Often rumbling in the stomach causes causes in adults. Why there is rumbling in the stomach and how to get rid of it. Drug treatment

Symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract appear more often than "signals" from other organs, even in relatively healthy people. This is due, first of all, to a very close relationship between sensations in the organs and the influence of external factors. So, not every person goes in for sports seven days a week, experiences nervous or physical overstrain, and everyone takes food without exception. That is why it is so important to be able to interpret the "messages" that the gastrointestinal tract sends to a person, whether it be discomfort, pain or dyspeptic symptoms. For example, if your stomach is constantly bubbling - what does it mean, why does this phenomenon occur, how can you help yourself, and when does a visit to a specialist become mandatory?

The word "bubbling" is not medical term, so it cannot be interpreted directly. It is important to understand what is meant by this concept. First of all, it can be flatulence - increased gas formation in the intestines. In addition, such a sensation may be accompanied simply by the active work of the gastrointestinal tract, the act of digestion. One way or another, both physiological and pathological causes can contribute to the appearance of such sensations.

Among the physiological causes, i.e. those that are not associated with the pathology of organs, but indicate the normal functioning of the body, the following can be distinguished.

Table. Physiological reasons.

CauseCharacteristicElimination Methods
Everyone is familiar with the “rumbling” in the stomach that occurs with a strong feeling of hunger. The genesis of this phenomenon is associated with complex neurohumoral mechanisms, which involve the receptors of the stomach wall and higher nerve centers. Often seething is accompanied by unpleasant sensations "in the pit of the stomach", that is, behind the lower part of the sternum. Prolonged hunger can cause weakness, headache, as well as irritability and aggression.The “treatment” is as simple as possible – eat. If a full meal is not possible, you can have a snack, drink water, or try to distract yourself. In no case should you chew gum, so as not to provoke the release of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which can eventually lead to gastritis or an ulcer.
Not only hunger, but also overeating causes a feeling of seething. In this case, the sensations are associated with the overflow of the gastrointestinal tract with food: the organs are simply trying to cope with the incoming volume. Often accompanied by a feeling of fullness, sometimes pain in the abdomen.If overeating has already occurred, you should take an enzyme preparation (Mezim, Pancreatin, Creon) and an enterosorbent ( Activated carbon, Smekta). Avoid intense physical activity, relax.
It is well known that certain types of food do not go well with each other and cause diarrhea and increased gas production. Such combinations include, for example, fish and dairy products. In addition, spoiled food can cause bubbling without causing poisoning. Often these sensations are accompanied by pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, flatulence. It can last from several hours to 2-3 days, even after the act of defecation.Enterosorbents, enzymes, a large amount of water.


Some products cause active fermentation processes in the intestines, which is accompanied by increased gas formation, a feeling of seething. These are cabbage, black bread, sour-milk products, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, fast food, sweets.Avoid the use of gas products.
In older people, it can seethe in the stomach due to a tendency to constipation, increased gas formation due to weakness of the digestive processes and depletion of enzymatic systems. Often these sensations are neurogenic in nature. Similarly, in children, the digestive and enzyme systems are not fully formed, which causes some difficulties with digestion.Regular good nutrition, carminatives.
Due to the fact that the pregnant uterus presses on all organs abdominal cavity, the processes in them can occur, somewhat distorted. So, gas accumulates in the intestines, constipation often develops, difficulties with intestinal motility appear, which causes seething.Most often, it is recommended to manage only with a complete, properly selected diet, however, herbal laxatives, carminatives, and enzymes can be prescribed.

Pathological causes

Unfortunately, bubbling in the abdomen can be a symptom of pathological conditions.

Motility disorder

Often, seething in the abdomen is a symptom of a particular pathology. And one of the main reasons is a violation of intestinal motility. So, with increased activity of contractile processes, flatulence may develop. A lot of gas is formed, it constantly circulates in the intestines, and is released. This situation may be accompanied by flatulence, bloating, painful spastic sensations throughout the abdomen. Usually, this condition is characterized by diarrhea to a greater extent than constipation, although both types of stool disorders can develop. Absorption in the intestines is impaired, which provokes loose stools. Intestinal hyperkinesis is sometimes accompanied by slight weight loss, deficiency of certain micro- and macroelements.

With reduced motor skills, on the contrary, constipation develops.. The food bolus is bad, it takes a long time to pass through the loops of the intestines, which causes the processes of fermentation and decay, which, in turn, provoke gas formation and seething. In such cases, it boils for a long time, for several weeks or longer. Fecal stones can develop, sometimes they form a condition of intestinal obstruction, which requires surgical correction. Pathology is accompanied by heaviness in the abdomen, sometimes painful sensations of a pulling, pressing nature, often quite intense. May be accompanied by nausea, belching. Blood appears in the feces, because the feces are dry, hard, sometimes with sharp edges, which injures the intestine. In case of development of obstruction appears sharp pain, vomiting of feces, nausea.

Diseases of the digestive glands

The main reason why it can boil in the stomach is this. Due to the fact that digestive enzymes such as lipase, protease and amylase are not produced in sufficient quantities, food cannot be fully broken down. As a result, fermentation processes again develop, provoking gas formation.

This condition is accompanied by pain in the left hypochondrium of the abdomen, which spread to the right hypochondrium and even to the back - sometimes such pain is confused with kidney pain. After eating fatty, fried, smoked foods, heaviness in the stomach develops, heartburn, belching, there may be nausea and vomiting during the period of maximum pain intensity, which, however, does not relieve these pains. Defecation is usually also not normal: liquid or tar-like fatty stools develop. It can be discolored or light, in the form of a slurry.

By the way, not only pancreatic insufficiency provokes fermentopathy. Often this is a congenital condition. For example, with lactase deficiency, dairy products are not absorbed, there is gluten intolerance. Usually a person knows about such a feature of his body, but you should not immediately exclude such a situation.

Another reason is liver damage, especially not inflammatory, but destructive, for example, fatty hepatosis. In this case, the choleretic function of the liver suffers, food is not fully digested. Often the condition is accompanied by heaviness in the right hypochondrium, an enlarged liver, nagging non-intense pain, and nausea. There may be slight jaundice, light-coloured stools, and dark urine. Seething in the abdomen is often painful, intense belching of sour, nausea develops.

Video: Signs of pancreatic diseases

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

It is customary to include in this group ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. These are serious pathologies associated with disorders of the intestinal mucosa, the cause of which has not been fully elucidated. In relation to such a disease, when describing the intestinal mucosa, the term "cobblestone" is used. In this regard, one can imagine the state of the mucous layer of the organ. Symptoms are diverse: these are pains, and often quite intense, and flatulence, and bloating, and stool disorders. Defecation is painful, but may be a relief. Often there is blood in the stool, sometimes mucus and even pus.

Seething in the abdomen can be both with Crohn's disease and with ulcerative colitis. Unpleasant sensations in the upper abdomen are more likely to indicate Crohn's disease, although changes in the condition of the mucosa can be in any part of the intestine. Colitis is characterized by pain and a sensation of seething in the lower abdomen, near the navel. For such patients, even flatulence is often painful and causes discomfort rather than relief.

People with inflammatory bowel disease are often irritable, they are weakened, because of the forced severe diet, they are exhausted. Unfortunately, these diseases cannot be cured; one can only correct the patient's condition in order to improve his standard of living.

Irritable bowel syndrome is a functional disease. Such a diagnosis can be made only when all organic pathology is excluded by all possible methods research. Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by two types of clinical picture: with a predominance of constipation and with a predominance of diarrhea. It is noteworthy that discomfort in the stomach in the form of seething occur both in the first and in the second variant, although they often develop for loose stools. Patients complain of painful bloating, flatulence, pain before defecation. The act of defecation itself usually relieves the person's condition, although it can be painful.

It is noteworthy that irritable bowel syndrome will never be accompanied by pathological impurities in the feces - neither mucus, nor pus, much less blood. This is the so-called “anxiety symptom”: if it appears, there can be no question of a functional disease.

It is worth noting that irritable bowel syndrome is psychogenic in nature. They suffer:

  • especially emotional people;
  • those who are regularly exposed to severe stress;
  • people with psychopathology;
  • people with a labile psyche;
  • workaholics;
  • subjected to any kind of violent actions, pressure from outside;
  • hypochondriacs.

This is important because such categories of people tend to exaggerate their symptoms, and a short episode of flatulence can become a "constant seething" in their eyes.

To cope with such a situation, consultation with a psychiatrist is often needed. He can prescribe sedatives or, conversely, antidepressants that will help to cope with emotions, and therefore with irritable bowel syndrome.

  • follow a healthy diet:
  • avoid moral and physical overload:
  • rest more, observe the sleep and wakefulness regimen;
  • maintain a psychologically healthy environment in the family and work team;
  • walk more in the fresh air;
  • play sports (adequate physical activity);
  • find a hobby and devote time to it.

Video: Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Imbalance of the intestinal microflora can also provoke seething in the abdomen. With a lack of normal representatives of the intestinal biocenosis and with an increase in the number of gas-producing bacteria that cause fermentation, flatulence often appears. Usually this situation is accompanied by changes in the skin - it becomes oily, acne and black spots appear. There may be an unpleasant smell from the mouth, flatulence intensifies, and sometimes there are pain in a stomach. You can fight this situation by taking pro- and prebiotics, adjusting your diet.

Thus, seething in the abdomen can be caused by very different reasons - both physiological and pathological. One way or another, this is a sign that the body is having a hard time coping with incoming food and needs help: at least, it is necessary to adjust the diet, introduce adequate physical activity, align the regime of the day. In case of joining other symptoms, for example, pain in any part of the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, belching, changes in stool, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. read on our website.

Loud rumbling in the stomach gives a person a lot of discomfort and trouble. A noisy digestive process makes itself felt at the wrong time, especially often during psychological stress. This usually happens when you need to focus on an important task - a responsible exam, a presentation, a speech at a work meeting. After all, stress is one of the predisposing factors. The owner of an overactive digestive tract experiences not only psychological and social problems. Violations in the work of the body can have serious consequences.

Noises in the abdomen - the norm or pathology

Rumbling in the abdomen is a spectrum of sounds of different intensity coming from the organs of the gastrointestinal tract as a result of the movement of gases, liquid or food bolus. A healthy hungry rumbling is inherent in every person. Once in the stomach and then into the intestines, the food is broken down due to the release of digestive juices inside these organs. For effective processing, the walls of the gastrointestinal tract are constantly compressed.

Rumbling in the stomach can indicate problems in any organ of the digestive tract.

Regardless of the presence of food in the stomach, the muscles contract. If at the same time the lumen of the organ is empty, then the gases inside, air and hydrochloric acid interact with each other. Rumbling or other noises occur. In the case when the stomach is full, food, clinging to the walls, dampens the sound. It happens that the "songs" of the stomach are heard regardless of food intake, not only from the stomach. Similar sounds also come from different parts of the intestine. Such noises are not normal, but act as pathological symptom. They talk about violations in the processing and absorption of nutrients at any of the stages of digestion. In this case, the sounds are accompanied by putrefactive processes, excessive gas formation, and an inadequate reaction of the intestinal walls to certain stimuli. Noises in the abdomen may resemble:

  • transfusion or gurgling;
  • seething;
  • rumbling;
  • growl.

In the medical literature, these names are most often interchangeable, since it is not possible to isolate one characteristic sound for a particular symptom. To a greater extent, the nature of the sound depends on the state and individual features specific person.

Varieties of rumbling in the stomach

The nature of the rumbling indicates the possible origin of the pathology.

The intensity of the sound is expressed:

  • weakly or moderately - as part of a normal physiological process, if a person is hungry;
  • strong - if the sound is too frequent and loud, it is audible not only to you, but also to an outsider's ear. All this points to the need to find out the cause.

Noises may appear:

  • in the morning and in the evening;
  • at night;
  • constantly (regardless of the time of day).

Unpleasant sounds that occur on the left or right in different parts of the abdomen can be most intense in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening and at night. Most often they are observed after a hearty meal the day before, which caused an overload of the digestive tract.

The presence of sounds may be due to the fact of eating. Noise disturbs a person:

  • on an empty stomach;
  • some time after eating;
  • regardless of meal.

Transfusion in the abdomen after eating (systematic or too loud) indicates that the stomach or intestines are not working quite normally. If you experience bloating and nausea after eating, see your doctor. This can be a sign of a number of diseases, including developing gastritis. Inflammation of the gastric mucosa threatens with an ulcer in the future if it is not treated. Grumbling can be observed several hours after a meal. In this case, the process of assimilation of food may be disturbed.

The digestive tract is a complex factory for the breakdown and absorption of nutrients.

Quite loud sounds can be made by both the stomach and intestines. By localization, noise is distinguished:

  • V upper region abdomen - stomach, duodenum;
  • in the lower part - the small and large intestines.

A person sometimes notes the dependence of the occurrence of rumbling in the abdomen on the position of the body in space. For example, sitting or standing, he does not experience problems, but it is enough to lie down (including after eating), as long “howling” begins. A gastroenterologist can judge the nature of the sounds by the position in which the patient experiences maximum discomfort:

  • rumbling mainly in a horizontal position may be due to poor outflow of bile in this position, when digestion is disturbed;
  • when drilling in a vertical position (sitting or standing), the causes should be determined using laboratory and instrumental diagnostics.

Hyperactivity of the gastrointestinal tract may increase under circumstances that require nervous tension: in exams in educational institution, important workshop. This fact will indicate the vegetovascular or functional nature of the pathology.

Causes and development factors

Doctors identify predisposing factors and causes of seething in the intestines:

  1. Acute and chronic diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract, some anatomical pathologies. These diseases are often the causes of enzymatic deficiency. The imperfection of the process leads to the accumulation of a large amount of poorly digested food residues in the lower gastrointestinal tract. As a result of this, rotting and fermentation occurs with the release of a large amount of gases. Lack of enzymes often occurs as a result of malnutrition, and also accompanies a number of the following pathologies:
  2. Nervous disorders, mental illness. The emotional state affects the increased production of gastric juice. Frequent stress disrupts motor skills: hyperactivity occurs or, conversely, a decrease in tone. It is this disorder under the influence of emotional arousal that underlies such conditions as:
  3. Violation of the healthy composition of the intestinal microflora - dysbacteriosis (dysbiosis). It is characterized by a qualitative or quantitative change in the composition of bacteria. This condition can be caused by prolonged use of antibiotics. Foods rich in coarse fiber - vegetables and fruits, legumes - when split, cause increased gas formation. There are such forms of dysbiosis:
  4. Slowed intestinal motility. May be accompanied by immobility of certain parts of the digestive tract. This condition develops after surgery on the abdominal cavity. Since the food masses move slowly, stagnate, the processes of decay and fermentation start. The gases released at the same time accumulate and stretch the intestine, causing pain.
  5. food allergy. In its development, the main role is played by the immune response of the body. Food allergies can occur to absolutely any product, but the most common forms are:
  6. Food intolerance. Unlike allergies, it is acquired in nature and develops as a result of lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular, the biliary system, in the presence of fermentopathy or other disorders. About 80% of the population suffers from resistance to certain products with age. Most often, mushrooms, legumes, and strawberries fall into disfavor with the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Gas-producing foods, hasty food, bad habits. By using gas generating products or carbonated water, you risk getting rumbling in the intestines. When eating in a hurry, a person swallows large volumes of air, which cause flatulence, and also cause the death of anaerobic bacteria. Talking while eating has a negative effect. Bad habits(smoking, chewing gum) can also cause flatulence.


In order to determine the causes of pathological sounds, it is first necessary to exclude organic changes and related diseases. Along with the study of the patient's symptoms, physical examination (palpation of the abdomen, examination of the oral cavity), a number of laboratory and instrumental studies are also used:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • bacteriological culture of feces;
  • examination of feces for the presence of latent blood, an increased amount of fat.

Deviations from the norm, identified laboratory methods, talk about the organic nature of the pathology. The absence of changes for the worse indicates a mental, neurological or allergic nature of the problem.

A complex of instrumental diagnostic methods is used:

The data of these studies are necessary to exclude organic lesions of the intestine and confirm the functional nature of the disorder.

If there are no deviations according to the research data, the doctor will refer you to an allergist, immunologist and psychotherapist. Women are additionally shown a consultation with a gynecologist.

Methods for the treatment of rumbling in the abdomen

The elimination of symptoms must necessarily be preceded by a search for the true cause of the phenomenon. If rumbling causes inappropriate nutrition, you need to find out which particular product provokes an allergy. Next, you need to reconsider your daily diet based on available diagnostic data. When the exclusion of certain products and correct mode nutrition turned out to be ineffective, you should be more attentive to other signs, if any. Loose or irregular stools, nausea or vomiting, bad breath - the presence of these symptoms, even if from time to time, requires reporting them to your gastroenterologist.

Medical therapy

Rumbling sounds may well indicate a chronic disease of the digestive tract. In this case, after the doctor receives the results of the necessary examinations, he will develop an individual drug treatment. Very often loud sounds are caused by dysbacteriosis. For its prevention and treatment, you need to drink courses of probiotics (Linex, Acipol, Bifidumbacterin, Bifiform, Hilak forte).

If everything is in order with the main analyzes, and the digestive organs and the gastrointestinal tract system as a whole did not show deviations, then under the supervision of a doctor, you can turn to symptomatic treatment of a functional disorder. The gastroenterologist will select the appropriate therapy.

Espumizan is a capsule drug with defoaming and carminative properties. In the intestines, the smallest gas bubbles are surrounded by foam enveloping them. That is why it is quite difficult for such gases to leave the digestive tract on their own. Defoamers reduce the surface tension of the bubbles, which then burst. The walls of the intestines absorb the gas released in this way, or thanks to peristalsis, it easily comes out. Espumizan is available in the form of capsules, granules and emulsions. The latter can be used to treat colic in infants, but only after consultation with a pediatrician and in doses that he determines.

Espumizan in granules can not be washed down with water

If rumbling and seething is caused by an abnormal reaction of a painfully sensitive intestine, loose stools of unknown origin, or diarrhea due to prolonged use of antibiotics, Enterol will help. This is a product of biological origin containing medicinal yeast. It has an antimicrobial effect on a number of pathogenic microorganisms, slowing down their growth and causing an increased immune response. Enterol is produced by the manufacturer in the form of powder sachets or capsules. You need to drink the medication with a small amount of water at room temperature. Do not use too cold or hot drinks with the drug.

The drug Enterol will help restore normal intestinal microflora

Orlix is ​​a drug, the main component of which is the natural natural enzyme alpha-galactosidase, which does not allow gases to form. Most people are unable to digest complex carbohydrates from vegetables, fruits, grains, and legumes. Undigested residues enter the large intestine, where they are exposed to bacteria. At the same time, a large amount of gases is released, provoking bloating. The active component of Orlix helps to break down complex substances even at the stage of their stay in the small intestine. The drug is a biological food supplement and is used together with gas-forming products.

Orlix effectively prevents gas formation

A good drug for the normalization of intestinal peristalsis is Motilium. Doctors prescribe it for upper bloating, fullness, belching, nausea, heartburn, and flatulence. Tablets should be taken half an hour before meals for better absorption. Motilium suspension is also commercially available, which is intended mainly for children under 5 years of age.

Motilium perfectly regulates intestinal motility

The role of diet

Self-prescribing a diet is dangerous and ineffective. In order for new eating habits to be beneficial and have a positive effect on overall health, it is necessary to approach the issue competently, with the involvement of a nutritionist or gastroenterologist.

First of all, it is desirable to develop a clear diet for yourself, without skipping meals. Eat slowly, chewing each bite thoroughly. You should not sit down at the table late in the evening, because the products that have entered the digestive tract will not have time to be digested and will cause unpleasant consequences by morning.

There are also a few rules that can be followed to help prevent bubbling and indigestion in your stomach:

  1. Drink plenty of water and other non-caffeinated beverages (coffee and tea should be severely limited). To maintain a normal stool consistency, you need to drink about 8 glasses of liquid, evenly distributing them throughout the day.
  2. Reducing the consumption of fatty foods and confectionery is an indispensable condition for successfully getting rid of the syndrome of rumbling and seething in the stomach. Sugar promotes fermentation processes in the intestines, and with pancreatitis it can cause loose stools. Food rich in animal fats is difficult to digest, the process of splitting it takes several hours. During this time, it partially begins to rot.
  3. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of gas-forming products:
    • all types of cabbage (white, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts);
    • all types of legumes (beans, soybeans, lentils);
    • root crops: carrots, turnips, celery;
    • all types of mushrooms;
    • flour and yeast products;
    • whole milk and products containing it (ice cream, cheese);
    • vegetable oil.
  4. Coarse dietary fiber (fiber), which is useful for healthy body, can harm with a tendency to bloating and flatulence. Therefore, products with their content should be limited or excluded as much as possible:
    • cereals (brown and wild rice, unprocessed buckwheat);
    • oat, wheat, corn bran;
    • beans, peas, beans;
    • seeds and nuts of all kinds;
    • potatoes "in uniform";
    • some vegetables (zucchini, zucchini, celery);
    • some fruits (bananas, avocados).
  5. If there is an allergy or food intolerance to a certain type of product, it should be completely excluded from the diet.
  6. If there is no allergy to milk sugar, then the patient should include fermented milk products in his daily diet, which have a beneficial effect on the composition of the intestinal flora:
    • kefir;
    • yogurt;
    • cottage cheese.

Products that cause increased gas formation in the intestines - photo gallery

Root crops are undesirable to eat with flatulence Celery contains coarse dietary fiber Avocado can cause flatulence Cabbage should be excluded from the diet with a tendency to flatulence
Legumes lead to the formation of gas in the intestines Eating nuts can cause bloating and rumbling in the stomach

Folk recipes for murmurs in the abdomen

If rumbling in the abdomen is a sign of a functional disorder, you can use the available folk recipes to eliminate unnecessary sounds and discomfort:

  1. Infusion of chamomile pharmacy will effectively relieve spasms. To do this, take 1 teaspoon of crushed dry plant per 250 ml of boiling water, insist under the lid for 30 minutes, drink 125 ml 3 times a day between meals.
  2. Infusion of dill seeds - well-known folk remedy to relieve symptoms of gas formation. To prepare it, 1 teaspoon of raw materials is required to pour 250 ml of boiling water, insist in a tightly closed container for 2 hours, strain. It is necessary to drink such a portion during the day, several sips at a time.
  3. A decoction of parsley seeds will help calm flatulence. Take 1 teaspoon of raw materials and pour a glass of cold water, after 30 minutes heat the medicine almost to a boil, cool, strain. Take, like dill infusion, in small sips throughout the day.
  4. Mint tea. Prepare some fresh or dried leaves and steam with boiling water, let it brew for 5-10 minutes, you can add lemon to taste. Drink this drink instead of tea.
  5. Wormwood will not be to everyone's taste, but its effectiveness makes up for this inconvenience. To prepare a remedy, you need to take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped dry grass, pour 0.5 boiling water, leave for a day, strain. Take on an empty stomach 2-3 tbsp. spoons of infusion daily in the morning. For a more pleasant taste, it is allowed to add a spoonful of natural honey to the medicine.

Plants used to treat rumbling in the stomach - photo gallery

Chamomile is an effective antispasmodic and antimicrobial agent A decoction of parsley seeds has a choleretic property Peppermint tea relieves spasms, pain, inflammation Excellent stimulates the release of digestive enzymes and bile, and also has a powerful bactericidal and carminative effect
Dill seeds activate intestinal motility, eliminating flatulence

Treatment prognosis, complications, consequences

Rumbling in the abdomen due to functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract in itself does not pose a danger to the health of the patient. Although it can create a certain physical and psychological discomfort. Extraneous sounds from the intestines are usually heard at the most inopportune moment, which intensifies the already aggravated neuropsychic stress of the patient, and this, in turn, exacerbates the symptoms. It turns out a kind of vicious circle. Irritable bowel syndrome is treated for a long time and comprehensively. But a number of improvements, as a rule, the patient will feel already from the beginning of the use of drug therapy and diet.

Gastrointestinal dysbiosis is more serious if not adequately treated with probiotics and diet. Complications are possible due to a long-term imbalance between beneficial and pathogenic bacteria in favor of the latter:

  • chronic inflammatory disease intestines - enterocolitis;
  • beriberi and lack of microelements (as a result of a violation of the absorption capacity of the intestinal walls);
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • decreased immunity and the risk of joining other diseases;
  • pancreatitis, gastroduodenitis as a result of the spread of pathogenic bacteria throughout the gastrointestinal tract;
  • weight loss of the patient due to poor absorption of nutrients.

Complications of food allergies are quite rare, but such a possibility is not completely excluded by doctors. The most famous exacerbations:

If seething and transfusion in the abdomen is caused by an organic lesion of any part of the gastrointestinal tract, the treatment is carried out by a professional gastroenterologist, it is aimed at eliminating a specific cause.


An effective remedy for preventing rumbling in the stomach is ordinary water - boiled, and preferably mineral, but, of course, non-carbonated. Otherwise, the action will be just the opposite. Drink water should be in between meals so that it does not dilute the concentration of gastric juice. Half an hour before meals or 1.5–2 hours after - perfect time to quench your thirst.

In addition, non-athletic people or those whose working day is spent in a sitting position do not interfere with thinking about joining the sport. Let it be a short morning exercise, daily brisk walking for half an hour, swimming - the movement disperses the gases accumulated in the intestines, being an excellent prevention.

Why is my stomach growling - video

The human body is a complex biological system. Like all living things, in the process of life, it makes a certain set of sounds, including rumbling in the stomach. They do not always indicate any problems, often this is the norm. However, being attentive to your body, you probably will not miss the warning signs that signal possible diseases.

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Probably, every person is familiar with this unpleasant sensation - rumbling in the stomach. And in most cases, people encounter it at the most inopportune moments. Most often, rumbling in the stomach is short-lived and is a manifestation of hunger, and thus the stomach “notifies” a person that it is time for him to eat. But in some cases, a similar symptom may appear against the background of a fairly serious disease.

Why does the stomach constantly growl and gurgle in an adult and healthy person? What are the causes of rumbling after eating and how to treat a similar symptom? You will learn about this and much more in this article.

Causes of constant rumbling in the stomach

Ordinary perfectly healthy people can also experience rumbling in the stomach, and there can be quite a few reasons for this, in particular:

In addition, gases can also form in the large intestine, where fecal masses undergo formation, water is removed from them, which is absorbed through the walls. There are also many bacteria that digest the remnants of the absorbed products.

The vital processes of bacteria quite often lead to the formation of gases and rumbling sounds.

Among the gases of the large intestine, one can note not only carbon dioxide, but also hydrogen, as well as methane, sulfur dioxide and mercaptan, some of which have a very unpleasant odor and toxic properties. If such gases are formed excess amount, this can have a very negative impact on human health and cause symptoms of intoxication. Therefore, it is very important that gases from the intestines are removed in a timely manner in a natural way.

Often, rumbling in the abdomen due to excessive gas formation is observed in a person after consuming certain foods, as well as carbonated or alcoholic beverages.

Such products include apples, prunes, peas and various legumes, cabbage, milk and its derivatives. The consumption of such products in most people causes increased gas formation, which is accompanied by the corresponding sounds. Therefore, if a person has an important meeting, it is better to refuse to eat heavy food.

Symptom as the cause of the disease

Several diseases can lead to the appearance of such a symptom at once, in particular:

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
  • Dysbacteriosis and flatulence.

Let us consider in more detail each of the diseases as the cause of constant rumbling in the abdomen.

irritable bowel syndrome

In most cases, this condition is observed in young women, while the unambiguous cause of its occurrence does not have a consensus among specialists.

Most scientists are inclined to the theory that constant sounds in the abdomen appear when the natural connection of the intestines with the “control center” - the brain is disturbed. Usually such a violation occurs in cases where a person experiences stress for a long time.

It is scientifically proven that the work of the intestines big influence renders a type of nervous system. As a rule, intense intestinal motility in a state of stress is observed in people with a predominantly parasympathetic type of nervous system. In such people, under stress, there is also an increase in the work of the glands of the stomach and intestines.

In addition, the stomach always reacts to foods absorbed by a person the day before, and some of them have a pronounced choleretic effect. As a result, there is an intensive formation of bile, which is necessary for the processing of products for further absorption of nutrients.

If food is not supplied, the effect of the secreted bile on the walls of the intestine, its duodenal section, begins. As a result, not only rumbling in the stomach appears, but also loose stools. A similar phenomenon is often encountered by women who are on diets and who believe that eating one boiled egg is enough to satisfy hunger and get the necessary elements, forgetting that the yolk has a choleretic effect.

If the connection between the intestine and the brain is disrupted, then intestinal motility is also disturbed, which leads to stagnation of food masses, the digestion processes of which are weakened and slowed down. As a result, food enters the large intestine in an insufficiently digested form, which is why the function of digestion is forced to take over the bacteria of the large intestine. The result of this is severe swelling the abdomen, in which there is not only constant rumbling, but also flatulence.

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Also, the development of irritable bowel syndrome leads to malnutrition, frequent or constant stress, which requires medical attention.

Flatulence and dysbacteriosis

With these disorders, a person always has excessive gas formation, discomfort in the abdomen, rumbling, bloating, pain of a spastic nature. In fact, these two disorders are very closely related, and flatulence often becomes a consequence of dysbacteriosis.

With dysbacteriosis, there is an imbalance in the intestinal microflora, resulting in a significant increase in the concentration of pathogenic microorganisms that suppress beneficial bacteria.

It is the active reproduction and development of harmful bacteria, or rather, the processes of their vital activity, that cause intense gas formation, leading to flatulence. The result of these processes is bloating, pain and a strong almost constant rumbling.

Rumbling in the abdomen associated with diarrhea

In most cases, the appearance of such symptoms indicates the presence of dysbacteriosis in a person. Most often, such a violation is observed in people who do not adhere to a special diet and do not follow the rules of eating behavior and a certain diet.

As a rule, the risk group for the appearance of dysbacteriosis primarily includes people who often eat all kinds of fast foods, on the go, at a fast pace, who do not want to spend time preparing homemade food, or preparing it from semi-finished products.

The combination of rumbling in the abdomen with diarrhea may also indicate the presence of an intestinal infection, which can enter along with food. This in most cases occurs when using stale or not fully processed (washed or thermal) products, as well as various foods that have been stored incorrectly or are expired. With this condition, a person needs adequate treatment.

The third cause of such symptoms is diarrhea of ​​the secretory or osmotic type. Secretory diarrhea occurs due to the accumulation of water in the intestinal cavity, which contains bacterial toxins. In this case, in addition to constant rumbling, gurgling sounds also appear in the stomach. The cause of osmotic diarrhea is the consumption of foods that cannot be digested and absorbed normally in the intestines.

Rumbling and gas

Constant rumbling in the stomach and gases in most cases is the cause of flatulence. Currently, this problem has a very serious spread, mainly among those people who live in a high pace of life and do not pay due attention to their diet.

When a person consumes a large amount of fatty and fried foods, acidic foods or dishes containing various artificial and chemical additives, he significantly increases the risk of developing bowel disorders.

Unpleasant nutrition provokes excessive formation of gases in the digestive system, and if they cannot be normally excreted from the body in a natural way, then flatulence and loud rumbling and severe bloating occur, causing serious discomfort to a person.

Excessive gas formation often occurs when a large amount of carbohydrates is consumed, as well as in cases where a person consumes food at a fast pace, without trying to fully chew it. Swallowing large pieces of food puts an unnecessary strain on the digestive system and provokes excess gas production.

Treatment with nutritional adjustments

It is the adjustment of nutrition that is the main stage in the treatment of constant rumbling in the abdomen. People suffering from such a symptom, first of all, need to reconsider their diet, exclude from it all harmful products containing food artificial additives.

It is necessary to stop using:

  • dairy products.
  • Some cereal crops(gluten).
  • Sweet foods.
  • Happy baking.
  • alcohol.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Fresh cabbage.
  • Other products, the digestion of which causes excessive formation of gases in the digestive system.

In most cases, a person is recommended to completely eliminate sweets, but for many people, a complete rejection of the consumption of chocolate, sweets, pastries, various cookies, gingerbread and other sweets is impossible for psychological reasons.

The absence of a sweet taste negatively affects the state of health and can lead to depression and nervous disorders, which will only increase the symptoms of digestive disorders. But all products containing sugar can provoke the appearance of constant rumbling and seething in the stomach. Therefore, if a person cannot live without sweets, it is recommended to use sweeteners, for example, based on stevia, which do not have such a negative effect.

An important point is the optimization of the balance of intestinal microflora, for which it is necessary to saturate your diet with foods that contain probiotics.

Probiotic products include special live yoghurts, as well as regular sauerkraut. Of course, there are many special dietary supplements containing probiotics and drugs, but in any case, natural nutrition is more preferable when solving this problem.

Medical treatment

It is necessary to treat rumbling in the abdomen correctly, and for this you first need to establish the exact cause of this condition, for which you should consult a doctor (gastroenterologist or at least a therapist).

The basis of treatment in most cases is dietary adjustment, but medications are also prescribed if necessary.

Most often, the patient is advised to take enterosorbents, which collect and remove toxins and harmful bacteria from the body, and also allow you to quickly neutralize gases in the intestines, eliminating the sounds of rumbling, bloating and discomfort.

It is important to remember that it is impossible to take enterosorbents for a long time, since along with harmful elements and bacteria, adsorbents also remove useful ones.

As a result, treatment to restore the balance of the intestinal microflora becomes useless, since the introduced beneficial bacteria leave it too quickly.

Constant rumbling in the abdomen can be eliminated with the help of sorbents:

  • Activated carbon and products based on it, for example, Karbosorb, Extrasorb, Karbopekt, Sorbeks.
  • Preparations based on Smecta, in particular, Neosmectin and Diosmectite, although these agents have a slight adsorption effect.
  • Lignin-based products, including: Filtrum-STI, Polyphepan, Entegrin.

In addition, patients are prescribed defoamers., developed on the basis of simethicone. These funds include: Sub Simplex, Bobotik, Espumizan, Antiflat Lannacher, Disflatil.

Intestinal gases within the digestive system are in the form of foam. When exposed to these drugs, the foam is destroyed and as a result, either the removal of gases in a natural way, or their absorption by the intestinal walls into the bloodstream occurs.

To eliminate the pain syndrome, antispasmodics are prescribed based on drotaverine, such as Spakovin, No-Shpa, Spazoverin, Spazmonet, Spazmol, Ple-Spa, Nosh-Bra, Bioshpa or Drotaverin.

Combined drugs are prescribed, combining several active components in the composition at once. The means of this group include: Pepfiz, Meteospasmil, Pancreoflat.

If the constant rumbling in the abdomen is caused by dysbacteriosis, then in most cases patients are prescribed drugs such as Linex, Motilium and Espumizan.

How to get rid of rumbling in the stomach with the help of traditional medicine

Folk doctors recommend various decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs to eliminate bloating and rumbling sounds. The most effective of them are:


You can also cope with such manifestations as constant rumbling in the stomach and flatulence with the help of daily performance of a certain set of exercises of physiotherapy exercises:

Prevention of rumbling in the stomach

The main means of preventing the appearance of constant rumbling in the stomach can be called the most common clean non-carbonated water, the proper use of which can stimulate the digestive process.

For the normal functioning of the digestive system, a person should drink 2 liters of water per day, but it is very important not to do this while eating.

You need to drink water between main meals, in particular:

  • If you drink a glass of water half an hour before you sit down at the table, then the stomach will produce a normal amount of digestive juice to process the food consumed.
  • If you drink a glass of water one and a half to two hours after eating, then a significant amount of toxins and slags will come out of the body, which are formed in the process of digestion and pollute (poison) the body.
  • If you drink water while eating, then the production of digestive juice in the stomach will be disrupted, and the concentration of the already allocated will be below the norm, since water will dilute it. In this case, the digestive processes are disturbed, and the diluted gastric juice cannot fully process the products.

Another means of preventing persistent rumbling in the stomach and most digestive disorders is sports and an active lifestyle. Each person is recommended to engage in some kind of sports at least twice a day for half an hour.

Every person is familiar with the situation when rumbling in the stomach disrupts the work process, becomes the cause of jokes of people around. This sound causes a strong contraction of the smooth muscle of the intestine. Rumbling in the abdomen accompanies the increased formation of gases, so the resulting noise is heard even at a considerable distance.

In most cases, the process is caused by natural causes, such as hunger. But if a person has recently had a bite, and discomfort and sounds appear in the stomach, then you should contact a gastroenterologist for examination and consultation. The doctor will make a diagnosis and advise on how to get rid of rumbling in the stomach and other signs of the underlying disease.

What you need to know before starting treatment

Undoubtedly, rumbling is familiar to every woman who has lost weight at least once in her life with the help of a diet. The smell of delicious food wafting from a nearby cafe caused a loud buzzing in my stomach. The reason for this process is the production of acidic gastric juice and increased salivation. The body in this way protests against a long hunger strike declared by a woman who wants to lose weight.

What else applies to the natural causes of rumbling in the stomach:

  • foods high in fat or coarse fiber stress the gastrointestinal tract. For their splitting, a lot of hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes are required. In addition to rumbling, a person has a feeling of discomfort in the stomach, and sometimes flatulence;
  • eating beans, lentils, peas, and cabbage often results in bubbling and rumbling. Legumes are high in carbohydrates, and these compounds take a very long time to digest. During splitting, fermentation processes occur with the release of a large amount of gases;
  • surprisingly, with an emotional shock or anxiety disorder, rumbling in the stomach can be heard. Nervous shock increases the tone of the muscles of the intestinal wall, and it reflexively contracts. As soon as a person gains peace of mind, sounds cease to be heard from his stomach;
  • hormonal imbalance can cause rumbling. For many women, a few days before menstruation, there is a feeling of discomfort in digestive system including abdominal noise. The result of an increase in hormone levels is an increase in blood supply to the pelvic organs, which increases the muscle tone of the uterus and reflexively activates the intestines. For this reason, pregnant women often experience rumbling in the abdomen.

If loud bubbling is accompanied by flatulence, bloating, nausea, vomiting and pain, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Such a combination of symptoms is characteristic of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: irritable bowel syndrome, enterocolitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis. Rumbling in the abdomen occurs as a result of poisoning with spoiled food, poisons of plant and animal origin.

Loud sounds in the abdomen always occur with intestinal dysbacteriosis. The disease develops after prolonged use of antibiotics. These drugs seriously damage the intestinal microflora. The death of beneficial bacteria leads to indigestion: bloating, rumbling, excessive gas formation.

common cause rumbling in the abdomen - dysbacteriosis, easy to determine by the results laboratory tests

Treatment with pharmacological drugs

When a disease becomes the cause of grumbling in the abdomen, a course of pharmacological preparations or surgical intervention. Symptomatic therapy consists in eliminating increased gas formation - the main culprit of unpleasant sounds. Depending on the pathology, gastroenterologists recommend the use of such drugs:

  • probiotics and prebiotics;
  • antiemetic drugs;
  • digestive enzymes;
  • antacids;
  • antispasmodics.


Probiotics are prescribed to patients who have been diagnosed with intestinal dysbiosis after antibiotic therapy or poisoning with stale food. Each capsule or sealed ampoule contains strains of live beneficial bacteria. Having penetrated into the human intestine, microorganisms multiply rapidly and normalize digestion. Prebiotics are preparations containing organic and inorganic substances of various origins. Once broken down in the intestines, they create a favorable environment for beneficial bacteria to thrive.

Most Effective medicines:

  • Linex;
  • Bifidumbacterin in ampoules and capsules;
  • Lactobacterin;
  • Enterol;
  • Acipol.

The course of treatment is from 7 to 14 days. Probiotics and prebiotics are recommended for any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that are accompanied by indigestion.


Defoamers successfully fight against increased gas formation. Active substance most of them are simethicone. This surfactant reduces the surface tension of the gas bubbles, which causes them to collapse. The released gases are gradually absorbed by the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. What drugs are recommended by gastroenterologists:

  • Espumizan;
  • Bobotic;
  • Sub-simplex.

Medicines are absolutely inert. They do not change the pH of the environment in the stomach and intestines, they are excreted from the body unchanged. Defoamers are indicated for excessive gas formation in newborns and pregnant women. Preparations with a plant composition and pharmacy have a similar effect. medicinal fees. Perfectly collapse bubbles in the intestines and eliminate rumbling in the stomach anise, sweet dill, coriander. If you use these fragrant seeds when cooking, then after a few days digestion is completely normal.


Many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are accompanied by the processes of putrefaction and fermentation. The resulting gases cause discomfort to a person: bad breath and diarrhea appear, growls in the stomach. The absorption of biologically active substances and microelements is disturbed, a person's nails exfoliate, hair falls out, and the skin deteriorates. Remove accumulated toxins and toxins, reduce gas formation help:

  • Activated carbon;
  • Smecta;
  • Polysorb.

The only contraindication for taking these enterosorbents and adsorbents is intestinal obstruction. The course of treatment depends on the type of disease and the age of the patient.

Smekta will quickly eliminate rumbling in the stomach


Enzymatic preparations (Festal, Mezim forte, Enzistal, Panzinorm) are recommended for insufficient breakdown of foods and poor absorption of nutrients. Many people in normal health take enzymes on the eve of a heavy, fatty meal. Gastroenterologists warn against such prophylaxis. The stomach will not be able to digest food without the help of tablets in the future.

Change in diet

The rumbling caused by hunger can be eliminated quickly - just eat something light. Nutritionists advise to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions and not to fill up before bedtime. People who are prone to excessive gas formation should always carry white bread crackers or dried fruits with them. They are nutritious and help soothe an empty stomach. How can I get rid of the bubbling and rumbling:

  • you can’t talk while eating - a lot of air enters the stomach, which causes fermentation and the development of putrefactive processes;
  • Dairy products can cause excess gas. They contain lactose (milk sugar), which can cause allergic reactions and indigestion in humans. If it is difficult to do without milk, then you should include fermented milk products in your diet: cottage cheese, yogurt, low-fat sour cream, kefir;
  • food must be chewed thoroughly. To digest large pieces, an excess amount of hydrochloric acid and enzymes are secreted in the stomach. Food stagnates inside the hollow organs, fermentation and decay begin;
  • sweet pastries almost entirely consist of complex carbohydrates, which take a very long time to break down in the gastrointestinal tract. When sugar and starch are digested, many gases are produced;
  • people who follow a diet rarely suffer from rumbling in the stomach. Nutritionists recommend eating at the same time;
  • a person should consume daily 2-2.5 liters of pure still water. This will contribute to proper digestion, will be an excellent prevention of seething and rumbling in the stomach. If you drink a little water an hour before a meal, then the amount of gastric juice necessary for the breakdown of this volume of food is formed. But during lunch it is better to refuse any drinks. Water will dilute hydrochloric acid, and food will linger in the stomach for a long time, which will cause putrefactive processes;
  • you should stop drinking strong coffee and tea. Caffeine and tannins are able to increase the tone of the smooth muscles of the intestine;
  • chewing gum contains various flavors, sweeteners and colors. Such substances cause profuse salivation.

If there is no food in the stomach, it takes this as a signal to release hydrochloric acid and enzymes. There is not only a hungry rumbling in the stomach - the likelihood of chronic gastritis increases.

A balanced diet will help get rid of loud rumbling in the stomach. Since this symptom often accompanies intestinal dysbacteriosis, its normal microflora should be restored. For this, it is not necessary to take prebiotics and probiotics. It is necessary to exclude fresh black bread, legumes, fatty milk, cabbage and potatoes from your diet. Sour-milk drinks contain many beneficial bacteria, so you should drink fermented baked milk, varenets and kefir more often.

With rumbling in the stomach, it is worth including lactic acid products in your diet.

Traditional medicine recipes

Infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs have antispasmodic and bactericidal action. They can be used to treat mild indigestion when the cause of the rumbling in the abdomen is not a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. What traditional healers recommend:

  • put in a thermos 7 tbsp. tablespoons of pharmacy chamomile and pour 3 cups of boiling water. Infuse for 5 hours, strain, take 3 tbsp. spoons before each meal;
  • in an enameled container place 5 tbsp. spoons of nails, lingonberry leaf, dandelion root. Pour a liter of boiling water, insist under the lid for 3 hours. Strain, take 3 tbsp. spoons after meals.

Infusions of medicinal herbs eliminate inflammation, which caused the processes of decay and fermentation. course admission healthy drinks normalizes digestion, reduces the tone of the muscular wall of the intestine.

Rumbling in the stomach does not appear in people leading healthy lifestyle life.

Metabolism is accelerated with regular sports or long walks - gases do not stagnate in the body. Quitting smoking and alcoholic beverages quickly normalizes the production of gastric juice, eliminates the processes of decay and fermentation. Do not forget that only a doctor is engaged in the treatment of digestive disorders.

Alphabetical search

Rumbling in the stomach

Rumbling in the stomach from time to time in almost every person. Mostly it has to do with hunger. The body thus gives us a sign that it is time to eat. Girls sitting on half-starved diets suffer from rumbling in the intestines. But sometimes rumbling in the stomach is caused by serious pathologies that require prompt diagnosis and treatment.

Why is my stomach growling?

This symptom appears at any time of the day and in people of any age, including children and adolescents. If you do not have the habit of eating in the morning, rumbling in the stomach is guaranteed in the coming hours, while the body is hungry. And even if you drink coffee with 1-2 tsp. Sahara. Rumbling is heard in such cases, not how much from the intestines, how much from the stomach. Even if you are full, you are still likely to purr when you see or smell delicious meals. The gastrointestinal tract begins to overproduce acid, designed to digest food, because it thinks that you are going to eat. This provokes strange sounds in the intestines.
The second reason for the occurrence of this symptom is the consumption of excessive amounts of food, especially after 4 or more hours of fasting. When you eat "heavy" and fatty foods, the risk of rumbling in the stomach increases. When overeating, a food bolus forms in the abdominal cavity. Its movement is accompanied by increased peristalsis, which is necessary for grinding food. Hence the growl.

The cause of rumbling in the stomach can be a strong excitement. After calming the nervous system, the symptom disappears. Grumbling in the stomach sometimes after taking certain foods and drinks.

The greatest risk of the symptom under consideration is when drinking alcoholic beverages and / or carbonated drinks (both sweet and ordinary mineral waters).

The position of the body directly affects the process in the intestines. Standing or sitting, you are unlikely to worry about the sounds in the stomach. But lying postures contribute to the appearance of rumbling.

Rumbling stomach before menstruation

Before the beginning of this period, physiological changes take place in the body of a woman / girl. changing hormonal background, due to which they are delayed metabolic processes in organism. Therefore, in the pelvic organs, the pressure of the blood flow may increase. It's not dangerous at all.

Often in the first days of menstruation, unpleasant manifestations disappear on their own and do not appear again. In some ladies, bloating and pain in the intestines persist throughout all critical days. The reason is that uterine cramps are also reflected in the activity of the intestines, which can provoke rumbling in the abdomen.

Other physiological ailments can also cause grumbling in the stomach. This occurs against the background of violations in the vitamin-mineral balance. After a few days, everything goes away without special treatment. It is not worth worrying about the fact that rumbling in the stomach, this is a normal process.

What diseases occurs Rumbling in the stomach:

A disease such as dysbacteriosis can provoke this symptom. Along with rumbling, abdominal discomfort, bloating, pain are also noted, stool disorders (constipation or diarrhea) are possible. Dysbacteriosis is caused by bacteria that "live" in the intestines.

A common cause of pathology is the use of antibiotics. As a result, beneficial bacteria in the body die, normal microflora, which implies the diagnosis of "dysbacteriosis".
A large amount of intestinal gas is formed in the gastrointestinal tract due to the fact that some of the substances are not normally digested. This explains the rumbling in the stomach, and can lead to more serious problems and complications. Flatulence occurs - another symptom of dysbacteriosis. After another rumbling, gases often leave. This symptom can speak not only about a violation of the intestinal flora, but also about dyspepsia, intestinal hypermotility, and even tumors.

Rumbling in the abdomen after eating (systematic or too loud) indicates that the stomach and / or intestines are not working quite normally. If bloating appears after eating, you urgently need to go to the doctor, this can be a sign of a number of diseases, including developing gastritis. Gastritis threatens with an ulcer in the future if it is not treated.

Rumbling in the stomach can be a symptom of irritable bowel syndrome. This pathology (which exists in all countries of the world, among people of all races and ages) is characterized by discomfort in the intestines (including pain) and defecation disorders (constipation, diarrhea, frequent urges, heavy discharge of feces, etc.).

Manifestations of irritable bowel syndrome, in addition to rumbling in the intestines, may vary.

Rumbling in the stomach and diarrhea: pathologies

If you have rumbling in the stomach and diarrhea, most likely it is dysbacteriosis. It is fixed mainly in people with a disturbed diet. Increased risk in those who eat fast food and processed foods, as well as eating on the go. Not only the stomach suffers, but also other digestive organs.

Diarrhea and rumbling in the abdomen may indicate an intestinal infection. Expired, improperly stored or under-processed foods can provoke such a reaction. Treatment is carried out with absorbents, which remove excess from the body. If rumbling and diarrhea are observed for several days, and medications do not help, it is best to urgently go to a gastroenterologist.

Rumbling in the abdomen and frequent defecation may indicate osmotic and secretory diarrhea. The first type occurs when using substances that are not normally absorbed by the intestines. This can happen with individual lactose intolerance. This also happens with food allergies. Secretory diarrhea is provoked by water, which accumulates in the intestinal lumen with bacterial toxins. The presence of a large amount of liquid leads to the appearance of watery loose stools. In this case, there is such an unpleasant and undisguised symptom as gurgling.

Rumbling in the stomach and the appearance of gas

The combination of these two symptoms indicates flatulence. Today, this is a common problem among people who do not care about their own nutrition. Eating a lot of sour, fatty, chemically added foods, you increase the risk of intestinal disorders and stomach rumbling. Flatulence means that there is a build-up of gas in your intestines that tends to go out, but not always out. Indigestible carbohydrates provoke the formation of gases.

Gas and rumbling of the abdomen can be provoked by the rapid swallowing of food and too large pieces (when a person chews food poorly). This problem also occurs when a person speaks while eating. Lactose, which is found in dairy products, can provoke this symptomatology. The reason may be hidden in constipation, which prevents food from moving through the intestines at a normal speed, therefore increasing the likelihood of fermentation.

Belly growling at night

The reasons in such cases may be different. Sometimes a person eats long before sleep. If you have such a situation, half an hour before bedtime you can drink kefir, eat 30 grams of dried fruits, 1 fruit, 1 vegetable or a small portion vegetable salad. But the reason may be in the disease. If you lie on your left side and hear unpleasant sounds, it is most likely gastritis. But you can’t make this diagnosis yourself, you need to make an appointment with a qualified specialist.

Rumbling at night can talk about diseases such as pancreatitis, colitis, dysbacteriosis, etc. It is difficult for the stomach to cope with food that was eaten shortly before going to bed. If rumbling in the evening and at night is combined with pain, nausea or vomiting, you need to urgently visit a therapist or gastroenterologist.

Rumbling in the stomach on the right

Sometimes rumbling is localized in the right side. If the symptom is combined with sour eructation, this speaks in favor of cholecystitis or pancreatitis.

Also, the reason may be the use of low-quality products that are infected or not digested normally. If, in addition to rumbling on the right, there is a disorder of the stool and pain in the abdomen on the right, poisoning should be suspected. Often, treatment begins with gastric lavage.

Rumbling in the left side of the stomach

If rumbling is heard from the left side, this means that the peristalsis of the stomach or large intestine is significantly increased. Food moves at a fast pace, faster than it needs to. At the same time, the processes of chemical processing of food by digestive enzymes are violated. Food is harder to digest. In such cases, diarrhea may occur. The process can talk about infectious gastroenteritis.

Other probable cause- chemical irritation, which occurs when toxins enter the body, alcohol consumption and food poisoning. Food allergies can be another reason why your left stomach rumbles.

Rumbling in the stomach during pregnancy

Many pregnant women wonder if rumbling in the stomach is a sign of a serious pathology? At any time, rumbling may appear periodically, even if future mother there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The reason for sounds from the intestines is the change in the balance of hormones during the development of the fetus in the mother's abdomen. The level of progesterone rises, which relaxes the smooth muscles in the body, including in the intestines.

From the 4th month of pregnancy, there may be violations of the physiological location of the intestine due to the growth of the fetus. The organ is compressed and displaced by the uterus to a certain extent, because the growth of the fetus is purely individual. These factors affect the formation of gases, the emptying process is disrupted, and peristalsis is reduced to a certain extent. To make the symptoms less disturbing for the pregnant woman, it is necessary to exclude irritating foods from the diet. You can track them yourself by making notes after eating, and fixing the reaction of the gastrointestinal tract to what you eat. Before changing the diet, it is worth talking with a therapist who observes a pregnant woman. After all, the reason for the rumbling of the abdomen in a pregnant woman can also lie in serious pathologies.

The baby growls in the stomach

Infants also have such a symptom as rumbling in the abdomen. This is due in most cases to the fact that the child's body is not yet able to digest certain foods. So, the diet of the baby should be changed. If he is given not only mother's milk, but also bait, you should pay attention to their composition. There is a possibility that they have added substances that the baby's body simply does not perceive.
Typical situations for infants are lactose intolerance. In this case breast milk acts as an irritant. You urgently need to see a doctor. In any case, rumbling in the baby's stomach requires an urgent visit to the doctor, unless, of course, this happened more than once a month.

What to do if the stomach growls?

To determine the appropriate treatment, you need to find true reason rumbling in the stomach. If the matter is in malnutrition, it would be logical to reconsider the daily diet. Avoid heavy foods. Eat those products after which there is no discomfort in the stomach. If a gastroenterologist has discovered a pathology that causes rumbling, he must prescribe the appropriate treatment. In case of dysbacteriosis, special preparations are prescribed to correct the intestinal flora, fermented milk products, including home-made yogurts, are introduced into the diet. Dysbacterio to eliminate rumbling in the abdomen is treated with Espumizan, Motilium and Linex.
Espumizan is one of the carminatives. It helps to get rid of flatulence. If you have excessive gas accumulation, you need to take 2 capsules 3-5 times a day with plenty of liquid. The duration of the course is determined by your doctor. If poisoning occurs detergents, the drug is taken in an amount of 10 to 20 capsules at a time. For children, the number of capsules is reduced to 3-10.
Motilium should be taken before meals. It will be less absorbed if you eat first and then drink the drug. Adults and children over 12 years old take 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day. Children are given 1 capsule 3-4 times a day. Maximum daily dose: 80 mg. Children under 35 kg of weight should not be given this medicine.

Capsules for resorption are used for chronic dyspepsia, 1 tablet 3 times a day 15-30 minutes before meals. If necessary, one tablet is given at bedtime. With nausea and vomiting, children and adults are given 2 tablets 3-4 times a day. Children from 5 years old are given 1 capsule 3-4 times a day. A day can be no more than 80 mg of the drug.

Linex is taken orally after meals with water. Children under 3 years of age and people who cannot swallow the tablet should open it and mix it with water. Newborns and children who are not yet 2 years old are given one capsule 3 times a day. Children from 3 to 12 years old are given 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. Adults are prescribed 2 capsules 3 times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the situation.

All of the above medicines can eliminate bloating, the effects of dysbacteriosis and other unpleasant symptoms, including the case when the stomach rumbles. But taking them does not save you from having to visit the doctor!

Which doctors should I contact if there is growling in the stomach:


Are you worried about rumbling in your stomach? Do you want to know more detailed information or do you need an inspection? You can book an appointment with a doctor– clinic Eurolaboratory always at your service! The best doctors examine you, study external signs and will help to identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide the necessary assistance. you also can call a doctor at home. Clinic Eurolaboratory open for you around the clock.

How to contact the clinic:
Phone of our clinic in Kyiv: (+38 044) 206-20-00 (multichannel). The secretary of the clinic will select a convenient day and hour for you to visit the doctor. Our coordinates and directions are indicated. Look in more detail about all the services of the clinic on her.

(+38 044) 206-20-00

If you have previously performed any research, be sure to take their results to a consultation with a doctor. If the studies have not been completed, we will do everything necessary in our clinic or with our colleagues in other clinics.

Do you have a growling in your stomach? You need to be very careful about your overall health. People don't pay enough attention disease symptoms and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific signs, characteristic external manifestations - the so-called disease symptoms. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to several times a year be examined by a doctor not only to prevent a terrible disease, but also to maintain a healthy spirit in the body and the body as a whole.

If you want to ask a doctor a question, use the online consultation section, perhaps you will find answers to your questions there and read self care tips. If you are interested in reviews about clinics and doctors, try to find the information you need on. Also register on the medical portal Eurolaboratory to be constantly up to date with the latest news and information updates on the site, which will be automatically sent to you by mail.

The symptom map is for educational purposes only. Do not self-medicate; For all questions regarding the definition of the disease and how to treat it, contact your doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal.

If you are interested in any other symptoms of diseases and signs of human diseases or you have any other questions and suggestions - write to us, we will definitely try to help you.