Detox greenflash NL International program cleanses the intestines and the whole body. Detox program and real reviews about it Detox cleansing the body of toxins

The modern rhythm of life quite often has a negative impact on a person’s well-being.

Air polluted by factories, factories, cars, quick snacks during lunch breaks, consumption of unhealthy advertised food in snack bars, frequent stress and poor sleep - all this has a detrimental effect on health.

The detox program will help the body gain strength and cleanse it of harmful substances.

The secret of the cleansing properties of the Detox program

According to nutritionists, the Detox program (detoxification of the body with proper nutrition) gently cleanses the human digestive system of accumulated waste and toxins that can cause various diseases and health problems.

Such a standard program usually consists of the following:

  1. Proper healthy diet.
  2. Limiting the use of cosmetics.
  3. Vitamin complexes.
  4. Active food additives.

Many people wonder what secret properties the Detox program of comprehensive cleansing of the body is based on. People's reviews, of course, will give an idea about it, but First, it’s worth analyzing why this method helps cleanse the body.

The essence of such detoxification of the body is as follows::

  1. A person begins to stick to eating easily digestible and healthy foods.
  2. Takes a complex of biologically active additives (BAA).
  3. Controls physical activity.

The supplements are developed by experienced specialists in the field of cleansing the digestive system. Under the influence of prebiotic properties, the dietary supplement puts in order and restores the beneficial intestinal microflora, absorbs accumulated toxins and promotes complete absorption of nutrients.

The most important component of the dietary supplement is food biofiber.

For each stage of cleansing, various natural auxiliary components are added:

  • chamomile;
  • mint;
  • turmeric;
  • horsetail;
  • lemon;
  • artichoke.

This product may also contain plantain, aloe, green tea, bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

Important to remember! Detox is a program that requires utmost attention and caution. Before you begin to experience a cleansing course, it is recommended to coordinate all the nuances with your doctor and prepare your body for cleansing.

The effectiveness of the detox program

When resorting to any method of diagnosis, treatment or prevention, the patient first of all thinks about the effectiveness of this particular method. The Detox method is no exception.

Thanks to the presence of plantain, aloe and chamomile in the composition, the cleansing capabilities of the intestines increase, and toxins and waste are easily removed from the body due to a mild laxative effect. Newest Floracia component normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Herbal components increase the functionality of the biliary tract, gently cleanse the liver, relieve possible inflammation and have a diuretic effect.

Excess fluid is quickly removed from the body and thereby eliminates the appearance of edema, and potassium citrate prevents the removal of valuable nutrients. Digestive processes are improved and food is easier to digest.

In order to finally establish for yourself how effective the Detox complex body cleansing program is, you need to read reviews on various resources dedicated to this topic.

The results that can be achieved using the Detox cleanse are:

  • remove substances that clog it from the body;
  • lose weight;
  • cleanse the skin, give it freshness and vigor;
  • tighten the body and make it more elastic;
  • get used to proper nutrition and daily routine;
  • listen to the subtleties of your body;
  • improve your emotional state.

Note! This program is not a diet and does not consist only of proper food intake. For this cleansing system there are specially designed delicious recipes dishes (smoothies, salads), but it also includes yoga, meditation and breathing exercises.

Indications and contraindications for the use of the Detox program

The Detox program is a responsible step towards a new life. This step must be carefully considered. Therefore, before starting to cleanse the body with the program in question, you should carefully study who this complex is recommended for and who is contraindicated.

  1. For those who want to saturate their diet with plant components.
  2. To enhance immunity. Improved resistance to infectious diseases.
  3. Normalization of the digestive, cardiovascular, genitourinary, bone and endocrine systems.
  4. To restore the body after prolonged exposure to antibiotics, chronic fatigue and depression.
  5. For diseases of the reproductive system, joints, visual organs, skin diseases and allergies.

The Detox comprehensive body cleansing program (reviews can also tell you about any specific features of its use), like any other method of ridding the body of waste and toxins, has indications and contraindications for use.

Using the program is strictly prohibited when:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • mental illness;
  • endocrinological ailments;
  • surgical interventions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • oncological diseases;
  • renal failure.

Carefully! After all, uncontrolled use of dietary supplements, independent changes in lifestyle (diet, daily routine) with existing contraindications can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Whether to trust reviews about the Detox complex body cleansing program is a personal matter for everyone. However, a large number of reviews on the Internet indicate that today it is very popular.

Stages of cleansing

The detoxification program takes a long period of time, which on average ranges from 4 before 6 weeks The course is designed for a certain sequence of cleansing for each organ.

Before you write a bad review about the Detox program, you should think about whether the stages of comprehensive body cleansing are going through correctly.

First of all, you need to take care of the preparatory stage. At least a month before the start of the cleansing course, they refuse high-calorie foods and try to switch to herbal products, eat less fried, fatty and salty foods. They eat often, but in small portions.

After the preparatory stage, the process of cleansing the entire body begins:

  1. Stage – intestines. Aloe normalizes gastrointestinal function, plantain improves metabolism, removes waste and toxins, and regulates intestinal motor function.
  2. Stage – liver. Curcumin has a choleretic effect, ginger improves metabolism and cleanses the liver, removes alcohol, food and chemical toxins. At this stage, thanks to lemon and green tea, the skin is cleansed and acne disappears.
  3. Stage – kidneys and skin. The components of lettuce and horsetail have a diuretic effect and prevent the formation of kidney stones and relieve swelling. Potassium cleanses the skin.
  4. The stage is the final one. The immune system is strengthened, the respiratory tract, tongue, mouth, and cavity are cleansed, and all pathogenic organisms in the intestines are killed.

After going through all the stages of cleansing, you can forget about all visible external and internal problems in the body for a long time and prevent the appearance of serious health defects.

home every doctor's recommendation when using a detox program for comprehensive cleansing of the body (reviews of people on the Internet will not indicate individual intolerance to the components of the program) – this is not self-medication, but consult a specialist.

In addition, there are some other small but useful tips. Before starting the course, every morning on an empty stomach you should drink a glass of warm water, avoid starchy, sweet, spicy, and salty foods.

You can only drink green tea or water. You need to saturate your diet with fruits, but eat them before 15-25 minutes before meals, so as not to provoke fermentation processes in the intestines.

Food is best taken boiled, steamed or raw.. Meals are allowed no later than 8 evenings. During the cleansing period, complete rest and healthy sleep. Swimming and yoga will also be useful during the cleansing course.

After completing the course, it is advised to get into the habit of eating 4-7 once a day, but the portion must be small. It is worth eating a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, and giving up unhealthy foods.

Consolidating and saving the result

It has been established that in order for the results after the detox program to last as long as possible, you should radically change your life. After all, the cleansing program is not just a medicinal technique to put your body in order - it is a change in your lifestyle.

Good nutrition, exercise and proper rest will allow you to consolidate the results of the detox program for a long time. This program must be completed twice a year: in spring and autumn..

Based on many reviews, the Detox program for comprehensive cleansing of the body is one of the best methods of complete cleansing of all organs and systems.

Over the years, the human body accumulates toxins, waste and other harmful substances. Sometimes he cannot always get rid of these substances on his own, and this often affects his appearance and internal well-being. Will help you decide this problem detox program.

Video about how to transform yourself using the Detox program:

Exposing the manufacturers of detox programs:

14-day Detox program:

Experts say that it is necessary to arrange a detox program for yourself at least once a year. General recommendations when this should be done:

  • Unexplained fatigue
  • General lethargy
  • Skin irritations
  • Allergies
  • Frequent colds
  • Bags under the eyes
  • Increased gas formation
  • Problems with menstrual cycles

What does a detox program provide:

1. Detoxify the body (and cleanse the liver)

Air emissions, pesticides, heavy metals and chemicals enter the body and are deposited there. It affects the functioning of the immune system, our mood, metabolism and our ability to fight disease. Very often, symptoms of malaise in people, without a clear diagnosis from doctors, can also be associated with general intoxication of the body.

A study was conducted in 2000 and published in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine study, which showed that even a seven-day detox program can have a significant effect on well-being and stimulate the liver to intensively remove harmful substances from the body. The experiment found a 23% increase in the amount of toxins removed through the liver and urine 7 days after the start of the procedure.

2. Reduced inflammation

When you cleanse your liver with a detox diet and give it to your... digestive system taking a break with special drinks and smoothies, you reduce the overall level of inflammation in the body, especially when adding ingredients such as watermelon, cucumber, strawberries and ginger to detox drinks.

3. Weight loss

Detox drinks stimulate metabolism and accelerate metabolism, increase vigor and energy. Allows you to maintain energy throughout the day. Some fruits, such as grapefruit, contain special enzymes that help the body process carbohydrates better, thereby increasing metabolism and promoting weight loss.

A study was published in 2013 Journal of Chiropractic Medicine which described the results of a 21-day detox program. Seven participants ate a diet that included unlimited amounts of fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables and at least 1.8 liters of water per day. They were also allowed to consume complex carbohydrates and protein shakes throughout the program.

As a result of the program, participants demonstrated an average weight loss of 5 kg and overall and improved blood lipid profiles.

4. Improved skin condition

Detox drinks remove toxins from the body and reduce inflammation. This heals the skin and improves its color. When the skin is clogged with toxins and chemicals, it leads to wrinkles, dryness and other signs of aging.

Stimulating metabolic processes in the skin with the consumption of fruits and vegetables increases the shine of the skin. Many detox ingredients will contain a lot of vitamin C, which can also help naturally slow down aging and heal wounds by forming new scar tissue.

5. Increased energy

The ingredients in any detox drink will work systemically to reduce inflammation, cleanse the liver, and increase overall energy levels naturally. Without an overload of toxins, you'll feel lighter and fresher without fatigue, mood swings or brain fog.

Ingredients such as lemon, rosemary and mint will rejuvenate the body and help improve mental performance.

What is detox and why is it needed?

Word "detox" Today it is often found and it can mean anything. For some it can be intense cleansing diet which consists of strange mixtures for weeks on end to detoxify and lose weight. For others, the words “detoxification” sound like nothing more than marketing ploy, which has no scientific basis.

In practice detox could be a good tool for help body in normalization your work and return all digestive system her natural performance.

In general, our the body has built-in system removal everyone toxins. Your skin removes bacteria through sweat, your kidneys filter gallons of blood through it and send it out into urine, your lungs remove carbon dioxide, your intestines absorb nutrients from food and eliminate waste, and your liver cleanses toxins from your body.

But external factors can disrupt work well-coordinated mechanism. For example, stress, low physical activity, and a diet of refined foods can make adjustments to the system of removing toxins from the body.

How does detox work?

There are many opinions about how it should work detox and which program is the best. Good program detox should include a complete set of all necessary macro and micro elements, needed by the body and be there as simple as possible for the body.

Following a few basic principles and adding the right products into your diet will help you best tune your system for removing toxins from your body and help your liver do its job well.

How can help yourself without expensive courses or detox programs? Let's look at the basic recommendations that everyone can use in their lives today.

10 steps to normalize natural detox.

1. Replace all drinks in your diet to the water or special detox cocktails that you can make yourself (on my channel and website you can see recipes and articles about ingredients for detox drinks).

2. Remove all sweets and flour products, such as cookies, candies, cakes, etc., go for a diet without added sugar.

3. Remove refined foods from your diet(canned food, sausages, products made from white flour and white sugar, etc.).

4. B lead into your diet natural and unprocessed products, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy proteins and fats.

5. Replace processed meat products(sausages, sausages) natural products- beef, trout and chicken. If you are a vegetarian, you can use plant protein products such as nuts, seeds or legumes.

6. Include in your diet natural detox products, such as grapefruit, bone broth, Brussels sprouts, berries, beets, chia seeds and nuts.

7. Use in your diet more useful herbs and spices- cumin, basil, parsley and paprika, etc.

8. Organize your sleep, so as to be able to sleep uninterrupted for 7-8 hours every night so that the body can rest and normalize its functioning.

9. Add more physical activity into your life, such that it suits you - walking, jogging, cycling, etc.

10. Constantly work to reduce your stress levels. There are many ways to do this, find them and choose what suits you best.

Detox - top 10+ ingredients

Cleansing the body used in medicine since ancient times. The point has always been to relax and nourish the body from the inside. By saturating the body with healthy and beneficial micro and macro elements, we improve immunity, protect ourselves from diseases and give ourselves a boost of vigor and health.

What is best to use for detox drinks at home?

Watermelon contains very few calories and carbohydrates. Saturates the body with fluid. Provides vitamins A and B and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Watermelon contains a lot lycopene. This is the pigment that gives watermelon its red color and is a powerful antioxidant. It also contains a lot of potassium and magnesium.

Cucumber unexpectedly has the ability to remove free radicals and reduce inflammation in the body. He contains polyphenol, which reduces oxidative stress in the body. Cucumber has diuretic properties and helps cleanse the liver.

Lemon contains ascorbic acid, which helps digestion and gives the skin shine. Vitamin C stimulates the production of white blood cells, which strengthens the immune system.

The benefits of lemon water are widely known - the appearance of the skin improves, the body is filled with energy.

Lime , adding its juice to a detox drink adds vitamin C and antioxidants. Limes help detoxify by stimulating the activity of an enzyme in the liver called glutathione-S-transferase (GST). They also contain flavonoids, which stimulate the digestive system and increase the secretion of bile and acids.

Grapefruit reduces appetite and accelerates metabolism. An enzyme found in grapefruit called AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) helps our bodies process sugar better, which helps with weight loss. AMPK is typically activated during exercise to help muscles use stored sugar and fat for energy. Grapefruit also boosts the immune system because it is rich in vitamin C, hydrates the body, and even promotes healthy skin and brain.

Raspberries contains ketones, natural chemicals that are believed to help you lose weight quickly. Animal studies have shown that raspberry ketones help prevent increased levels of high-fat body fat, as well as liver and visceral fat tissue weight. Raspberries also contain vitamins C and B. They help healthy health skin and naturally slow down aging.

Strawberry. Most of the health benefits associated with strawberries are due to the presence of anti-inflammatory antioxidants. Strawberries contain anti-aging flavonoids that may reduce the risk of chronic diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Adding strawberries to detox drinks also slows down the aging process, protects the skin, provides vitamins A and C, and promotes the elimination of toxins. Vitamins A and C are especially needed during the body's detoxification process to neutralize and eliminate toxins, resulting in reduced inflammation, a regular digestive system and pH balance.

Mint the most powerful antioxidant in nature. It is ideal for detox, because... invigorates and eliminates stomach upsets. Mint stimulates the production of bile and speeds up digestion. Well, besides all, mint supports oral health.

Ginger . All its healing properties are contained in gingerol, which is contained in the root. Ginger helps digestion and is natural remedy from nausea. It reduces bloating, eliminates constipation and gastrointestinal problems.

Rosemary a close relative of mint, it stimulates the secretion of bile, which is necessary for good digestion and fat processing, which leads to the normalization of microflora and improved absorption of nutrients in the intestines.

Dandelion (greens) - a natural diuretic and has a good laxative effect. Dandelions aid digestion by maintaining proper bile flow and cleansing the liver. They are a rich source of vitamin C, which helps with mineral absorption and reduces inflammation. Dandelions can also be used to reduce appetite, relieve indigestion, intestinal gas, and gallstones.

Apple vinegar deserves a separate long article. Its consumption accelerates metabolism and accelerates weight loss. It also supports digestion with enzymes and probiotics and naturally fights acid reflux.

Aloe pulp has laxative and anti-inflammatory properties that aid digestion, normalize pH balance and help the growth of intestinal microflora. The enzymes present in aloe vera help digest proteins. Adding aloe to detox drinks can reduce inflammation, aid digestion and improve skin health.

Detox - How to lose 5-7 kg in a week and get rid of sugar cravings

Everyone knows about the dangers of sugar for our body, but few can cope with the craving for white poison.

In addition, it is now almost impossible to avoid sugar; it is found in almost all the foods we eat every day. And the worst thing about this is that everything sweet is extremely addictive.

Increased sugar consumption leads to dopamine releases comparable to cocaine use, according to one study from the Queensland University of Technology (QUT).

Researchers note that long-term consumption of sugar leads to a decrease in the amount of dopamine released. And just like with drugs, victims have to increase the dose to achieve the same conditions.

And if you can't resist the smell chocolate cake, then it looks like you are a sugar addict.

And here are a few reasons why you should urgently do something about it and overcome your cravings for sweets:

  • Sugar does not contain any beneficial substances
  • Extremely addictive
  • Increases serotonin levels
  • Increased risk of gallstones
  • Immunity weakens
  • Inflammations and ulcers appear
  • Vision weakens
  • Hypoglycemia develops
  • Risk of developing arthritis
  • Aging accelerates
  • Minerals are washed out of the body
  • Risk of type 2 diabetes increases

What to do? Start some complicated and incomprehensible diet that won’t work? There is a simple option - a weekly meal plan, which helps overcome sugar cravings due to the correctly selected composition of products. Try it!

SUGAR DETOX menu for the week


  • Breakfast – spinach salad, cream cheese and omelet
  • Lunch – sweet peppers stuffed with Adyghe cheese with green salad
  • Afternoon snack – a quarter cup of ricotta, sour cream, a drop of vanilla extract and stevia
  • Dinner – spinach, cucumber and tomato salad with fried chicken


  • Breakfast – omelet with tomatoes
  • Morning snack – roasted almonds
  • Lunch – spinach, sweet pepper and chicken stew

You can add cheese as a snack throughout the day.


  • Breakfast – protein smoothie with peanut butter
  • Lunch – turkey with vegetable salad and olive oil
  • Evening snack – feta or cottage cheese casserole without sugar
  • Dinner – light vegetable soup, baked chicken.


  • Breakfast – omelet with ham and vegetables
  • Morning snack – cheese sticks
  • Lunch – grilled chicken with vegetable salad
  • Evening Snack: Peanut Butter and Celery
  • Dinner – grilled salmon (or other fatty fish) with vegetable salad

If you are hungry, you can snack on cucumber and cheese.


  • Breakfast – scrambled eggs
  • Morning snack - fresh vegetables with feta sauce
  • Lunch – sweet peppers stuffed with Adyghe cheese with green salad
  • Evening snack – green salad with cucumber, tomato and feta
  • Dinner – chicken in a pot with zucchini, vegetables and feta

On this day, you can add a smoothie made from chia seeds without sugar and milk.


  • Breakfast – low carb pancakes (coconut or almond flour) with sour cream
  • Morning snack – 3 boiled proteins
  • Lunch – meat cutlet (without breading or flour) with vegetable salad
  • Evening snack – fresh vegetable salad
  • Dinner – chicken leg with zucchini spaghetti

On this day, you can add three boiled proteins for a snack.


  • Breakfast – egg scramble with mushrooms and spinach
  • Morning snack – half a cup of sour cream
  • Lunch – spinach, sweet pepper and chicken stew
  • Evening snack – roasted almonds
  • Dinner – turkey with mushrooms, sweet peppers and stewed spinach

On this day, you can add a smoothie made from chia seeds without sugar and milk.

And the easiest way to combine a low-carb diet with a detox is to try a special diet for a week, completely balanced in all vitamins and minerals:

Article on the topic: “detox program: a set of procedures for cleansing the body” from professionals.

Sooner or later, unfavorable environmental conditions, dietary errors or bad habits lead to clogging of the human body with waste and toxins, which negatively affects well-being and appearance. A detox program for comprehensive body cleansing, developed by specialists from NL Greenflash, helps to quickly and effectively remove accumulated harmful substances from internal organs, strengthen the immune system, and improve health. At the same time, the program is easy to use and suitable for almost everyone who wants to cleanse their body. Let's figure out what the Detox program is, when and to whom it is indicated, and what it can achieve when used correctly.

Description of the Detox program from NL Greenflash

Harmful natural and chemical substances accumulate during life in every cell human body. They come in food, water and air. The intestines suffer the most from waste and toxins.. It is impossible to completely get rid of them without subsequent cleansing of the liver, circulatory, and urinary systems.

Most often, self-cleansing of the body traditional methods, using sorbents does not give positive results and often ends in an imbalance of intestinal microflora and disruptions in the functioning of the digestive tract.

The detox program from NL Greenflash allows you to comprehensively cleanse the body in 4 stages, each of which lasts 10 days:

  • from days 1 to 10, the intestines are cleansed by absorbing harmful substances and removing them out;
  • from 11 to 20 – cleansing of the liver, biliary tract and gall bladder;
  • 21 – 30 days – the kidneys and the entire urinary system are cleansed;
  • from 31 to 40 days – restoration of intestinal microflora.

The uniqueness of the comprehensive “Detox” program is that the main components of the capsules are extracts medicinal plants– have a gentle effect on the body, cleansing the cells of the large intestine, liver and kidneys from accumulated waste. Dietary fiber "Floration" gently removes all unnecessary substances, enriching the body with vitamins and the intestines with beneficial microorganisms.

To cleanse organs of foreign substances, there is no need for tedious daily preparation of decoctions (infusions) or maintaining time intervals between doses medicines and food, unpleasant procedures (enemas). You just need to take two capsules twice a day with meals. This is convenient to do at work, at the dacha, or on a trip. Nothing short of forgetfulness and extreme circumstances will prevent the body from cleansing itself on the path to health and well-being.

Indications for comprehensive body cleansing

Periodically cleansing the body is beneficial for every person over 18 years of age.. Bad habits, a sedentary lifestyle, living in environmentally unfavorable areas, abuse of industrial products and fast food are factors that contribute to the clogging of the digestive tract.

When natural system cleansing does not cope with its functions, the body sends signals, for example, the following may appear:

  • skin rashes, acne, eczema, boils;
  • bad breath;
  • foul-smelling sweat;
  • copious discharge from the genitals;
  • persistent runny nose or cough;
  • digestive disorders;
  • fatigue and apathy.

These symptoms indicate that the intestines, kidneys and liver cannot cope with the cleaning functions, decay products are forced to leave the body through the nasopharynx, genital tract, lungs, skin, and poisoning of the nervous system occurs.

It is possible to restore the functioning of internal organs - you need to carry out comprehensive cleansing twice a year (preferably in spring and autumn) using the Detox program. But not everyone can use it; there are a number of contraindications to this procedure.


Any cleansing of the body requires consultation with a doctor! Under the strict supervision of a specialist, cleansing should be carried out for chronic diseases of the digestive and cardiovascular systems, even after its resolution.

When using the Detox program, it should be taken into account that the capsules contain a large number of various extracts of medicinal plants, to which an allergic reaction may occur.

It is forbidden to cleanse the body during pregnancy and breastfeeding.. The postoperative period is also not a suitable time for cleansing procedures. It is also necessary to temporarily refrain from cleansing organs during the acute period of inflammatory diseases.

Before using a comprehensive Detox program, you need to undergo an ultrasound to check for kidney stones and gall bladder. If they are, the procedure is prohibited.

Composition of Detox program capsules

The active ingredients contained in capsules for complex cleansing of the body from NL Greenflash are different - The composition of each capsule depends on the cleaning stage.

The common component contained in capsules at all stages is dietary fiber “Floration” - a complex prebiotic enriched with vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Fiber passes through the entire digestive tract, like a sponge, cleanses the intestinal walls, collects all toxins and naturally removes them from the body. “Floration” also promotes the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora and the suppression of pathogenic.

1st stage of the comprehensive Detox program

Capsules are designed to cleanse the intestines. They contain plant extracts that tend to enhance the secretion of the glands of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • fennel seeds;
  • plantain seeds;
  • aloe.

At this stage of complex cleansing, effective cleaning and strengthening of the walls of the large intestine occurs., his motor skills are normalized, the work of the pancreas, liver, kidneys, and gall bladder is stimulated.

Stage 2 – cleansing the liver and gallbladder

The composition of the capsules at this stage of the Detox program is selected to enhance the production of liver enzymes and bile secretion. Plant extracts have choleretic, anti-inflammatory and relaxing antitoxic effects. This:
  • turmeric;
  • peppermint;
  • ginger;
  • lemon;
  • green tea;
  • millet.

Thanks to the action of medicinal plants, there is an increase in bile production. It breaks down fats and removes all toxic substances through the bile ducts into the intestines. The liver, gallbladder and bile ducts will be cleansed, and the blood passing through these natural blood filters will also become clean.

Stage 3 of the Detox cleansing program

After the intestines and liver have been cleansed, it is necessary to free the urinary ducts and kidneys from toxins, sand and mucus.

Herbal extracts help with this:

  • artichoke;
  • prickly pears;
  • watercress;
  • horsetail.

Potassium citrate was also added to the capsules at the third stage of the comprehensive Detox program. It has a diuretic effect and is used in medicine to remove toxic substances from the blood in case of various poisonings.

At this stage of the Detox program, not only the urinary tract is cleansed, but the acid-base balance is restored, the water-salt balance in the body is normalized, and swelling is eliminated.

Stage 4 of the program – normalization of intestinal microflora

After completing the first three stages of detoxification, it is important to consolidate the result, improving metabolic processes, absorption of vital vitamins and minerals.

The capsules at this stage of the comprehensive Detox program contain extracts:

  • chamomile;
  • fennel;
  • mint.

In addition, the composition includes probiotics: bifidobacteria B. bifidum and lactobacilli L. plantarum.

In combination, the components normalize intestinal activity after cleansing, prevent the development of pathogenic microflora, and eliminate increased gas formation.

Healthy intestinal microflora ensures the proper functioning of all organs and systems of the body and guarantees reliable protection against infectious diseases.

The detox program for comprehensive cleansing of the body is an excellent chance to restore the immune system and get rid of many health problems in just 40 days. It is important to follow the principles of proper nutrition during detoxification and give up bad habits. Then the body will definitely thank you with the coordinated functioning of its organs and excellent health.

Most of humanity suffers from various diseases as a result of environmental pollution, poor nutrition and many other factors that directly destroy human health and lead to a number of dangerous diseases.

Everyone knows that modern medicine tries to avoid health complications by all available means, developing special medications, treatment methods and recovery programs, one of them is DETOX - a comprehensive body cleansing program, reviews of which, as a rule, talk about the complete cleansing of the body from toxins and toxins.

What is DETOX and why is it needed Detox programs are aimed at removing toxins from the body

Slags and toxins enter the human body in such quantities that it is not able to process them in time and remove them naturally. Lymph is responsible for “removing unnecessary garbage” from the body, but a person during his life consumes much more toxic substances than he has time to get rid of them, and thereby he earns cellulite, acne, wrinkles, weight gain, cancer and a number of other diseases.

So where do they come from? Toxins enter the human body from water, air, food, and household chemicals. Therefore, Detox programs are aimed at comprehensive cleansing of the body in order to remove toxic substances, as evidenced by reviews of participants who underwent special healing procedures.

What is the essence of DETOX programs? First of all, this is working with lifestyle factors, including nutrition, physical activity and therefore it includes the normalization of metabolism, metabolism, weight loss, and instills certain healthy lifestyle habits. Thus, this program can be assessed as a preventive direction that contributes to the correction and prevention of many diseases.

Exists different ways DETOX programs that comprehensively cleanse the body. According to reviews, You can take such programs both in special institutions and without leaving your home. Which option is most effective? The key factor is human capabilities. However, the effectiveness of programs conducted with a medical specialist will be much higher than home treatment or treatment according to instructions, books, literature.

The process of DETOX programs for complex cleansing of the body. Reviews from clinics One of the areas of the Detox program is diet therapy

This process involves a mainly medical approach and cannot be done without a doctor, so first of all it is the observation of medical personnel, preliminary mandatory diagnosis, and only then treatment.

This technique includes vacuum simulators, which allow you to adjust your figure using vacuum and its effect is enhanced significantly. The DETOX program, according to experts, comprehensively presents diet therapy, certain methods of cleansing the body are taking herbal medicines, mineral water, visiting saunas, baths, since the skin is a powerful excretory system that can influence the general condition of its wearer in different ways.

Also a mandatory and important block is lymphatic drainage, massage, since cleansing the lymph is very important for DETOX, therefore a set of programs that would affect metabolism is extremely important in order to get the final result.

And the most important point is a DETOX diet that should and can be enjoyable for a person. Another factor is preventive work, which consists of group classes consisting of lectures on proper nutrition and what DETOX is - a comprehensive body cleansing program.

Tatyana Grashchenko, who undergoes DETOX annually, left the following review: “My first experience with DETOX took place in India. It was very interesting, firstly, it was a long journey to literally the end of the world. Secondly, the clinic was located in the mountains. You are given pajamas and two bathrobes and for 14, or better yet 21 days, you must completely disconnect from your usual life, prohibited Cell phones, computers. First, for 5-7 days, depending on the doctor's prescription, you take "ghee" every morning - ghee with herbs, which is said to have the ability to collect all the toxins, soften them and make them more liquid in order to remove them from the body. The process is very complicated, at some point you wake up from pain, you can neither sit nor lie down, least of all in my case. Probably, it’s different for everyone and everyone has their own reaction. But all I can say is that this is an amazing cleaning system.”

Home Detox

If it is not possible to travel somewhere, is there an option to take this course at home? Today there are many companies that offer ready-made balanced nutrition with a DETOX focus.

Initially, a one-day smoothie program is offered. Only smoothies during the day and no food. It is very difficult to eat large quantities of lettuce and spinach, and smoothies are the solution to this problem. The composition of the smoothie is made from vegetables, fruits and a sufficient amount of greens.

Feedback from a nutritionist about the smoothie diet: “If a person is going through the DETOX program for the first time, then, naturally, the trial format for one day is the best option for a comprehensive cleansing of the body. And if a person knows how he tolerates it and how he will feel during the DETOX program, then he can use it for 3-5 days.”

DETOX program or comprehensive cleansing of the body using mineral waters: review of DONAT MG DONAT MG - mineral water for cleansing the body

All mineral healing systems recommend starting the process of normalizing the body’s functioning with cleansing the intestines. Why? Because the intestine is not only our main digestive organ, through which up to 95% of all nutrients are absorbed, but also endocrine and immune organ. Billions of microorganisms work in it, but, like everything in this world, it becomes polluted, systems work worse, nutrients, liver, kidneys and the entire body are poisoned. Thus, many non-infectious diseases originate in the intestines, therefore, it needs to be cleansed regularly.

There are procedures such as enema, colon therapy, but they cleanses only the large intestine, in which the digestive processes do not proceed, but the healing and healing mineral water “DONAT MG” will help cleanse the entire intestines. Why DONAT MG? After all, there are many other mineral waters in stores that are labeled “Cleansing.” The fact is that for most waters presented in stores, this is a marketing ploy. And in order to to cleanse the intestines, water must contain at least 2000 ml of SO4 sulfates per liter.

DONAT MG contains a large amount of bicarbonates. When a person drinks it, they enter the stomach, quickly alkalize it, and the water with the rest of the food enters the intestines, i.e. the stomach is being cleansed. Further in the intestines, bicarbonate significantly increases the production of its own hormones and helps the absorption of macro- and microelements from food.

Magnesium sulfate enters the liver and increases the production of bile by liver cells, bile collects in the ducts, and when a person eats something, it rushes into the intestines in a powerful stream, its motor function increases and a mild laxative effect begins.

Also the liver needs to be cleansed, which is the main detoxification organ, detoxification of nutrients coming from food, as well as harmful substances waste by the cell, occurs in it. It is necessary to cleanse the kidneys too, who will also be helped by DONAT MG. Its consumption increases the pressure in the renal ducts, and the person gets rid of sand and stones.

You can get a healing effect with this water if you drink it in a course. The motor function of the intestine and its muscles will be restored. Some people can permanently get rid of constipation, a harbinger of many diseases. At the same time, blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol levels will decrease. And during the epidemic, the immune system will be strengthened. This is the prevention of infectious and viral diseases.

DONAT MG is drunk in 15-20 minutes. before meals at the rate of 80-100 ml per 10 kg of person’s weight. And after eating, 1.5-2 hours later you need to drink drinking table water, which will help prevent dehydration.

DETOX at home Detox juices

There are several rules for conducting DETOX programs at home that are suitable for everyone:

  • Need to drink more water: from 1 to 3 liters per day, evenly distributed throughout the day, 1 glass per hour. Refuse alcoholic drinks and drinks containing caffeine;
  • The diet needs add freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices. For example, juice from beets, apples and carrots cleanses the lymphatic system and is very useful for women and for complexion. The beetroot content supports liver function, so this juice should be drunk every morning for breakfast for 10 days. You can also combine various vegetables, fruits and herbs, since each product contains its own set of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients;
  • Do not overload the digestive system. Better eat liquid foods- soups, purees. In this way, energy will be released that would be used to digest food, and so it will be immersed in the fight against toxins;
  • Eliminate industrially processed foods from your diet. During DETOX, the body is cleansed of harmful substances, so it is not advisable to consume them. You also need monitor the quality of other products, including products of plant and animal origin;
  • Increase physical activity. The person should stimulate the lymphatic system and increase sweating. For example, you can perform exercises of this nature: you need to stand on your toes and sharply fall on your heels, done 30 times 3 times a day. This exercise speeds up the functioning of the lymphatic system;
  • Sweat. Regularly visit saunas, Russian baths, body wraps, etc.;
  • Need to stimulate the lymphatic system trampolining, various exercises. In addition, you can use a dry brush, which can be used to massage, starting from the extremities towards the heart and throughout the body. This has a good effect on lymph activity.
  • Refuse or at least reduce time spent at the computer, in front of the TV and other gadgets in order to improve overall well-being, sleep and help the body relax.

Review of ION DETOX as a modern comprehensive body cleansing program

Symptoms such as:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • poor absorption of nutrients;
  • constipation;
  • weight gain;
  • poor digestion;
  • flatulence;
  • fatigue;
  • excessive mucus;
  • poor concentration;
  • headache;
  • swelling;
  • memory impairment;
  • depression;
  • inflammation of joints and muscles;
  • skin problems;
  • bad breath,

associated with toxic buildup of negative substances in the human body.

The ION DETOX system helps eliminate toxins and gives the body a boost. Through proper detoxification, the accumulation of toxins is significantly reduced, disease is prevented, the aging process is slowed down, and a person can enjoy and live without signs of disease for a long time healthy life. Among all detoxification methods, in practice, ionic, according to experts, is the most best option in terms of price and quality.

Health benefits of ION DETOX based on real reviews from patients who took the ion detoxification course Detox programs for cleansing various organs

The principle of the Ion DETOX system is the use of microcurrents to facilitate the movement or transfer of ions from cells and restore the balance of positive and negative charges of cells. This painless and very pleasant microcurrent process opens pathways to vital ion channels. Ionized water is separated into H+ OH- ions (and sometimes into H3O+ and H2O2 ions), which enter the body through the 4,000 large pores of the legs, being transported through the circulatory and lymphatic systems throughout the body.

These ions neutralize oppositely charged toxins in cells, which are slowly eliminated from the body through the normal processes of urination, bowel movements and sweating. Thus, all organs, including the liver, intestines, kidneys, lungs, skin and the immune system is charged with energy and their functions are stimulated.

Target ion detoxification

  • Inactivate viruses, bacteria, yeast and fungi
  • Relieve pain and tension, including headaches
  • Cleanse blood and lymph
  • Increase peripheral blood circulation
  • Stimulate and balance the immune system
  • Increase nutrient absorption
  • Reduce inflammation and unwanted fluid retention
  • Help clear skin
  • Help with weight loss
  • Slow down aging and improve body flexibility
  • Recover from illness or injury
  • Increase oxygen in the body
  • Rejuvenate and energize the entire body
  • Improve sleep

In conclusion, we can say that DETOX is not a myth, but a truth, and if you decide to take a course of this program, you should Be sure to consult your doctor and choose the most suitable option to avoid serious health problems in the future.

Be always healthy!

Friends, the detox program and all Greenflash vitamins can be ordered only after issuing a customer card. It is issued free of charge and after purchase, % of your purchases are credited to it. Write questions to online support or to me personally.

The human body tends to accept toxins and harmful substances from the environment as beneficial. Therefore, quite often many people’s hair begins to break and fall out, their skin becomes dull, intestinal problems develop, and their general condition worsens.

This is a sure sign that your body needs cleansing. Periodic cleansing of toxins has been practiced since ancient times. What is not used to cleanse the liver and intestines: herbs, water, fruits...

nl international has prepared for you modern system gentle, step-by-step cleansing greenflash detox. This program is number one in Russia. Its advantages are efficiency, availability, ease of use and price. Also, Detox has already proven itself. Customer reviews will tell you about this.

Detox by Greenflash

Greenflash detox products can be purchased and used at home. This program very effectively cleanses the body, starts renewal processes and removes excess toxins. After this “cleaning”, which takes place in four stages, metabolic processes improve, many problems go away, and the person begins to feel much better.

The Detox dietary supplement works comprehensively, at the same time improving digestion, improving intestinal function and immunity. The program consists of four steps:

  1. Step 1: Detox Colon - colon cleansing
  2. Step 2: Detox Liver - liver cleansing
  3. Step 3: Detox Kidney - kidney cleansing
  4. Step 4: Detox Flora - microflora balance

With Detox you can cleanse your body yourself. The program will gradually remove toxins and normalize the functioning of internal organs. Detox consists of natural ingredients. They have a gentle effect, do not cause any harm, and do not cause inconvenience during use.

The cost of this complex is much lower than in the clinic, the procedure at home will be cheaper, and the effectiveness will be the same. The drug contains an innovative component of natural origin, Floracia. It is this that will help restore and normalize the intestinal microflora.

Detox – what is it?

Detox is a deep cleansing that helps rid the body of toxins and waste. Doctors practice colon hydrotherapy, diet, vitamin supplementation, and therapeutic fasting to remove unnecessary substances accumulated as a result of human activity.

Toxins accumulate mainly in the intestines, and for proper detoxification it is necessary to cleanse not only the intestines, but also the liver and gallbladder.

Price and how to buy

Register by leaving your details, after which you can order any product from nistar. If you have any questions, please leave a phone number and message in online support. We will contact you via messenger and will definitely help.

Benefits and composition

The Detox program is made up of herbal components; each step of the program contains exactly what nature itself has prepared to cleanse a given organ. So:

  • Step 1: Detox Colon - intestines. This drug contains extracts of: fennel seeds, plantain, aloe. They accelerate the elimination of toxins and have a laxative effect. On at this stage the functions of the gastrointestinal tract are normalized and digestion is improved.
  • Step 2: Detox Liver - liver. These capsules contain natural drainage choleretic substances - extract of horsetail, turmeric, millet. This step helps improve liver function and restore its barrier functions.
  • Step 3: Detox Kidney - kidneys. This complex is aimed at detoxifying the kidneys. It contains prickly pear extract and potassium citrate - these substances have a diuretic and drainage effect. In addition, potassium citrate can prevent the leaching of minerals and vitamins from the body.
  • Step 4: Detox Flora - microflora balance. This step of the program contains a useful complex of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which restore healthy intestinal flora and improve the body's absorption of nutrients and vitamins.

All stages of Detox contain healthy dietary fiber “Floration” - here it acts like a sponge, absorbing all toxins and removing them. Properly selected substances act comprehensively and effectively. Many of these components - green salad extract, horsetail extract, turmeric are used to restore and treat kidneys, liver, and diseases of these organs.

You can also highlight the convenience of purchasing the complex. You can order Detox by becoming a client. You can buy “health capsules” while saving your budget. The price for this product is attractive as it contains all 4 steps.

How to use a detox program at home

It is worth knowing that using any cleansing, including the Detox program, is contraindicated during pregnancy, as well as breastfeeding. The rest are advised to know their personal intolerances. For all people, without contraindications, periodic cleaning is recommended 2 times a year. But before you start taking capsules, you should read the instructions, because you won’t be able to cleanse your body in 3 or 7 days.

Instructions for the drug Detox

The complete Detox program - cleansing the body at home is designed for 40 days. The main thing is to correctly alternate dietary supplement capsules and clearly complete a comprehensive cleansing course using greenflash, following the instructions for using this detoxification course, which takes place thanks to diet and Detox.

Ten days are allotted for cleansing

  1. intestines (first step);
  2. liver (second);
  3. kidney (third);
  4. restoration of flora (fourth).

A detox diet for 10 days of use allows the inclusion of other dietary supplements from NL in the program, which ones - the question can be asked from the manager through the online assistant or to me personally.

Buyers who took the course confirm that Detox is an effective cleansing of the body with natural substances, a procedure beneficial to health and effective remedy for regular detoxification.

The Detox program is a smart cleansing of the body with a natural composition. The most important thing is that the four-step program will very consistently and gently cleanse the intestines first, prepare the body for further cleansing, then the liver, kidneys and finally restore the balance of the intestines.

Thanks to this, you will feel much better, and certain problems that previously bothered you will go away.

Ecology of life. Health and Beauty: Parsley is a rich source of vitamin C, calcium, iron and antioxidants. This herb has a beneficial effect on the health of our kidneys, as a result of which these organs more effectively cleanse the blood of toxins...

By following these simple recommendations for two weeks, you can cleanse your body of toxins and waste that are harmful to your health. Now we will develop a plan together that will remove toxins from your body.

How exactly can you cleanse your body of harmful substances in two weeks?

Why is it necessary to cleanse the body of toxins?

Removing these harmful substances from the body brings great benefits to our health. Do not forget that the human body is exposed to toxic substances every day. Poor nutrition, negative emotions, bad habits, environmental pollution - all this cannot but affect our health.

Because of this, over time, a large amount of toxins accumulate in our body. This is when health problems begin. A cleansing diet will allow you to rid your body of free radicals that provoke the development of various diseases, and normalize the functioning of all organs and systems of your body.

Let's start detoxifying

Before we start talking about the cleanse diet, there are a few other important keys to good health to note. So, don’t forget that your body needs healthy rest. It is also very important to include in your daily diet foods rich in proteins and various vitamins.

During the two-week body cleanse, you must avoid foods containing gluten, sugar, and dairy products. On the other hand, you need to increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain rice, nuts, sea ​​salt and olive oil.

Try to use your imagination and make the dishes varied and interesting, avoid boring and monotonous food. Various recipes for delicious and healthy dishes will come to your aid.

As for drinks, then try to avoid during these fourteen days:

  • coffee,
  • milk,
  • soda,
  • alcohol.

The same goes for sports drinks and unnatural juices from supermarkets.

The following will bring invaluable benefits to your health:

  • green tea,
  • natural cocktails,
  • homemade juices.

Particular attention should be paid water- the main source of hydration for our body. Many of us tend to underestimate the importance of drinking water and do not drink it properly.

During the two-week detoxification diet, you need to increase your daily water intake to three liters. It is also recommended to drink one glass of warm water on an empty stomach with the juice of half a lemon. This will cleanse the liver and kidneys of toxins and fats.

Another key to detoxifying is intestinal detoxification. Therefore you will need increase the amount of fiber you consume.

Include the following foods in your diet:

  • whole wheat bread,
  • bran,
  • oats,
  • nuts,
  • whole grain rice and other whole grain cereals.

It is possible that in the first days you will be bothered by headaches, diarrhea, muscle and joint pain, discomfort in the stomach and skin rashes. You may feel weak and tired.

Don’t be alarmed, this reaction of your body is normal and natural. This is because your body begins to rid itself of toxins. Be patient a little, because in a day or two you will feel refreshed and renewed.

During cleansing of toxins, a weight loss of 2-3 kilograms is acceptable. Weight loss in this case occurs due to the removal of excess fluid and toxins that have accumulated in the intestines recently.

Foods to include in a cleansing diet

In addition to the recommendations that we have already discussed above, pay attention to the following products that help effectively cleanse our body of toxins. You should always have them at hand.

  • Watercress

Watercress is a rich source of vitamins C and E, beta-carotene and various minerals. It is very beneficial for the liver and kidneys.

  • Whole wheat bread

Such bread, like a sponge, absorbs toxins and other harmful substances that accumulate on the intestinal walls, and then removes them from our body. Whole grain bread will cleanse your body of toxins and allow you to have more beautiful and healthy skin.

  • Apples

The fiber contained in these fruits improves our intestinal health. One glass of fresh apple juice per day will help cleanse the body of toxins and reduce blood cholesterol levels. Equally beneficial is eating whole apples.

  • Grape

Grapes have a high content of antioxidants, mainly bioflavonoids. These substances protect the cells of our body and stimulate cleansing processes in our body.

  • Parsley

Parsley is a rich source of vitamin C, calcium, iron and antioxidants. This herb has a beneficial effect on the health of our kidneys, as a result of which these organs more effectively cleanse the blood of toxins.

  • Celery

This vegetable helps reduce the level of uric acid in our body and helps eliminate waste that is formed as a result of metabolism. Celery helps cleanse the liver and urinary tract.

  • Lemon

Promotes the removal of uric acid, reduces the amount of fat and restores the acid-base balance of the blood. This reduces the risk of developing various diseases.

  • Peach

Thanks to the high content of vitamin C and potassium, these delicious fruits cleanse the gallbladder and normalize arterial pressure and prevent fluid retention.

  • Whole grain rice

Whole grain rice contains a substance called phytin, which stimulates the elimination of toxins from the body.

Fruit and vegetable combinations to cleanse the body

For the respiratory system

Prepare natural juice from the following ingredients:

  • 300 ml. pear juice
  • 400 ml. melon juice
  • 300 ml. cucumber juice

For circulation and kidneys

Healthy cocktail recipe:

  • 400 ml. celery juice
  • 100 ml. parsley juice
  • 500 ml. pineapple juice

For the heart and muscles

Prepare a juice cocktail from the following ingredients:

This is a complex of treatment and preventive measures aimed at getting rid of waste and toxins:

  • viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, helminths (endotoxins);
  • hazardous chemical compounds (dioxins, pesticides, nitrates, parabens, phthalates, bisphenol A, triclosan, heavy metals, etc.) found in environment and entering the body with food and water, through the respiratory system and through the skin (exotoxins).

Cleansing the body at the Kivach clinic

The clinic’s specialists have developed three body cleansing programs:

About body cleansing programs


  • Overweight.
  • Physical inactivity.
  • Chronic diseases.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Allergic diseases.
  • Infertility.
  • Addiction to smoking.


  • Overweight.
  • Physical inactivity.
  • Chronic diseases.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Allergic diseases.
  • Infertility.
  • Addiction to smoking.
  • Unbalanced diet, excessive addiction to meat and fatty foods.
  • Systematic consumption of industrially produced food, including canned food and fast food.
  • Systematic consumption of industrially grown vegetables, fruits, grains and their derivatives.
  • Systematic intake of medications.
  • Systematic contact with consumer goods in plastic packaging, as well as any plastic products and artificial leather.
  • Systematic contact with building materials.
  • Systematic contact with fuel materials and engine oils.


  • Persistent loss of body weight.
  • Normalization of blood sugar levels.
  • Improved skin condition.
  • Reducing the severity of allergic reactions.
  • Reducing the risk of cancer.
  • Increased vitality.
  • Rejuvenation of the body.

Video about the program


  • Age under 18 and over 65 years.
  • Diseases in the acute period.
  • Chronic diseases during exacerbation.
  • All blood diseases.
  • Chronic kidney disease.
  • Diabetes mellitus type 1.
  • Oncological diseases in acute form and remission, lasting less than 5 years.
  • Conditions after extensive surgery for a period of up to 6 months (decided individually).
  • Diseases that limit self-care and independent movement.
  • HIV infection.
  • Venereal diseases in acute or contagious form.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Addiction.
  • Mental illnesses.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

A complete list of contraindications is sent to the patient at email upon conclusion of the contract.

Question answer

  1. When can the result be assessed?
  2. The primary result can be assessed 4-5 days after the start of treatment. In the future, subject to the recommendations of specialists, the patient’s well-being and condition improve progressively.

  3. What result should you expect?
    • Persistent loss of body weight.
    • Normalization of glucose (sugar) levels in the blood.
    • Normalization of the digestive system.
    • Persistent remission of chronic diseases.
    • Increasing the body's resistance to infections.
    • Improved skin condition.
    • Stabilization of blood pressure.
    • Elimination of hormonal imbalance.
    • Relief from back and joint pain.
    • Reducing the tendency to allergic reactions.
    • Reducing doses of pharmacological drugs or completely abandoning them.
    • Treatment for nicotine addiction or complete smoking cessation.
    • Reducing the risk of cancer, heart attack, stroke.
    • Restoration of reproductive function.
    • Increased vitality.
    • Rejuvenation of the body.
  4. Is the treatment safe?
  5. The treatment is completely safe. The methods used have passed clinical trials and are recommended for use by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. During treatment, the patient is under 24-hour supervision by medical staff.

  6. How to prepare for the program and the necessary examination?
  7. No special preparation is required. Surveys are included in all programs.

  8. What should you take with you?
    • Passport or other identification documents.
    • Compulsory health insurance policy (if available).
    • Original advance payment receipt.
    • Original Russian-language copies of medical documents or copies thereof, reflecting the state of health (laboratory and instrumental studies, electrocardiogram, expert opinions for the last 5 years).
    • Swimsuit/swimming trunks, shoes for the pool, comfortable clothes for working out in the gym and on the street.
  9. Are there any complications?
  10. Complications are extremely rare.

  11. What ensures the success of treatment?
    • The clinic has 20 years of experience in the field of body detoxification.
    • A complete diagnostic complex.
    • Individual program development for each patient.
    • An integrated approach to therapy.
    • Involving the patient himself in the treatment process (a well-coordinated doctor-patient team).
    • Application of natural therapeutic methods.
    • Eliminating opportunities for stressful conditions.
    • Environmentally friendly environment.
    • Special programs nutrition.


Anastasia Dmitrievna

Elena Nikolaevna

Elena Alexandrovna

Natalya Vladimirovna

Yulia Vasilievna

Liana Valerievna

Irina Ilyinichna

Vera Viktorovna

Olga Victorovna

Premium accommodation

The Kivach Clinic is a harmonious combination of a medical facility and premium accommodation. Each residential room is equipped with an infrared sauna and a treatment room, which allows you to carry out most procedures directly in the room.

Reviews about the program

    Mood and strength appeared.
    All liked it. All services work very well. The staff is smiling and attentive. The impression was very good, both in terms of organization and treatment.

    Female, 65 years old, Zhukovsky
  • Weight loss of 4 kg. Feeling better. I wanted to live.
    Everything is great! Everything is fine! Everything is excellent! You are great guys. I really liked the work of massage therapist Nadezhda Dobrokhotova! Great gratitude.
    Every year I go to the same doctor – Desh Irina Illarionovna! I thank her. And I really, really want to come only to her! I will recommend it to friends.

    Female, 52 years old, Moscow
  • I lost weight, reset my head, and hopefully got a good push to take my health more seriously.
    Thank you! You guys are great!
    The most important thing in your and similar clinics is the qualifications and professionalism of the staff. Good luck to you in your development, training and selection of doctors. It will be nice to see you have the newest, most progressive treatment methods in the future!
    Good luck in everything! Thank you!

    Female, 50 years old, St. Petersburg
  • The results are already visible! Lightness in the body good mood and minus 4 kg.
    I really liked it, especially the staff is very friendly, attentive and very delicate, all doctors and nurses.

    Female, 41 years old, Ryazan
  • I lost weight, felt easier to move, and my overall health improved. There was a desire to eat right.
    I express my deep gratitude to the attending physician (pediatrician) of my daughter Olga Viktorovna Goldobina - she knows how to listen and give smart advice. Attentive to her patients. Instilled a great desire to guide the child to correct mode nutrition, sleep, rest. I am also grateful to my doctor Desh I.I. – carefully studied the medical history, prescribed additional necessary consultations and procedures. Many thanks to the entire team who worked with us throughout our course of treatment and rest.
    It's nice to walk along the corridors and enjoy the flowers and plants. All plants are lush, green and pleasing to the eye.

    Female, 43 years old, Serpukhov
  • Weight loss of 2.8 kg, normalization of blood pressure, improvement of the nasopharynx, healthy complexion.
    I fell in love with your clinic. Great service. Lor Sevryuk is amazing, the nurse Tatiana is gorgeous, the massage therapist Alexander is amazing, he did the impossible in three sessions. The cook and nutritionist (San Sanych) are amazing. Everything is great. Good luck and prosperity!!!

    Female, 32 years old, Moscow
  • After completing the program, I felt lighter, more energetic, and improved. appearance, leather quality. I felt refreshed and rejuvenated. I would love to come back again with my family. Thanks to all the clinic staff!
    Excellent organization, impeccable medical work. staff, everything was thought out to the smallest detail, my program was easy and pleasant. I would especially like to mention the massage therapist Alexey and nurse Dina. Professionals in their field! Special thanks to them!

    Female, 45 years old, Anapa
  • Having done the diagnostics, my body has calmed down and I will purposefully get healthier, having a clear picture.
    I express my gratitude to the entire team, you, as a single organism, pass the guest from hand to hand, releasing a single good result from the assembly line, and you want to come back! Longevity and prosperity to you!!!

    Female, 51 years old, Kazakhstan, Petropavlovsk
  • I really liked the massage therapist Alexey, there are more such specialists, he does massage very well, and at the same time with high quality, using not only standard techniques, but also additional ones, such as acupressure, and spends time on problem areas.
    I wish you prosperity and success in such a difficult work.
    Thank you very much!

    Female, 26 years old, Ukraine, Kyiv
  • Yes! Joint pain has subsided, fewer asthma attacks (asthma), and medical history has improved. My emotional state has improved.
    We thank all the employees of the Kivach clinic for their high professionalism, sensitive, attentive, caring and kind attitude towards us.
    We wish you good health, success in your work, good luck and prosperity.