 Interim certification 3 weeks
GIA.00 6 weeks
GIA.01 4 weeks
GIA.02 2 weeks

Table 4

The period for obtaining SVE in PPSSZ basic training in full-time education is 95 weeks, including:

Table 5

Structure of the advanced training program for mid-level specialists

Index Name of educational cycles, sections, modules, requirements for knowledge, skills, practical experience Total maximum student workload (hours/week) Including hours of compulsory training sessions Index and name of disciplines, interdisciplinary courses (IDC) Codes of formed competencies
Mandatory part of the educational cycles of the PPSSZ 3672 2448
OGSE.00 General humanitarian and socio-economic educational cycle 804 536
As a result of studying the compulsory part of the educational cycle, the student must: be able to: navigate the most general philosophical problems of being, knowledge, values, freedom and the meaning of life as the basis for the formation of the culture of a citizen and future specialist; know: the basic categories and concepts of philosophy; the role of philosophy in human life and society; basics philosophical teaching about being; the essence of the process of cognition; foundations of scientific, philosophical and religious pictures of the world; about the conditions for the formation of personality, freedom and responsibility for the preservation of life, culture, and the environment; about social and ethical problems associated with the development and use of achievements of science, technology and technology; 48 OGSE.01. Fundamentals of Philosophy
be able to: navigate the current economic, political and cultural situation in Russia and the world; identify the interconnection of domestic, regional, global socio-economic, political and cultural problems; know: the main directions of development of key regions of the world at the turn of the century (XX and XXI centuries); the essence and causes of local, regional, interstate conflicts at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st centuries; the main processes (integration, multicultural, migration and others) of political and economic development of leading states and regions of the world; the purpose of the UN, NATO, EU and other organizations and the main directions of their activities; on the role of science, culture and religion in preserving and strengthening national and state traditions; content and purpose of the most important regulatory legal acts of global and regional importance; 48 OGSE.02. Story
be able to: apply techniques and methods of effective communication in professional activities; use methods of self-regulation of behavior in the process of interpersonal communication; know: the relationship between communication and activity; goals, functions, types and levels of communication; roles and role expectations in communication; types of social interactions; mechanisms of mutual understanding in communication; communication techniques and techniques, rules of listening, conversation, persuasion; ethical principles of communication; sources, causes, types and methods of conflict resolution; 48 OGSE.03. Psychology of communication
be able to: communicate (orally and in writing) in a foreign language on professional and everyday topics; translate (with a dictionary) foreign professional texts; independently improve oral and written speech, expand your vocabulary; know: lexical (1200-1400 lexical units) and grammatical minimum required for reading and translating (with a dictionary) foreign professional texts; 196 OGSE.04. Foreign language
be able to: use physical education and recreational activities to improve health, achieve life and professional goals; know: about the role of physical culture in the general cultural, professional and social development of a person; the basics of a healthy lifestyle. 392 196 OGSE.05. Physical Culture ,
EN.00 Mathematical and general natural science educational cycle 264 176
As a result of studying the mandatory part of the educational cycle, the student must: be able to: use basic system software products; use general-purpose application software for processing text, graphic, and numerical information; know: the basic concepts of automated information processing, the general composition and structure of personal computers and computing systems; basic system software products and application packages for processing text, graphic, numerical and tabular information; EN.01. Computer science , ,
be able to: use linear algebra methods; perform actions on elements of combinatorics; calculate the probability of an event; determine the mathematical expectation, dispersion and standard deviation; know: basic concepts and methods of linear algebra, basic concepts of discrete mathematics, probability theory and mathematical statistics; EN.02. Mathematics ,
be able to: use methods of scientific knowledge; apply logical laws and rules; accumulate scientific information; know: methods scientific research and their role in the practical activities of a specialist; basic concepts of research work. EN.03. Fundamentals of research activities PC 3.6, ,
P.00 Professional training cycle 2604 1736
OP.00 General professional disciplines 1308 872
As a result of studying the mandatory part of the educational cycle, a student in general professional disciplines must: be able to: apply theoretical principles when studying special legal disciplines; operate with legal concepts and categories; apply the rules in practice various industries rights; know: the laws of the emergence and functioning of the state and law; foundations of the rule of law; main types of modern legal systems; concept, types and forms of state and law; the role of the state in the political system of society; the legal system of the Russian Federation and its elements; forms of implementation of rights; concept and types of legal relations; types of offenses and legal liability; OP.01. Theory of Government and Rights , , ,
be able to: work with legislative and other regulatory legal acts, special literature; analyze, draw conclusions and justify your point of view on constitutional and legal relations; apply legal rules to solve a variety of practical situations; know: basic theoretical concepts and provisions of constitutional law; content of the Constitution of the Russian Federation; features of the state structure of Russia and the status of the subjects of the federation; fundamental rights, freedoms and responsibilities of man and citizen; electoral system of the Russian Federation; organ system state power and local government in the Russian Federation; OP.02. Constitutional law , , , , ,
be able to: distinguish executive (administrative) activities from other types of government activities; draw up various administrative and legal documents; distinguish subjects of executive and administrative activities from others; distinguish administrative-legal relations from other legal relations; analyze and apply in practice the norms of administrative legislation; provide consulting assistance to subjects of administrative legal relations; Logically and competently express and justify your point of view on administrative and legal issues; know: the concept and sources of administrative law; concept and types of administrative legal norms; the concept of public administration and public service; the composition of an administrative offense, the procedure for bringing to administrative responsibility, types of administrative penalties; concept and types of administrative-legal relations; concept and types of subjects of administrative law; administrative legal status of subjects of administrative law; OP.03. Administrative law , , , , , , 2.4,
be able to: interpret and apply environmental law; analyze, draw conclusions and justify your point of view on environmental legal relations; apply legal rules to solve practical situations; know: the concept and sources of environmental law; environmental rights and responsibilities of citizens; ownership of natural resources, environmental rights; legal mechanism for environmental protection; types of environmental offenses and liability for them; OP.04. Fundamentals of environmental law , , , , ,
be able to: apply labor legislation in practice; analyze and solve legal problems in the field of labor relations; analyze and prepare proposals for resolving labor disputes; analyze and prepare proposals for improving the legal activities of the organization; know: regulations governing social relations in labor law; content of Russian labor law; rights and obligations of workers and employers; procedure for concluding and terminating employment contracts; types of employment contracts; content of labor discipline; procedure for resolving labor disputes; types of working time and rest time; forms and systems of remuneration of workers; basics of labor protection; the procedure and conditions for the material liability of the parties to the employment contract; OP.05. Labor law , , , 1.8, , 2.5,
be able to: apply regulatory legal acts when resolving practical situations; draw up contracts, powers of attorney; provide legal assistance to subjects of civil legal relations; analyze and solve legal problems in the field of civil relations; logically and competently express and justify your point of view on civil law topics; know: the concept and main sources of civil law; concept and features of civil law relations; subjects and objects of civil law; the content of civil rights, the procedure for their implementation and protection; concept, types and conditions of validity of transactions; main categories of the institution of representation; the concept and rules for calculating deadlines, the limitation period; legal concept of property; forms and types of ownership; grounds for the emergence and termination of property rights, contractual and non-contractual obligations; basic issues of inheritance law; civil liability; OP.06. Civil law , , , , , , ,
be able to: apply regulatory legal acts when resolving practical situations; draw up a marriage contract and alimony agreement; provide legal assistance in order to restore violated rights; analyze and solve legal problems in the field of family legal relations; know: basic concepts and sources of family law; content of the main institutions of family law; OP.07. Family law , , , , , , , , , ,
be able to: apply the rules of civil procedural law in practice; make up different kinds civil procedural documents; draw up and execute claim documentation; apply regulatory legal acts when resolving practical situations; know: Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation; the procedure for trial, appeal, protest, execution and review of a court decision; forms of protection of the rights of citizens and legal entities; types and procedure of civil proceedings; main stages of civil process; OP.08. Civil process , , , , , ,
be able to: interpret and apply the norms of the Budget and Tax Codes, laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of financial law; analyze and solve legal problems in the field of financial legal relations; know: the essence of the methods of the financial and legal method of regulating public relations, the basic concepts of financial law and the types of subjects of financial legal relations; the content of the financial mechanism and the specifics of its functioning in different sectors of the economy; characteristics of state and municipal finances; the fundamentals of monetary, tax, social, investment and anti-inflationary policies of the state; OP.09. Financial right , , ,
be able to: operate with insurance concepts and terms; fill insurance policies and draw up standard insurance contracts; use laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of insurance activities; know: the legal basis for carrying out insurance activities; basic concepts and terms used in insurance, classification of types and forms of insurance; legal basis and principles of financing compulsory state social insurance funds; bodies implementing state social insurance; OP.10. Insurance business , , , , , ,
be able to: collect and process information necessary for orientation in one’s professional activities; present statistical information in the form of tables, graphs and diagrams; calculate basic statistical indicators; analyze statistical information and draw appropriate conclusions; know: the legislative framework for organizing state statistical reporting and responsibility for violating the procedure for its presentation; modern structure of state statistics bodies; sources of statistical information; economic and statistical methods for processing accounting and statistical information; statistical patterns and dynamics of socio-economic processes occurring in the country; OP.11. Statistics , ,
be able to: calculate the main technical and economic indicators of the organization’s activities in accordance with the accepted methodology; evaluate the efficiency of using the organization's main resources; know: legislative and other regulatory legal acts regulating the organizational and economic activities of organizations of various organizational and legal forms; composition and content of the organization’s material, technical, labor and financial resources; main aspects of the development of organizations as economic entities in a market economy; material, technical, labor and financial resources of the organization, indicators of their effective use; pricing mechanisms for products (services), forms of remuneration in modern conditions; economics of the social sphere and its features OP.12. Economics of the organization , 2.4, , ,
be able to: direct the activities of a structural unit of the organization to achieve common goals; make decisions on organizing the implementation of organizational tasks facing the structural unit; motivate members of the structural unit to effectively perform work in accordance with the powers delegated to them; apply business communication techniques in professional activities; know: features of modern management; functions, types and psychology of management; basics of organizing the work of a team of performers; principles of business communication in a team; features of management organization in the field of professional activity; information technologies in management; OP.13. Management , , , , 2.4, , ,
be able to: draw up organizational and administrative documents in accordance with the current GOST; carry out processing of incoming, internal and outgoing documents, monitoring their execution; draw up documents for transfer to the organization’s archives; know: the concept of a document, its properties, methods of documentation; rules for drawing up and registering ORD; system and standard technology of preschool educational institutions; features of paperwork based on citizens' requests and confidential paperwork; OP.14. Documentation support for management , , , , , ,
be able to: conduct a legal analysis and give a primary legal assessment of a practical situation; provide legal assistance to citizens; know: the basic normative legal acts governing relations in the field of professional activity; rights and obligations of employees in the field of professional activity; OP.15. Legal support of professional activities , , , , ,
be able to: use software in professional activities; use computer and telecommunications tools; work with information reference and legal systems; use application programs in professional activities; work with email; use the resources of local and global information networks; know: the composition, functions of information and telecommunication technologies, the possibilities of their use in professional activities; basic rules and methods of working with application packages; concept of information systems and information technologies; the concept of legal information as an information system environment; purpose, capabilities, structure, operating principle of information reference and legal systems; theoretical foundations, types and structure of databases; possibilities of network technologies for working with information; OP.16. Information technologies in professional activities , , ,
be able to: organize and carry out measures to protect workers and the population from negative impacts emergency situations; take preventive measures to reduce the level of hazards of various types and their consequences in professional activities and everyday life; use means of individual and collective protection against weapons of mass destruction; use primary fire extinguishing agents; navigate the list of military specialties and independently identify among them those related to the acquired specialty; apply professional knowledge during the performance of military service duties in military positions in accordance with the acquired specialty; master methods of conflict-free communication and self-regulation in everyday activities and extreme conditions of military service; provide first aid to victims; know: the principles of ensuring the sustainability of economic objects, forecasting the development of events and assessing the consequences of man-made disasters emergency situations and natural phenomena, including in the context of countering terrorism as a serious threat national security Russia; the main types of potential hazards and their consequences in professional activities and everyday life, principles for reducing the likelihood of their implementation; fundamentals of military service and state defense; tasks and main activities of civil defense; ways to protect the population from weapons of mass destruction; fire safety measures and rules for safe behavior in case of fires; organization and procedure for conscripting citizens into military service and entering it on a voluntary basis; main types of weapons, military equipment and special equipment that is in service (equipment) of military units that have military specialties related to specialties of special education; the scope of application of the acquired professional knowledge in the performance of military service duties; procedure and rules for providing first aid to victims. 68 OP.17. Life safety , , ,
PM.00 Professional modules 1296 864
PM.01 Ensuring the implementation of citizens' rights in the field of pension provision and social protection As a result of studying the professional module, the student must: have practical experience in: analyzing current legislation in the field of pension provision and social protection; reception of citizens on issues of pensions and social protection; determining the right, size and timing of labor pensions, state pensions, benefits, compensation, monthly cash payments, maternity (family) capital and other social benefits; formation of pension (payment) and personal files of recipients of pensions, benefits and other social benefits; using computer programs to assign pensions, benefits and other social benefits; determining the right to recalculation, transfer from one type of pension to another, indexation of labor pensions and state pensions, indexation of benefits, compensation, monthly cash payments, maternity (family) capital and other social benefits; determining the right to provide services and social support measures to certain categories of citizens; communication with various categories of citizens in need of social assistance; establishing psychological contact with clients; adaptation in the workforce; using effective communication techniques in professional activities and self-regulation of behavior in the process of interpersonal communication; communication with elderly people and people with disabilities; public speaking and verbal argumentation of a position; be able to: analyze and apply current legislation in the field of pension provision, assignment of benefits, compensation, provision of services and social support measures to certain categories of citizens in need of social protection, using information reference and legal systems; accept documents necessary for the establishment of pensions, benefits, compensation, monthly cash payments, maternity (family) capital and other social payments necessary for the establishment of pensions, benefits and other social payments; determine the list of documents necessary to establish pensions, benefits, compensation, monthly cash payments, maternity (family) capital and other social benefits; explain the procedure for obtaining missing documents and the deadlines for their provision; determine the right, size and timing of assignment of labor pensions, state pensions, benefits, compensation, monthly cash payments and maternity (family) capital using information reference and legal systems; create pension (payment) files; cases of recipients of benefits, monthly cash payments, maternity (family) capital and other social payments; draw up draft responses to written requests from citizens using information reference and legal systems; use computer programs to assign and pay pensions, benefits and other social benefits; advise citizens and representatives of legal entities on issues of pension provision and social protection, using information reference and legal systems; request information about the contents of individual personal accounts of insured persons and analyze the information received about length of service, wages and insurance contributions; draw up draft decisions on the refusal to establish pensions, benefits, compensation, monthly cash payments and other social payments, the provision of services, the issuance of a certificate for maternity (family) capital, using information reference and legal systems; carry out an assessment of the pension rights of insured persons, including taking into account special work experience; use periodicals and special publications, reference literature in professional activities; inform citizens and officials about changes in the field of pensions and social protection of the population; provide consulting assistance to citizens on issues of medical and social examination; explain the essence of mental processes and their changes in people with disabilities and the elderly; correctly organize psychological contact with clients (consumers of services); give a psychological description of the individual, apply business communication techniques and rules of behavior culture; follow ethical rules, norms and principles in their professional activities; characterize various types and forms of deviations, highlight their social and socio-psychological causes; know: the content of regulatory legal acts at the federal, regional and municipal levels governing the establishment of pensions, benefits and other social benefits, the provision of services; the concept and types of labor pensions, state pensions, benefits, daily allowance, additional financial support, other social benefits, conditions for their appointment, amounts and terms; structure of labor pensions; concept and types of social services MDK.01.01. Social security law MDK.01.02. Psychology of socio-legal activity , , ,
PM.02 Organizational support for the activities of social protection institutions and bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation As a result of studying the professional module, the student must: have practical experience: maintaining an up-to-date database of recipients of pensions, benefits, compensation, services, benefits and other social payments using computer technology; identification and registration of persons in need of social protection; organizing and coordinating social work with individuals, families and categories of citizens in need of social support and protection, using computer and telecommunication technologies; consulting citizens and representatives of legal entities on issues of pension provision and social protection of the population using computer and telecommunication technologies; participation in the organizational and managerial work of structural divisions of bodies and institutions for social protection of the population, bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation; be able to: maintain up-to-date databases of recipients of pensions, benefits, compensation, services and other social benefits using computer technology; identify and register persons in need of social protection; participate in the organizational and managerial work of structural divisions of organizations, social protection institutions and bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation; interact in the process of work with executive authorities, organizations, institutions, public organizations; collect and analyze information for statistical and other reporting using computer and telecommunication technologies; identify persons in need of government support and assistance from the database; make decisions on establishing guardianship and trusteeship; exercise control and accounting for adopted children, children taken under guardianship and guardianship, transferred to foster care; to delineate the competence of social protection bodies and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, to determine their subordination and operating procedures; use business communication techniques in professional activities; know: regulatory legal acts of the federal, regional, municipal levels, local regulatory acts of organizations regulating the organization of work of the bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and social protection of the population; the system of state bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and social protection of the population; organizational and managerial functions of employees of bodies and institutions of social protection of the population, bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation; advanced forms of labor organization, information and communication technologies used in bodies and institutions of social protection of the population, bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation; the procedure for maintaining the database of recipients of pensions, benefits, compensation, services and other social payments up to date; document flow in the system of bodies and institutions for social protection of the population, bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation; federal, regional, municipal programs in the field of social protection of the population and their resource support; Code of professional ethics for employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, bodies and institutions of social protection of the population. MDK.02.01. Organization of the work of the bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, bodies and institutions of social protection of the population , , ,
PM.03 Judicial and legal protection of citizens in the field of social protection and pension provision As a result of studying the professional module, the student must: have practical experience: analyzing practical situations on the application of regulatory legal acts based on the use of information reference and legal systems; drawing up and processing organizational, administrative and procedural documents using information reference and legal systems; communication with citizens to provide legal assistance in order to restore violated rights; informing citizens and officials about changes in legislation; be able to; carry out professional interpretation of regulatory legal acts; use regulatory legal acts when resolving practical situations; analyze various practical situations, draw conclusions and justify your point of view on the application of regulatory legal acts, using information reference and legal systems; draw up and execute organizational, administrative and procedural documents using information reference and legal systems; provide legal assistance to citizens in order to restore violated rights, using information reference and legal systems; logically and competently express your point of view on state legal topics; inform citizens and officials about changes in legislation; know: the main provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional and federal laws regulating the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of man and citizen; fundamental rights, freedoms and responsibilities of man and citizen; forms of implementation of legal norms and features of law enforcement activities of competent state bodies; composition and types of offenses; grounds and types of legal liability; forms and methods of protecting and restoring violated rights of citizens and legal entities; structure and procedure for the formation of state authorities and local self-government; present the material in the final qualifying work briefly, logically and reasonably. MDK.03.01. Protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens , ,
PM.04 Social and legal protection of citizens As a result of studying the professional module, the student must: have practical experience: providing legal, social assistance and services to individuals, families and categories of citizens in need of social protection; interaction in the process of providing social assistance to the client with various state, public and charitable organizations; planning work on social protection of the population, determining its content, forms, methods; monitoring and analysis of social processes (conditions, reasons, motives of behavior) in the municipality; research and analysis of the state of social and legal protection of certain categories of citizens; be able to: explain the main directions and priorities of social policy, its relationship with internal and external economic, national, demographic policies, role and significance in professional practical activities; use the acquired knowledge when analyzing socio-political processes, phenomena, implementation of social technologies, coordinating the activities of various state and public organizations, institutions to provide the necessary social protection and assistance to the population; find a technological solution social problems various levels of social work; design social work technology for each specific case; use innovative social work technologies to solve professional problems; conduct organizational, managerial and practical activities at various objects of professional activity; organize on the basis modern methods obtaining, processing and storing scientific information on social work problems in the region, region, country; conduct research work to analyze the main trends in the development of theory and practice of social work in the region, region, country; choose the necessary research methods based on the objectives of a particular study; process the results obtained, analyze and comprehend them taking into account available scientific data; present the material in the final qualifying work briefly, logically and reasonably; use automated information systems And modern technologies collection, analysis, diagnosis of social relations; know: object, subject, basic concepts, concepts, types, models, subjects, features of social policy, principles of formation and functioning in reformed and stable societies, as well as mechanisms for its implementation in modern Russia and abroad; basic concepts and categories, forms, methods and levels of social work technology; the essence and content of social work technology tools, forms and methods of activity to overcome life situations and solve social problems; concepts and categories, principles and patterns, forms and levels of social work; fundamentals of sociological analysis; various options for organizing research. 4 weeks
PA.00 Interim certification 5 weeks
GIA.00 State final certification 6 weeks
GIA.01 Preparing for graduation qualifying work 4 weeks
GIA.02 Defense of final qualification work 2 weeks

Table 6

The period for obtaining SVE in PPSSZ in-depth training in full-time education is 147 weeks, including:

VII. Requirements for the conditions for implementing the training program for mid-level specialists

7.1. The educational organization independently develops and approves the PPSSZ in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for secondary vocational education and taking into account the corresponding approximate PPSSZ.

Before starting to develop the PPSSZ, an educational organization must determine its specifics, taking into account its focus on meeting the needs of the labor market and employers, and specify the final learning outcomes in the form of competencies, skills and knowledge, and acquired practical experience.

The specific types of activities for which the student is preparing must correspond to the qualification assigned and determine the content of the educational program developed by the educational organization together with interested employers.

When forming the PPSSZ, the educational organization:

has the right to use the amount of time allotted for the variable part of the educational cycles of the PPSSZ, while increasing the amount of time allotted for the disciplines and modules of the compulsory part, or introducing new disciplines and modules in accordance with the needs of employers and the specifics of the activities of the educational organization;

is obliged to update the PPSS annually taking into account the requests of employers;

features of the development of the region, culture, science, economics, technology, technology and social sphere within the framework established by this Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education;

obliged in work educational programs of all disciplines and professional modules, clearly formulate the requirements for the results of their development: competencies, acquired practical experience, knowledge and skills;

is obliged to ensure effective independent work of students in combination with improving its management by teachers and industrial training masters;

is obliged to provide students with the opportunity to participate in the formation of an individual educational program;

is obliged to form a socio-cultural environment, create the conditions necessary for the comprehensive development and socialization of the individual, preserve the health of students, promote the development of the educational component of the educational process, including the development of student self-government, the participation of students in the work of public organizations, sports and creative clubs;

in order to implement a competency-based approach, should provide for the use in the educational process of active and interactive forms of conducting classes (computer simulations, business and role-playing games, case studies, psychological and other trainings, group discussions) in combination with extracurricular work for the formation and development of general and professional competencies of students.

7.2. When implementing the PPSSZ, students have academic rights and responsibilities in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-F3 “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

7.3. The maximum volume of a student's academic load is 54 academic hours per week, including all types of classroom and extracurricular teaching load.

7.4. The maximum volume of classroom teaching load in full-time education is 36 academic hours per week.

7.5. The maximum volume of classroom teaching load in full-time and part-time education is 16 academic hours per week.

7.6. The maximum volume of classroom teaching load per year in distance learning is 160 academic hours.

7.7. The total duration of vacations in the academic year should be 8-11 weeks, including at least 2 weeks in the winter.

7.8. Completion of a course project (work) is considered as a type of educational activity in the discipline (disciplines) of the professional educational cycle and (or) professional module (modules) of the professional educational cycle and is implemented within the time allotted for its study.

7.9. The discipline “Physical Education” provides weekly 2 hours of compulsory classroom lessons and 2 hours of independent work (through various forms of extracurricular activities in sports clubs and sections).

7.10. An educational organization has the right for subgroups of girls to use part of the educational time of the discipline “Life Safety” (48 hours), allotted for studying the basics of military service, for mastering the basics of medical knowledge.

7.11. Obtaining secondary vocational education on the basis of basic general education is carried out with the simultaneous receipt of secondary general education within the PPSSZ. In this case, the PPSSZ, implemented on the basis of basic general education, is developed on the basis of the requirements of the relevant federal state educational standards of secondary general education and secondary vocational education, taking into account the acquired specialty of secondary vocational education.

The period for mastering PPSSZ in full-time education for persons studying on the basis of basic general education is increased by 52 weeks based on:

7.12. Consultations for students in full-time and part-time forms of study are provided by the educational organization at the rate of 4 hours per student for each academic year, including during the implementation of the educational program of secondary general education for persons studying on the basis of basic general education. The forms of consultations (group, individual, written, oral) are determined by the educational organization.

7.13. During the training period, training camps are held for young men.

7.14. Practice is a mandatory section of the PPSS. It is a type of educational activity aimed at forming, consolidating, and developing practical skills and competencies in the process of performing certain types of work related to future professional activities. When implementing the PPSSZ, the following types of internships are provided: educational and production.

Industrial practice consists of two stages: practice in the specialty profile and pre-graduation practice.

Educational practice and industrial practice (according to the specialty profile) are carried out by an educational organization when students master professional competencies within professional modules and can be implemented either concentrated in several periods or dispersed, alternating with theoretical classes within professional modules.

Goals and objectives, programs and reporting forms are determined by the educational organization for each type of practice.

Industrial practice should be carried out in organizations whose activities correspond to the profile of students’ training.

Certification based on the results of industrial practice is carried out taking into account (or based on) the results confirmed by documents of the relevant organizations.

7.15. The implementation of PPSSZ in the specialty should be ensured by teaching staff with higher education corresponding to the profile of the taught discipline (module). Experience in relevant organizations professional sphere is mandatory for teachers responsible for students’ mastery of the professional educational cycle. Teachers receive additional professional education through advanced training programs, including in the form of internships in specialized organizations at least once every 3 years.

7.16. PPSSZ should be provided with educational and methodological documentation for all disciplines, interdisciplinary courses and professional modules of PPSSZ.

Extracurricular work must be accompanied by methodological support and justification for calculating the time spent on its implementation.

The implementation of the PPSSZ should be ensured by each student’s access to databases and library funds formed according to the full list of disciplines (modules) of the PPSSZ. During self-study, students must be provided with access to the Internet.

Each student must be provided with at least one educational printed and/or electronic publication for each discipline of the professional educational cycle and one educational and methodological printed and/or electronic publication for each interdisciplinary course (including electronic databases of periodicals).

The library fund must be equipped with printed and/or electronic editions of basic and additional educational literature in disciplines of all educational cycles, published over the last 5 years.

The library collection, in addition to educational literature, should include official, reference, bibliographic and periodicals in the amount of 1-2 copies for every 100 students.

Each student must be provided with access to library collections consisting of at least 4 titles of Russian journals.

An educational organization must provide students with the opportunity to quickly exchange information with Russian educational organizations and access to modern professional databases and information resources on the Internet.

7.17. Admission to training in PPSSZ at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets is publicly available, unless otherwise provided by Part 4 of Article 68 Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-F3 “On education in the Russian Federation”. Financing for the implementation of the PPSSZ should be carried out in an amount not lower than the established state regulatory costs for the provision of public services in the field of education for a given level.

7.18. An educational organization implementing PPSSZ must have a material and technical base that ensures the conduct of all types of laboratory work and practical classes, disciplinary, interdisciplinary and modular training, educational practice, provided for by the curriculum of the educational organization. The material and technical base must comply with current sanitary and fire safety standards.

offices, laboratories, workshops and other premises


fundamentals of philosophy;

foreign language;

fundamentals of environmental law;

theories of state and law;

constitutional and administrative law;

labor law;

civil, family law and civil procedure;

disciplines of law;

management and economics of the organization;

professional disciplines;

social security rights;

life safety.


computer science;

information technologies in professional activities;

technical training aids.

Sports complex:


a wide-area open stadium with elements of an obstacle course;

shooting range (in any modification, including electronic) or place for shooting.

library, reading room with Internet access;

Assembly Hall.

The implementation of the HPSS should ensure:

students performing laboratory work and practical classes,

including as a mandatory component practical tasks using personal computers;

students' mastery of professional modules in the conditions of a created appropriate educational environment in an educational organization or in organizations, depending on the specifics of the type of activity.

When using electronic publications, an educational organization must provide each student with a workplace in computer class in accordance with the volume of disciplines studied.

An educational organization must be provided with the necessary set of licensed software.

7.19. The implementation of the PPSSZ is carried out by the educational organization in the state language of the Russian Federation.

The implementation of PPSSZ by an educational organization located on the territory of a republic of the Russian Federation can be carried out in the state language of the republic of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the republics of the Russian Federation. The implementation of PPSSZ by an educational organization in the state language of the republic of the Russian Federation should not be carried out to the detriment of the state language of the Russian Federation.

VIII. Assessment of the quality of mastering the training program for mid-level specialists

8.1. Assessment of the quality of mastering the PPSSZ should include ongoing monitoring of progress, intermediate and state final certification of students.

8.2. Specific forms and procedures for ongoing monitoring of progress, intermediate certification for each discipline and professional module are developed by the educational organization independently and brought to the attention of students within the first two months from the start of training.

8.3. To certify students for compliance of their personal achievements with the stage-by-stage requirements of the relevant PPSSZ (current monitoring of progress and intermediate certification), funds are created valuation means, allowing to evaluate skills, knowledge, practical experience and mastered competencies.

Funds of assessment tools for intermediate certification in disciplines and interdisciplinary courses as part of professional modules are developed and approved by the educational organization independently, and for intermediate certification in professional modules and for state final certification - developed and approved by the educational organization after the preliminary positive conclusion of employers.

For intermediate certification of students in disciplines (interdisciplinary courses), in addition to teachers of a specific discipline (interdisciplinary course), teachers should be actively involved as external experts related disciplines(courses). To bring intermediate certification programs for students in professional modules as close as possible to the conditions of their future professional activities, educational organizations should actively involve employers as freelance experts.

8.4. Assessment of the quality of training of students and graduates is carried out in two main directions:

assessment of the level of mastery of disciplines;

assessment of students' competencies.

For young men, assessment of the results of mastering the basics of military service is provided.

8.5. A student who does not have academic debt and has fully completed the curriculum or individual curriculum is allowed to take the state final certification, unless otherwise established by the procedure for conducting the state final certification for the relevant educational programs.

8.6. State final certification includes the preparation and defense of a final qualifying work (thesis, diploma project). A mandatory requirement is that the subject of the final qualifying work corresponds to the content of one or more professional modules.

The state exam is introduced at the discretion of the educational organization.


* Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, Art. 7598; 2013, No. 19, art. 2326; No. 23, art. 2878; No. 27, art. 3462; No. 30, art. 4036; No. 48, art. 6165; 2014, No. 6, Art. 562, art. 566; official Internet portal of legal information, May 5, 2014

** Clause 1 of Article 13 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On Military Duty and military service"(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, No. 13, Art. 1475; No. 30, Art. 3613; 2000, No. 33, Art. 3348; No. 46, Art. 4537; 2001, No. 7, Art. 620, Art. 621; No. 30, Art. 3061; 2002, No. 7, Art. 631; No. 21, Art. 1919; No. 26, Art. 2521; No. 30, Art. 3029, Art. 3030, Art. 3033; 2003, No. 1, Art. 1; No. 8, Art. 709; No. 27, Art. 2700; No. 46, Art. 4437; 2004, No. 8, Art. 600; No. 17, Art. 1587; No. 18, Art. 1687; No. 25, Art. 2484; No. 27, Art. 2711; No. 35, Art. 3607; No. 49, Art. 4848; 2005, No. 10, Art. 763; No. 14, Art. 1212; No. 27, Art. 2716 ; No. 29, Art. 2907; No. 30, Art. 3110, Art. 3111; No. 40, Art. 3987; No. 43, Art. 4349; No. 49, Art. 5127; 2006, No. 1, Art. 10, Art. 22; No. 11, Art. 1148; No. 19, Art. 2062; No. 28, Art. 2974, No. 29, Art. 3121, Art. 3122, Art. 3123; No. 41, Art. 4206; No. 44, Art. 4534; No. 50, Art. 5281; 2007, No. 2, Art. 362; No. 16, Art. 1830; No. 31, Art. 4011; No. 45, Art. 5418; No. 49, Art. 6070, Art. 6074 ; No. 50, Art. 6241; 2008, No. 30, Art. 3616; No. 49, Art. 5746; No. 52, Art. 6235; 2009, No. 7, Art. 769; No. 18, Art. 2149; No. 23, Article 2765; No. 26, Article 3124; No. 48, Article 5735, Article 5736; No. 51, Art. 6149; No. 52, art. 6404; 2010, No. 11, Art. 1167, art. 1176, Art. 1177; No. 31, art. 4192; No. 49, art. 6415; 2011, No. 1, Art. 16; No. 27, art. 3878; No. 30, art. 4589; No. 48, art. 6730; No. 49, art. 7021, art. 7053, Art. 7054; No. 50, art. 7366; 2012, No. 50, art. 6954; No. 53, art. 7613; 2013, No. 9, art. 870; No. 19, art. 2329; Art. 2331; No. 23, art. 2869; No. 27, art. 3462, Art. 3477; No. 48, art. 6165).

*** Part 6 of Article 59 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, Art. 7598; 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326; No. 23, Article 2878; No. 27, Article 3462; No. 30, Article 4036; No. 48, Article 6165; 2014, No. 6, Article 562, Article 566; official Internet portal of legal information http:/ /, May 5, 2014).

Document overview

The federal state educational standard for secondary vocational education in specialty 40.02.01 Law and organization of social security has been approved.

The standard is mandatory for use by educational organizations that have the right to implement state-accredited training programs for mid-level specialists in this specialty in Russia.

The characteristics of training in the specialty and professional activities of graduates are given. The requirements for the results of mastering the training program for mid-level specialists and for its structure have been determined.

State accreditation until 01/21/2021

If you are not indifferent to the problems of other people and are ready to follow high moral and ethical standards of behavior, want to learn how to defend yourself and your loved ones without weapons and dream of there being more kindness and justice around, the specialty Law and Social Security Organization is your choice.


The lawyer advises citizens and representatives of legal entities on issues of pension provision and social protection of the population, participates in the organizational and managerial work of social protection institutions, and resolves controversial cases on pension issues.

Advantages of studying at the branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "VGUES" in Nakhodka

Professional practitioners are involved in conducting classes. Practice-oriented classes are conducted in a modern educational complex. Students undergo educational and practical training (according to their specialty) at the following enterprises:

  • Department of Labor and Social Development for the Nakhodka City District of the Department of Labor and Social Development of the Primorsky Territory,
  • Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the city of Nakhodka,
  • Prometheus LLC,
  • Magisterial Court District No. 48, Nakhodka,
  • Branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Nakhodka,
  • Branch of the non-profit organization Primorsky Regional Bar Association "Office of Lawyers",
  • as well as a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "VSUES" in Nakhodka.

Training module “Organization entrepreneurial activity» allows you to gain additional knowledge to create your own business. A graduate of the branch who has completed the secondary vocational education program has the opportunity to receive higher professional education. Students have access to the entire material and technical base of the branch (library, computer center, sports complex, cozy dormitory and cafe).