List of foods that don't make you fat. Why are you getting fat? Foods that make you fat. Why don't French women get fat? Here is a list of the most healthy, low-calorie vegetables

In the modern world it is just gaining decent momentum, but it is already very close to its apogee.

Just look at the average American teenager, one of his main features will be a rather impressive excess weight.

And first of all, this state of affairs is associated with the problem of not proper nutrition, thanks to the fast food craze. In contrast, pay attention to the chiseled figures of Japanese beauties, who have been familiar with the culture and traditions of eating food since childhood.

The Talmuds of cooking present many different products and dishes that can affect body weight, so it is very important to learn to distinguish which ones can be included in your own diet and which are better to avoid. This is what we will talk about today!

So, what foods that make many girls fat should leave your refrigerator first? According to the results of research by reputable American scientists who conducted experiments on animals, it was proven that the food additive “monosodium glutamate” or E 621, which is part of most products, is very dangerous for human health, and also contributes to excess weight gain.

But why does this happen, and what is this ordinary flavor enhancer?! As it turned out, when it enters the body, the activity of taste buds increases. As a result, our body begins to demand more and more tasty food, which ultimately results in the problem of excess weight.

Monosodium glutamate can be found in almost all foods modern man: it is added to sausage, smoked meat, fish, chicken, chips, fried nuts, all kinds of crackers, mayonnaise, etc.

Therefore, before buying this or that product, carefully study its composition for the presence of additive E 621, if identified, it is best to refuse such food once and for all.

Foods that make people fat (expert opinion)

1. Sweet carbonated drinks

Nutritionists have come to a consensus that liquid calories are transformed into fat reserves much faster than calories from solid foods. Therefore, first of all, try to limit yourself in the consumption of sweet waters, and if possible, give them up altogether by replacing them clean water from the source.

2. Some dairy products

It has recently become known that many dairy products contain a huge amount of fats that are harmful to our body. The thing is that, for example, in margarine (the fat content of which is about 72%), manufacturers use chemically processed fats, which subsequently leave their mark not only on the waist, but also on human health in general.

Of course, this does not mean that you need to immediately give up milk, sour cream or cottage cheese. Not at all! You just need to learn how to eat them correctly! To ensure that your figure always remains slim and does not suffer from nutritional deficiencies, choose lower-fat dairy products.

The following product, like many others, in last years very much degraded. After all, the recipe for its preparation in the time of our grandmothers was quite simple and very useful. But subsequently its composition began to undergo changes until it turned into a product unsuitable for healthy consumption.

4. Fatty meat

Of course, meat is not the main product that makes women or men gain weight. Simply, in order for the human body to receive the amount of protein it needs without gaining too much, you need to learn how to choose it correctly.

A good option would be lean poultry, lean beef, and, of course, fish, of all kinds. But it’s better to give up pork, or at least try to eat it as little as possible.

5. Sausage, sausages

These products, unfortunately, are also not natural today, because they are essentially made from soy, a large amount of lard (at best) and flavor enhancers. As for the meat component, it simply isn’t there! Therefore, it is best to buy a piece of natural meat and cook it yourself.

6. Semi-finished products

All products that have the property of quick preparation are conditionally dangerous for the human body. After all, it is, as a rule, made from waste, leftovers and other “bad things” that could not be sold on time.

Therefore, if you decide to snack on store-bought dumplings or frozen cutlets, try not to fill yourself up with them and do it as rarely as possible.

7. Sweets

Every girl understands that the sweets and delicacies she eats can have a bad effect on her figure. But, nevertheless, not everyone can refuse them.

Dear ladies, there is always a way out of this situation - just replace your favorite cakes and chocolates with fruits, or at least honey.

What foods make you fat? (readers' opinion)

  • Tea or coffee with sugar.
  • Chips, crackers.
  • Sweet carbonated drinks.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Fried potatoes and meat.
  • Smoked products.
  • Milk chocolate, sweet bars.
  • Cakes, pastries, buns.
  • Ice cream.
  • White bread.
  • Sausage, wieners, frankfurters, bacon.
  • Pate.
  • Muesli.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Cereals.
  • Butter, margarine.
  • Olive oil, sunflower oil.
  • Glazed cheese curds.
  • All food is from fast foods.

Of course, this is far from the most full list“dangerous” foods that can make you gain weight. There are still a lot of different options that can harm your body.

Therefore, your main task is to always carefully study the labels of the products you plan to purchase.

Choose from them those that have, replace mayonnaise with low-fat sour cream, ice cream and cakes with fruits and dried fruits, try to cook meat exclusively in a double boiler. And then you will feel 100!

There are foods that you can eat as much as you like, even if you are seriously concerned about a slim figure - they are rich in fiber and low in calories. This means they saturate and improve digestion without the risk of growing sides.

We have compiled a list of such products. Please note that we are not saying that you should only eat these foods. Naturally, our diet should be balanced and include carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. But these products can fill you up and keep you slim without much effort.


If you cook popcorn without butter and sugar (add, for example, a little salt), then you can eat it without any damage to your figure. The calorie content of popcorn in this case will be only 31 kcal per serving. (A serving in dietetics is approximately as much as fits in a handful or cup, that is, approximately 200 ml.)


Celery stalks are 95% water. It helps to lose excess weight and detoxify the body due to its diuretic effect.


You can enjoy baked eggplant with its incomparable taste as much as you like without a twinge of conscience. After all, a serving of eggplant baked on the grill without oil contains only 24 kcal.

Oranges, grapefruits and tangerines

In order not to gain excess weight, it is often not recommended to eat a lot of fruit, but this does not apply to citrus fruits. They are rich in fiber, which regulates digestion and promotes natural weight loss. In addition, fiber helps maintain a feeling of fullness and suppresses hunger, which is also facilitated by drinking plenty of water. The flavonoid naringenin prevents weight gain and helps the liver process excess fat. Vitamin C promotes the formation of natural collagen in the skin, has a positive effect on its elasticity and makes the appearance of cellulite less noticeable.

Watermelon and melon

Only 60–70 kcal per slice (melon has a little more) - you can eat them all day long. Watermelons and melons help remove excess fluid from the body and saturate well.


Seaweed (kelp and others) is the richest source of iodine, which helps to establish proper functioning of the thyroid gland, which means hormonal background will be fine and the weight will remain normal.


A serving of zucchini squash contains only 42 kcal. They normalize the water-salt balance in the body, and this is the most important factor for those who want to lose weight. Zucchini improves intestinal motility, as it contains a lot of fiber and liquid. In addition, with the help of zucchini you can reduce the calorie content of main courses.


An indispensable vegetable for those who are planning to lose weight - it helps fight swelling and lose weight with health benefits.


Beets are an excellent source of microelements, in particular manganese, which promotes fat burning, helps muscles work, and regulates blood sugar levels. You can simply bake it, put it in salads raw and boiled, and in juices. An average serving contains only 40 kcal.


You can eat them at any time of the day, even at night, if you’re hungry, and you won’t gain an ounce. Of course, boiled is better than fried.

A pineapple

This delicious fruit is a true friend of those who want to lose weight. The bromelain it contains actively breaks down fats and helps digest proteins.

Apples and plums

One apple contains only 50 kcal, it gives a feeling of fullness and regulates intestinal function. And plums are rich in vitamin C, as well as potassium, which supports the health of the heart and blood vessels.

Arugula and salad

Lettuce and arugula are excellent sources folic acid, which can be eaten in kilograms. One lettuce leaf contains only 3 kcal.

Berries: currants, cranberries, strawberries

The large amount of vitamin C in currants and cranberries helps the body burn fat. Currants also have a diuretic property, which means they help get rid of excess water in the body, which allows you to forget about swelling and extra centimeters at the waist. Strawberries have excellent nutritional properties, improve digestion and keep the heart and blood vessels healthy.

Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower

Cabbage of all varieties and types is an ally of slim women. A serving of chopped cabbage contains only 7 kcal, and at the same time you can prepare many dishes from it: soups, salads, main courses, add to juice mixtures and smoothies. Of course, you shouldn’t, for example, rely only on cabbage and eat it 3 times a day, because the substances it contains compete with iodine for absorption. And we need it for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. But you can include it in the menu several times a week.

And finally, some more good news

If you want to lose weight (or just stay in shape), then it is important to have dinner 3-4 hours before bed. Thus, if you always go to bed at 23:00, then without damaging your figure you can have dinner at 19:00, and if at midnight, then the last meal is acceptable at 20:00.


If you have the willpower to stick to a certain diet, you may have encountered a lot of misinformation that has prevented your diet from having the desired effect. Below you will find 9 famous myths about what can help you become slimmer.

Myth 1: Eating too much of a breakfast will help you eat less throughout the day.

It's a bad idea to skip breakfast just because you're afraid to eat more than you should in the morning, but eating too much of a breakfast isn't exactly healthy either. The thing is, even if you eat a lot for breakfast, it won't stop you from going back to eat later. However, it can also add extra calories.

German scientists studied 280 overweight and 100 normal weight people. Research published in Nutrition Journal this month found that eating a large breakfast could give you an extra 400 calories. Moreover, if we try to eat less during the day, this will not balance the calories received in the morning. Scientists have found that the calories you eat at breakfast have very little to do with the number of calories you consume throughout the rest of the day.

Myth 2: Eating small meals or eating small meals often will help boost your metabolism.

If you establish such a diet for yourself, it will not increase your metabolism. While it is believed that eating small, frequent meals and snacking can help control appetite and reduce weight, it may have the opposite effect for some.

"Some people end up eating high-calorie, fatty foods, which actually cause them to gain weight.", - speaks Sarah Stanner, registered dietitian and member British Nutrition Foundation.

"Research has shown that if you want to shed those extra pounds, your best bet is to eat three regular meals a day and add in a couple of healthy snacks.", Stanner said.

World 3: Low-fat or low-fat foods contain very few calories

Just because a food label says it's low in fat doesn't mean it's low in calories, because fat can be replaced by other nutritional ingredients that contain calories, such as protein, starch, or sugar.

For example, according to food guidelines published by National Institute Heart, Lung and Blood (National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute), a small low-calorie blueberry muffin actually contains 131 kcal, when a regular muffin of the same size contains 138 kcal.

"Just because you try to eat low-fat foods doesn't mean you'll automatically lose weight."- says Stanner. " Your weight is unlikely to drop, especially if you eat large portions of these foods.".

Myth 4: If you eat at night, you will gain weight.

It is not true that the food we eat late at night will get stuck in the wrong places and stored as unwanted fat. “You gain weight when your total food energy intake for the day exceeds the energy you expend, regardless of when those calories enter your body.”- says Stunner. " If you eat at night, especially if you have a very large dinner, it can cause digestive problems, which is why eating at night is not recommended."

Myth 5: Thinking about a food makes you crave it and you may end up eating more.

Of course, if your thoughts are on a particular dish or product, it makes you more willing to try it. That's why it's okay to indulge in treats when you're on a diet.

However, a 2010 study published in the journal Science found that people who visualize themselves eating certain foods actually caused them to eat less when given the opportunity to eat those foods in unlimited quantities.

The secret lies in repetition, scientists say. They suggest that repeated visualization leads to habituation, so that imagining something is enough to replace actual experience.

Myth 6: Sports drinks rich in vitamins and nutrients are good alternatives to soda.

Unfortunately, sports drinks are not always beneficial. For example, a bottle of VitaminWater contains 13 g of sugar and 50 kcal per serving. Each bottle contains 2.5 servings, so if you drink the entire bottle after your workout, you'll get 125 calories. If we compare Coca-Cola, the same bottle contains 140 kcal.

Sports drinks contain many vitamins and minerals, but they are still high in calories and sugar. Many of these vitamins and minerals you don't actually need if you're eating a balanced, healthy diet.

Myth 7: You will lose weight as soon as you go on a diet.

Of course, some diets make you more active. healthy image life, help lower blood pressure or reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. However, the paradox is that diets do not help remove overweight for a long time.

In 2007 in the magazine American Psychologist A review of 31 long-term studies was published, which found that the diet stops working as soon as 5-10 percent of weight is lost. Only a very small number of participants were able to lose pounds after 6 months. Most people gain the weight back.

Scientists believe that diet alone will not help you become slim; lifestyle changes and regular exercise are necessary.

Myth 8: Avoiding starches is the easiest way to lose weight.

Proponents of low-carbohydrate, high-protein diets try to convince people that starch is evil. Eventually, the body breaks down starch and other carbohydrates into sugar, which is then stored as excess fat. However, starch itself is not big problem. "Starch has the same amount of calories as sugar, approximately 3.75 kcal per gram."- says Stanner. "The problem is large portion sizes, as well as fatty sauces and toppings such as sour cream, butter, mayonnaise and so on."

If you consume too many foods that contain calories, it will lead to extra pounds, even if you replace carbohydrates with proteins.

Myth 9: You can eat whatever you want if you exercise.

If you exercise daily and lead an active lifestyle, it will be very beneficial for your overall health and will also help you lose weight. However, just because you spend two hours on the treadmill every day doesn't mean you can overeat.

Your energy intake should match your energy expenditure in order to avoid gaining or losing weight. A very common mistake is when people replace the energy they expended during exercise with sugar-containing drinks, which in itself is not good for those who want to lose weight.

Many nutritionists argue that a diet is not a temporary refusal of certain foods for the purpose of losing weight. Dietary nutrition should become the norm of life. In this case, with the correct use of foods and a balanced combination with other ingredients, you will always be in shape, maintain weight, and help the body get only useful substances from food. FashionTime will help you determine which foods are the lowest in calories and what you should eat to avoid gaining weight.

Legendary ballerina Maya Plisetskaya once shared the secret of her slimness. Her diet is very laconic - “Don’t eat!” It too radical solution, which can lead to very negative consequences for the body.

Dietary nutrition, contrary to all opinions, is not a total rejection of all gastronomic delicacies and a transition to an ascetic menu. You don't have to lock your refrigerator and starve yourself. After reading this article, you will learn how you can get rid of kilograms without harm to your health and always stay in shape. You can continue to eat meat, seafood, vegetables, fruits and sweets, just replace them with others that are just as tasty and also healthy. The result of proper nutrition will not be immediately obvious, as if you follow strict diets, but after a couple of months you will feel better, and the numbers on the scale will confirm the wisdom of your choice.

Low-calorie vegetables and fruits

The most low calorie foods food is products plant origin with high fiber content. The more dietary fiber, the lower the calorie content of the product. Fiber prevents the absorption of carbohydrates and fats and significantly slows it down, so vegetables and fruits should always be in your diet. At any time of the year, make light salads from cucumbers, fresh or sauerkraut, radishes, tomatoes, asparagus, carrots, bell peppers, onions and herbs seasoned with wine vinegar or olive oil- under no circumstances mayonnaise or other sauces based on it. Low calorie vegetable salad before eating the main meal will speed up the onset of a feeling of fullness, which will allow you to reduce the amount of higher-calorie dishes.

You can make an incredibly tasty and healthy stew from eggplant, zucchini, zucchini, celery, and spinach. Don't forget about olives, a source of health and beauty that contain beneficial fatty acid, helping the body get rid of cholesterol.

Low-calorie foods also include fruits and berries: quinces, oranges, watermelons, lingonberries, cherries, blackberries, grapefruits, strawberries, lemons, apples, cherries, peaches, persimmons, from which you can make compote, sherbet, sorbet or eat in their natural form.

Non-vegetarian menu

If you are afraid that in order to eat properly you need to join the ranks of vegetarians, then you are in vain. You can continue to eat fried, boiled or stewed meat, but replace pork and beef tenderloin with lower-calorie foods - organ meats (kidneys, heart), lean veal and chicken, rabbit, lean beef, turkey. Pay attention to fish and seafood that are rich in omega-3 acids; prepare a variety of hot dishes, salads and cold appetizers from perch, flounder, carp, crucian carp, halibut, pike perch, pollock, squid, crabs, and shrimp.

Those with a sweet tooth don't have to worry; they won't have to give up sweets like they would with a traditional diet. You can continue to drink tea with dessert, but choose the lowest-calorie sweets, such as marmalade, marshmallows, and marshmallows.

But you will have to give up white and black bread, replacing it rye bread and waffle bread with bran. The taboo applies to sweet buns, cookies, gingerbread and all flour products.

Prohibited Products

Products with high calorie content (450-900 kcal per 100 g), which we recommend excluding from your diet: sunflower butter, ghee, butter, fatty pork and beef, sausages, sausages, raw smoked sausages, hard and processed cheeses, curd cheeses, nuts, bread, pasta, sugar, jam, honey, chocolate, cakes and cream pies.

You will also have to give up your favorite fried potatoes with onions for vegetable oil, but not irrevocably. We'll just cook it differently, tasty and healthy recipe- bake in the oven. Baked potatoes are even healthy, because during heat treatment they retain special substances that normalize the digestion process.

Diet menu

We offer you one of the menu options for a low-calorie diet, which will demonstrate that dietary food very tasty and does not require major changes in diet.

Light vegetable and meat soup

Meat fillet (lean pork, beef, chicken) - 500 g
Water - 3 l
Potatoes - 400 g
Spinach - 150 g
Fresh or frozen green pea- 200 g
Fresh or canned corn - 100 g
Fresh or frozen mixed vegetables (carrots, broccoli, cauliflower) - 200 g
Seasonings, salt, pepper, bay leaf to taste

Place meat in water and cook until done. Then remove the meat, cut into small pieces and set aside for a while. Add diced potatoes to the broth and cook for 10 minutes. Add peas, corn, carrots, cauliflower and broccoli. Cook the soup for another 5 minutes. Then add pieces of cooked meat, spinach and spices. Bring everything to readiness. Add some greens before serving. There are only 42 calories in 100 grams of light spring soup.

Breaded fish

Lean fish - 700 g
Carrots - 1 pc.
Onion - 2 pcs.
bell pepper- 1 PC.
Chicken egg - 1 pc.
Grated cheese - 50 gr.
Milk - 100 ml.
Flour - 2 tbsp. l.
Salt, pepper to taste

Grind the carrots, onions, peppers, eggs, milk and flour in a blender (the mixture will turn red due to the carrots), add salt and pepper. Cut and season the fish with spices. Lightly fry the fish fillet in a frying pan, then transfer it to a baking dish and pour over the carrot mixture. Place the baking sheet in the oven at 180°C and bake for about 30-40 minutes (until done). 5 minutes before the dish is ready, sprinkle it with cheese.

100 g of a hearty hot dish contains only 60 calories.

Fresh fruits

Try to accustom yourself to daily consumption of natural juices from vegetables and fruits. A glass of fresh carrot or apple juice contains no more than 60 calories, as well as many useful substances. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which stimulates the production of immune cells that protect our body from viruses and bacteria. Carrot beta-carotene is better absorbed with oil, so add a drop of oil to a glass of juice.
Low-calorie fresh orange juice relieves fatigue and lowers high blood pressure, it stimulates brain function, which is why it is most often drunk before a working day.
Fresh pineapple has fat-burning properties, but it should not be overused, as it irritates the gastric mucosa and negatively affects tooth enamel.

Fruit baked in wine

Low-calorie desserts are just as tasty as the sweets we are used to. With only one difference: their calorie content is half that of traditional cakes and pastries.

Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp.
Dry white wine - 1 tbsp.
Hard pears - 2 pcs.
Honey - 50 ml
Green seedless grapes - 2 bunches

Wash the fruit, cut the pears into 4 parts and remove the core. Remove the grapes from the bunch and place in a baking dish. Add chopped pears. Preheat the oven to 190°C. Mix wine with honey and vanilla sugar and pour the liquid over the fruit. Place the pan in the oven for 40 minutes. Don't let the fruits burn, so baste them from time to time with the released juice. Before serving, add a couple of spoons of low-fat whipped sour cream with sugar.

We recommend drinking mineral water as drinks. still water, compotes, fruit drinks, juices, green tea. Give up coffee. For example, a cup of coffee with milk or cream has 270 calories. If you consider that on average you can drink up to 5 cups of hot coffee per day, then your body receives a lot more extra calories. Excess caffeine causes the body to store fat. Herbal, fruit and green teas are healthy and promote weight loss.

FashionTime wishes you a pleasant and healthy appetite. Do not limit yourself in the choice of dishes, eat tasty, but healthy. Then you will feel cheerful and energetic, and extra pounds will not bother you with their presence.

Why are you getting fat and what should you do to avoid gaining weight? This question is relevant not only for modern women, but also for the stronger sex and even children. Surprisingly, most often people ask it to themselves and, of course, cannot find the correct answer due to their incompetence. In this regard, we recommend turning to experienced nutritionists who know their business and will certainly be able to tell you what makes you fat and cannot lose weight.

Unfortunately, not all people have free cash to visit a specialist. That is why we will try to answer this question in this article.

Why are you getting fat?

There are several factors why a person begins to gain a lot of weight. And most often people understand what exactly their fatness is connected with. But the likely abandonment of their favorite habits makes them literally “blind.” In this regard, our task becomes to open the eyes of overweight people who want to gain slim and sexy shapes.

Poor nutrition

“Why do you get fat if you eat little and rarely?” - patients very often turn to experienced nutritionists with this question. But if all the tests of a given person are in order, and he does not take any hormonal drugs, then the specialist is quite skeptical about this statement. After all, people who lead, including eating right, will never gain extra pounds. However, most women and men are still confident that they do not eat too many foods to gain weight.

Nutritionists call this effect self-deception. After all, once you objectively count the number of snacks and meals eaten per day, it turns out that they contain several times more calories than a person should. So let's find out together what exactly contributes to obesity.

Foods that make you fat

Absolutely all modern products contain elements such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. These substances are essential for the normal development and existence of the human body. They promote the growth of muscles and bones, are responsible for the healthy state of organs, etc. But everything is good in moderation. After all, these elements can both help your body and destroy it.


Most often, foods that make you fat contain large amounts of carbohydrates. These include our favorite confectionery, pasta and bakery products, as well as fruits, juices, sugar and other sweet and flour ingredients. That is why during diets, experts recommend flatly abandoning the listed components. But what to do if the normal development of the body requires not only proteins and fats, but also carbohydrates?

The fact is that the latter are divided into two groups: called monosaccharides, they quickly increase the blood sugar level, which affects not only a person’s health, but also his figure. Complex elements are absorbed more slowly, and much more energy is required to digest them. So what kind of carbohydrates do you think all of the above foods contain? Of course, they consist entirely of monosaccharides and quickly lead to fullness.

Does bread make you fat or not? This question is also very often asked to nutritionists. It should be noted that baked goods make people gain weight most often (after confectionery sweets). But this is only if the product is as fresh as possible and made from the highest varieties of wheat. If you cannot completely give up bread, then we recommend choosing rye crackers or special diet bread.

It is also worth noting that honey makes you fat no less often than granulated sugar. After all, this ingredient, although it is useful product, still consists of almost nothing but carbohydrates. Most often, honey is recommended for those who absolutely cannot live without sweets, and who need to get their figure in order as soon as possible. However, you should not eat it with bread and butter; you can only enjoy a couple of spoons for breakfast or lunch. By the way, by abusing this product, you can not only harm your own figure, but also your health. After all, honey is the strongest allergen.


“Only those who eat it get fat from lard,” many nutritionists joke. What is this connected with? As you know, lard is 100% fat. And if excess carbohydrates, getting into human body, are first converted into triglycerides, and only then deposited on the stomach, sides and thighs, then the presented element does not need to be subjected to chemical reactions, he immediately finds secluded places in the mentioned areas of the body. That is why you should also refuse such a tasty and aromatic product.

Does porridge make you fat? To answer this question, you need to understand what this dish consists of. As a rule, it includes cereals, milk and spices, including granulated sugar. As for the first product (buckwheat, rice, semolina, millet, oatmeal, etc.), most often it contains substances that are beneficial for the body and almost never have a negative effect on the figure. But, as you know, porridge is made with milk, and at the end they also add a piece of butter. It is these fatty components that can let you down, since they will clearly contribute to you gaining extra pounds again. In this regard, nutritionists recommend cooking porridge exclusively in water and without adding granulated sugar.

Carbohydrates + fats

As we found out above, the two named components are the most terrible enemies of our figure. Then it is difficult to imagine what will happen if they are combined together.

Let's remember what everyday dishes we love most. These include:

  • pastries, cakes, sweets, chocolate and other confectionery products;
  • Navy pasta, salads based on mayonnaise and vegetables, mashed potatoes with fried and fatty meat, sausages in dough, hamburgers, French fries, sandwiches with butter, cheese and other main courses;
  • fatty soups with potatoes, rice, noodles and dumplings, etc.

If we look at these products in more detail, we can safely say that every day you consume a killer combination of carbohydrates and fats. This is what causes all your problems with excess weight.

Does coffee make you fat or not? It is quite difficult to answer the question unequivocally. And before doing this, you should again find out what kind of drink we are talking about. If you are used to drinking coffee with cream and sugar every day, then yes, you will certainly gain weight from this combination. If you are a supporter of a black drink without milk or sweeteners, then you are in no danger.

Thus, we can safely conclude that our figure is ruined by an incorrect and unbalanced diet, which most often consists of such a deadly combination as carbohydrates and fats.


Unlike the other two elements, proteins do not affect the human figure in any way. That is why today diets that are based on products primarily consisting of the presented substance are quite popular. Such ingredients include lean meats, fish, legumes (peas, chickpeas, beans, soy), seafood, dairy products, etc. But surely each of us understands that such components also include harmful elements. After all, it’s hard to imagine cheese, milk or cottage cheese without fat. Although today there are products that are as devoid of the mentioned substance as possible.

However, it should be noted that, unlike a combination of carbohydrates and fats, proteins and triglycerides do not contribute to rapid and significant weight gain. Especially if you use them in moderation.

Features of the nation

Why don't French women get fat? At one time, this question became the title of a very interesting and fascinating book. But to answer it, it is not at all necessary to re-read this publication over and over again.

Indeed, there is an opinion that the French are not susceptible to obesity. But this is only partly true. After all, the habit of eating a lot of junk food begins from birth. For example, Russians have always been distinguished by the fact that they loved to eat tasty and plentiful food. One has only to remember how historians described the royal tables that were set for holidays and celebrations. As for the French, their nation is still associated with regularity and caution. This is probably why they are picky eaters and never allow themselves to eat too much.

How not to gain weight?

If you are prone to obesity, then you should pay special attention to your diet. After all, an extra piece of cake can mean that in just a few weeks you won’t be able to fit into your favorite dress or trousers. To do this, it is recommended to develop a separate menu, which will differ significantly from the diet of your loved ones. Of course, at first it will be quite difficult for you to abstain from your favorite foods, but after a couple of weeks of effort this habit will disappear on its own.

Active lifestyle

Another answer to the question of why people get fat may well be lack of exercise. After all, today few people go in for sports, preferring to sit at the computer or TV once again. But in order to gain beauty, you should definitely give up these habits. After all, nothing burns excess fat like jogging or a banal walk in the park. It is also worth noting that if the calories you take in are many times greater than the number of energy units you expend during physical movement, then you will never lose weight. In this regard, you should always remember balance and know when to stop when eating.