Diet muesli or. The benefits and harms of muesli: which one to choose to lose weight? What does the product contain?

All fans healthy eating, are probably aware of the beneficial qualities of muesli, which are due to the high content of fiber, minerals and vitamins. It’s very appropriate that muesli was called “beauty breakfast”, since this product is considered the best option a complete and balanced meal at the very beginning of the day. If you are also interested in this topic, then it will be useful for you to know the answers to the following questions: muesli for breakfast when losing weight. Muesli for breakfast, benefits. How to make muesli for breakfast?

Benefits of muesli

First of all, muesli is useful because it contains a full range of nutrients necessary for the body: amino acids, fats, proteins, minerals and vitamins. The main and main components of this product are specially processed (using infrared rays) flakes or grains of rye, oats or wheat. It turns out that just one serving of muesli during breakfast will provide you with a surge of strength and vigor for the whole day!

The benefits of muesli are also due to its ability to remove certain harmful compounds from a person: radionuclides, cadmium, lead, etc. In addition, this product can also remove bad cholesterol, due to which nutritionists often recommend using it for patients suffering from all sorts of cholesterol metabolism disorders. Dietary fiber has a beneficial effect on the intestines, so muesli grains are often taken to treat constipation.

Rich in minerals and vitamins, breakfast cereals also have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and skin. The boost of energy and vigor that such a breakfast provides will make you look more attractive and younger.

Muesli for weight loss

The dietary fiber included in this product is digested very slowly, resulting in a feeling of fullness that remains for a long time. In addition, dietary fiber from grains has a stimulating effect on the peristalsis of the human intestine, allowing the body to quickly get rid of all excess, unnecessary substances.

However, you need to know that not every variety of this product is allowed to be used for dietary purposes. Muesli with the addition of jam, honey, and nuts has a higher calorie content, which will not help you lose weight faster. In this case, it would be advisable to focus on mixtures that include dried fruits and raisins. But ideal in the fight against extra pounds are mixtures that will consist exclusively of pure grains, without the inclusion of additional components.

Now you know the answers to the questions: muesli for breakfast when losing weight. Muesli for breakfast, benefits.

Benefits of muesli

Muesli is a cereal, but with certain additives: fruits, dried berries and nuts. The product may also contain bran, honey and wheat germ.

There are two types of muesli - baked and raw. The first ones are prepared according to a special recipe: cereals are first mixed with fruits and honey, and then baked in the oven at high temperature. Raw muesli is a more dietary product, as it contains less sugar. They are prepared by grinding cereals and adding nuts, seeds and fruits.

In large stores, the shelves are full of types of muesli, and the price for them is not that high. The mixture is released in transparent bags and boxes.

The inclusion of “miracle porridge” in the diet will help normalize metabolism and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to complex carbohydrates, blood glucose levels are regulated.

Muesli is useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis and hypertension. A weight-loss mixture of cereals helps:

  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • maintain hemoglobin levels in the body;
  • increase the speed of brain reaction and enhance concentration;
  • regenerate liver cells;
  • restore the nervous system;
  • improve mood, since carbohydrate foods promote the production of the pleasure hormone - serotonin;
  • cleanse the body of harmful substances - toxins, salts and radionuclides.

Composition and properties

In addition to wheat bran, oat flakes, barley and other healthy crops, corn and rice balls are sometimes added to muesli. The semi-finished product includes potassium, cobalt, phosphorus, iron and other trace elements.

Fruits that are added to the mixture contain vitamins that are beneficial for the body. The additive also includes nuts, sesame seeds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, which are good source extra protein.

The mixture contains necessary for the body:

  • minerals;
  • cellulose;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • vitamins A, B, K, E;
  • fatty acid.

Calorie content

As experts note, a mixture of cereals of this type is a storehouse of slow carbohydrates, which are indispensable in the diet of a person losing weight. But at the same time, the calorie content of the product is not so low - 350-400 kcal. per 100 g.

Harmful muesli

The beneficial properties of the product can be spoiled by certain substances that some manufacturers add. These are sweeteners, vegetable fats, preservatives and dyes.

Could muesli have an adverse effect on our health? Yes, this effect will happen, but only if:

  1. Oatmeal is fried with the addition of a large amount of sugar and honey. This cooking method does not make the product healthy, because fast carbohydrates are harmful to our figure.
  2. The flakes were subjected to heat treatment.
  3. Muesli contains vegetable fats, for example, palm oil, which is strictly prohibited for people with heart disease and vascular problems.
  4. A serving of muesli contains the daily allowance of salt, which makes this product prohibited for hypertensive patients.

Ideally, a mixture for weight loss should take the following formula: three types of grains that have undergone a pressing process, and useful additives. The percentage of grains and fillers should be 80/20. It is these “correct” muesli that will help with weight loss.

Option in bars

It is known that the bar is an excellent product for a snack during the workday or study. They saturate the body well with essential substances, provide energy and keep you feeling full for a long time. Muesli bars replace those unhealthy foods that we are used to snacking on - chocolate, sweets, cakes, etc.

They are made by mixing dried fruits, whole grains, nuts and sweeteners. The mixture is pressed and packed into briquettes.

Initially, the product was prescribed by doctors for specialized treatment, and later became so popular that athletes and those who strive for a beautiful and healthy body began to use it as a snack. However, manufacturers like to stuff this snack with various kinds of stabilizers, dyes and flavor enhancers.

Therefore, world nutritionists categorically prohibit those losing weight from eating muesli bars. It is better to buy a classic grain mixture that does not contain the above components.

Baked muesli

The second name of such a product is granola. It is added to various dishes and desserts that can be eaten while losing weight. For example, a small portion of granola is mixed with whipped cream and decorated with berries. Everything is delicious and healthy dessert ready!

Homemade Baked Granola is super easy to make. Chopped nuts, dried fruits and grains are mixed with honey, olive oil and freshly squeezed juice. Next, place on a baking sheet and bake for about 15-20 minutes. high fire. You can also use a frying pan for this - the cooking principle is similar.

Additional components

Those who began to use such mixtures in their diet observed improvements in intestinal function and normalization of metabolism. This is explained by the fact that muesli contains beneficial microelements.

Cereals and oat flakes

This is the basis of the dish. Only raw or processed grains are used for it. When exposed to heat, the flakes become crispy and pleasant to the taste. And in their raw form they are poured with milk, water or kefir mixture to make them softer and tastier.

Candied and dried fruits

Pieces of dried fruits and berries make fresh cereals more appetizing and enrich the product with vitamins and minerals.

With proper nutrition, you can eat muesli with any type of fruit. But for weight loss, it is better to choose a cereal mixture that includes apple, pear, and dried apricots.

Seeds and nuts

Despite the fact that nuts and seeds are a high-calorie product, for a long time they remain almost the main component of muesli.

This is because they contain oils that are so useful for maintaining breast shape while losing weight. The main condition is that the nuts are not fried.

Unwanted Ingredients

Such additives include harmful sweeteners, dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers and other chemicals that unscrupulous manufacturers add to the product.

Carefully read the composition indicated on the package. This way you can protect yourself and your loved ones from unwanted consequences.

How to properly introduce it into your diet

Eating muesli several times a day is not advisable. It is better to use the product for breakfast, when the body so needs additional energy to activate its vital functions.

How to properly consume cereal to lose weight? Here is a list of a few simple rules:

  1. Eat muesli for breakfast when losing weight.
  2. If necessary, you can add fruits and berries to the cereal mixture.
  3. To turn the dish into a familiar porridge, pour it with warm milk or natural yogurt.

Customer Reviews

Muesli is a product that is very beneficial for our body. Of course, you won’t be able to lose weight by eating only them, since the calorie content of the mixture is high. But you will certainly be able to improve digestion and stay full for a long time after breakfast.

Variety of muesli

A wide range of these products are now available in stores. The composition, effects, and manufacturers vary, but which muesli is good for weight loss? First of all, their composition should include oat and wheat bran, as well as grains of rye, oats, wheat, barley and other grains, pressed into flakes and treated with infrared radiation. Pieces of fruit and chocolate, sugar, honey, nuts, and seeds are often added to muesli. Which composition is most suitable for weight stabilization?

Choosing a product for weight loss

When buying muesli, you should pay attention to its composition. Cereal flakes should not be fried, as this gives them the highest calorie content. Among fruit supplements, apples, pears, and dried apricots are preferable, since bananas and citrus fruits are very nutritious. Sugar is always included in muesli for weight loss (reviews indicate the sweet taste of the product), and it cannot be completely excluded. The main thing is that it should be as far from the beginning as possible in the list of ingredients. Natural honey Due to its high cost, it is rarely added to muesli; more often there is a synthetic replacement that does not have beneficial properties. Of the nuts, almonds are the least caloric. We can summarize the selection of suitable muesli for weight loss: reviews confirm that the best composition is a set of cereal flakes and bran with a minimum of additives. It is very easy to make such a product tasty by adding healthy ingredients to it yourself.

What to eat with muesli

So, we have chosen the most dietary of the presented products, which does not contain sweetening additives. So that its taste is not completely neutral and does not set your teeth on edge, we offer a couple of options to diversify and improve it:

  • 5 tbsp. l. Place the muesli in a plate, chop half a pear into it and pour in milk. Let it brew for 5-10 minutes.
  • Take white yogurt without sugar and other additives, add a handful of strawberries (or other berries) and 5 tbsp. l. muesli. Also leave to stand for 5-10 minutes.

Are there any contraindications for muesli?

This product is so universal that it can be used as food for all people. The only rule: if you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you need to boil the muesli for 2-3 minutes before eating. And people with the following diseases and disorders need to eat muesli regularly:

  • hypertension;
  • constipation;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

A cup of this healthy product for breakfast will remove cholesterol, radionuclides, cadmium and lead from the body.

How to properly introduce muesli into your diet

This product is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, amino acids, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, consuming it several times a day is not advisable. Is muesli good for weight loss? Yes, if you follow some rules in the menu:

  • Muesli is eaten for breakfast.
  • Sugar and sweets are excluded, only fruits and homemade jelly remain in the diet.
  • Fatty, fried and smoked foods are also prohibited.
  • Flour products, except grain bread, are prohibited.
  • Dinner should be no later than 21.00, and the food should be light.
  • You can drink tea and coffee without sugar, as well as water in unlimited quantities.
  • The basis of the diet should be vegetables, mainly leafy vegetables, fruits, lean meats, fish and poultry.

You can only indulge in muesli for breakfast in order to use up the energy you get from it during the day. The described diet will give results in just 2 weeks: those who consumed muesli in the morning for weight loss for 14 days leave positive reviews. Volumes are noticeably reduced, 2-4 kg of weight are lost, the body is cleansed and well-being improves.

Muesli bars for weight loss

Conventional dry cereal sets have only one drawback - they can only be eaten at home, they are not ready for transportation. For those who have decided to stick to a diet, but feel hungry between meals, you can try muesli bars as a snack. They have a similar composition to the dry mixture, but they contain more sweeteners, which help keep the product in shape. For example, it contains more honey, molasses, and gluten. And often manufacturers disguise harmful additives under the guise of berries and fruits.

Will this product help you lose weight? Not on its own, but it makes a great substitute for milk chocolate or confectionery consumed as a snack. The bar will charge the body with energy and satisfy hunger for a long time. However, it should also be consumed in the first half of the day: for the first or second breakfast, in the interval before lunch. The caloric content of the bar is not inferior to chocolate, so you should not abuse the bars if you decide to lose weight.

Calorie content and benefits

On average, the calorie content of 100 g of muesli (5 tablespoons) is 300 kcal. That's a lot for dietary product. However, for athletes and bodybuilders, muesli bars are a good option to eat before a workout, gain strength, and for those simply losing weight to prevent weight loss. muscle mass, inevitable with weight loss. But the reviews about Fitness muesli for weight loss are not always positive: they taste sweet and rich, but contain GMOs and many unnecessary substances that should be excluded from the diet.

Buy healthy products and take care of your health!

Benefits of cereal

Nutritionist Max Bircher-Benner from Switzerland, thanks to whom the world learned about the benefits of the dish and began to add it to the usual diet, believes that For greater benefit, grains should be consumed raw.

Muesli can be topped with kefir.

Whole grains are an essential source of the right carbohydrates, which give the body the energy it needs.

In addition, if you eat them raw, they contain more fiber - it allows you to get enough of a small amount of food and maintain a feeling of fullness longer.

The benefits of muesli for weight loss in combination with kefir are undeniable. In this case, the flakes will normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and improve digestion processes. The best results come only from dishes without sugar and any unnatural products.

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Menu for drying for a month.
What can you eat after training?

The diet of trainer Tracy Anderson, who works with celebrities, necessarily includes muesli. So, their benefits, according to the athlete, lie in several points.

  • Cleansing the intestines (improving the functioning of housing and communal services, getting rid of problems with stool, disappearance of fecal stones);
  • Beautiful looking skin (cleansing the intestines leads to the disappearance of acne and blackheads, the disappearance of the causes for the development of inflammatory processes);
  • Losing weight and gaining muscle mass (the product is satiating, but at the same time it is easily digestible).

According to the head of the expert department of Roskontrol, Andrei Mosov, it is quite difficult to choose the right flakes, because their composition as products “for those involved in fitness” is not regulated by any authority.


Milk, sugar and honey reduce the dietary properties of the dish.

Don't think that muesli is a completely harmless product.

In fact, as well-known nutritionists unanimously assure, not all manufacturers of this product do not understand that with the help of their product you want to lose weight, and not just have a tasty lunch.

Is it possible to recover from oatmeal? Definitely yes, if this muesli with coconut, honey, chocolate if consumed regularly will lead to weight gain, because their caloric content is quite high.

In particular, the famous Russian nutritionist Elena Pavlovskaya claims that muesli can be quite high in calories and therefore unhealthy due to the high content of nuts, dried fruits, and cereals. According to her, if you want to lose weight, it is better to choose “clean” products. If, nevertheless, a person cannot live without sweet cereals, then they should be consumed no more than 50 grams per day.

Also, harm may lie in additional components.

As a result, products treated with dangerous sulfur end up in packs. Such products are prohibited for people with kidney diseases, stomach diseases, allergies, and simply a person without diseases should refuse products with too bright and unclear ingredients - unnaturalness will not bring anything good.

Always check the ingredients before purchasing.

Besides, When purchasing, it is important to study the composition of the flakes.

If you see saturated fatty acids in the composition, then you should refuse - they have a very bad effect on the functioning of the heart and cardiovascular system as a whole.

You should be wary of foods with a high glycemic index (it increases blood sugar levels) and those cereals that contain some preservatives and stabilizers (their effect on the body has not yet been fully studied, so it’s not worth the risk).

Types of muesli

Whether or not those losing weight can include this product in their diet depends on the type.


Eat this muesli considered the most beneficial for health, since they retain maximum fiber and healthy carbohydrates. The best way to prepare it is to pour cold milk, water, juice or kefir over the muesli and leave it in the refrigerator overnight.


An unusual product that is also quite healthy. In order to get the maximum benefit, this type of cereal needs to be mixed with skim milk or juice and baked at low temperatures in the oven.

Muesli with fruit

When buying cereals with fruit, it is advisable to focus on additives from apples, dried apricots, and pears.

Not the best The best way lose weight, especially if you eat the dish in the evening.

Fruits contain large amounts of sugars, which simply do not have time to be absorbed by the body, and as a result will remain on your sides.

If you love fruits and cannot give them up, then you should add a minimum of them to muesli and choose the lowest-calorie versions (tangerines, oranges, kiwis, apples).


And here Nutritionists definitely do not recommend consuming muesli with chocolate. Such products are tasty and children will certainly like them, but they are of little benefit. Often this dish is not inferior in calorie content to cakes, pastries and sweet buns.


Taking the bars with you, you can forget about hunger for a long time.

Muesli bars, if made from whole grains, are a great snack option, but only if they contain healthy fruits, dried fruits, nuts.

According to nutritionists, one bar weighing 45-50 grams is enough to fill you up at second breakfast and last until lunch.

They also eat muesli with milk, which enriches them with proteins and fats. If you choose the option of pouring cold milk over raw cereal and leaving it in the refrigerator overnight, it will be healthier than steaming it in hot milk.

The benefits and harms of muesli

There is a large amount of muesli on store shelves; you can choose the option that suits your taste best. After all, food, even during a period of weight loss, should be enjoyable. But Nutritionists assure that the best choice would be muesli with the addition of seeds and pieces of fruit:

  • fiber from fruits and seeds actively cleanses the intestines and gives a feeling of fullness even when consuming small portions;
  • certain substances from dried fruits are involved in the absorption of microelements;
  • oatmeal has the ability to bind toxins and salts heavy metals and remove them from the body.

But not all muesli will be absolutely beneficial for your figure. For example, if you purchased a product with the addition of coconut flakes, chocolate chips or dry bananas, then it will definitely not be beneficial. There are also fried muesli on sale, which are very high in calories, but “poor” in vitamins and microelements - they are simply destroyed by exposure to high temperatures.

There is no harm from ordinary muesli with the addition of a small amount of unsweetened fruit; they can be eaten even by pregnant women and small children, during the postoperative period and when diabetes is diagnosed.

Is it possible to eat while losing weight?

Muesli can be found on the menu of almost every diet. They will be useful both in the morning and at lunchtime, and if fruits are excluded from their composition, then in the evening they will have a lot of benefit and little harm. Naturally, this does not mean that you can completely switch to a “muelaine diet”. This way, the body will not receive the necessary minerals and proteins/fats in the required volumes, which will certainly lead to malfunctions internal organs and systems.

If a person has set a goal to lose weight, then muesli can be chosen as breakfast or dinner. In the first case, preference should be given to complex compositions a product containing pieces of fruit and seeds with nuts. Moreover, they can be filled with milk and increased taste qualities honey.

But in the evening, at dinner, muesli should be prepared with water and without any flavoring additives, the only thing allowed is a few raisins and some dried apples.

Calorie content of the product

In fact, the calorie content of the product is quite high:

  • with dried fruits – 325 Kcal;
  • with nuts and raisins – 375 Kcal;
  • oatmeal in its pure form – 366 Kcal.

That is why it is recommended to eat a complex product with the addition of various flavorings in the morning. This way, the calories will have time to “burn” over the whole day, and there will be more than enough energy for stable performance. And you need to take into account that adding milk or honey to a dish significantly increases its calorie content.

Watch this video about the benefits and harms of muesli:


As such, there are no strict and categorical contraindications to eating muesli. They are included in the diet for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and are allowed for any other pathologies. But there is one limitation - a gluten allergy, which prohibits the consumption of any cereals.

When choosing the type of product, you need to take into account one more fact: dried fruits, nuts and raisins can provoke an inadequate reaction in the body. Therefore, you should be especially careful if you have ever had an allergy to food products, namely fruits or nuts.

Which ones should you choose?

There are two types of product available for sale.


They are a mixture of fruit, cereal flakes and honey or syrup. The bars are very popular among athletes: they can be a quick and satisfying snack and can be consumed before and immediately after training.

The only thing that nutritionists emphasize is that muesli in this form can be included in the menu no more than 2 times a day. The best option would be to substitute bars for a second breakfast or afternoon snack, but you should absolutely not consume them at night - the calorie content is high, and the presence of sugar in the composition makes them harmful to your figure.

Experts recommend giving preference to bars to those losing weight who cannot give up sweets. The fruit syrup in this product perfectly reduces cravings for unhealthy desserts and helps you easily switch to proper diet food without chocolate, pastries and cakes.

Natural product

This will definitely be useful! Moreover, it is possible for those losing weight to independently choose a specific composition. For example, at the beginning of the diet you can allow the presence of fruits/honey in the plate, but over time the amount of these flavoring additives in the cereal should be reduced and completely eliminated.

In addition, the natural product will replace one or two main meals, which facilitates the task of selecting and monitoring dietary dishes. It is especially convenient to eat muesli in the morning - time is short, and quickly “grabbing” a couple of sandwiches will be harmful and will reduce the rate of weight loss.

Cooking recipes

In order not to make a mistake in choosing a truly dietary product, you should learn how to prepare muesli yourself at home.

With kefir

Place 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, 2 tablespoons of wheat bran, 3 pieces of dried apricots (finely chopped) and 5 pieces of raisins in a ceramic bowl. You can enrich the mixture with several hazelnut kernels or one walnut. You can simply brew this mixture hot water, but adding kefir will be more effective - the dry mixture should not float freely in it.

Kefir with muesli should be consumed in the morning - you will quickly feel full, the effect will be long-lasting and will help avoid hunger pangs until lunch. It will be better if the dish sits for 15 - 20 minutes - the flakes and bran will get wet, swell, and the dish will become more tasty and easier on the stomach.


This option is perfect as dietary dish. For this:

  • mix oatmeal and rye bran in equal quantities;
  • add half the amount of chopped fresh apples received;
  • mix everything with honey.

The consistency of the mass should be like pancake dough. It is placed in a mold and baked in the oven for 5 - 10 minutes at medium heat. You can form the bars with your hands, but before doing this you need to wet them, then ready product Packed in baking paper and sent to the oven.

To learn how to make baked muesli, watch this video:

With mineral water

Any muesli, but without dried fruits and nuts, is poured mineral water in such a proportion that after swelling they form a viscous paste. You can safely eat such a dish for dinner - it contains a lot of calories, which means that the feeling of hunger is unlikely to occur before going to bed, and bran does not give a chance for a gastronomic breakdown.

With vegetables

Also a good option for an early dinner:

  • peel beets and carrots (fresh);
  • grind them in a blender, turning them into puree;
  • mix the resulting mass along with the juice with crushed oat flakes and rye bran.

You can add low-fat kefir and a little salt to this cocktail.

We so want to eat right all day long, especially in the morning - healthy food rich in protein and fiber. But to prepare such healthy breakfast We don't have enough time. After all, the oatmeal you need is not the kind that turns sour in 3 minutes, but the kind that needs to be cooked. And here we remember how in any American film the characters everywhere eat breakfast consisting of muesli and cold milk. And what, good idea. They eat and rejoice. This means that they taste great, and they probably have some benefits. But is muesli healthy? Or do Americans constantly smile and rejoice not because of such a breakfast, but simply because it is their custom?

Plagiarist Bircher-Benner

Muesli is essentially a ready-made breakfast that needs to be topped with milk or natural yogurt. We learned about it thanks to nutritionist Max Bircher-Benner from Switzerland. The one who believed that a raw food diet could prolong life and cure many diseases.

In search of herbs and berries, he walked through the Alps and met a shepherd. During the conversation, the shepherd invited Max to share a meal with him - a kind of porridge made from cereals, berries and fresh milk. The doctor, who adheres to his own principles in food, did not refuse. And I was surprised to find that it was tasty and very nutritious. The shepherd said that he eats this all his life, adding various berries, fresh and dry fruits. His father taught him this, and his father taught him this.

Judging by the appearance of the 70-year-old shepherd, he did not complain about his health. Either the mountain air had its effect, or the dish really was so miraculous. But the cunning scientist remembered it, returned to his sanatorium and introduced this dish, calling it “muesli,” into the patients’ menu. It turns out that the cunning Swiss took credit for this culinary recipe. Oh no no no! And this meeting happened in the middle of the last century.

Miracle dish “muesli”

Valya Budko from the sitcom “Matchmakers”, seeing the muesli, exclaimed: “They come up with all sorts of things. "Muesli". My granddaughter and I always called this muesli rolled oats.” But I still took a couple of packs. Either there was a promotion, or I saw an inscription on the box that they are a dietary product.

Valentina Ivanovna was only partly right. Muesli is a cereal (and Hercules, that is, oatmeal too), but with pieces of dried fruits, nuts and dried berries added to them. There may also be bran, wheat germ, honey. Muesli is often confused with another product in which candied fruits are added instead of dried fruits. Make no mistake – candied fruits contain sugar. And sweets are no longer dietary.

On store shelves you can find two types of muesli bags:

  • Gourmet baked muesli. The recipe is as follows: first, cereals are mixed with fruits, berries, honey and freshly squeezed juices, and then baked in ovens at low temperatures;
  • raw – for those who prefer a more dietary and unsweetened product. Cereal flakes are lightly crushed and nuts, fruits, and seeds are added.

Tasty, satisfying, healthy

Every ingredient contained in muesli is beneficial in one way or another. Either it fills us with unbridled energy, or puts a hungry worm to sleep, or gives food to brain cells. But if there is nothing harmful or high-calorie in there, we immediately ask ourselves whether it is possible to eat muesli while losing weight.

  • Oatmeal contains carbohydrates, fiber, and dietary fiber. And also vitamin B1, magnesium, phosphorus. Oatmeal is an energy product that normalizes heart function, keeps sugar in check, lowers cholesterol, strengthens teeth and the skeletal system, and synthesizes protein within the body.
  • Dried fruits are a nice addition to the muesli base. Each berry or fruit has its own effect. responsible for vision, - for immunity, - for the heart, apples are iron.
  • Do not confuse dried fruits and candied fruits. The first are the fruits as they are, only dried. And the latter are pre-boiled in sugar syrup - no longer great. And the sugars were swallowed, and all the valuable substances were missed.
  • Nuts - or some exotic coconut,... It is a storehouse of vitamin B3, dietary fiber, fatty acids and minerals zinc, magnesium, iron.
  • Seeds (, sunflower). Some contain youth vitamin E and protein, others contain antioxidants, and others contain polyunsaturated fats.
  • Natural juices. Their benefits depend on the fruit from which the drink is obtained.
  • Honey. Due to the low temperature at which muesli with honey is baked, valuable substances do not disappear, but continue to provide benefits.

Oatmeal itself is dietary, but in muesli the calorie content can increase to 450 kcal for every 100 grams. Nuts, dried fruits, and seeds add energy value. And if it's baked cereal, then honey.

Let's get slimmer with taste

If muesli does not contain anything harmful or high in calories... the benefits and harms for weight loss - which prevails? It depends on what you add to this dish, which one you choose - raw, baked.

In addition to living bacteria (), yoghurt and milk also contain calories. Do the math - 250-350 kcal in muesli plus 50-200 kcal in a dairy product. We get half the amount of calories allowed per day with dietary nutrition. Joyless, but delicious.

And if you add freshly squeezed juice instead of milk, it will be no less tasty, but not so detrimental to your figure. And we are talking, if you guessed it, about raw muesli. How to use them? They poured it in and filled it with juice. They went to wash, preen, and get dressed. And then breakfast arrived. Ate and order.

In order to achieve specific purpose– to become slim, you need to eat cereals and fruits correctly. This product does not burn fat, it cleanses the intestines of stagnant masses, reduces appetite, and fills with energy. A combination of diet (there is one) and sports (at least jogging) can help. Then you can sing an ode to muesli for weight loss. Reviews say that there is truth in this logic.

“If you only eat muesli, you can lose weight. But only by reducing calories and losing muscle mass. Further, with normal nutrition, you will gain this weight again. But if you go for a run in the morning, then have breakfast with cereal with fruit and juice, and work out in the gym two or three times a week, then yes. You can lose weight. Well, don’t overeat in the evening, but drink a glass of yogurt or kefir.”

And now about the diet, since there is one (thanks to Max Bircher-Benner). It lasts a maximum of 2 weeks. You can have no more than 1300 kcal per day. Taboos are introduced on meat, flour products, alcohol (the taboo on it should be permanent), salt, fatty foods, pasta.

  • For breakfast, a cup of cereal. How to prepare muesli: pour into a cup, pour in a glass of low-fat kefir, yogurt or skim milk (the milk that remains after the sour cream is separated).
  • After a couple of hours, eat one citrus fruit and drink herbal tea without sugar.
  • For lunch, eat vegetable broth (0.25 liters), prepare 300 g of green vegetable salad.
  • Have a cup of muesli with yogurt or kefir for dinner. You can eat a piece of cheese with low fat content.

In a week you can get rid of 2-4 kg.

The same result can be achieved with another weekly diet. You need to eat every couple of hours.

  • For breakfast and dinner, pour 2 tablespoons of muesli and a spoonful of bran with low-fat yoghurt (100 ml). Eat an apple or citrus.
  • During a snack, eat a fructose muesli bar with juice (100 ml) or half a morning serving of cereal with low-fat kefir. Alternatively, eat a couple of fruits.
  • Lunch consists of low-fat milk (100 g), 2 tablespoons of muesli, steamed or baked meat or lean fish (no more than 200 g) and a glass of fresh juice.

This diet is not difficult to maintain. But due to the limited diet, sitting on it for a long time is not recommended.

“I went on a diet with muesli three times with a break of a month. I lost weight. And now I support him. For breakfast only muesli. The weight is maintained and does not increase. I even taught my son such healthy food.”

So, with persistence and desire, you can say goodbye to those extra pounds.

Making our own muesli

You can buy the finished product in the store. But we cannot guarantee that there is nothing superfluous there. And if you know how to make muesli at home, then you don’t need to buy it. Moreover, it may turn out cheaper.

For classic, that is, raw muesli, you will need a spoon of dried fruits, a pinch of nuts and half a glass of oatmeal. If desired, you can add fresh seasonal berries or fruits to them.

Here's a recipe for making muesli in the oven:

For 150 grams of flakes, take crushed almonds or other nuts, the same amount of dried fruits (prunes, raisins, dried apricots), season with a spoon of liquid honey and cinnamon. Mix everything and pour onto greased parchment and baking sheet. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes at a temperature of 160-180°C. Watch the color. As soon as the shade of caramel appears, the mixture is ready.

Not only the mixture itself, but also a muesli bar at home will be tasty and healthy:

Measure out 200 g of cereal, dried fruits and nuts. Add 4 tablespoons of juice and honey, a little vegetable oil. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and flax seeds. Mix everything. Pour onto a large piece of parchment in the middle. Flatten and lightly cut into portions. Grease the free edges of the paper with oil and cover the layer from above. Place in the oven for half an hour at 160-180°C. There is no need to take out the bars right away. Wait until it cools down, and then cut to the end according to the marks you made. The result was muesli bars. Their recipe is very simple.

You can also prepare the bar on the stove. Combine vegetable oil with honey and bring to a viscous state over low heat. Then pour it into the dry mixture of cereal and fruit and stir. Transfer to pan and trim. When it hardens, cut into portions.

Any recipe will do. Because homemade muesli is much healthier than store-bought ones - simply because you control what goes into it and what quality it is. But remember not only the taste, but also the calorie content of the added ingredients.

What would you eat for breakfast? We know the answer.

Muesli is an integral companion of all followers of a healthy lifestyle. This is the most important component of many mega-tasty and mega-healthy foods. Muesli is one of the most popular products on the healthy food market because it saves a lot of time when cooking, is included in the list of the most beautiful “Instagrammable foods”, and is also quite healthy. It is generally accepted that eating muesli promotes weight loss, improves digestion, and generally has an extremely positive effect on human health, but is this really true? Let's figure it out together.

What is muesli

Muesli with German language translates to "puree". This is a special breakfast food made from cereals, dried fruits, bran, nuts, honey and wheat germ.


Muesli became widespread in the twentieth century, when public interest in proper nutrition. According to legend, a Swiss naturopathic doctor (that is, a doctor who specializes in treating folk remedies) Maximilian Bircher-Benner went to the mountains with scientific research. He met the mountain people, the population of the villages and studied their centuries-old traditions in nutrition and medicine. At one of the halts, he got into a conversation with an old long-lived shepherd. Judging by the ease with which the old man moved along the winding mountain paths, and by his strong physique, it was difficult to tell that the shepherd was well over 70. Brenner became interested in the secret of the shepherd’s youth and longevity and, during one of their joint dinners, drew attention to one dish. The doctor was amazed by the simplicity, nutritional value and naturalness of the product.

In front of him stood a cup containing a mixture of ground wheat, diluted with milk and flavored with honey, strawberries and blueberries. The shepherd also snacked on the mixture with an apple.

He said that this is exactly how his family ate. All relatives are long-lived and rarely appeared in hospitals. He ate the mixture for breakfast and dinner. Benner was delighted with the miraculous dish and, returning home, began feeding the patients of his clinic exclusively lunches and breakfasts of this type. Since 1960, muesli began to spread throughout the world and gain wild popularity. A huge number of companies producing muesli-based breakfast cereals have appeared, as well as many additives and recipes, both healthy and very high in calories.


What is muesli made from?

Based on crushed or crushed cereal crops, such as: oats, rye, wheat, barley, rice, corn. According to the technology, they are steamed under high pressure. Often, the flakes subsequently undergo additional heat treatment. The following must be added to the cereal bags sold in stores: nuts, dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, raisins), dried berries, chocolate, banana chips, puffed cereal, bran, glaze, cinnamon, pumpkin, flax, sesame or sunflower seeds, coconut flakes.

There are two types of muesli sold in stores:

  1. Raw– this product is not subject to heat treatment and contains rolled flakes, seeds, nuts and dried fruits.
  2. Baked- such muesli is mixed with natural juices, honey or caramel is added to them, and they are often fried in oil and baked at a low temperature. When consumed, they produce a characteristic crunch in the mouth.

Calorie content of muesli

The energy value of a given product is affected by the ingredients it contains. American scientists have found that muesli itself is very high in calories, much like chocolate: the energy value reaches up to 500 kcal per 100 g of product. Accordingly, the calorie content becomes even higher when honey, cinnamon, chocolate, and caramel are added to the mixture. It is better to add dried or fresh fruits, and dilute not with milk, but with water or natural juices. Baked muesli is higher in calories than raw muesli. For daily consumption, it is recommended to limit yourself to a serving of 50 g of raw muesli.



To avoid health problems when buying muesli, carefully read the ingredients!

Benefits of muesli

After you have chosen the safest muesli and prepared your healthy breakfast, you can already talk about numerous useful properties ah of a proper muesli-based breakfast cereal.

  • Cereals(barley or rye) contain complex carbohydrates that take a long time to digest, so they will allow you to “hold out” until lunch or dinner. They perfectly satiate and relieve hunger. And in combination with fruits, nuts and bran, it is also a tasty, complete dish.
  • Lots of vitamins, microelements and high fiber content cleanse the intestines and normalize digestion when consumed regularly. Vitamin B is the vitamin of calm - necessary for normalizing the functioning of the nervous system, vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that slows down aging. Vitamin A is required by the immune and endocrine systems, bones, teeth and visual organs.
  • Muesli is eliminated from the body fat breakdown products and waste products protect against the formation of tumors and inflammation in the digestive tract. Cleansing and normalizing the gastrointestinal tract helps improve the skin and eliminates acne.
  • Nuts, added to cereal in small quantities, also enhances the benefits of breakfast cereal. Nuts are a source of vegetable protein, the most important element for human body. Walnut improves general condition and brain function, pistachios help with gastrointestinal diseases, almonds normalize heart function, hazelnuts stimulate brain activity.
  • Dried fruits- also very useful component. Figs and dried apricots support the functioning of the heart, dates support the nervous system, raisins and dried apricots are beneficial for the brain and liver.
  • Seeds– a source of vegetable fats that strengthen nails and add shine to hair, preventing hair loss.
  • Candied fruit, jam and honey are added rather to add sweetness to the flakes; they do not provide any particular benefit (except maybe honey, but within reasonable limits). If your goal is to lose weight or not gain weight, then it is better to avoid these supplements, but they are undoubtedly healthier than sugar in its purest form.
  • To lose weight or not to gain weight, but at the same time saturate the body with a lot of useful substances, dilute the muesli with water, natural freshly squeezed juices, oat/almond/cedar/soy milk, natural low-fat yogurt or kefir. This way you will avoid digestive problems and get the maximum benefit from breakfast.

Muesli is the best option for a quick, tasty and healthy breakfast that will fill the body with energy and not make you feel heavy. However, many cereal mixtures contain sugar, chocolate, candied fruits, caramel and various oils, which significantly increase the calorie content of the dish. Is muesli really good for weight loss? It's time to sort this out.

What is muesli

Muesli is a mixture of cereals processed in a special way for better soaking in milk with pieces of dried berries and fruits, nuts and bran, sometimes with the addition of honey syrup. The base is most often represented by oats.

Muesli is prepared in 2 ways:

  • without processing - consist of ground components;
  • baked – cereals are combined with honey and natural juices, and then baked at low temperatures. Baked muesli includes, for example, granola and crunch.

What kind of muesli can you eat while losing weight?

Muesli has many beneficial properties resulting from its composition.:

  • Cereals - saturate the body with fiber, magnesium and vitamins, improve brain function. Oat bran helps remove toxins from the body and reduce cholesterol levels.
  • Dried berries and fruits prevent the increase in glucose levels in the body and replenish the lack of vitamins.
  • Nuts and seeds - eliminate the feeling of hunger, increase insulin production, and are a source of fatty acids that have a positive effect on the condition of hair, nails, skin, nervous system and blood vessels.

Kit excess weight may occur due to the consumption of cereals with an unnatural composition. Muesli, useful for weight loss, contains minimal amount flavorings, sweeteners and colorings.

Also select cereals that contain up to 15 g of sugar and less than 10 g of fat per 100 g of finished product.

Avoid processed cereals that are fried in oil; they have higher calorie content.

Muesli with coconut, palm or vegetable oil Not only do they not contribute to weight loss, but they also negatively affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

You can really eat muesli while losing weight, but only if they:

  • contain a minimal amount of sugar and synthetic additives;
  • consumed for breakfast, in accordance with the daily consumption rate.

Thanks to its high nutritional value, even a small portion of muesli can saturate the body with a large amount of vitamins and microelements, and the complex carbohydrates in its composition can charge it with energy for the whole day, which will help reduce the risk of overeating at other meals.

Calorie content

The calorie content of muesli depends on the type of processing and additives used when preparing breakfast.:

In total, dry unprocessed muesli contains 300-350 kcal; in heat-treated flakes, the calorie content reaches up to 460 kcal.

100 g of muesli bar contains approximately 421 kcal, so if you are losing weight, you should avoid consuming cereals in this form. To lose weight, also exclude cereals with chocolate, cocoa, and large amounts of salt or sugar from your diet.


You can prepare dietary muesli yourself by selecting ingredients based on individual preferences. Let's look at what recipes will help you lose weight.

With honey

To prepare a serving for 1 person, take 150 g of oatmeal or cereal mixture, 20 g of nuts, coconut pulp and honey.

Cooking method:

  • Finely chop the coconut flesh and crush the nuts, mix with the cereal.
  • Melt the honey and add to the main mixture.
  • Place the resulting mixture on a baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes at 190°C.

This muesli can be used as a dry snack between main meals, added to fruit salads, pour kefir or natural yogurt.

With milk

For the recipe you will need 25 g of oat and rye bran, 2 tbsp. l. fresh or frozen blueberries, 4-7 pieces of dried apricots and 250 ml of milk.

Cooking rules:

  • Place dried apricots in boiling water for 10 minutes, then finely chop.
  • Add blueberries and cereal to the dried apricots, pour warm milk over the mixture.
  • Let it brew for 10-15 minutes.

With yogurt

Cooking method:

  • 2 tbsp. l. steam dried fruits in boiling water for 25 minutes, then finely chop.
  • Mix with large cereal flakes (100 g), oat bran And flaxseed(1 tsp each), pour 200 ml of yogurt.
  • Leave the prepared mixture for 2-4 hours.

To help muesli help you lose weight, choose natural low-fat yogurt without additives.

With kefir

Eating muesli with kefir is one of the best recipes for weight loss.

Cooking rules:

  • Mix 50 g of flakes and 15 g of dried fruits.
  • Pour 200 ml of low-fat kefir into the mixture.
  • Place in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

Breakfast cereals with kefir normalize the functioning of the stomach and intestines and stabilize the functions of the digestive tract as a whole.

Muesli diet for 7 days

Select vegetables and fruits for your diet based on personal preferences. Stick to this menu for no more than 1 week, and then you can continue to regularly eat muesli for breakfast.

In 7 days you can get rid of 5 extra pounds. To consolidate the results obtained, do a weekly fasting day on muesli, while drinking at least 2 liters of water per day.

Muesli diet for 14 days

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner Afternoon snack Evening snack
1 and 4 3 tbsp. l. muesli;

100 ml natural yogurt;

1 boiled egg

50 g boiled fish;

100 g stewed cabbage

3 tbsp. l. cereal;

150 ml low-fat kefir

1 fresh carrot 200 ml carrot juice with 2 tbsp. l. cereal
2 and 5 3 tbsp. l. cereal;

100 ml yogurt;

50 g fresh fruit

200 g pumpkin porridge;

25 g hard cheese

3 tbsp. l. cereal;

20 g nuts, water

1 peach 200 ml apple juice;

2 tbsp. l. cereal

3 and 6 3 tbsp. l. dry breakfast;

200 ml kefir;

200 g oatmeal on the water;

green tea without sugar

3 tbsp. l. cereal;

20 g dried apricots;

150 ml curdled milk

1 apple 1 tbsp. l. muesli;

20 g raspberries;

100 g milk

7 and 10 Applesauce with 2 tbsp. l. breakfast cereal 60 g steam fish;

150 g stewed vegetables

There are many rumors and disputes about the benefits and harms of muesli. Manufacturers advertise the benefits of muesli and refer to the opinions of unknown experts, and the headlines of Internet resources are full of defiant titles about the dangers of this product. You can form your own opinion about this product by studying its composition and beneficial properties.

It is said that due to its high content of fibre, minerals and useful acids, muesli is an ideal option for a balanced, healthy breakfast. But is muesli really healthy? – let’s look into it in more detail.

From the history of muesli

More than a hundred years ago, the Swiss naturopathic doctor Max Bircher-Binner introduced this wonderful and useful product. One fine sunny morning, he went for a walk in the mountains, where he met a friendly shepherd, who invited the doctor to share his breakfast with him - an unusual gruel made from ground wheat grains, as well as strawberries, blueberries, diluted with honey and milk. And the shepherd and the doctor snacked on the porridge with fresh apples.

Muesli flakes

This breakfast, unusual for a doctor, was invented many generations ago by the ancestors of the shepherd, and passed on to their grandchildren, teaching them to eat such a breakfast from childhood. The shepherd at that time was more than 70 years old and in his entire life he had never consulted a doctor, because he was famous throughout the area for his strength, endurance and good health. And all this thanks to the miraculous porridge that the old man ate every morning throughout his life.

Bircher was impressed and rushed to the laboratory to conduct many experiments, creating new recipes for his patients. Soon he decided to introduce muesli into the diet of some patients. He prepared the porridge as follows - half a tablespoon of oatmeal and the same amount of crushed grains of wheat, barley, rice, rye and millet, adding a spoon lemon juice, poured hot water over everything and left for 10 minutes. Then mixed thoroughly and served with apples, almonds or walnuts.

And today, in the Alpine mountains, muesli with fruits, berries, honey, nuts and seeds is considered one of the most beloved and popular breakfasts. And this is no accident - such a delicious sweet porridge will give you a boost of energy for the whole day!

Useful properties of muesli

Cereal mixtures contain many vitamins, microelements and amino acids. They are preserved in muesli due to the fact that they are consumed either dry or poured with cold milk or yogurt. The exception is baked muesli, in which a significant part of the beneficial substances is destroyed under the influence of high temperature.

Muesli is rich in fiber and, promoting healthy digestion, removes waste and toxins from the body. As a result, the condition of the skin improves and metabolism is normalized. Muesli lowers bad cholesterol in the blood, prevents the development of osteoporosis and has a beneficial effect on heart function.
In addition, such a breakfast gives you energy for the whole day.

Nutrients in muesli

  • B vitamins;
  • Vitamins A, E;
  • Potassium;
  • Calcium;
  • Iron;
  • Magnesium.

The benefits of muesli for women

Muesli is good for women's health and beauty - they strengthen hair and nails, help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also help eliminate harmful cholesterol, radionuclides, and heavy metal salts. Thanks to the high content complex carbohydrates and fiber from muesli are useful in preventing tumors in the intestines, and also help anyone who suffers from frequent constipation.

This delicious porridge will help you strengthen your immune system, improve your well-being, stabilize your nervous system, increase your vitality and improve your health. appearance skin. For people with diabetes, there are special mueslis that contain dietary fiber and fructose.

The benefits of muesli for weight loss

Despite their high calorie content, muesli flakes are present in various diets and are found on the table at least once a week. This is explained by the fact that a significant part of their calories comes from complex carbohydrates, which are slowly broken down into sugars in the intestines. This means that energy is also released slowly, and a person losing weight gets additional time to waste it.

In order for such a breakfast to become a complete source of a complex of vitamins and microelements, even people losing weight are allowed to add nuts, fermented milk products, fruits and dried fruits to muesli, and this says a lot.

Harm from muesli

Negative attitudes towards the inclusion of muesli in the diet were found due to sweeteners. To make cereal mixtures tastier, manufacturers often add sugar or honey to them. These quickly absorbed sweeteners are not only contraindicated for diabetics, but for those wishing to lose weight they can result in deposits in problem areas. You can avoid this by reading the composition of the product - there is muesli on the market without added sugar. Alternatively, muesli can be prepared at home by mixing various cereal mixtures and adding nuts, dried fruits, or even chocolate pieces.

The presence of vegetable fats, especially palm oil.
Salt, which manufacturers use to enhance the sweetness and taste of the product. At the same time, the daily norms of its consumption are exceeded, and on a diet for weight loss, as is known, it is necessary to reduce salt consumption to zero.

Muesli should be eaten with caution:

  1. People with cardiovascular diseases;
  2. Those who are obese;
  3. For diabetes.

Vitamin C

Muesli does not contain vitamin C, so it is not recommended to rely on muesli to support immunity.

How much muesli can you eat per day?

Despite the fact that this is a natural and very healthy product, nutritionists recommend being careful in consuming them. This is a fairly high-calorie product (100 grams contains approximately 350-450 kcal), so if you care about slimming your waist, you should not eat more than 50 grams of muesli per day.

One serving of muesli for breakfast contains the optimal amount of complex carbohydrates, which are digested more slowly and allow us to feel comfortable and energetic until lunch.

It can be very difficult to follow the rules, because muesli is a delicious product.

But despite these limitations, correctly chosen muesli and a rational approach to its consumption will be the key to health and the desired figure, and even picky eaters will like the taste.

How to choose muesli

Today on store shelves you can find a wide variety of companies that produce muesli. In addition to the classic samples in plastic bags and cardboard boxes, this porridge is also produced in the form of dehydrated flakes, which are less nutritious and more artificial variations of real muesli. You can also try muesli in bars or as part of dry diet cookies. However, so as not to

If you are struggling with the choice of really healthy muesli, we recommend that before purchasing, be sure to familiarize yourself with the composition of the porridge - healthy muesli should not contain harmful ingredients, preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers and, especially, GMOs.

Healthy recipes with muesli

You can eat muesli not only in the form of porridge, but also as part of cookies, muffins or even a pie. And we offer you the healthiest and most balanced breakfast recipe with muesli and fruit.

Breakfast with muesli

  • 30 grams of dry muesli;
  • 60 ml hot milk;
  • 30 grams of cashews;
  • 1 tbsp. l. flax grains;
  • 1 green apple;
  • 1 orange;
  • 1 banana;
  • 1 tsp. honey

In a bowl, mix muesli with nuts and pour milk. While the porridge is steeping, peel the apple, banana and orange and cut into small cubes. Add fruit to porridge, add flax and honey. Bon appetit!