How not to gain excess weight after a strict diet. A competent and safe way out of the diet: a detailed procedure. What is a diet exit?

The most common problem is the return of extra pounds soon after losing weight. The whole problem is choosing a menu after a diet. If a girl begins to eat as usual, it is not surprising that all efforts were in vain.

Why does the weight come back?

During strict restrictions, the diet was very poor in substances beneficial to the body. He was deficient in the carbohydrates needed to provide his body with energy. Of course, the process of wasting internal resources began, but this happened only as a reaction to the “crisis.”

And so, when my favorite jeans became the right time, I wanted more of everything again, because the slender beauty missed sweets and pizza so much.

But the number on the scale suddenly began to increase again, as the body decided that it was time to make strategic reserves in case of repeated fasting for weight loss. At the same time, the size of the “warehouses” is much larger than before, so that there is definitely enough for a rainy day.

Basically, this is what the weight gain mechanism looks like if the diet does not remain dietary. Another reason for this problem is a slow metabolism. There was little food and the gastrointestinal tract became lazy and began to work at half capacity.

Principles of proper nutrition after a diet - menu

The basics of the diet exit menu are quite simple; by listening to these tips, you can not only maintain weight, but also continue to lose it gradually.

  1. Since the portions during the diets were very small, the previously stretched stomach began to shrink. This is very good because it prevents overeating. But we must not reverse the process. To do this, you need to continue to eat food in small quantities at a time.
  2. There is a rule according to which the number of kilograms lost must be multiplied by 2. The result obtained will be equal to the number of weeks during which you must also maintain proper nutrition. But you need to add fiber-rich fruits and vegetables to your diet. Sweets are allowed in minimal quantities.
  1. We must learn to notice when the moment of saturation has arrived. To do this, you should not only care about what to eat, but also at what speed. Slow absorption of food makes it possible to stop in time when the body signals that there is enough food in the stomach. This usually happens 20 minutes after the start of the meal.
  2. To start a normal metabolism, we must not forget about the daily consumption of large amounts of pure water (at least 1.5 liters).
  3. In order to have enough strength to do everything, you need to exercise and take vitamins for the first time after the diet, since you still don’t get enough of them with food.

Exit from different weight loss systems

It is considered correct to focus on specific restrictions when determining what you can eat after a diet. They are the ones who determine the diet for the coming weeks.

So, after buckwheat, add neutral fruits (orange, grapefruit, apple) and fermented milk products (unsweetened yogurt or kefir). Protein diet more capricious. It requires long-term restrictions and serious physical activity in case of the slightest overeating.

What are fasting days?

After switching to a nutritious diet, it is necessary from time to time to give your body a break from the endless digestion of complex foods. Nutritionists recommend taking such a break at least once a week.

This is very beneficial compared to long-term diets, since the body does not experience stress. After all, the next day he will again receive a normal diet. It is best to unload on the same day.

What kind of food is acceptable these days?

Depending on individual preferences and food tolerance, you can consume:

  • one liter of milk;
  • one and a half liters of kefir;
  • about 700 grams of cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat and a small amount of sour cream;
  • 800 grams of curd mass and prunes, mixed in equal proportions;
  • one and a half kilograms of pumpkin baked in the oven;
  • fresh cucumbers (1.5 kg).

The volume of the selected product is divided into 6 equal portions and eaten throughout the day. Sometimes you can treat yourself to a cup of coffee or green tea. It is best to take vitamins on a fasting day.

Sample menu after the diet

Old products are gradually being introduced, with the exception of prohibited sweets and flour products. But at the same time, you need to focus on the above principles so as not to forget how to eat right.

A sample menu looks like this. In the morning, it is best to eat a small portion of oatmeal without milk. You can add fruits or berries to it (except bananas and grapes).

For second breakfast they eat a salad of fresh vegetables. For lunch - a piece of boiled chicken breast. Two hours after your daily meal, you can allow yourself an apple. Buckwheat with vegetable stew is perfect for dinner.

It turns out that you need to consume small portions at least 5 times a day. At the same time, choose low-fat but nutritious foods. The rest of the diet for the week can be planned independently, alternating low-fat cottage cheese, cereals, boiled meat and fish, vegetables, beans and green peas, etc.

Video menu after diet

What to eat after a diet so as not to gain weight again?

Most diets are limited to a certain amount of time during which the body gets rid of a few unnecessary pounds.

But after finishing the diet and returning to the previous diet, excess weight often returns, sometimes even in excess. Why is this happening? What to eat after a diet to maintain the results of long and hard work on yourself?

Why do the kilograms come back?

The basic principle of short-term diets, especially if their adherence involves a large number of lost kilograms, is a temporary, but quite serious restriction of the body in calories consumed. Malnutrition leads to metabolic disorders and impairs metabolism.

Most people, having achieved weight loss, return to their usual diet the very next day after finishing the diet. A hungry body, having finally received a hearty dinner, puts aside sources of energy for future use, and even with a reserve. In addition, weight is often lost only due to muscle mass, not excess fat. Therefore, you need to return to your normal life, especially after a strict diet, gradually, step by step accustoming your body to a new style of eating.

Basic rules of nutrition after a diet

To ensure that the weight lost with difficulty does not return again, you must follow several important rules. A reasonable way out of the diet includes:

Fractional meals after diet

You need to eat often, 5-6 times a day, but little by little. A serving of food for five meals a day should not exceed 150 grams. Breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, dinner and a few snacks - if this diet becomes the norm, then the risk of a return excess weight will be small.

The time interval between meals should be no more than five hours, and preferably 3. Otherwise, a strong feeling of hunger will not allow you to stop in time, and you can eat much more than necessary.

Balanced diet

A prerequisite for nutrition after a diet is the consumption of all substances beneficial to the body, including fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, the diet should consist of different groups products, from cereals to milk.

But preference should still be given to fruits, vegetables and herbs. They can be eaten raw, boiled or stewed. A balanced diet includes mandatory consumption of fish and fish products.

Forbidden delicacies

You shouldn’t deny your body the desire to eat something tasty, but high in calories. It’s better to treat yourself, for example, with a couple of cubes of your favorite chocolate than to break out and eat the entire bar.

Plate rule - counting calories

One part of it should be occupied by vegetables, fruits or herbs, and the second is divided into two halves, for protein and carbohydrate foods. This rule is indispensable if you are invited to a party or a restaurant where it would be indecent to completely refuse food.

No canned, fried, exotic foods

For a smooth exit from the diet, it is better to eat boiled or steamed food, although it is not at all necessary to completely give up fried foods.
The benefits of canned foods are minimal, as are the benefits of eating exotic foods.

It has long been proven that the most useful products are those that grow where you live. And after a diet, the work of almost all body systems changes slightly, and it may react inadequately to a new product.

Quitting alcohol

Alcohol blocks the brain receptors responsible for the feeling of fullness. As a result, much more is eaten than necessary. In addition, most alcoholic drinks themselves are very high in calories, so it is better to avoid their consumption. And if you really want to sit with friends over a glass of wine, then let it be dry.

Regular weighing

There is no need to step on the scale every day, because female body may gain or lose a couple of kilograms regardless of nutrition. But it is necessary to control the body’s reaction to a new lifestyle in order to correct it in a timely manner. It is better to do this at the same time of day, for example in the morning.

Positive attitude

Many girls, having lost weight, continue to perceive themselves as fat and awkward. You just need to accept and love yourself as new, beautiful, slender.
You need to chew slowly and thoroughly, enjoying every bite of food you eat. This will allow you to fully appreciate the taste of the dish and be satisfied with a much smaller portion.

Limiting fat after dieting

If you completely stop eating fat, your body may not receive enough necessary acids. Their deficiency can be compensated for by fish and seafood, lean meat and poultry, and low-fat dairy products. But it is better to avoid eating foods containing hidden fats or reduce their amount to a minimum. These products include:

  • lard, sausages, canned meat, dumplings and cutlets from fatty meat, smoked meats;
  • cakes and pastries with cream, ice cream, chocolate products;
  • margarine and other butter substitutes, fatty cheeses, mayonnaise.

What to do with carbohydrates?

You need to reduce as much as possible, or better yet completely eliminate, so-called light carbohydrates from your diet: sugar, flour products, jam, honey, cookies and other sweets. The right amount of carbohydrates, especially when physical activity, can be obtained from cereals and fresh fruits. The latter, like vegetables, in addition to vitamins, also contain fiber necessary for normal digestion.

Water balance

Metabolism after a diet is often disrupted due to the large loss of fluid by the body. Therefore, its deficiency must be replenished. A person should consume about 30 ml of water per kilogram of weight per day.

This is the amount that will help organs and tissues cope with stress caused by the diet. In addition, the feeling of hunger is sometimes confused with thirst. Therefore, if you want to eat, you can just try drinking water. Perhaps you didn’t want to eat at all.

The correct harmonious way out of the diet does not imply a complete ban on delicious dishes and fasting. You just need to gradually and smoothly increase the number of calories you consume. And then leaving the diet and returning to normal nutrition will be comfortable and the lost kilograms will no longer return.

Video reviews

The desired number on the scales has been reached. Joy overflows and it seems that you can relax and start eating as before. This is exactly what most people do when they finish losing weight, but the lost pounds come back again. How to eat properly after finishing a diet in order to consolidate the result and be sure that the weight will remain stable and the scale arrow will not creep to the left?

Basic principles of nutrition after a diet

  1. Maintain portion sizes. Don't overload your stomach by tucking into food, don't overload it. Your stomach has just reached the desired size and has shrunk, do not stretch it with more food. Eat small meals about 5 times a day. This is the best option to avoid eating too much.
  2. Remember, in order to get used to normal eating, especially if the diet was very strict, it takes about 2 weeks. Introduce foods that were banned gradually. This is especially true for fatty and sweet foods. Start with small portions, literally one bite, increasing the volume over time.
  3. Don't cut down on vegetables. Make sure your diet continues to include plenty of vegetables and low-calorie fruits.
  4. Drink fluids at least 1.5-2 liters per day. These are juices, herbal teas and water. Other drinks are not included in this list and are considered a snack.
  5. Focus when you eat. In order not to miss the moment when the body is full, it is important not to be distracted. TV, books, telephone, Internet, let it be separate from food. Your task is to learn to feel when it's time to stop.
  6. After strict long-term diets, nourish your body with vitamins and take them additionally. After switching to a normal, proper diet, they can be eliminated if the diet contains enough necessary healthy foods.
  7. Don't eat before bed. The last meal should be approximately 3 hours before bedtime. If the feeling of hunger does not leave you, eat a piece of boiled meat or a portion of oatmeal cooked in water.
  8. Do light sports. As a rule, after a diet the body is not in good shape, especially if playing sports has not become a habit. After finishing the diet, it's time to get your muscles in order. Don’t get carried away, like any load, the intensity should gradually increase.
  9. Don't indulge in sweets. The most desired thing to eat after finishing a diet is a bun, a cake, or a chocolate bar. Stop. Think about your work.
  10. Keep a positive attitude. If you were able to stick to the diet and achieve results, then you can exit it correctly.

Any diet is a huge stress for the body. When the long-awaited number appears on the scales, you want to return to ordinary life. This is a natural desire after experiencing a period of restrictions. But remember that the achieved result is very easy to lose if you do not keep your head on your shoulders. Be beautiful!

How to maintain weight after a diet? ... How to avoid gaining weight after losing weight? ...

These and many other questions concern those losing weight around the world. And this is actually a problem. And I'll tell you why. A person is designed in such a way that his brain works correctly when you give yourself instructions. You are preparing yourself psychologically. And you succeed.

By the way, not everyone is able to even give themselves such an instruction: go on a diet. If you are one of those who are already ready for this, then you can really be congratulated. You see your problem and you ask yourself how to solve it. Moreover, you are most likely already solving it if you ask yourself the question of how not to gain weight after a diet.

So, let's figure it out...

How to avoid gaining weight after losing weight

1. Choosing the right path to losing weight

The most important thing in losing weight is, as you already understood, how you actually lose your weight.

If you force yourself to suffer through strict diets, endless illogical workouts, spending maximum time in the gym or, even worse, using capsules and diet pills, various magic berries and root vegetables, then you will definitely regain your weight and possibly even more.

The thing is that you are not psychologically ready to work for hours in the gym. You'll just die there. And in the end you will say: fuck it...

I have seen many people, even those closest to me, who started running a lot from the very first day, and within a day or two everything ended in failure. I have also seen people who go on crash diets and then figure out how to not gain weight after that. strict diet.

After all, you won’t be able to eat like this all the time. And, if you eat like this for a long time, you will notice how much weaker you have become, you will feel dizzy, and so on. By the way, I strongly recommend that you read the article about what problems arise during low-calorie diets.

It is important to lose weight correctly and healthily, that is, gradually, with the right diet, the right exercises and the right rest.

It's important to make changes to your lifestyle and not just start counting your calories for the day, which will not give you the desired results.

2. The best diet for weight loss

On this blog you can find a lot of tips on how to lose weight the right way through nutrition.

There are many more, but let's recap...

Eat fresh food, add more greens, start cooking properly, for example, steaming. Include super foods in your diet - fiber-rich cereals. Make sure your body is getting a balanced meal with all the required nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Do not eat unhealthy foods, such as fast foods and carbonated drinks, especially since all this is not cheap and will cause enormous harm to your health. Eat small meals every 2-3 hours, which will give you 4-6 meals a day. Eating small meals frequently will ensure that the resulting calories are completely burned.

main idea healthy diet is not to allow your stomach to be empty so that the body simply begins to store fat, as they say, “until better times.” After all, he does not want to experience constant stress associated with hunger strikes.

3. Proper exercises for weight loss

So what do we mean by proper exercise?

It's not like you need to spend hour after hour in the gym killing yourself with intense exercise. During these types of workouts, you'll end up hurting your body, causing muscle tears, and simply exhausting your body.

You will end up hating these weight loss exercise programs.

So what do you think? Are you familiar with this effect?

Start small. Spend 30-45 minutes in the gym to begin with, just working, doing something. This is enough to maintain a healthy weight. Make sure you choose the right exercise program. If you don’t have the conditions or means to go to the gym, start walking or moving more.

Of course, this is easy for me to say. But I know that there are people who will never do this. Then my recommendation is to start with yoga. It's fashionable now and it's effective. Even the simplest yoga poses will help you get into the routine and possibly get used to the stress. But you will need a coach.

Just become more active.

4. Proper rest

“He who goes to bed early and rises early becomes healthy, rich and wise” - Benjamin Franklin.

This really is the truth.

You must learn that the minimum is 6 hours of sleep (8 hours would be perfect sleep). If you reduce your sleep time and prevent your body from getting the proper rest it needs, it will take a toll on your health.

And, interestingly, it is sleep that will help you prolong the youthful life of your skin, get rid of wrinkles early age and will help with weight loss. So to maintain a healthy weight, give your body time to regain its strength and youth.

5. Lots of water

Drink at least 6 glasses of water every day, or at least close to that. And one more thing that you should take into account is that you should drink water in the morning when you get up.

Water is amazing, it is full of life, after all, we are mostly made of water. Well, why not drink it?

Although I know that many people cannot just drink water. You can often hear this, right? So is this a problem? Add flavor to your water, for example, squeeze a slice of lemon, infuse mint, a little grapefruit. These fruits will not only help you maintain your weight, but will also help you burn extra calories.

This water will taste like a drink to you. In addition to helping control weight, it will also help improve the health of your facial skin, hair and body. You can also drink green juice, which will also help in weight loss.

6. Be active

Although we have already talked about this a little, it is still worth repeating...

Just start doing short workouts in the morning and throughout the day. Involve yourself in simple little things like stretching, even if you are in the office. Take a few steps, if you sit still for a long time, start using the stairs at work and at home instead of the elevator.

Walk short distances to the market or store instead of using cars, taxis or buses. Small changes in your actions produce big results.

Believe me, the results will not take long to arrive.


Maintaining weight after a diet can be much more difficult than the diet itself. But today you should have realized that it is not the diet that is important, but the lifestyle you live. You must start educating yourself.

So if your diet hasn't been the healthiest, just start with these tips you learned about today. Change your habits. I have given you many hints along the way to other articles on the topic. Just understand yourself, understand what you need and start eating right, doing the right movements that will inspire you and not stress you.

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Why is the diet called favorite - everyone is perplexed. It is difficult to imagine that someone could be crazy about it, because it is very difficult to bear and the feeling of hunger is constantly present. However, its huge advantage, which outweighs all the disadvantages, is real efficiency. Consisting of consecutive mini-mono-diets lasting one day, it really helps you lose weight.

Since the diet includes two nutrition systems - separate and drinking, it works in two directions at once:

  1. Separate nutrition excludes fatty foods and carbohydrates from the diet. Products from different food categories do not mix in the stomach, which improves its functioning.
  2. Drinking fasting days remove fluid from tissues and give a feeling of lightness.

At first glance, combining two such effective systems within one diet should give excellent results. However, this is precisely what becomes a stumbling block in scientific circles. Many experts argue that such alternation can negatively affect the functioning of the stomach, which will then be very difficult to restore.

For each individual day of your favorite diet, there is a special list of foods allowed for consumption. The table will tell you what you can eat at different stages:

Daily portions are not indicated, because they are not limited. But you shouldn’t overeat the permitted food all day. In the process of losing weight, there should always be a slight hunger.

Even before you sit on it, it is advisable to take into account all the pros and cons.


  • It is effective because it allows you to lose from 700 grams to 1 kg of weight daily;
  • no need to count calories;
  • You can eat as many permitted foods as you want;
  • there is no poor health, fatigue, lethargy, hunger, psychological discomfort (a very controversial statement);
  • intensity of weight loss;
  • you can choose the minimum duration (6 days), but this is not long at all;
  • the menu can be adjusted according to your taste preferences;
  • thanks to drinking days, you can cleanse the body well;
  • Among the benefits is also called a balanced diet, but usually mono-diets do not have this characteristic.


  • Difficult to bear;
  • leads to serious intestinal disorders;
  • not always effective;
  • provokes surges in blood pressure;
  • when choosing long periods (more than 2 circles), a deficiency of minerals and vitamins will make itself felt.

These are not generally accepted postulates. Here a lot depends on individual characteristics. For some, it will be effective, while others will only receive unpleasant consequences in the form of a stomach upset.

There are special contraindications for your beloved’s diet:

  • lactation;
  • pregnancy;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • kidney disease;
  • simultaneous drug treatment;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • rehabilitation period.

To avoid disappointment, be sure to consult your doctors if you have any health problems. If, in the process of losing weight, attacks of gastritis, dizziness, constipation begin, do not sacrifice yourself - choose something more gentle.

The menu includes only products allowed for each day for a specific mono-diet.

Classic menu for the week

Formulated for your favorite diet detailed menu for 7 days will allow you to navigate the selection of products and dishes. If the serving size is not indicated in the table, then there are no restrictions, but still you should not overeat.

The estimated results that a 7-day favorite diet can produce are minus 7 kg.

Hard menu for 2 weeks

Not everyone can withstand 6 days of mono-diets, so honor and praise to those who decide to go on 14 days of such a hunger strike. The menu for her should be more carefully planned, as it involves additional products with a vitamin composition to maintain strength.

Days 7 and 14 are called balanced. They are designed to ensure that the exit from the diet is smooth - this will ensure that the weight does not return. Eat small meals to avoid stretching your stomach. Dinner - 3 hours before sleep.

If you remove days 7 and 14 from this menu, you will get your favorite diet for 12 days, but it is difficult to get out of it without gaining weight again. This is a fairly tough option, but it can result in up to 10 kg of lost weight.

To prevent your diet from seeming meager, you should not eat only raw vegetables or just fruits. Discover recipes for delicious dishes that will fit harmoniously into your diet.

Diet shake

The drinking days of your beloved’s diet always seem the most boring and difficult. But who forbids you to dilute this boredom with delicious cocktails? Yes, they will contain vegetables and fruits, but in pureed, liquid form, which is what this weight loss system allows. The only limitation is that you can please yourself with no more than 250 ml of the drink per day.


  • 2 broccoli florets;
  • 2 slices of pineapple;
  • 2 cauliflower inflorescences;
  • cooled green tea - to the maximum mark in the blender bowl.


  1. Chop the pineapple and cabbage.
  2. Place all ingredients in a blender.
  3. Pour tea over them.
  4. Mix for 30 sec.

This green smoothie is perfect for a vegetable day if you add a little celery or asparagus instead of pineapple.

The vinaigrette

Judging by the reviews, the second day - the vegetable day - is very difficult to tolerate. This happens most often because everyone eats food raw and doesn’t bother with delicious dishes that are worth spending your time on so as not to break the bank. This recipe will come in handy. This is a dietary vinaigrette, as it is prepared without starchy potatoes.


  • 3 pcs. beets;
  • 2 pcs. carrots;
  • bulb;
  • 2 pcs. pickled cucumbers;
  • a handful of sauerkraut;
  • a handful of fresh green peas;
  • A little vegetable oil;
  • 10 grams of grainy mustard;
  • 10 ml apple cider vinegar;
  • salt, sugar;
  • green onions.


  1. Boil beets and carrots until soft, cool, and peel.
  2. Chop the onion, sprinkle with vinegar, add sugar, and add salt. Stir and leave in marinade.
  3. Cut the beets into small cubes.
  4. Place pickled onions and beets in a salad bowl. Pour marinade over them and mix.
  5. Cut the carrots into cubes - larger than the beets.
  6. Grind the pickled cucumbers.
  7. Rinse green pea, add to salad.
  8. The last thing to add is sauerkraut, squeezed from its juice.
  9. The dressing is prepared separately: oil and mustard are mixed.
  10. Everything is thoroughly mixed.

Dietary fruit salad

Everyone is looking forward to fruit day, but it does not bring relief, since the juicy pulp provokes the secretion of gastric juice and you want to eat endlessly. Dietary fruit salads will help you cope with your insatiable hunger.


  • 1 grapefruit;
  • 2 green apples;
  • 2 tangerines;
  • 2 kiwis;
  • 1 pear;
  • half a lemon.


  1. Rinse the fruit.
  2. Remove skin, seeds and core.
  3. Cut into small cubes.
  4. Sprinkle with juice from half a lemon.
  5. Mix.
  6. Eat within 15 minutes, otherwise the salad will turn into mush.

Fish protein soup

A truly satisfying day in your beloved’s diet is a protein day. The body finally receives meat, fish, seafood, and dairy products. From all this variety you can easily prepare various dishes.


  • 1 liter of water;
  • 300 grams of fish, canned in its own juice;
  • bulb;
  • dill, pepper, salt;
  • Bay leaf.


  1. Chop the onion.
  2. Puree the canned food with a fork, do not drain the juice.
  3. Place onion, pepper, and bay leaf into boiling water.
  4. Place the fish. Cook for 5 minutes.
  5. Add some salt.
  6. When serving, sprinkle with dill.

If you decide on several rounds of the diet, be sure to select different recipes for every day, so that the body is saturated with everything it needs.

The Favorite Diet is very popular because it promotes separate meals. And it is known to be very effective for weight loss. However, in the process of preparation and the hunger strike itself, various questions arise, and a nutritionist may not be at hand. We will help you solve some of them.

  • Which is better: your favorite diet or buckwheat?

Buckwheat should be chosen by those who truly adore this product and are not afraid of monotony in their diet. In terms of effectiveness, both diets are approximately the same (loss of 700 grams per day), both perfectly cleanse the body of toxins, both are strict and difficult to tolerate. And yet, buckwheat, as many believe, is more stringent, since the range of permitted products is minimal.

  • Which diet is more effective: your favorite diet or 6 petals?

The author of the favorite diet is unknown, but the 6-petal weight loss system was developed by a famous nutritionist, so you can feel a professional approach in it. It is more carefully balanced. It is scientifically substantiated and supported by many nutritionists, which cannot be said about your favorite one. Still, alternate mono-diets with fasting days on liquids may be hazardous to health.

  • What can you eat on vegetable day?

Salads from any vegetables and legumes, except corn and potatoes.

  • How much can you save?

You can lose 6 kg in 6 days, but this happens rarely. It is better to count on 3-4 kg. If you plan such a nutrition system for a month, the results will probably be impressive, but whether you can withstand 5 circles mentally and physically is a big question. An abundance of drinking days and a deficiency of carbohydrates and fats will provoke emotional breakdowns and stomach upsets. Therefore, nutritionists do not recommend such a long period. The maximum option is 2 circles for 2 weeks.

  • What can you drink on a drinking day?

Compotes, jelly (not always recommended), juices without pulp, clean water, low-fat kefir and milk, herbal teas, plain coffee, black and green tea. For lunch - meat, fish, vegetable broths, but not too concentrated and low-fat. If there is a risk of a breakdown, you can treat yourself with a glass of smoothie or cocktail.

  • Will the weight come back?

Despite promises that the weight will not return, most reviews indicate the opposite. The only thing that can slow down the process is the correct exit from this system. But it doesn’t work for long. If on the 8th or 15th day you return to your usual diet of fatty and fried foods, the results of forced weight loss will disappear very soon.

  • How not to break down?

In fact, every mono-diet has a loophole that you can take advantage of in moments of breakdown, when it seems that you no longer have the strength to continue losing weight. On a drinking day these are delicious cocktails. In the vegetable section - 1 small jacket potato, seasoned with herbs, garlic and a few drops olive oil. You can diversify the fruit one with your favorite, albeit forbidden, banana. On a protein day, just make chicken kebab in a dry frying pan with onions - and there will be no trace of depression left.

  • After how long can I repeat it?

As experts recommend, if it was 1 or 2 circles, in six months. If more - only in a year. The most correct option is to consult a nutritionist about how often you can go on your favorite diet. Due to individual indicators, intervals can be significantly reduced.

  • How to eat after a diet?

If you liked losing weight on separate meals, you can get to know its principles better, adopt them and implement them further. This will have a positive effect not only on your figure (then the lost kilograms will definitely not return), but also on your health. And so, within 1-2 weeks after the diet, you must definitely eat hot soups for lunch, and include fatty and fried foods on the menu gradually and in small quantities.

  • Can you eat canned peas?

Not advisable - better to eat fresh. But if you really want it and just a little, nothing bad will happen.

Whether your favorite diet will be a salvation in your case depends only on you. You will have to be patient, tighten the belt tighter and follow a clearly defined pattern. If you feel like you’re breaking down, look for delicious dishes that will fit into today’s mono-diet, delight yourself with new recipes, find support from your family. Only the desire to transform will allow you to cope with this difficult technique.

Most people who struggle with excess weight immediately resort to dietary restrictions. A huge number of diets promise to help those losing weight get rid of extra pounds quickly and effectively. But is this really so? A doctor of medical sciences talks about how the “Favorite” diet works.

The “Favorite” diet is very popular among people who dream of losing excess weight. Actually, this very popularity explains its name. This diet is a seven-day restricted diet. The first, third and sixth days are drinking days. You can drink still water, freshly squeezed juices, broths, low-fat yoghurts, kefir and milk. The second day is a vegetable day. On this day you need to include various vegetables in your diet, mainly green ones, such as cabbage, broccoli, green beans. They can be used in in different forms- raw, boiled and steamed. On the fourth day, you are allowed to eat only fruits. The only exceptions are bananas and grapes. The fifth day is reserved for products containing large amounts

Eggs, white chicken meat, low-fat cheeses, fish, cottage cheese, beans, nuts and peas. The seventh day is a way out of the diet.

Sample diet menu “Favorite”

Breakfast - 200 g of kefir and a cup of unsweetened tea; lunch - 200 g chicken broth without salt; afternoon snack - 150 g of yogurt; dinner - 200 g of milk. In between, you can drink unsweetened tea.

Second day:

Breakfast - 2 tomatoes; lunch - a salad of fresh cabbage, herbs and cucumbers, seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil; afternoon snack - 2 cucumbers; dinner - salad of sweet peppers, herbs and cucumbers.

The third day:

Breakfast - 200 g of milkshake and a cup of unsweetened tea; second breakfast - 200 g of milk; lunch - 150 g chicken broth without salt; afternoon snack - 200 g of kefir; dinner - 200 g of milk. In between, you can drink unsweetened tea.

Fourth day:

Breakfast - 2 oranges; second breakfast - grapefruit; lunch - fruit platter of kiwi, apples and oranges; afternoon snack - pear and apple; dinner - grapefruit.

Fifth day:

Breakfast - 2 eggs; second breakfast - 200 g of boiled fish; lunch - 150 g boiled chicken meat and 100 g of boiled peas; afternoon snack - 100 g of cottage cheese; dinner - 100 g of cheese.

Sixth day:

Breakfast - 200 g of kefir and a cup of unsweetened tea; second breakfast - 200 g of grapefruit juice; lunch - 200 g chicken broth without salt; afternoon snack - 200 g milkshake; dinner - 200 g of milk. In between, you can drink unsweetened tea.

Seventh day (day of release):

Breakfast - 2 eggs and a cup of green tea; second breakfast - fruit at your discretion; lunch - light soup with rice or buckwheat; afternoon snack - fruit at your discretion; dinner - vegetable salad, seasoned with salt and dressed with vegetable oil.

People who follow this diet claim that it helps to lose 10 kg in just a week. However, any diet has its own adverse consequences.

Any temporary restrictive diet is a harmful way to lose weight. As a rule, a significant decrease in calorie intake and its imbalance can provoke an exacerbation of any chronic diseases. This is actually fasting, and fasting is severe stress for the body, which can lead to negative consequences according to the principle “where it is weak, it breaks.”

The “Favorite” diet and other similar diets that supposedly lead to the so-called dietary nutrition, have nothing to do with what doctors recommend. In fact, these are seven extremely low-calorie days or days of fasting, after which metabolic processes in the body slow down and muscle mass is lost - during protein-free days the body will receive proteins from its own muscle reserves, so after such a diet the weight will return very quickly and bring with it new kilograms .

People who are significantly overweight will find it extremely difficult to tolerate such a diet due to a sharp decrease in blood sugar. It will also be extremely difficult to work or study normally and productively due to lack of energy, weakness, dizziness and headaches.

The “Favorite” diet will never bring you good long-term results, and women who want to lose weight know everything perfectly well, but for some reason they still choose this diet. The habit of “going on” diets is a restrictive eating disorder. With this habit, as a rule, you need to contact psychologists. Constantly “sitting” on various short-term diets is a direct path to obesity. Eat regularly, rationally and balanced, move daily - and obesity will never threaten you.

Dieting will disrupt your metabolism

For seven days you will significantly limit the amount you consume.

compared to the usual diet. Such drastic changes can be dangerous for your body, which switches into starvation mode, which can seriously disrupt your metabolism. On the background


you risk experiencing headaches, malaise, loss of energy and other adverse symptoms that undermine your health. In addition, after such a heavy blow to your metabolism at the end of the diet, after some time you may see on the scale the same number that was originally, or even higher.

You will lose muscle mass

Another risk to your body while in starvation mode is that it will do everything it can to reduce the number of calories it consumes by reducing muscle mass. By the way, she is the main assistant for those who want to lose weight. During the diet, you will feel that you have become much weaker than before - it will become difficult not only to physical exercise and play sports, but even do some chores around the house. But movement is the key to beautiful and slim figure!

Diet will lead you to serious health problems

Despite the fact that the “Favorite” diet includes consumption healthy vegetables, fruits, protein, its danger is that it does not involve a balanced diet that gives the body the nutrients it needs to be healthy. As you reduce your calorie intake, you will also suffer from a lack of


Which can lead to serious health problems. As a result of the diet, you may notice not only progress from rapid weight loss, but also increased diseases of the digestive and gastrointestinal tract.

Diets that promise quick and noticeable weight loss never fail. Before you start losing weight, consult a specialist. He will help you develop a plan. proper nutrition, based on individual characteristics your body. Remember that the secret to a beautiful figure lies in a balanced diet, exercise and physical activity, and not in diets.

For those who want to lose weight quickly and effectively, a simple Favorite diet is suitable, which is distinguished by its accessibility. According to available reviews, this the diet really helps you lose about 4-5kg in a week. For those who have a very large weight, exceeding 80-100 kg, the diet will help you lose weight by even more kilograms, and in addition, it will start regulation metabolic processes, which are usually reduced in obese people.

To get started, watch the video - the girl gives feedback and shares her impressions:

Now let's move on to the diet.

So, let's move on to the Favorite's diet menu. As you already understand, it is designed for 7 days, each of which will bring you closer to your goal. However, if you notice that you have difficulty maintaining such a menu, it is better to interrupt the diet and try another one.

On this day you are allowed to drink any liquids. It could be still water at room temperature, tea, coffee without sugar, low-fat chicken broths, decoctions of fruits or vegetables. You can drink freshly squeezed and canned juices, but without sugar. Make sure the manufacturers have not added sugar to them.

Dedicate this day to vegetables. You can eat raw or boiled vegetables, prepare salads from them in different proportions. Avoid eating potatoes and do not dress salads with oil or mayonnaise. The dressing can consist of lemon juice or boiled water with vinegar. You are allowed to eat carrots, beets, leafy vegetables, cabbage of any variety, radishes, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, and you can stew or bake eggplants. Fantasize and choose from what you like. However, try not to make the portions too large so as not to overstretch the walls of the stomach.

  • You can eat it about 5-6 times a day, and the serving per serving should be no more than 250g.

We repeat the drinking day, alternating cold drinks with hot ones. This promotes the rapid breakdown of fats. For example, if you drank hot tea, drink cool tea after an hour and a half. Apple juice, and after another two hours, prepare yourself a cup of hot chicken broth.

Let's move on to fruits. You can eat almost any fruit on this day, with the exception of bananas and grapes, but try to limit the daily intake to 1-1.5 kg.

You are allowed to eat apples, oranges, grapefruits, kiwis, peaches, and apricots. You can also do fruit salads from several types of fruits, seasoning them with orange or lemon juice.

This day you can eat any protein food. You can use eggs, lean fish, meat, mushrooms, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, chicken. This doesn't mean you have to eat everything listed, but you can choose what you have in the refrigerator and create a menu of 5-6 small meals for the day.

We repeat drinking day No. 3, alternating cold drinks with hot ones. It is recommended to add lemon juice to tea or water on this day, which also helps remove fat. You can also make a rosehip decoction, which significantly compensates for the lack of vitamins.

This day is a transition from a strict diet to a normal diet. You can create a menu from those products that were allowed last week. For example, you can prepare fruit or vegetable salads, eat one of the protein dishes, cook low-fat broth or light soup, maintain a drinking regime.

During all 7 days of the Beloved’s diet, you must take additional vitamin and mineral complexes, and also drink additional water or tea without sugar in any quantity on protein, vegetable and fruit days.

For those who want to lose more kilograms, you can use a more stringent Favorite diet menu for 7 days.

Sticking through a difficult period of dieting is not enough. It’s not uncommon in life to experience situations where lost kilograms come back in double size. You can consolidate the result obtained only with the help of certain knowledge of the “exit” and adherence to the regime.

Everyone knows that in order to achieve a slim figure, you need to stick to a diet. And how often it happens that the result immediately disappears after the person losing weight decides not to stick to the chosen diet.

A person losing weight needs enormous willpower in order not to “break down”. Moreover, in addition to this skill, you need to have certain knowledge that allows you to correctly “exit” the diet. Only this will prevent you from gaining excess weight suddenly.

Diet is always a restriction of calories consumed per day

There are several generally accepted rules, following which you can achieve a positive result and exit the diet “with dignity.”

Dieting is a temporary measure aimed at weight loss by limiting calorie intake. You can go on a diet quickly, but you need to get out of it wisely.

The main secrets of the correct way out of the diet:

  • The diet involves limiting the size of food. This means that for some period of time you ate small portions. Quitting a diet should not mean that you can afford to immediately eat a huge dish of even healthy food
  • Give preference to vegetables, increase their quantity in the first few weeks of “coming out” and do not eat excessive amounts of cereals, meat and fruits
  • If your diet included non-fatty fish, feel free to increase their size. Steamed fish is welcome
  • Fats and carbohydrates should be introduced into the diet very slowly. Moreover, this does not mean that you can return to rolls and chocolates! Only 200 extra kcal should appear in your diet
  • Try to engage in gentle physical exercise. Whatever one may say, diet is stress for the body. Excessive and intense training immediately after release can give an unfavorable load. Choose running, Pilates or dancing
  • Don't forget to drink water. The norm per day is two liters, this does not count soups and food.
  • It's good if you worry about vitamin complex and buy yourself a multivitamin
  • Eliminate bad habits meals: reading, TV. Watch your food, listen to your stomach in time and understand that you are already full
  • Don't eat at night or before bed. The favorable time for the last meal is four hours before bedtime. If you feel terrible hunger, drink tea with dried fruits

the right way out of the diet will not allow you to gain extra pounds

Important: Quitting the diet should last from ten days to two weeks. After this time, you need to completely switch to proper nutrition.

Video: “Exit from the diet”

How to get out of a protein diet?

The protein diet is one of the most popular. Its success is ensured by its incredible effectiveness, since the products of this diet are saturated with protein and that is why the muscles are able to withstand loads, and satiety comes for a long time.

The protein diet menu is quite varied and a person on it is unlikely to experience any deficiencies in his diet. But the body is able to get used to the same type of food and react sharply to another: fatty and carbohydrate. This is why cases are often observed speed dial weight after following a protein diet for a long time.

protein diet

Important: When leaving a protein diet, you need to forget about carbohydrates, since their consumption can cause stress on the body.

A balanced diet over the next two weeks after leaving the diet will help consolidate the results:

  • In the next two weeks after the protein diet, try to forget about sweets and junk food. Give preference to light breakfasts and if you really can’t bear it, season your oatmeal with a spoon of honey
  • Drink only tea without sugar, eat cereals and low-fat dairy products for breakfast
  • Dinner - perfect time for vegetables and lean meats. Here your soul can roam and choose for itself: fish, chicken, beef, stew, zucchini, fruit. Take your meal with herbal or green tea. Eating eggs is encouraged
  • Dinner should be quite light: for example, a piece of boiled meat, vegetable salad and a boiled egg. If you feel very hungry before bed, drink a glass of low-fat kefir
  • Sweets for you are: fruits, yogurt, honey. They should be allowed in limited quantities and preferably in the first half of the day.

carbohydrates entering the body after a protein diet always cause stress

Important: Try to eat often, but in small portions. With this condition, it will be easier for the body to adapt to a proper diet.

Video: “Exit from the protein diet”

How to get out of the buckwheat diet, menu for the week?

  • The buckwheat diet is extremely popular in Lately. Its success is so great because in a short period of time the diet can rid a person who is losing weight of the hated extra pounds. It's happening fast
  • But what is the secret of the buckwheat diet? The fact is that while eating only buckwheat, the body uses up not only fat reserves, but also protein accumulated in the muscles
  • If the exit from the diet is not adjusted correctly, it is quite possible that your body will react to this with great stress and will want to replenish lost reserves doubly

buckwheat diet

It’s safe to say that the buckwheat diet is a real “hunger strike.” You need to get out of it correctly and carefully:

  • Keep track of all the calories you consume during the first five days. Their total amount should not exceed 600 kcal per day
  • For the next 10-14 days, also monitor your diet and try to consume no more than 1500 kcal per day
  • For the first two weeks, your diet should include lean meats, vegetables and fruits.

Approximate menu for exiting the buckwheat diet for a week:


  • Breakfast: Reduce your usual portion of buckwheat by half, add an apple and an orange to your breakfast, wash it down with a glass of kefir
  • Dinner: Reduce the usual portion of buckwheat by half, add 100 grams of boiled lean meat and one egg to the menu. Make a fresh salad and wash down your lunch with green tea
  • Dinner: a small portion of buckwheat and fresh salad. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir


  • Breakfast: half a serving of buckwheat, low-fat yogurt, fruit, boiled egg, tea
  • Dinner: soup, a piece of bran bread, fresh vegetables, juice or tea
  • Dinner: half a portion of buckwheat, steamed fish, a glass of kefir


  • Breakfast: half a portion of buckwheat, cottage cheese or kefir, fresh fruits, juice
  • Dinner: low-fat first course, half a portion of buckwheat, vegetables or stew, herbal or green tea, fresh fruits
  • Dinner: half a portion of buckwheat, fresh vegetables, kefir


  • Breakfast: half a serving of buckwheat, fresh fruit, yogurt, granola or dried fruit
  • Dinner: first course, stew or stewed cabbage, kefir, fresh fruit
  • Dinner: boiled egg, fresh salad, steamed fish, kefir


  • Breakfast: oatmeal or buckwheat, low-fat yogurt and fresh fruit, juice
  • Dinner: first course, vegetable stew or lean meat, boiled egg, kefir
  • Dinner: boiled egg, fresh lard, tea with dried fruits


  • Breakfast: oatmeal with dried fruit, fresh fruit and yogurt
  • Dinner: first course, cereal with boiled fish, fresh vegetables
  • Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese with dried fruits


  • Breakfast: oatmeal or any other porridge with fruit and yogurt
  • Dinner: first course, vegetable and cereal second courses, lean meat and fish
  • Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese, vegetable salads, boiled eggs

Video: “Exit from the buckwheat diet”

Exit from the Favorite diet, menu for the week

It’s not for nothing that this diet has the name “Favorite”. It is extremely popular and enjoys great success due to the fact that it can quickly get rid of extra pounds. Since the diet menu is quite strict, the exit from it must be correct.

components of the “Favorite” diet

Important: Leaving your “favorite” diet should be a smooth transition to a proper diet. A competent “exit” guarantees the consolidation of the effect.


  • Breakfast: two boiled eggs
  • Second breakfast: fresh apple
  • Lunch: vegetable soup with water, boiled piece of meat
  • Afternoon snack: orange or grapefruit
  • Dinner: steamed vegetables
  • Second dinner: kefir

How to return to normal eating:

  1. Try to introduce one new food into your diet every day
  2. Calorie content should not exceed 1000 kcal per day
  3. The portion of food consumed should not be larger than your palm
  4. Take a fasting day once a week

Video: “About my weight loss. Diet Favorite"

How to get out of the Maggi diet, menu for the week?

The Maggi diet is also called " Egg diet" To consolidate the results, the exit from it must be correct:

  • include in your diet foods that were rich in your diet: eggs, grapefruits, oranges and cottage cheese
  • After the diet, you should follow the rules of proper nutrition
  • do not consume carbohydrates after 12 noon
  • do not eat food at night and before bedtime
  • drink enough water

components of the Maggi diet

Weekly exit menu:

  • Breakfast: boiled eggs, citrus fruit, low-fat cottage cheese
  • Second breakfast: fruits or vegetables
  • Dinner: vegetable soup, slice of cheese, chicken breast
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese, fruit, tea
  • Dinner: boiled eggs, fresh vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese
  • Second dinner: fermented milk product

Video: “Egg diet. Advantages and disadvantages"

How to get out of the chocolate diet, menu for the week?

The chocolate diet is one of the most “hungry” and the correct exit from it guarantees the effectiveness of the diet itself. Diet chocolate diet meager: half a bar of dark chocolate, coffee and skim milk. Exiting the diet should meet all the body's needs.

The chocolate diet does not involve eating anything other than chocolate.

Exit from the chocolate diet:

Monday: Since the stomach is weaned from food, it needs to find food that will not damage its walls. On the first day of release, introduce shredded cabbage and carrots into your diet. Season the salad lemon juice. Chew your food thoroughly.

Tuesday: Since the body did not receive beneficial microelements during the chocolate diet, fill it with fruits and berries for breakfast and dinner on Tuesday. For lunch, drink a glass of lean broth without salt

Wednesday: Replenish the protein lost in the body: for lunch, eat boiled chicken breast and for dinner - fermented milk product

Thursday: Try to eat small meals often. Fill your menu with fruits, berries, vegetables and lean fish and poultry

Friday: Eat 6 times a day, include a new product in your diet every day. Allow yourself some light sports.

Saturday and Sunday: These days will be a transition to proper nutrition. Do not introduce harmful foods into your diet. Try to replace fatty foods with vegetables, fruits and cereals.

Video: “Overview of the chocolate diet”

Exit from the apple diet, menu for the week

Apple diet promises weight loss of ten kilograms in just one week. A sharp weight loss may not stick if the diet is not followed correctly.

Apple diet “cleanses” the body

Monday: You can’t give up apples—they’re still an important staple in your diet. On the first day of going out, include low-fat cottage cheese in your diet for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Tuesday: For breakfast, cook yourself unsweetened oatmeal with water. For lunch, you can indulge in low-fat vegetable soup. Dinner: apples and cottage cheese.

Wednesday: Breakfast to choose from: oatmeal or cottage cheese with honey and apples. Lunch - vegetable soup with a piece of meat. Dinner: fermented milk product, one boiled egg and apples.

Thursday: Breakfast to choose from: oatmeal or cottage cheese with honey and apples. Lunch: vegetable stew and boiled meat. You can diversify your food with steamed fish.

Friday: Include boiled eggs and low-fat yogurt in your breakfast diet. Lunch - be sure to have a first course and lean meat. Dinner - kefir, cottage cheese, apples, dried fruits.

Saturday and Sunday: Breakfast should be nutritious, give preference to cereals and dairy products. Lunch should contain a first and second course; steam vegetables and meat. Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese and fruit.

Video: “Apple diet - an effective and fast diet”

Exit from a low-calorie diet, menu for the week

Exit from low calorie diet should be smooth so that the body does not react to it with stress. The menu for quitting such a diet is quite monotonous. Try to introduce a new food every day and do not eat too large portions.

This diet limits the number of calories consumed per day.

Daily menu for quitting a low-calorie diet:


  • feta cheese or any other low-fat cheese 100 grams (this is approximately 300 kcal)
  • slice rye bread or crispbread, no more than 4 pieces (400 kcal)
  • tomato juice – 40 kcal

Lunch: one fruit and a handful of nuts will total up to 300 calories


  • borscht without meat or vegetable soup (about 200 kcal)
  • fish or chicken fillet with vegetables (about 200 kcal)

Snack: apple or pear - about 100 kcal

Dinner: boiled buckwheat, low-fat cottage cheese, vegetables or a piece of boiled breast - about 400 kcal

Video: “What is a low-calorie diet?”

Each person chooses a diet for himself that can give him relief from excess weight. Of course, it is recommended to first consult a doctor about this, because every diet has many contraindications.

The exit from any diet should be competent and smooth, so as not to frighten an already exhausted body. Each diet is only for a certain part of the time and it is necessary to complete the exit with a proper nutrition regimen.

Important: If you decide to take the path of fighting excess weight with the help of a diet, you must completely give up any harmful foods, fast food, sugary drinks, etc.

Video: How to cope with hunger?