Spirituality and family health briefly. Spirituality and family health. Connection with the negative force of the family

Why do you need to heal your family?

  • If you want more from life, the current level does not suit you. If you can't live easily and freely.
  • If your fate is not going well. If you are plagued by relationship problems or health problems.
  • If many relatives have similar scenarios (childlessness, lack of money, unhappy marriages, etc.).
  • If there were severe cases of death, suicide, poverty and disease in the family.

This means you should look into the past and start healing your family.

    Each of us is connected with our family, with our ancestors.

    Almost all traditions claim that our life and destiny are closely determined by the program of the clan.

    Any doctor today will tell you that 80% of your health depends on heredity.

    What your ancestors were sick with, the more you can get sick, but if your ancestors were healthy and strong people, then the safety margin of your health is very significant.

    In fact, not only health, but also many lines of fate are determined by ancestors.

A person is a member of the clan and generic system. He is born within the framework of this system, and the system extends to him everything accumulated that it itself possesses. What does it have? “Baggage” from energy (negative or positive), ancestral karma (positive or negative), the quality of ancestral ties, the strength or weakness of the genus. The ancestral system operates on the principle of hierarchy (pyramid), and continuity. What was “acquired” in the system before the appearance of a new member of the system, those achievements, that energy and resources will be used by the new member of the system.

That is, a child, like a flower, blossoms and grows on the foundation, energy, resources that his parents and the generic system as a whole give him. If new members of the system do not replenish it with their investments (energy, kindness, love, care), the energy of the system will dry up, and new members of the clan will get less and less of the clan’s resources - everything positive and good will be “eaten up” before it...

  • No one drops out of the clan, from the ancestral ties. Ancestral memory“carries” in itself the “archives” of all members of the clan, and accumulates all their deeds, all their influences on the clan - good and bad. Even if a person did not invest either good or bad into the generic system, he still weakened the system by using generic resources and did not invest or compensate for what was spent. Although system and influences each of its members, worsening or improving his situation, and each member of the system can have a positive or negative impact on the system, strengthening or weakening it, and sometimes destroying it. This is the effect of mutual responsibility. Also, a new member of the system will be “inscribed” in the ancestral karma, which will influence his life simultaneously with his individual karma. The energy and karma developed and accumulated by parents and ancestors in general has already influenced you, defining you your basic data, features, characteristics, and the conditions in which you were born. And they will continue to influence.
  • If your ancestors and relatives argue, drink, cause harm to each other and other people, destroy themselves and others, hate each other, live in anger and envy, curse each other or other people, “shatter and destroy the system” - the consequences of all this will “leak through” to you. It’s not a fact that it’s in the same format, it’s not a fact that it’s “one to one”, but in general - in the form of various deteriorations in your destiny and life.
  • "What goes around comes around." Only Ancestors sow and descendants reap. And a person, trying “on his own” to break out of his vicious circle of problems, often forgets about the problems of the ancestral order, and the struggle for his happiness will be complicated by the fact that a person is fighting against the system, trying to break out of the system that holds him by the feet, that the labor lasted - you could probably hear such expressions. Just like this - strong family, happy family, lucky family, rich family. This characteristics of quality and strength of the family. Here is one clan - rich, another - poor, the third - “nothing”. In one family there are cancer patients, alcoholics, schizophrenics, and chronic need. But in the other - no. Why? The quality of energy, ancestral connections and ancestral karma that the genus possesses is why.

How do you understand what kind of power you are connected with, positive or negative?

Connection with the positive force of the family:

  • You do a lot or almost everything in your life easily;
  • You are almost never haunted by negativity in any areas;
  • You have good dreams;
  • Your family, parental and personal, has good relationships, filled with love and positivity;
  • Health is normal;
  • You can shape your destiny the way you want;
  • You are not held responsible for the fates and misfortunes of your relatives.

Communication with negative force kind:

  • Severe mental states, mood swings;
  • You very often remember conflicts in your family, with your parents, etc. or you are in conflict;
  • You have difficult dreams about your ancestors;
  • You feel or it seems to you that your parents or your family will not allow you to build your life the way you want;
  • You think you are indebted to your loved ones;
  • There is very little love and a lot of negativity in your parental family and in your family;
  • You don't feel happy in life.

It is the lack of love that is the main cause of most negative birth programs. One very bright representative of the genus is enough to bring living energies into the family tree, which heal the entire birth canal. In this way, the entire race can be cleansed and gain new - higher vibrations of energies!

In order for your life and the life of your children to improve, you should begin to heal and cleanse the ancestral energy of the family.

The mother's gender carries genetic information that affects health.

Mom creates a human body, it doesn’t matter if it’s a boy or a girl. This is the result of the creation of mothers. In fact, mother gives this body. Accordingly, the energy of the mother and her family affects the body, i.e. on health, and affects the genome, DNA.

And dad transmits genetically social information.

    Mom is intuition, emotions and body, organism, health.

    Dad is consciousness, personality, social behavior, interaction in society, building correct behavior in society.

And thus, if there is a conflict with both mom and dad, non-acceptance of mom and dad, non-acceptance of relatives on the maternal and paternal side, then, as a rule, such a person cannot be socially successful, and he will definitely have health problems.

It is not the place of children to judge the behavior of their parents. We can only understand and forgive. If there is acceptance, then there will be self-realization in society (especially for men), relationships with people will improve, relationships with your loved ones will improve, long-awaited love will occur, children will be born.

But in order for all this to happen, you need to start working with the family. I’ll say right away that everyone has different life situations, therefore, to get positive changes, some may need more time, while for others, changes begin after the first day of working with birth!

Copied from the site "Self-knowledge.ru"

As society changed throughout the world, changes also occurred showing how spirituality influenced modern human aspirations.

Every culture has its own roots of spirituality, and the spirituality of each culture influences the world today in different ways. Leading research into the impact of spirituality on human health is being conducted at Duke University Medical Center under the direction of Dr. Harold G. Koenig.

Dr. Koenig, an internationally renowned medical researcher, is himself a registered nurse, internist, and professor of psychiatry and medicine at Duke University Medical Center. He is also the founder and co-director of the Center for Spirituality, Religious Studies and Health at Duke University. He gives his reports at conferences and seminars held in the USA.

His research focuses on how spirituality affects older people and people with disabilities. He has written many books on the subject and has also appeared on several television and radio programs. In The Wellness Connection, he takes a serious but humorous look at his life and spirituality and relates it to his research.

Dr. Koenig's research covers a variety of health problems, from breast cancer to minor ailments. He knows very well what it is to be disabled, as he spent part of his life in a wheelchair.

When Koenig became a Christian, he realized that his faith had a profound impact on his ability to come to terms with his disability. His research is very detailed and can achieve very accurate results. For example, he chose African-American women to study breast cancer.

“Of course, the study cannot be completed, but we chose black women because of the significant role that church, and especially their church interactions, play in their lives.

It is such an important part of the belief system and social networks of African American women that we decided to study this group to understand the impact of religion on breast cancer,” Dr. Koenig told The Epoch Times. "All the world's major religions promote virtues such as forgiveness, gratitude, kindness and love, and practicing these in one's life can improve one's health."

Studies have shown that stress changes the immune system and a person’s ability to resist disease, gives rise to cardiovascular diseases, contributes to abnormalities in the digestive tract, metabolic disorders, and so on. Dr. Koenig has found that spirituality provides guidance, connection, support, and self-respect, which forms a powerful mechanism for coping with stress, which in turn has positive effects on health in a variety of ways.

Research has shown that spirituality alleviates stress, promotes a sense of peace through the exercise of virtues, and changes a person psychologically. This leads to strengthening immune system. There is also a chance that people will become more optimistic, live longer and become healthier.

What makes these studies unique is that they looked at a combination of different personalities and how each personality uses spirituality to cope with depression and stress. Dr. Koenig used his experience working with older adults and those experiencing depression to summarize research on the role of despair people experience in various illnesses.

The results are amazing! Various groups of personalities and defense mechanisms were identified and clear conclusions were drawn about the operation of each mechanism. This has created a promising outlook for further research leading to the study of various forms of treatment that may ultimately be beneficial in modern healthcare, with medical and women's ethics centered on the healing aspects of compassion. This provides a positive, utilitarian approach to healthcare.

The studies were primarily conducted among Christians, since 85% of spiritually religious people in the United States are Christians. Dr. Koenig carried out his experiments in the south of the country, where the majority of the population is Christian and where he himself lives. Koenig wants to establish a foundation for research into spirituality and health based on Christianity before he explores other world religions. He believes that before studying the health effects of different religious schools, it is necessary to have an initial knowledge base that other scientists can use in conducting their own research based on their traditions.

Last October, Insurance Canada released a report entitled "Ending Canada's Invisible Epidemics: A Strategy for Injury Prevention," which found that injuries are the leading cause of disability and death in Canadians aged 1 to 44 years. Disability often leads to depression, which causes severe stress for the disabled themselves and for the people around them.

The report recommends greater support from local governments and increased resources from the federal government. In addition, it is recommended that an injury research group be established and its findings put into practice [for injury prevention]. Dr. Koenig works tirelessly to increase support for people with disabilities by highlighting their issues in the hope that this will increase government support.

He states: “It seems to me that doctors are more receptive in this matter. I think that in our time medical educational establishments teach doctors to be more receptive. I believe many therapists see how their patients benefit from their faith. Especially as research in this area came out, therapists began asking patients about the role of spirituality in their lives, and we became even more aware of its importance. It seems to me that in the future we will become increasingly convinced of this."

Koenig says many scientists also cite scientific evidence that spirituality plays a positive role in maintaining good health, and therefore governments in more and more countries understand this. Although the US government is cutting funding scientific research, Dr. Koenig hopes that more research and support will be provided in this area. He believes that in the future this area will become a higher priority than before.

Koenig's main concern is whether scientists will be able to interested in work in this field, in the future, obtain an education that will allow them to conduct research, publish works that will receive support, and publish the results in medical periodicals. Dr. Koenig is building a network of scientists to advance research in this area. He says that once there is enough evidence from medical research, therapists will talk openly about spirituality in clinical practice and be willing to support their patients in their spiritual faith.

Dr. Koenig states that his work has been recognized in many countries around the world where repressive regimes existed, such as Hungary and Ukraine. There has been interest in these studies in India, Taiwan and some Islamic countries. The site contains the opinions of some professors and teachers who support Dr. Koenig's research and believe that it should be integrated into the health care system.

“It is interesting to see how scientists around the world who may not have previously expressed an interest in this work are now immersed in it,” said Dr. Koenig. “Today there is a need to organize international conferences where scientists and clinicians to increase our understanding and strengthen connections in this area."


Spirituality is a state of mind, the behavior of each of us in emergency life situations, these are our thoughts, speech, actions, internal factors of a person. If there are no spiritual needs, say nothing about a person’s spiritual development and health.

Spirituality is a very multifaceted and complex phenomenon. According to the dictionary interpretation, spirituality is the spiritual, intellectual nature, the inner moral essence of a person. Modern humanitarian science speaks of spirituality as a specific quality of a person, that it is spirituality that makes a person human. If an individual renounces his human essence, his humanity, then in this case he becomes inhuman, inhumane, and unspiritual.

Spirituality in Ukrainian family pedagogy is understood as a set of mental phenomena that characterize the inner subjective world of a person, the main features of a person’s cultural orientation - his vital interests, beliefs, views, ideals, worldview, attitude to life, to other people, to his responsibilities, connections and to myself. his thinking, desire, will, aesthetic and moral feelings. In the family, the foundations of humanity, the roots of spirituality, the foundation of personality, generosity, and care for loved ones are laid.

Jan Comenius in his famous “Mother’s School,” calling for more care for the soul, as the main part of a person, wrote that first of all it is necessary to teach children to piety, then to kindness, morality or virtue, and finally “to the most useful sciences.” . Spirituality is both a part of human essence and a social phenomenon, which is a complex, complex formation that includes a set of various forms of consciousness - from its highest forms (worldview, ideas, values, ideals, beliefs) to existential (life interests), mental characteristics and psycho-emotional states of an individual or people, determines the understanding and attitude of a person or many people to existence.

The outstanding teacher K. D. Ushinsky noted: “In order for upbringing to create a different nature for a person, it is necessary that the ideas of this upbringing pass into the beliefs of the pupils, beliefs into habits, and habits into inclinations. When a conviction is so ingrained in a person that she submits to him before she thinks she should obey, only then does it become an element of his nature.” Undoubtedly, this also applies to the principles of the formation of spiritual morality and foundations healthy image life of modern youth.

The problem of spiritual health is important, multifaceted, socially and naturally significant. All aspects of it are challenging. Health is a dynamic state of a person, which is characterized by strength of spirit, thirst for life and creativity, desire for knowledge, self-knowledge, self-improvement high level culture, spirituality, morality and drying.

Health can be defined as the ability of an individual to regulate his life and his activities in accordance with the humanistic ideals that humanity has developed in the process of historical development. It is health that determines a person’s relationship to himself, to others, to society and is a priority in the hierarchy of health.

Personal health is the desire for truth, goodness, the ability to act out of love for one’s neighbor, and involvement in living and inanimate nature. Health is the main source of vitality and energy. It is characterized as a person’s ability to sympathize, empathize, help others, the desire to improve the life around them and actively contribute to this; honesty and truthfulness; self-improvement of the individual as part of the improvement of the world; responsible attitude towards yourself and your life.

The founder of school valeology science and practice V. A. Sukhomlinsky, giving great importance spiritual health of the individual in the book “How to Raise a Real Person,” he believed that “a person’s spiritual wealth is one of the most important indicators of his comprehensive development.” V. A. Sukhomlinsky believed that the physical, mental, moral and spiritual health of teachers is of considerable importance, because without it it is difficult to achieve the expected results in children. The soul of every child is a flower, but whether it sprouts or not depends on spirituality, upbringing and teaching highly spiritual principles of morality - the basis of a healthy lifestyle. The duty of parents, preschool teachers, teachers to the future is not to lose the souls of their children, but to raise them on the basis of the highest human values, spiritual needs that ensure health.

The spiritual component of health is a kind of peak that collects all the best in a person, thanks to which the individual becomes a person. Spiritual needs are a system of complex and ambiguous in nature and strength of a person’s internal motivations, which rise to satisfy the needs of his immediate existence.

Throughout life, a person strives for spiritual development and self-improvement. It is revealed through unique combinations:

— Vision of beauty in environment and in itself (aestheticism);

— Development of certain rules of behavior in relation to the surrounding world, both according to the laws of society and according to the internal moral code (etism);

— Understanding the essence of the surrounding world, the place of man in nature and society, her life values, the choice of method own life, responsibility for the health and life of oneself and other people (philosophical worldview).

Each component of health is multifaceted and complex. But only under the condition of an organic combination of these components, a person’s spiritual need and health are formed and developed. Spiritual need is the source that fills the essence with humanity and does not allow evil, callousness, and insolence to germinate. Step by step, showing examples of spiritual behavior, examples of a healthy lifestyle and activities of spiritually rich people, studying the principles of spiritual morality, putting students in the position of the need for moral action in general and a healthy lifestyle in particular, teaching us to think not superficially, but deeply, spiritually, we Let’s bring the pupils to the point where they say “I want to do this”, “I am forced to act this way”, “I cannot do it differently, because my conscience and inner voice dictate so.” There is a manifest spiritual need to be honest, kind, sympathetic, merciful, caring, sincere, etc.

So, the internal regulator of a person’s spirituality is his conscience. The outstanding German philosopher Kant said that conscience is a law that lives within us, and the French philosopher Holbach called conscience our inner judge.

Conscience is the demands that a person places on himself. A spiritually developed person controls her own actions, her way of life, and strives to prevent them from deviating from certain social and moral requirements and norms, regardless of whether someone else controls her actions or not. And she does this due to her developed spirituality and conscience.

Modern science has proven the correctness of the teachings of ancient philosophers; first of all, we must strive to instill in our souls mercy, kindness, justice, understanding of the soul of another person, the best customs of our ancestors, i.e. take care of your health. His physical development depends on his spiritual state. Without a soul there is no personality, without personality there is no progress of civilization, without movement there is no life. Spirituality as a form of manifestation of a person’s moral potential is aimed at benevolence, complicity and selflessness. To become physically healthy, you must sincerely strive to lay a solid foundation of spirituality, then you will overcome illnesses, you will be healthy and happy. High spirituality is the goal of all health systems.

A high spiritual level helps a person to realize the value of life, its meaning, to assert himself as an individual, to find his place in society, and to maintain health. This, of course, is facilitated by the ability to critically evaluate one’s personality, the ability to behave without conflict with the environment, and the desire for self-improvement. One of the core components of the formation of a person’s spiritual education is his consciousness.

Consciousness is one of the most complex mental processes that determines a person’s attitude to the world through a socially developed system of knowledge enshrined in language, the highest form of reflection of matter. Consciousness arises only in society, inherent only to man. By its nature, consciousness is a property of highly organized matter—the human brain. A person is considered to be conscious if she is able to:

— Focus on various phenomena in accordance with the situation;

- Continue abstract thoughts, operate with them, and also express them in words;

- Evaluate future action, that is, has the ability to expect and forecast;

- Realize your Self and recognize other individuals;

— Assess the significance of aesthetic and ethical values.

An integral part of a person’s spiritual health is self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is the knowledge of one’s essence, the identification of both negative and positive traits, as well as opportunities that can serve the correct, comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual. This process is long, constant, complex and individual. Self-knowledge is carried out through introspection, self-assessment, self-criticism, introspection. Self-observation is

observation, the object of which is: the mental state and actions of the observing subject himself. It is based on the general observation of the individual. Observation is the ability of a person, using the senses with the active participation of consciousness, to accurately and completely reflect what is happening around. Self-observation begins with the accuracy of mental perception and analysis of what happened to a person during the day. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the ability to see the feelings of others (joy, sadness, thoughtfulness, diligence, etc..), Then a person will better understand others and it will be easier for her to understand herself. Learning to observe oneself in difficult psychological situations, to reveal objectivity in oneself, to tell oneself the truth is the strength, nobility and wisdom of a person.

Self-knowledge is impossible without self-criticism. Self-criticism is the ability to see oneself from the outside, to objectively assess one’s abilities and capabilities, to notice, criticize, and correct every unworthy act, wrong opinion, behavior. The basis of self-criticism is the criticality of the mind, developed thinking, that is, the ability to see positive and negative in the surrounding reality. Therefore, a person needs to develop his memory, thinking, learn to analyze and synthesize, compare and generalize, classify, find, highlight the main thing. If a person learns to accurately analyze his actions and behavior, then he will be able to conduct an objective self-analysis.

Self-analysis is the awareness and analysis of one’s actions. In the course of analyzing events and actions, life is rethought, new facets of existence are discovered, this allows a person to foresee possible mistakes, not repeat them and understand the reasons that led to them. Self-esteem is an element of self-knowledge, the ability to evaluate oneself, one’s place in life and among other people, one’s shortcomings, capabilities, inclinations, and behavior. The development of certain personality traits (criticism, self-demandingness, attitude towards successes and failures, assessment of one’s real capabilities, etc.) depends on self-esteem. If the level of a person’s life aspirations to real opportunities, then the person is capable of adequate self-esteem. Conversely, the discrepancy between a person’s aspirations and his real capabilities indicates an inadequate self-esteem of the individual. In this case, a person is haunted by failures and emotional breakdowns occur. Self-esteem is built on the basis of an objective generalized self-assessment of a person. Self-esteem is necessary for the full development of the individual. Self-knowledge and self-improvement allows a person to understand his place in the world, the meaning of life, to know himself more deeply, to feel his strength, shapes his character and will to become better, to be spiritually healthy.

Kaydalova Svetlana Viktorovna
Geography teacher, Municipal Educational Institution "Otradnenskaya Secondary School",
Russia, Belgorod region Belgorod district
Email: [email protected]

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The article reveals the importance of the family’s influence on the emotional state and spiritual health of the child, and offers advice that can be used not only by parents, but also by teachers.

Key words: family, spiritual health, " good man", morality.

“All the good things that connect me with the world around me are connected with my family,” wrote the founder of the University of Berlin, Wilhelm Humboldt, in his memoirs. Perhaps any person can agree with these lines. The family is the first authority on a child’s path to life. The family perceives and passes on cultural and moral values. Parents constitute the child's first social environment. They are the models that the child is guided by every day. Parents play a vital role in the life of every person. The family shapes the child’s personality, defining for him moral norms, values ​​and standards of behavior.

A home for a child is like a start to life. Justice, love, sympathy, mutual understanding, and tolerance should reign in the house not only towards children, but also towards all other family members. The upbringing and development of these qualities in a child requires support from parents - not only with words, but also with their example. Parents should set an example for their children by their actions. They must explain to their child “what is good and what is bad,” they must raise a kind person.

The concept of a “good person” is very complex. It includes a variety of qualities that have long been valued by people. A good person can be called a person who has developed love for the Motherland, people living nearby, the elderly, an active desire to do good, the ability to self-denial for the benefit of others, honesty, conscientiousness, a correct understanding of the meaning of life and happiness, a sense of duty, justice, and hard work. These are all concepts of morality.

Human moral needs are closely related to moral feelings, which are also the motives of human behavior. This is compassion, empathy, empathy, selflessness...

Fostering developed moral needs is the most important task of parents. The task is quite feasible. What is needed to solve it successfully?

Firstly, parents must realize the importance of moral education of children in the family.

Secondly, parents must develop moral needs in themselves.

Thirdly, parents who want to raise their child not spontaneously, but consciously, in order to raise their child, they must analyze themselves, their actions.

If love and mutual understanding reign in the family not only in relation to children, but in the relationships of parents, if in the family they do everything together: they work, spend free time together, ready to help each other in different situations, then children will always learn to behave this way. Joy and sorrow in a spiritually healthy family become common: all events family life unite, strengthen and deepen the feeling of mutual love. In such a family there will be fewer illnesses, because well-being affects the health of all family members.

Observing children from families where parents are alcohol dependent, we began to notice periodic changes in their behavior. When parents do not drink alcohol, spend more time with their children, and are interested in their lives, then the children behave calmly at school and do their homework , do not be rude to teachers and peers. But as soon as parents start drinking alcohol again, children become aggressive, may not attend classes, spend more time on the street, often wandering aimlessly. This example once again proves that relationships in the family and the behavior of parents leave their mark on the child, his behavior, and health.

The Constitution of the World Health Organization defines health: “Health is a state of complete mental, physical and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

Spiritual health is the ability to know the world and oneself, analyze current events and phenomena, predict the development of situations that affect life, form a model (program) of behavior aimed at solving emerging problems, protecting one’s interests, life and health in the real environment. The higher the intelligence, the more reliable the forecast of events, the more accurate the model of behavior, the more stable the psyche, the higher the level of spiritual health.

This health is achieved by the ability to live in harmony with oneself, with family, friends and society, to predict and model events, and to draw up a program of one’s actions on this basis.

Realistically assess the current situation and make right choice, do not dramatize failures, live in harmony with yourself and other people and manage your emotions, only a moral and spiritually healthy person can be able to enjoy the successes of other people.

For a child, parents are role models. Children should see how we, parents, practically show love, sympathy, attention, and tolerance towards our neighbors, and how we can act in different life situations. We are all adults and each of us raises our children in our own way. Everyone has their own unspoken rules, some use the advice of loved ones and friends, but we all must remember if:

    the child is constantly criticized, he learns to hate;

    the child is ridiculed and becomes withdrawn;

    the child is supported, he learns to value himself;

    a child grows up in reproaches, he learns to live with a feeling of guilt;

    the child grows up in tolerance, he learns to understand others;

    a child grows in honesty, he learns to be fair;

    the child grows up in safety, he learns to believe in people;

    the child lives in hostility, he learns to be aggressive;

    the child lives in understanding and friendliness, he learns to find love in this world.

A person gains the ability to enjoy life and the ability to courageously endure difficulties in early childhood. Children are sensitive and receptive to everything that surrounds them, and they have a lot to achieve. To become kind to people, you need to learn to understand others, show empathy, honestly admit your mistakes, be hardworking, be amazed at the beauty of the surrounding nature, and treat it with care. Of course, it is difficult to list all the moral qualities of a person in the future society, but the main thing is that these qualities should be laid down in the family.


    Derekleeva N.I. Parent meetings in grades 1-11. – M.: Verbum-M, 2003. – 80 p.

    Parent meetings: 5th grade / Author-comp. O.V. Dukina. – M.: VAKO, 2008. - 256 p.

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federal state autonomous educational institution

higher professional education

Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov

Branch in Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region


Department of Management


in the discipline: “Physical Education”

on the topic: “Spiritual education in the family as the basis of a healthy lifestyle”

Completed by: 2nd year student

full-time education

direction "Management"

profile: “Human resource management”

Naumova Natalia Alexandrovna

Severodvinsk - 2012


1. The concept of a healthy lifestyle

2. Contemporary issues formation of health and a healthy lifestyle in children

3. The role of the family in strengthening and preserving the health of children




IN modern society The problem of preserving and strengthening the health of children is more relevant than ever before. This is explained by the fact that very high demands are placed on them, which only healthy children can meet. And we can talk about health not only in the absence of any diseases, but also in the condition of harmonious neuropsychic development, high mental and physical performance.

It is known that health is formed under the influence of a whole complex of factors: features of intrauterine development, hereditary predisposition, social conditions, etc.

The most significant external factors determining a child’s development include family upbringing. Parents have the opportunity to develop the child's personality based on his individual capabilities, which he knows better than anyone else. They are responsible for his physical, moral, mental, social education and development. They want to see their children healthy, cheerful, active, resilient, strong and smart.

1. Healthy lifestyle concept

Today, by a healthy lifestyle we understand the active activities of people aimed at maintaining and improving health. The formation of a healthy lifestyle should begin as early as kindergarten. All life activities of a child in a preschool institution should be aimed at maintaining and strengthening health. A healthy lifestyle is determined by a person’s correct relationship with himself, with other people, with society and nature.

By modern ideas The concept of a healthy lifestyle includes the following components:

Optimal motor mode;

Balanced diet;


Personal hygiene

Positive emotions.

spirituality education health children family

2. Modern problems of developing health and a healthy lifestyle in children

For the past decade, our country has been experiencing an alarming situation with the health of children and adolescents. According to the Research Institute of Hygiene for Children and Adolescents of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in modern period 43% of students suffer from various chronic diseases; 63% have poor posture; 18% of high school students - high blood pressure. These numbers are growing every year. This is evidenced by the constantly decreasing recruitment of conscripts into the Russian armed forces due to health conditions. According to recent studies, about 30% of school-age children are at risk. After 18 years of age, they begin to develop diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. The state of people's health depends on many factors, among which lifestyle is of great importance: 50 - 52% of health is determined by a healthy lifestyle.

The problem of creating a healthy lifestyle and promoting health in children is becoming priority direction development of the educational system of modern schools and preschool educational institutions, the strategic goal of which is the education and development of a free, life-loving personality, enriched scientific knowledge about nature and man, ready for creative creative activity and moral behavior.

Modern society is distinguished by a variety of examples of human lifestyle that every child constantly encounters. This diversity is not always a model for the child; as a result, chaos is created in the child’s ideas about a healthy lifestyle and already existing ideas are destroyed.

In addition, there is currently a downward trend in the health of the younger generation, so the need for developing children’s ideas about a healthy lifestyle is increasing and requires finding new ways in the education, upbringing and development of preschoolers.

Today, behavior plays a particularly important role in maintaining human health. Indeed, the living conditions of most people are not ideal - not everyone has favorable socio-economic conditions, the environmental situation is deteriorating, psychological stress is growing, stress is becoming a common part of life. Human behavior can influence health, either improving or worsening it. And no matter how great the physical potential of a person’s health may be, behavior that destroys health (drinking alcohol, drugs, excessive eating, sedentary lifestyle, etc.) can significantly reduce it. Conversely, each of us knows cases when, thanks to perseverance and courage, people independently overcame serious illnesses.

3. The role of the family in strengthening and preserving the health of children

The concept of health is closely related to the concept of well-being. At the same time, the basis of human health is increasingly its spiritual component. Spiritual health is ensured by a system of thinking, knowledge of the surrounding world and orientation in it. Spiritual health is achieved by the ability to live in harmony with oneself, family, friends, society, the ability to predict and model events and draw up a program of one’s actions.

The family largely determines children’s attitude towards physical exercise, their interest in sports, activity and initiative. This is facilitated by close emotional communication between children and adults in different situations, and their naturally occurring joint activities (discussing the successes of the country’s sports life, experiences when watching television sports programs, illustrations in books on sports topics, etc.).

Children are especially susceptible to the beliefs, positive behavior of their father and mother, and the way of life of the family.

The priority direction of spiritual education should be the formation of the child’s moral qualities, which are the foundation of health. To do this, it is necessary to develop in him kindness, friendliness, endurance, determination, courage, an optimistic attitude towards life, a sense of the joy of existence, the ability to feel happy, believe in one’s own strengths and trust in the world.

To form these qualities, spiritual harmony and adequate positive self-esteem are necessary, which arise if the child is free from feelings of anxiety and fear and lives with confidence in his own security and safety. It is important that as each child masters spiritual culture, he develops feelings of tenderness and self-love, a mood of special joy from understanding his uniqueness, originality, the limitlessness of his creative possibilities, a sense of trust in the world and people.

When organizing spiritual education, remember:

If a child is often encouraged, he learns self-confidence,

If a child lives with a sense of security, he learns to believe,

If a child manages to achieve what he wants, he learns hope,

If a child lives in an atmosphere of friendship and feels needed, he learns to find love in this world.

It is equally important to maintain health to develop in your child the ability to consider himself and his condition from the outside. Self-observation and introspection form the desire to improve themselves, allow the child to see and develop his personal capabilities, and increase his intellectual potential.

It is necessary to form in a child a moral attitude towards his health, which is expressed in the desire and need to be healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle. He must realize that health is the most important value for a person, and everyone is responsible for maintaining their health.

To motivate him to engage in healthy behavior, it is necessary to interest him, create positive emotions when mastering knowledge, make him feel pleasure from healing methods, use positive examples from the surrounding life, and the personal example of his parents.

Physical education is a powerful source of developing a healthy lifestyle for children. The lesson strategy is based on the fact that pleasure from motor activity develops into a habit, and from it into a need. To involve children in physical education, a variety of techniques are used, as discussed above.

An important task that parents must solve when carrying out spiritual education is to form the foundations of personal hygiene: mastering body care skills, self-massage techniques, hardening methods, etc.

It is equally important that the child master the skills of psychoprophylaxis, self-regulation and activation of the reserve capabilities of his body. To do this, it is necessary to develop and improve the functions of the analyzer systems (hearing, vision, tactile sense, etc.), teach the skills of voluntary control of breathing, muscle tone, imagination, and develop the ability to express one’s feelings using words, facial expressions, gestures, etc.

By mastering this knowledge and skills, the child learns to manage his emotions and mental activity. This improves psychological well-being at school and promotes more successful learning.

Spiritual education should form in a child the foundations of safe life activities. He learns not to do things that are dangerous to life and health.


Thus, we can conclude that the family and the role of the family plays a decisive role in raising a healthy generation.

A healthy lifestyle is the basis for disease prevention. It should be emphasized that it implements the most valuable type of prevention - primary prevention of diseases, preventing their occurrence, expanding the range of human adaptive capabilities.

The main factors for preserving and strengthening children's health are a rational regimen; systematic physical education; use of an effective hardening system; proper nutrition; favorable psychological environment in the family.

Raising children in a family requires parents to have certain knowledge, experience, patience and direct participation. Parents should: periodically hold conversations with their children on healthy lifestyle topics; involve them in systematic physical exercise and sports; participate in recreational physical education classes with children; monitor the condition physical development, posture, children's health.

The alarming situation with the health of children and adolescents gives adults a serious impetus to teach children about a healthy lifestyle from birth. And the role of family here is undeniably high.


1. Abaskalova N.P. Theory and practice of forming a healthy lifestyle for students in the school-university system: Abstract of thesis. doc. dis. Barnaul, 2000.

2. Belyaev N.G., Suvorov O.V. Characteristics of the physical development of modern schoolchildren. // Current problems of development physical culture in modern conditions: Materials of a scientific and practical conference. - Stavropol: SSU Publishing House, 1998.

3. Vavilova E.N. Promoting children's health. - M.: Education, 1986.

4. The concept of physical education of children and adolescents // Physical culture: education, training, 2003, No. 1.

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