Diet after a stroke: allowed and prohibited foods, sample menu. Severe weight loss after stroke Weight loss after stroke

A stroke is an attack that results from a blockage or rupture of an artery in the brain. There are some risk factors for stroke that a person cannot change (for example, age and heredity).

But there are several important aspects of daily life, the observance of which will help reduce the risk of an attack to a minimum (for example, diet after a stroke, daily walks, healthy sleep).

Menu after a stroke

Main causes of stroke

How to prevent.

The essence of diet after a stroke

Dietary nutrition plays an important role in the process of recovery and return to familiar everyday life. In this article we will try to understand the essence of the diet for stroke and the need to follow it.

First of all, what is a stroke? This is a pathological process in which the patient’s brain ceases to receive sufficient oxygen and nutrients due to a failure in blood circulation. Due to a lack of nutrients, tissues gradually begin to die. The necrotic area of ​​the brain stops working, blocking the normal functioning of the organ or system for which it is responsible.

Features of the diet after a stroke

The main rules are to minimize the consumption of animal fats and salt. If you are unable to completely give up salt, try to reduce the amount to 5 grams. per day is the maximum allowable amount. Remember that excess salt contributes to the development of hypertension, which is especially dangerous after.

The statistics are inexorable: every sixth resident of Ukraine is at risk of becoming a victim of a stroke. Every year in our country there are 100–110 thousand new cases of vascular accidents, and every third occurs in people not of retirement age. It is known that in developed countries this figure is decreasing! Why is our rate constantly growing? Experts believe: this is due to the fact that Ukrainians are accustomed to coming to doctors with serious problems, rather than taking care of their health from their youth. But a stroke can be avoided if you are examined on time and lead a correct lifestyle. Marianna Brovchenko, head of the city neurorehabilitation center, chief freelance rehabilitation specialist, candidate of medical sciences, spoke about how to do this during the traditional FACTS direct line.

“Almost two-thirds of the population.

According to medical statistics, stroke is one of the leading diseases in the world in terms of mortality. It occurs spontaneously and can be fatal within one day. This disease is caused by significant circulatory disorders in the cerebral cortex.

It is believed that the most common age for its development is 60 years. People who have had a stroke may no longer be completely healthy, despite the restoration of most functions.

Rehabilitation is often a complex and lengthy process. After all, life after a stroke can be radically different than before the disease manifested itself. Sometimes a person has to learn to move and talk again.

Maximum results in this can be achieved through constant efforts on yourself: regular exercises, healthy eating, as well as physical and psychological help from loved ones.

Types and causes of occurrence

Stroke can be of two types: hemorrhagic and ischemic.

Why does a stroke occur?

obesity, excessive weight is the reason why the brain does not receive enough.

Blockage of the lumen of a cerebral artery by a thrombus or atherosclerotic plaque is a direct cause of ischemic stroke and, if measures are not taken to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, the risk of recurrent cerebral stroke remains. It can be prevented not only by introducing medicines, but also by including in the patient’s menu products that have the ability to “clean” the blood vessels of the brain and completely eliminating products that contribute to the formation of plaques.

Since cholesterol is found in animal foods and not in plant foods, the stroke diet should focus largely on vegetarianism.

Caloric content of food of a person who has had a stroke

After an ischemic stroke of the brain, in most cases, partial or complete paralysis occurs, and if this does not happen, due to a feeling of weakness in the legs, it is impossible for the patient to lead a physically active lifestyle. Since movement restriction or.

Angina is chest pain that occurs when blood supply to the heart muscle is limited. This usually occurs due to narrowing of the arteries supplying the heart.

Angina manifests itself as discomfort, dull, severe pain in the sternum, which can spread to the left arm or neck.

Painful sensations can be provoked by excessive exertion or stressful conditions, most often the pain lasts several minutes. This pain is an attack of angina.

If a person experiences increased painful sensations in the sternum and he has not previously had any heart problems, then it is necessary to call medical care. If an attack does not happen for the first time, then you need to take medications prescribed by your doctor (nitroglycerin).

If the first dose does not bring relief, a second dose of the medicine can be taken after five minutes. If five minutes after the second dose of the medicine there is no improvement, then you need to call a doctor.

A person’s health largely depends on a person’s nutrition, which is why food plays a big role in the life of every person. If a person has recently suffered a serious illness, such as a stroke, then nutrition becomes even more important. After a stroke, doctors recommend that patients follow a special diet.

The main principle of this diet is to limit the consumption of animal fats and salt in food. If you reduce the amount of fat, the level of cholesterol in the blood will decrease, and this in turn will avoid another stroke. And they advise not just reducing salt, but completely eliminating it from the diet, or at least reducing its amount to five grams. A large amount of salt consumed in the human body increases arterial pressure, so for people who have recently suffered a stroke, it is important to monitor this to bring their body back to normal. Such a diet is also important, since excess weight puts a great strain on our health and the entire body.

Hello Olga Ivanovna! I’ve already written to you about the excess weight I gained after my illness and can’t seem to lose. You wrote to me that I should eat like this. The total calorie content of the daily diet is 1800=2200 kcal. You need to eat food in 5-6 meals, the three main ones being breakfast, lunch and dinner. And also two or three snacks between the main meal. For snacks, you should eat light foods - raw vegetables, fruits, berries. I follow all the recommendations, eat very little, do not eat and completely eliminated unhealthy foods: smoked foods, pickles, prepared meat products (sausage, ham), canned food, fatty dairy products, sugar and sugar-containing products, sweet carbonated drinks, beer, alcohol, and also all types of fast food. But there is no result. What to do? Help. In advance.

Summer is coming - and I want to lose a little weight, but safely and correctly, without harm to the body - so today we’ll find out how to lose weight correctly without disrupting the functions of the body. In essence, this is slow weight loss for the lazy, without grueling physical activity.

Let's look at restrictive diets and what they can lead to, which can serve as an alternative to exhausting diets and will be beneficial for the body.

You will learn what diseases can arise as a result of improper dieting, how you can support and strengthen the liver with a one-day diet, and why you need to go to the gym.

Most of us have created an image in our heads that in order to lose weight, we need to eat as little as possible and work out as much as possible in the gym. And just thinking about something like this spoils your mood, but you want to lose weight! What should I do?

There are two ways to lose weight:

quickly, but with food restrictions and with regular physical activity, slowly, but.

When a person suddenly has a stroke, it seems that his life ends there. After all, the disease erases memory, makes limbs immobile, takes away speech... And even if the first time everything turned out to be a micro-stroke and did not lead to disability, the person begins to live in anticipation of the next crisis, stressing himself out psychologically. But tears and a depressed mood do not solve anything. It's time to declare an active fight against the disease. And the first step should be diet after a stroke.

Video: recovery and nutrition after a stroke

However, the word “diet” in this case is not entirely appropriate, because you will not eat in this mode for a week or a month. After a stroke, you need to completely reconsider your taste preferences and permanently change your diet in favor of proper nutrition. This is the only way you can help your blood vessels and heart, lightening their load, and prevent possible blockages of the arteries.

Nutrition immediately after a stroke: we load the stomach to a minimum

As a rule, after.

Recovery after a stroke REVIEWS: 0

Recovery after a stroke, the speed and completeness of rehabilitation depend on the size of the brain damage.

In some patients after a stroke, movement and speech are completely restored in the first weeks or months, in others they remain difficult, and in others they hardly recover.

The process of restoration of lost functions is fastest in the first year after a stroke. Then the patient comes to terms with his situation, adapts to existing defects, and progress in rehabilitation stops

A patient after a stroke, as soon as his condition allows, should begin to do physical exercise to restore the mobility of paralyzed limbs as fully as possible and reduce the consequences of a stroke to a minimum. In the meantime, a bedridden patient is not able to do anything on his own, his loved ones should work with him - do passive gymnastics, massage

Many patients are paralyzed after a stroke.

After the New Year holidays, as fitness trainers say, the number of gym visitors increases several times. Ukrainians, who did not deny themselves anything at the holiday table, are trying to lose excess weight as quickly as they gained it. However, nutritionists are confident that even those kilograms that have been added in a matter of weeks must be lost slowly, otherwise the weight will return. The website has found out how to properly reset the “extra” ones.

The main thing is proper nutrition

“I would, of course, advise simply not to overeat on holidays, especially at night. But if you have already gained noticeable weight, this is the time to think about your diet and reconsider it,” says fitness trainer Yulia Korol. Even after a week of overeating, you cannot go hungry, the expert is sure. It will take at least three weeks to lose weight.

“I would, of course, advise simply not to overeat on holidays, especially at night. But if you’ve already gained noticeable weight, it’s time to think about it.

The story is told by star nutritionist, candidate of medical sciences, doctor of aesthetic medicine Margarita Koroleva.

At the age of 40 - 45 years, and often earlier, in both men and women, the production of substances responsible for the breakdown of fats in the body significantly decreases. Fats accumulate under the skin, in joints, abdominal cavity, hips and internal organs. This harms the body and leads to the development of dangerous diseases.

How does excess weight kill?

The first place in Russia among the causes of death caused by excess weight is occupied by cardiovascular diseases: arterial hypertension (high blood pressure), ischemic disease heart disease, stroke and heart attack. They kill 5 million people every year.

In second place is diabetes, which in 2016 became a global epidemic. According to WHO, over the past 10 years, mortality from diabetes has increased by 52%

An analysis of the incidence of the Russian population shows that among people who did not live to reach the age of 50, 97% had.

Diet after a cerebral stroke is vital, as the patient moves much less or does not move at all. While maintaining the same diet, this means rapid gain excess weight, which is absolutely contraindicated.

How to lose weight after a stroke without harm to your health?

Be sure to monitor your weight - carry out control weighings at least once a week. As you increase, reduce the amount of fats and carbohydrates in your diet. The amount of fat in general should be immediately cut by a third.

Drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day.

It is not advisable to subject food to prolonged heat treatment. Load up on fresh fruits and vegetables. Meat or fish should not exceed 100 g per day. Include eggs in your diet with caution - 1 piece every 3-4 days. For a patient who cannot feed himself, the food is ground to a puree consistency. Pay attention to foods containing potassium and magnesium - legumes, broccoli.

For prevention, 1-2 fasting days a week are useful. Take cottage cheese, kefir, apples, buckwheat as a basis.

What is contraindicated?

Avoid eating any animal fats and plant origin. Cook with refined olive oil. The ban also includes fatty meat and fish, any smoked meats, sausages, any fast food, semi-finished products and confectionery.

Consume only natural dairy and fermented milk products without flavorings, dyes, preservatives, thickeners, etc. - exclude condensed milk, whipped cream from a can, ice cream.

Salt, coffee, strong tea, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, and bread made from premium flour are contraindicated. Dilute juices with water 1:1.

Plan your nutrition after a stroke by first consulting with a specialist. Most likely, these recommendations are for life.

When choosing foods, give preference to lean meat and lean fish, vegetables, fruits and berries, low-fat dairy and fermented milk products.

It is better to cook meat and fish without adding oil - boil, bake in the oven or grill, stew.

To add flavor to your food and variety to your diet, use herbs and spices.

Diet for ischemic stroke

After an ischemic stroke, be sure to include black bread in your menu. If you find it, make it from yeast-free dough and without salt. Wheat bread must be pre-dried and consumed no more than 3 pieces per day.

All dairy and fermented milk products must be low-fat.

Include more cereals (with water and milk) and soups in your menu.

Give up sugar and store-bought sweets in favor of honey and homemade jam.

Everything fatty, spicy, smoked and fried, as well as mushrooms, is completely prohibited.

A sample menu for each day might look like this.

1. Breakfast. A soft-boiled egg or an omelette. A cheese sandwich. Cottage cheese with fruit. Vegetable salad. A cup of tea with honey.

2. Lunch. Vegetable soup. A portion of meat with a side dish. A piece of black bread. A glass of kefir, compote, fruit drink or jelly.

3. A portion of cottage cheese. Vegetable salad. Porridge. Fruits. A glass of milk or tea. Bread with honey or jam.

Diet after hemorrhagic stroke

After a hemorrhagic stroke, carry out control measurements of blood pressure at least once every 6-7 hours.

Avoid smoked, fatty and fried foods, any marinades and pickles. Eat as many fresh fruits, berries, vegetables and herbs as possible - a total of at least 700 g per day.

To prevent the formation of blood clots, include seaweed and low-fat fish in your diet at least 2-3 times a week.

For the same purpose, you can drink a glass of warm water with the addition of natural apple cider vinegar and honey (one tablespoon each) in the morning before meals.

Sample menu for the day:

1. Breakfast. A glass of milk or kefir and a piece of bread.

2. Afternoon snack. Vegetable salad and a cup of tea.

3. Vegetable soup. A portion of meat or fish dish with a side dish. Fruit salad. A glass of compote, fruit drink, jelly.

4. Dinner. A cheese sandwich. Cottage cheese. A glass of kefir.

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Diet and proper nutrition after a stroke

A stroke is a disruption of blood flow to the brain that causes nerve cells to die or become damaged. A rupture or blockage of an artery occurs due to blockage by a blood clot or plaque formation.

A person is not always able to avoid a stroke, since there are factors that no one can change: heredity and elderly age. However, eating right, walking and getting enough sleep will help reduce the risk of stroke in people who are most susceptible to the disease.

Why does a stroke occur?

There are several causes of stroke, the main ones being:

high blood pressure, it is believed that it is for this reason that about 40% of attacks occur;

smoking, people who smoke are at greater risk of stroke in 50% of cases;

obesity, excessive weight is the reason why the brain does not receive enough blood to function properly, in this case proper nutrition and diet are mandatory;

cardiovascular disease;

use of certain dietary supplements, amphetamines and other stimulants.

If the cause of stroke is obesity

If the cause of your first stroke was obesity, then to avoid another, you need to lose excess weight. Moreover, this must be done correctly and step by step in order to minimize harm to the body. Review your diet and reduce the amount of fat you consume by 30%. Try to buy products with no more than 3% fat content. During the day, fatty foods should not exceed 2 tablespoons (about two tablespoons).

How to create a menu after a stroke?

When creating a menu, you must take into account that you need to cook food with rapeseed, soybean, olive and sunflower oil. The amount of lean meat during the day should be no more than 120 g. It should be remembered that fish and meat contain a lot of hidden fats in addition to protein, which everyone knows about.

During the week, seafood should be included in the menu at least twice, and the number of eggs should also be limited to no more than 3 pieces. You shouldn’t go overboard with dairy products either.

Instead of flour products, give preference to black bread, which is baked from whole grains, corn flour or oat bran.

Eat fruits and vegetables, at least 400 g daily.

You should drink purified water and at least two liters during the day, but it is better to completely avoid coffee - this is not the best drink after a stroke.

What must be on the menu

When choosing vegetables for a menu, it is better to give preference to those that are rich in healthy fiber and folic acid. If the amount of sugar in your blood is within normal limits, then you can eat one banana every day. It contains a lot of potassium.

Potassium reduces the risk of another stroke by about 25%

The most useful berry for restoring the body after a stroke is blueberry. It is rich in antioxidants, which help maintain and heal the body.

Potatoes and meat should only be consumed baked or stewed. It is better to avoid taking them daily. It is better to replace meat and potatoes with legumes or soy products. Potatoes and meat should be on the menu no more than 2 or 3 times a week.

Foods high in folic acid may reduce the risk of another stroke by 20%

No less important in the diet are vitamins A, C, E. They help eliminate the consequences of an attack and support the body during the recovery period. In order for the body to return to normal as quickly as possible after an attack, it is necessary to include in the menu bran, brown rice, oats, and wheat, which contain very important elements (phytonutrients) for recovery.

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What to exclude from the menu after a stroke

It is necessary to completely exclude any pastries, bread, buns, cakes, margarine, sweet and butter. These foods contain a lot of fats, which contribute to high cholesterol.

High cholesterol increases the risk of another stroke by 30%. Find out your % risk from the SCORE table

The amount of salt consumed should also be limited if it is impossible to completely abandon it.

Avoid alcohol in any form. The only exception that can be made is for natural red wine, namely natural. According to experts, red wine has a good effect on the body's recovery after a stroke. How much of this drink can be consumed should be checked with your doctor.

Proper cooking for people who have had a stroke

Proper nutrition after a stroke means eliminating fatty foods. Therefore, you should include only low-fat foods in your diet, as well as prepare your food properly.

With the right approach to cooking meat or fish, the amount of fat contained in them can be reduced by almost 2 times.

Avoid smoking or frying foods. The meat will be more effective if it is steamed or oven-cooked; do not add any oils during cooking. When stewing or cooking foods, the resulting layer of fat on the surface should be removed.

You should not eat the same dishes every day, even if they are made from recommended products. This will quickly get boring and will eventually become disgusting, and the benefits from them will gradually decrease. There are many recipes that allow you to prepare a wide variety of dishes from the same products that will be healthy and tasty.

Use mild spices; among the variety, you can choose those that you can use while adhering to the required diet. They will help diversify the taste of even the most familiar dishes.

Diet for loss of chewing function

Some people have problems chewing and swallowing after a stroke. Therefore, for this type of people it is necessary to puree all food. For such food to have acceptable taste qualities, it is allowed to add vegetable sauces that do not contain salt. Almost all foods can be prepared so that they are suitable for people with chewing problems.

The products are crushed with a blender. Vegetable and fruit smoothies and meat purees are prepared from them. In this case, all products that are mixed must be at medium temperature. Baby purees in jars can be used as an alternative food with added spices for adults.

To add some flavor to the dish, try adding finely chopped cilantro or parsley.

Talk to your doctor about whether adding ginseng to your food is okay. It stimulates the body's resistance to disease and stress, and also improves blood circulation, promotes memory restoration, and dilates blood vessels.

If you eat improperly and consume foods that are prohibited, dehydration, various infections and other diseases may occur.

It is necessary to select proper nutrition after a stroke individually and only in consultation with your doctor and an experienced nutritionist. Proper nutrition is the key to speedy recovery and recovery of the whole body, as well as reducing the risk of a recurrent stroke.

Strokes are characterized by a variety of causes that cause the disease. It has been proven that the etiology of stroke in women and men differs in some cases. The causes of stroke in women mainly lie in the pathophysiology of the fertile period and menopause; in men, they are associated with occupational risks and bad habits. Associated with these same features.

Ischemic stroke (IS) is an acute disorder of cerebral circulation, a consequence of a lack of blood supply, accompanied by necrosis of a part of the brain. Another name for ischemic stroke, “cerebral infarction,” also reflects the essence of pathogenesis in the brain. Do not confuse the terms “cerebral infarction” and “myocardial infarction”. In the latter case.

Hemorrhagic stroke is a hypertensive hemorrhage into the brain parenchyma, accompanied by acute cerebrovascular accident, loss of function of the affected area, development of pathogenesis in the core and perifocal (around the core) zone, manifested by general and local neurological symptoms.

All patients with suspected stroke, or people with an obvious diagnosis of this, should be treated in the intensive care unit or in the intensive care wards of a neurological hospital under the supervision of a neurologist. In the conditions of a medical institution, all the activities that were provided are continued.

Treatment of stroke patients is a very long and gradual process that must go through a number of successive stages. First, such patients are treated in the intensive care unit, where they are fighting for their lives, then in a neurological hospital, where they are engaged in the restoration of the affected cells. But no less important is the stage.

Pine cones are a source of beneficial substances that help with various diseases. Thus, phytoncides strengthen the immune system and have an antimicrobial effect. Essential oils Give products made from fir cones a pleasant pine aroma. Tannins can stop the death of brain cells. Therefore, pine cones are useful in treating and.

Omega-3s are essential polyunsaturated fatty acids. This means that they are not synthesized in the human body and must come from environment with products containing these compounds in sufficient quantities. In this way, you can provide not only their daily requirement, but also make up for the deficiency.

The SCORE (Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation) coronary risk assessment system was developed by the Society of European Cardiologists. The table is intended for independent determination of the risk of stroke and death. To determine, use the following parameters: age from 40 to 65 years - five pairs of squares (the price of dividing the horizontal scale is 40 years.

By the way, after some time my grandfather actually began to recover and was discharged. I still eat a lot of greens. Probably a habit.

The information on the site is intended for informational purposes only and does not encourage self-treatment; consultation with a doctor is required!

Diet for stroke

Description current as of 05/16/2017

  • Efficacy: therapeutic effect after 1 month
  • Timing: constantly
  • Cost of food: rubles per week

General rules

Ischemic stroke is a condition that develops as a result of a decrease in blood supply to the brain in any arterial system. This leads to ischemia of this area and a focus of brain tissue necrosis is formed. Clinically, this is characterized by the appearance of persistent (more than 24 hours) focal symptoms, which correspond to damage to the vascular system and the identification of an acute cerebral infarction on CT or MRI.

Most common cause ischemic stroke is thrombosis or embolism against the background of cerebral atherosclerosis. With lesions of large arteries, fairly extensive cerebral infarctions develop with severe symptoms and a severe course. When small arteries are damaged, a microstroke develops - heart attacks with small lesions, so the disorders are hardly noticeable and their recovery occurs quickly. This may include numbness of the face, dizziness or sudden headache, poor coordination of movements, intolerance to bright light and loud sounds. Often patients do not pay attention to this and are left without the necessary treatment.

Treatment includes basic therapy (maintaining blood pressure, normalizing breathing, regulating homeostasis, reducing cerebral edema, eliminating hyperthermia) and specific therapy - thrombolysis, antiplatelet therapy, anticoagulant therapy (as indicated) and even surgical treatment. An important point is also nutrition. What should be the diet for a stroke?

In case of depression of consciousness or impaired swallowing, nutrition in the hospital is carried out using a tube with special mixtures (Nutrizon, Berlamin, Nitridrink), the energy value of which varies in kcal. For each patient, the daily amount of protein, fats and carbohydrates is calculated and a certain amount of the mixture is administered.

Food and meals can be administered through the tube. Lean boiled meat and fish are allowed, which are passed through a meat grinder twice and rubbed through a sieve. The resulting puree is mixed with the pureed side dish and the broth is added until the desired consistency passes through the probe. The patient receives 50 g of fish and 150 g of meat, 200 ml of kefir, 600 ml of milk, 150 g of cottage cheese, 50 g of sour cream per day. Porridges are prepared pureed, diluted with milk or broth.

Potatoes, carrots, beets, cauliflower, zucchini, and pumpkin are well boiled and pureed. When it becomes possible to swallow, the patient is transferred to self-feeding: liquid cereals, juices, fruit and vegetable purees, soups with meat, chopped in a blender. Drinks allowed include tea with milk, cocoa with milk, juices, and rosehip infusions.

Diet for ischemic stroke should comply with recommendations healing table 10C, which is prescribed for vascular atherosclerosis. This therapeutic nutrition is aimed at normalizing lipid metabolism and slowing the progression of atherosclerosis. Contains a physiological amount of proteins, limited animal fat, simple carbohydrates and table salt (4-5 g). The food is enriched with vegetable oils, which contain polyunsaturated fatty acids and dietary fiber (cereals, vegetables and fruits).

Thus, nutrition after an ischemic stroke is based on the following principles:

  • normalization of blood cholesterol, because main reason stroke - atherosclerosis and lipid metabolism disorders;
  • caloric restriction due to sugar and baked goods;
  • control blood pressure by reducing salt in the diet. Food is prepared without it and it is allowed to add 4-5 g to dishes;
  • complete vitamin composition (especially folic acid, vitamins B6, B12, E);
  • fluid consumption up to 1.2 l;
  • butter is allowed up to 20 g per day and up to 30 g of vegetable oil;
  • Regular meals are recommended (up to 5 times a day) to avoid hunger;
  • if you are overweight, significantly limit or completely eliminate sugar, flour and cereal dishes;
  • Drinks that stimulate the central nervous system (alcohol, strong tea and coffee) are limited.

Now let's talk more about these points. Proper nutrition consists of reducing the consumption of animal fats and eliminating the intake of cholesterol from food. At the same time, it is necessary to increase the consumption of dietary fiber from cereals, vegetables and fruits. Dietary fiber absorbs excess cholesterol and removes it through the intestines.

Complex carbohydrates from fresh vegetables, fruits and cereals normalize energy metabolism, which is important after a stroke, are slowly digested and create a feeling of satiety. Preference should be given to vegetables and fruits of purple and red color (they contain anticyanidins that reduce capillary permeability): grapes, pomegranate, eggplant, red cabbage, sweet red pepper, beets.

In case of cerebrovascular accidents, hypertension and atherosclerosis, the need for polyunsaturated fats increases fatty acids oh omega-3. They are essential and are not synthesized in the body. The daily need for them is 1-2 grams. The largest amount of linolenic acid is found in flax seeds, and sources of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids are fish oil, sea fish, tuna, herring, sardines and salmon. That is why the diet of patients should be dominated by vegetable oils and sea fish, which are better to replace meat in the diet.

The presence of vitamin E is also important, the source of which is sea fish and vegetable oils, soybeans, milk, and greens. Vitamin B6 is very useful, which we get from fruits, vegetables and whole grains: broccoli, spinach, carrots, seeds, wheat germ, corn, legumes. The action of B6 is to reduce homocysteine, which plays a significant role in the occurrence of ischemia.

Vitamins B6 and B12 help suppress homocysteine, but folic acid is more effective in this regard. Its intake of 400 mcg per day or more is necessary to reduce the risk of recurrent stroke. With its deficiency, homocysteine ​​quickly accumulates in the blood. The leaders in folic acid content are cabbage, broccoli, beans, lentils, and citrus fruits.

After a stroke, a person is limited in movement and weight gain is noted. Extra calories come from baked goods and sweets. Replace wheat bread with bran bread, you will have to give up pancakes, pies and buns, instead of sweets, allow yourself honey, fruits and dried fruits, the benefits of which are much greater than in cakes and pastries. Sugar is allowed up to 50 g per day. To control your weight, you need to weigh yourself once every two weeks. Periodically you need to arrange fasting days: kefir or curd, and according to the season - cucumber and watermelon.

In case of hemorrhagic stroke, which occurs against the background of high blood pressure, the basic principles of nutrition are the same, but of particular importance is the limitation of salt, which binds and retains fluid in the body, which leads to an even greater increase in pressure and stress on the cardiovascular system. In this case, food is prepared without salt, and it is used in the amount of 2-4 g in ready-made dishes.

The second distinctive point of nutrition in this form of stroke is limiting fluid intake to 1.2 liters per day and excluding coffee, strong tea, various tonic drinks and stimulants (ginseng, Eleutherococcus, etc.) from the diet. To some extent, a decoction of diuretic herbs, valerian, hawthorn, beet juice and chokeberry. Great importance has the maintenance of potassium and magnesium levels in the blood. These microelements are found in rice, millet, prunes, dried apricots, raisins, oatmeal, cauliflower and white cabbage, bran bread, nuts, beef.

Authorized Products

It is better to eat rye bread, but wheat bread is also allowed, as well as with bran, peeled and whole grain flour. You can afford dry cookies, homemade savory pastries made from whole grain flour with bran and stuffed with cottage cheese, cabbage or fish.

Vegetable soups, cabbage soup, beetroot soup, borscht, and soups with cereals are allowed. However, they need to be cooked in water or vegetable broth. Meat and poultry should be selected from low-fat varieties and served boiled or baked. Therapeutic nutrition for this disease involves the predominance of fish and seafood in the diet, which should replace meat dishes. If you eat meat, then to reduce the extractive substances in it, you must first boil it and then bake or fry it.

It is better to prepare side dishes from vegetables: cabbage, beets, eggplants, pumpkins, carrots, zucchini and potatoes. It is better to make a mix of vegetables in the form of a stew. Fresh, you can make a variety of salads with the addition of healthy flax seeds and vegetable oils, which are best changed. Include vegetables rich in folic acid: leaf salads, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, corn, pumpkin, beets, celery, carrots.

Milk and fermented milk should be consumed with low fat content, low-fat cottage cheese can serve as breakfast, and low-fat sour cream should be added only to dishes. Eggs are allowed up to 4 eggs per week, while protein can be eaten more often (in the form of protein omelettes). Porridges are prepared from buckwheat, barley, oatmeal, and millet cereals; they can be added to krupeniki (casseroles with cottage cheese). If you are obese, cereals and flour products should be limited. Butter (20 g per day) and vegetable oils (30 g) are allowed; they are used in dishes.

Fruits and berries can be consumed raw, as well as in compotes and jellies. Prefer fruits rich in potassium: dried apricots, dates, raisins, prunes, apples.

You can drink weak tea with milk, a coffee substitute ( coffee drinks, chicory), vegetable and berry juices. A daily intake of rosehip and wheat bran decoction is recommended.

Table of permitted products

Vegetables and greens



Nuts and dried fruits

Cereals and porridges

Bakery products


Raw materials and seasonings


Cheeses and cottage cheese

Meat products


Fish and seafood

Oils and fats

Non-alcoholic drinks

Fully or partially limited products

Entirely puff pastry products, meat/fish/mushroom broths. You cannot make soups from legumes. It is not allowed to consume fatty pork, poultry, cooking fats, kidneys and liver, which contain large amounts of cholesterol, sausages, canned food and various smoked meats.

Fatty fish, canned fish and fish roe (high cholesterol content), as well as salted and smoked fish are undesirable due to their high salt content. Fat cheese and cream, fat cottage cheese and sour cream are prohibited.

Radishes, radishes and mushrooms are difficult to digest vegetables and cause bloating; they should be excluded from the diet. Sorrel and spinach are undesirable due to their high oxalic acid content. You cannot eat chocolate, sweets, ice cream, or products with cream. Strong tea, coffee and cocoa are prohibited. Highly extractive sauces, as well as mustard and horseradish, are excluded.

Dishes made from beans, peas, and beans are limited, as they cause bloating, and egg yolks due to their high cholesterol content. If you are obese, you should very rarely eat grapes, honey, raisins, and limit pasta and cereals.

Table of prohibited products

Vegetables and greens




Nuts and dried fruits


Ice cream



Raw materials and seasonings


Cheeses and cottage cheese

Meat products



Fish and seafood

Oils and fats

Non-alcoholic drinks

* data is per 100 g of product

Menu (Power Mode)

In the nutrition menu after a stroke, it is important to increase the proportion plant products, dietary fiber and vegetable fats. Choose lean chicken and fish. Maintain high-density cholesterol levels by consuming omega-3 PUFAs daily: flax seeds, walnuts, mackerel, herring, and tuna dishes.

Every day you need to eat up to 500 g of fruits and vegetables. A large amount of fiber is contained in bran, so add it to all dishes, whole oatmeal, gooseberries, raspberries, prunes, dates, figs, raisins and dried apricots. 4-5 meals a day are organized. Remember that food should be prepared without salt; you can consume 50 g of sugar and 15 g of butter per day.


  • cottage cheese casserole with sour cream;
  • fruit salad with sprouted grains;
  • chicken breast boiled;
  • cauliflower and zucchini salad with sunflower oil and bran;
  • grain bread;
  • fruit juice.
  • vegetarian cabbage soup with sour cream;
  • meat cabbage rolls;
  • bran bread;
  • compote.
  • fish dumplings;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • cabbage and carrot salad with olive oil and flax seed;
  • tomato juice.
  • curdled milk.


  • milk rice porridge with dried apricots;
  • steam omelette;
  • tea with milk;
  • bran bread.
  • boiled meat;
  • stewed vegetables with added bran;
  • tomato juice.
  • soup with squash;
  • buckwheat porridge;
  • boiled chicken;
  • compote, fruit.
  • tuna cutlets;
  • vegetable salad with vegetable oil and flax seeds;
  • oatmeal cookies;
  • apricot juice.
  • kefir.


  • buckwheat milk porridge;
  • soft-boiled egg;
  • coffee drink;
  • biscuits.
  • cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin and prunes;
  • fresh fruits.
  • chicken soup with vegetables;
  • steamed fish cakes;
  • vegetable stew with added bran;
  • compote.
  • fish balls;
  • vegetable salad with flaxseed oil;
  • unhealthy cookies;
  • rosehip decoction.
  • low-fat yogurt.

Diet recipes

First meal

Chicken soup with vegetables

Chicken fillet, carrots, potatoes, onion, green pea, green beans, broccoli, greens.

Cook chicken broth. Remove the finished fillet from the broth and cut into cubes. Place potatoes in broth. Cut carrots, onions, green beans, broccoli into slices and sauté. Add fried vegetables, fillet and green peas to the boiling broth. Boil. When serving, sprinkle with herbs.

Squash soup

Vegetable broth, squash, potatoes, carrots, 2 tbsp flour. l., butter, herbs.

Peel the squash, potatoes, carrots and chop as desired. Place potatoes and carrots in hot broth. In a frying pan, mix flour with melted butter, dilute with hot broth and return to soup. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add the squash and add parsley at the end.

Second courses

Fish meatballs

Minced fish, onion, 2 tbsp. l. rice, egg, flour, vegetable oil, sour cream.

Cook the rice. Chop or grate the onion. Add rice, onion, egg to the minced meat and mix. Form balls, roll them in flour, lightly fry, pour sour cream and simmer under the lid for 20 minutes. Serve with vegetable salad.

Fish quenelles with mashed potatoes

Minced meat (from pike perch or cod), spices for fish, egg, butter.

Add fish spices, yolk and separately beaten whites to the minced fish, mix. Form quenelles from the mixture and cook them in a saucepan in a small amount of water. Place the quenelles on a plate and pour melted butter over the mashed potatoes. Can be served with bechamel sauce.


Cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin

Milk, semolina, eggs, cottage cheese, pumpkin, butter, sugar.

Cook semolina porridge in milk. Peel the pumpkin, simmer the pieces in oil with a little water until tender and mash well. Add cottage cheese, pumpkin, eggs and sugar to the porridge. Place the mixture on a baking sheet, level the surface, and bake until done.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • The meals are complete and include a variety of foods.
  • It is balanced and can be performed constantly.
  • Normalizes lipid metabolism, helps normalize blood pressure.
  • Many patients find it difficult to tolerate salt and sugar restrictions.


Proper nutrition after a cerebral stroke is one of the main components that will help you recover, so you should stick to it. As a rule, a therapeutic diet provides only healthy and necessary foods, but many favorite foods must be given up, at least until improvements occur. A proper diet will help not only restore the strength of a diseased brain, but also prevent a recurrent attack.

An effective diet after a cerebral stroke provides for certain rules that should be followed on the recommendation of your doctor. It is imperative to drink more fluids, especially for diabetes mellitus, when the water-salt process is disrupted. This leads to blood thickening and there is a risk that the brain stroke may recur. The diet allows you to consume not only water as a liquid, but also compotes, diluted natural juices, coffee or carbonated drinks are strictly not allowed.

Salt should be excluded from the diet after a brain stroke, only after a certain time, it should be added to food in small portions. Potassium, an element found in numerous foods, will help normalize blood pressure and heart function. The diet categorically excludes harmful cholesterol, especially for diabetics, in order to avoid a recurrent brain stroke.

The closest friends of any diet after a cerebral stroke are fruits and vegetables, which can be cooked or eaten raw. As already mentioned, coffee is the very first enemy for a person who has been struck by a cerebral stroke, and there is no place for it in the menu of an established diet. Not many people know what Omega 3 is, fatty acids that, even in small quantities as part of the diet, will be beneficial for the body after a stroke or for a diabetic.

The main goal of a proper diet for brain stroke is to restore the body’s strength, in addition:

  • Provide the brain and other organs important for life with nutrients and beneficial substances in the required quantities.
  • Thinning the blood is especially important for people who have diabetes.
  • Prevent weight gain and, if necessary, bring it closer to normal.

Why do you need a diet?

As a rule, after a stroke or even accompanied by diabetes mellitus, a person may experience swallowing problems, and the function partially or completely disappears. In the case when complete paralysis of the swallowing reflex occurs, the patient is fed through a tube; if the loss is partial, then all the food is pureed and made more liquid. And all permitted drinks or water are given through a straw. As a rule, the diet for a cerebral stroke is not always strict; the main thing is proper and varied nutrition to minimize the risk of a recurrence of the attack.

When a patient eats on his own after suffering a brain stroke, he has to give up many of his habits and radically change his lifestyle, in particular, give up highly fried, salty and spicy foods. The diet does not provide specific and strict rules; it is enough to follow the doctor’s instructions. For example, eat in small portions so that the caloric content of foods is not higher than normal; the diet menu should include food that includes special and necessary carbohydrates. In addition, it is necessary to add fats, preferably of the same plant origin, and proteins.

Very often, after a brain stroke, a person changes his taste and does not want to think about food, sometimes even refuses it, this entails unpleasant consequences. The patient loses a lot of weight, the body gets enough nutrients, and in the period after a brain stroke this is very dangerous, which is why doctors recommend eating in small portions to make the process more enjoyable. And if the patient eats very little, then the doctor prescribes vitamin supplements.

Important ! Experts help a person understand how important it is to stick to the right diet after a brain stroke and what consequences can occur if you eat incorrectly, so that the person can come to terms with strict restrictions.


A recovery diet after a stroke involves eating vegetables and fruits, but most often you should eat cabbage and beets; spinach is very useful, it improves the biochemical reactions occurring in the brain area. Among the fruits, we can highlight blueberries and cranberries, berries that remove free radicals from the body; due to their natural origin, they are quite strong antioxidants. As for fish products as part of the diet, it is preferable to eat the meat of fatty sea creatures, for example, tuna, sardines or herring, salmon, they contain the necessary acids and phosphorus that improve metabolic processes in brain tissue. But river fish is not suitable for a proper diet for a cerebral stroke; it should be excluded.

The menu can include poultry and meat that do not contain fats, dairy products that are also devoid of them, seafood, unrefined oils, and butter in small quantities.

This is what a diet should look like for a patient who has suffered a cerebral stroke:

  1. For breakfast, a small piece of white bread, warmed milk and honey, or lettuce, a piece of rye bread with a small piece of butter and weak tea.
  2. For lunch vegetable soup, you can add a little lean beef, mashed potatoes, for dessert a sweet fruit salad, or lemon juice with honey.
  3. Before dinner, you can snack on tomatoes in small quantities, adding crackers.
  4. Prepare a small piece for dinner rye bread with butter, greens in the form of dill or parsley and a glass of kefir.

A person will have to get used to a new lifestyle if he wants to avoid a recurrence of a stroke and restore body functions, therefore, in most cases, the diet is not a temporary change, it becomes a permanent companion after the illness.

Folk remedies after a stroke

People also have their own methods of restoring the functions of the brain and the body as a whole after a stroke. This is plantain foliage, walnut, calendula and strawberry flowers, yarrow flowers and greens, St. John's wort and agrimony.

Drink mumiyo for two weeks, mixing it with aloe juice, then take a break and drink propolis tincture for the next 14 days. The liquid can be drunk with the addition of Caucasian diascorea infused with vodka.

Take a herbal tincture of arnica, St. John's wort for two months, horse chestnut and skullcap, in the proportion of a third of a teaspoon every day before meals, no more than three times, after a break of two months, return to medical therapy.

For a month, drink a collection of hawthorn herbs, you can use fruits or flowers, Tibetan lofant, in the form of ground flowers, motherwort and rose hips. Every day, three times before meals, half a glass of decoction, then take a break for a week and resume therapy.

How to make a menu correctly

An effective diet for cerebral stroke must be varied, because the same food cannot become the source of all necessary for the body substances. The menu must include food different colors, brightly colored fruits and vegetables that contain huge amounts of useful vitamins and microelements for brain function. In addition to vegetables and fruits, these can be legume ingredients, which are especially useful after an attack of ischemic stroke.

As a rule, the daily diet includes five servings of vegetables and fruits, for example, one serving of vegetables replaces a plate of salad or half boiled vegetables, or a glass of juice from them. A serving of fruit is a small product, the size of a tennis ball, one banana or a glass of berries.

You should pay attention to food labels, where there are many useful information, according to the laws, the manufacturer is required to note what nutritional value the product contains and its composition. Since a diet after a cerebral stroke can reduce the risk of a second attack, it is necessary to pay attention to information such as the presence of fat, the number of calories, whether saturated and trans fats are present, cholesterol composition, sodium content and fiber content.

If you reduce the consumption of trans or saturated fats to a minimum, the amount of cholesterol in the blood will also decrease, and this is an important indicator for a patient who has suffered a cerebral stroke. These fatty, waxy substances are found in foods of animal origin. In order for brain cells to be healthy, very little of this element is needed, and its excess leads to the risk of stroke, as well as other heart diseases. As for cholesterol levels, the human body partially produces it, and the body receives the rest from fatty foods.

Saturated fats, which can be harmful and lead to brain stroke, are very easy to replace with similar products in the diet, for example, butter can be excluded in favor of light dietary margarine. Fat cheese can be replaced with a product that contains less fat; milk or cream can be replaced with similar products that contain less fat. To replace cream cheese, low-fat processed cheese is great, and plain ice cream can be replaced by low-fat yogurt or fruit juice. As for cottage cheese during a diet, there is no need to replace it with anything, it is enough to opt for 1%, olive oil suitable instead of fatty sauces or salad dressings, pork ribs for tenderloin, from chicken eggs leave only protein, fatty meats for lean foods.

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Modern medicine can cure most diseases. Typhoid and plague, smallpox and polio have submitted to it, but when it comes to stroke, the overwhelming majority of people consider this diagnosis a death sentence.

Statistics say that the mortality rate of patients suffering from a primary acute cerebrovascular accident does not exceed 11, but the consequences of even a slight hemorrhage can be very different - from short-term loss of consciousness to complete or partial paralysis.

Of course, timely first aid and competent drug therapy reduce the risk of irreversible negative consequences for the body, but the patient must undergo a course of full rehabilitation, which includes a post-stroke diet.

Relatives and friends caring for the patient must understand which vital signs of the body are positively affected by the rehabilitation diet:

  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • maintaining normal level blood sugar;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • acceleration of biochemical reactions of the brain;
  • restoration and acceleration of metabolism;
  • weight loss (if necessary);
  • stable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which is especially important in case of dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system.

Restoring the above functions will certainly help in full or partial rehabilitation of the body, however, a post-stroke diet will most likely become not a temporary, but a permanent measure to overcome the consequences and prevent apoplexy.

Five rules of a rehabilitation diet

  1. Total calories daily diet should not exceed 2500 kK, and in the case of an obese patient - no more than 1900–2000. The products should be as healthy and nutritious as possible: 200 grams of white bread in terms of calorie content will completely replace a hundred gram portion of boiled salmon, but flour will not bring any benefit to the patient’s body.
  2. Fractional meals. The number of meals per day should be at least five, and the serving size should not exceed 150 grams. Try not to serve mono-dishes, as this may make it difficult for the patient to stool, but combine foods: diversify the porridge with fruit salad, and steam the fish with vegetables.
  3. Avoid salt - it retains water in the body, which leads to swelling and increased blood pressure. In the first two to three weeks after an apoplexy, its use is completely prohibited, and then it can be introduced into the diet in very small portions, not exceeding 2-3 grams per day.
  4. "Colorful" menu. Elderly people who do not use the Internet, as well as people with poor vision, find it difficult to understand calorie content and beneficial properties vegetables, fruits or cereals, so the reference point will be the color combination of products: the brighter and more colorful the combination of natural (not chemically colored!) products on the plate, the wider the range of beneficial microelements and vitamins received by the patient.
  5. It is necessary to drink at least 1200–1500 ml of water per day - purified and without gas (or slightly carbonated). It restores the metabolism necessary for normal functioning, thins the blood and removes stroke-damaged cells from the body.

Very important: when the pressure rises to 180–200 units, salt is immediately excluded from the diet.

Vitamins and microelements necessary for successful rehabilitation of the patient

The main purpose of the diet is to maintain, replenish and restore the functions of the body affected by apoplexy, therefore the foods eaten by patients should increase blood fluidity, reduce the possibility of blood clots and saturate the brain and other vital organs with useful compounds and nutrients.

Table 1

Essential vitamins, microelements, compoundsPositive ImpactWhat products containNote
B, D, C – vitaminsReduce the content of homocysteine, which provokes stroke relapsesAsparagus, sunflower seeds, wheat (sprouted), nuts – walnuts, cashews, hazelnutsContains healthy fiber
Polyunsaturated omega-3, omega-6 acidsAccelerate biochemical reactions of the brain, normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular systemFlounder, cod and other sea fish, seafood; olive, soybean and other vegetable oilsRiver and lake fish species are undesirable for consumption.
Folic acidStabilizes blood pressure, reduces the risk of relapseLegumes (beans, beans, lentils, peas, etc.)Particularly recommended for ischemic stroke
Potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, etc.Accelerate metabolism and promote overall recoveryTomatoes, potatoes, garlic, bananas, citrus fruits, dark plums, dried apricots, etc.
In the post-acute period, it is recommended to consume 1-2 cloves of garlic every 5-7 days
ProteinSupports and restores vital functions
Chicken, rabbit, turkey and other dietary meats
Pig, lamb, duck, goose and other fatty meats are strictly prohibited
AnthocyanidinsStabilizes heart function, reduces capillary permeabilityVegetables and fruits of blue and purple colors (eggplant, blue onions, dark grapes)If you have difficulty bowel movements, it is better to choose seedless fruits
Beta-caroteneReduces blood pressurePumpkin, carrots, red bell peppers, apricotsBest served raw or steamed
AntioxidantsRestore metabolism, effectively remove free radicalsAll types of cabbage, spinach, beets, cranberries, blueberries, etc.To soften the bitterness, a combination of cranberries and honey is allowed
Complex carbohydratesActivate the restoration of brain cells, reduce cholesterol levelsHoney; barley, buckwheat, oatmeal; brown rice, grains, apples, zucchini, etc.The products are mainly nutritious, so you need to calculate the calorie content of ready-made dishes

Foods prohibited in the post-stroke diet

The patient or those caring for him must realize that even minimal amount Forbidden foods can set back the results of daily hard rehabilitation work, so be extremely careful with the following dishes:

  • all fried foods: you will have to forget about scrambled eggs and bacon, pies, fried pork, lamb, potatoes, etc.;
  • prepared using fats of animal origin: butter, margarine, lard, lard, fat tail and other types of animal oils are prohibited;
  • ready-made dishes with a high fat content: sausages, puff pastries, casseroles, meat with gravy, baked fatty poultry, etc.;
  • dairy products with a fat content of more than 2.5%: sour cream, cottage cheese, yoghurts, fermented baked milk and cheeses with a fat content of more than 1–2%;
  • products containing cholesterol, trans fats, palm kernel or coconut oils: ice cream, crackers, cookies, egg yolks, McDonald's products, etc.;
  • sweet, spicy, salty or pickled dishes: ketchup and cakes, hot peppers and spicy vegetables, pickles and jams prepared for the winter are no longer for you.
  1. Any type of alcoholic beverages: they are completely prohibited (!). There is a certain legend that dry red wine helps to recover from a stroke. It is not true. One glass of good wine a day helps prevent and prevent the onset of apoplexy, because it has a beneficial effect on the composition of the blood and the condition of the walls of blood vessels, however, after a stroke (especially in the first months), even this little can cause irreparable harm to the body. In addition, if apoplexy was the result of excessive drinking, then know: a return to bad habits can, within a maximum of 2 years, provoke a second attack, the result of which may well be fatal.
  2. Smoking, abuse of smoking mixtures, hookah - tobacco and other mixtures thin the walls of blood vessels, disrupt gas exchange in the blood, and distort vegetative metabolism in the cerebral cortex.
  3. Ground and instant coffee, dark types of tea, energy drinks and other drinks, the consumption of which can increase blood pressure and cause a recurrent stroke.

Post-stroke diet menu

In 1923, the Institute of Nutrition was created in the Soviet Union. One of the initiators of its foundation was the therapist M.I. Pevzner, whose recommendations on dietology and clinical gastroenterology are still the basis for the development of the post-stroke menu “Dietary Table No. 10”.

Target: reduction and stabilization of high blood pressure, restoration and normalization of the functioning of the cardiovascular system, prevention of blood clots, blood thinning.

Calories: 1900–2500 kK.

Energy value and chemical composition daily diet:

  • complex carbohydrates- 350–450 g;
  • proteins - up to 100 g (60% - animals);
  • healthy fats - up to 70 g (up to 50% - vegetable);
  • salt - up to 3 g (only in the post-acute period);
  • pure water - up to 1200 mg.

Cooking technology: boiling, steaming, baking, grilling.

Temperature of served food: any (both hot and cold food are allowed).

Peculiarities: salt-free recipes; lack of animal fats; five meals a day in fractional portions (120–150 g).

Options for replacing regular foods with dietary ones:

  1. Butter, lard, etc. - vegetable oils.
  2. Fatty cheeses - Tofu, Gaudette, Ricotta with a fat content of up to 10%.
  3. Ryazhenka, baked milk, cream - milk with a fat content of up to 1.5%.
  4. Cottage cheese or curd masses with 9% fat content are the same, but up to 1%.
  5. Eggs (chicken, quail) - only egg white.
  6. Fatty meat - tenderloin, balyk, for chicken - meat without skin.
  7. Potatoes - asparagus, spinach, cabbage.
  8. Cookies, crackers, chips - rye crackers (wetting with olive oil is allowed).
  9. Ice cream - frozen natural juices.
  10. Ready-made sauces, mayonnaise, ketchup - lemon juice.

Healthy ready meals:

  1. Soups - in light non-meat broths or water, seasoned with cereals or chopped vegetables. Cold beet soups, puree soups, milk soups, gelled soups and okroshka. Season with low-fat yogurt or sour cream, lemon juice, chopped greens. Meat and mushroom broths are prohibited.
  2. Fish - low-fat sea fish, boiled, grilled, steamed. Prepared from whole carcasses, chopped or ground mass. Jelly serving is allowed. Seafood allowed. Smoked meats, salted foods, canned foods, and fish roe are prohibited.
  3. Meat - lean veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef or pork balyk (tenderloin) - only in the post-acute period. To remove excess fat, the meat must first be boiled and then used for further processing. Cutlets, steamed meatballs, boiled pork, carbonate are allowed. All fatty meats, sausages, dried and dried products, and canned foods are prohibited.
  4. Bread products, bakery products and baked goods - gray, black, with bran, made from first- or second-grade flour, stale, salt-free. Biscuits, crackers. White bread, puff pastries, pancakes, pancakes, cheesecakes are prohibited.
  5. Dairy products should not be high-fat in the post-stroke diet

  6. Cereals - almost everything (semolina - sometimes). Puddings, casseroles, porridges. Restriction: pasta, vermicelli, legume puree.
  7. Vegetables and fruits - preferably consumed daily, boiled or steamed (less often raw). In acute and post-acute times, pickles, marinades, preserves, and fermented foods are prohibited. Limit: all types of radishes, peas, shallots and green onions.
  8. Chicken, quail, duck eggs - only boiled whites (no more than 1 per day). In the post-acute period - no more than 1 egg per day in dishes (casseroles, baked omelettes). Fried, soft-boiled, poached eggs are prohibited.
  9. Drinks - juices, compotes, fresh juices, decoctions, uzvars, green tea. Cocktails with low-fat milk or yogurt. Coffee, cocoa, dark types of tea are prohibited.
  10. Sweets - jelly, mousse, soufflé, honey, gelled soy candies, dried fruits. Chocolate, biscuits, etc. are prohibited.

Examples of daily menus during different periods of post-stroke rehabilitation

table 2

BreakfastLunchDinnerAfternoon snackDinner*
Cottage cheese.
Low-fat yogurt1. Vegetable soup.
2. Steamed chicken fillet cutlet.
3. Shredded cabbage with olive oil.
4. Natural juice
Apple1. Steamed mackerel fillet
(with lemon juice).
2. Cooked brown rice.
3. Fresh grated carrots
Cottage cheese casserole.
Green tea
Banana1. Fish soup with rice.
2. Salmon fillet on a vegetable bed.
3. Vinaigrette.
4. Cherry jelly
Tea with rosehip.
Rye cracker
1. Steamed turkey meatballs.
2. Buckwheat porridge.
3. Cucumber salad
Chicken egg omelette.
Weak black tea
Galette cookies
1. Green borscht.
2. Beef pork on a bed of vegetables.
3. Boiled beets.
4. Fresh orange
Plum jelly.
Unleavened cracker
1. Beef veal stroganoff.
2. Couscous.
3. Greek salad with tofu cheese

* - dinner should end 3 hours before bedtime.

The menu we offer is an opportunity to analyze, supplement and improve the dishes indicated in the table, but one rule must remain unchanged - the products must be fresh, varied, as healthy as possible and... inexpensive. Replace the very expensive salmon fillet with economical pollock, bake it on a bed of broccoli and sprinkle with lemon juice - the patient’s body will receive the necessary useful acids, vitamins and phosphorus, and you will save the family budget from exorbitant expenses.

Video - Nutrition after a stroke

The first step... The first word... Yes, sometimes people who have had a stroke learn to live again, and it’s hard for their relatives. But patience, work, care, love and adherence to a rehabilitation diet are the path that will definitely lead the patient to recovery and a full, happy life.

The essence of diet after a stroke

Dietary nutrition plays an important role in the process of recovery and return to familiar everyday life. In this article we will try to understand the essence of the diet for stroke and the need to follow it.

First of all, what is a stroke? This is a pathological process in which the patient’s brain ceases to receive sufficient oxygen and nutrients due to a failure in blood circulation. Due to a lack of nutrients, tissues gradually begin to die. The necrotic area of ​​the brain stops working, blocking the normal functioning of the organ or system for which it is responsible.

Features of the diet after a stroke

The main rules are to minimize the consumption of animal fats and salt. If you are unable to completely give up salt, try to reduce the amount to 5 grams. per day is the maximum allowable amount. Remember that excess salt contributes to the development of hypertension, which is especially dangerous after a stroke. Salted and pickled foods, which contain not only large amounts of salt, but also spices and vinegar, are also contraindicated for vascular diseases. Limiting animal fats in food will help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and cleanse blood vessels of plaques that impede blood supply.

Sugar consumption should be eliminated or limited to 50 grams. per day. Keep in mind that not only sugar in its pure form is taken into account, but also sugar contained in other foods. Therefore, carefully monitor the composition of the products you purchase.

Your daily menu should be rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, combined with low fat, mainly from plant sources. Of course, many foods and dishes are prohibited after a stroke. However, the list of permitted products is large enough to provide a varied menu. Doctors recommend consuming some products “occasionally” - that is, 1-2 times a week.

After a stroke, you need to eat in small portions at least 4 times a day. The last meal should be moderate and no later than 3 hours before bedtime. The total volume of products per day should not exceed 2 kg. The volume of liquid drunk is recommended within 1 liter.

Basic principles of menu planning after a stroke

For cooking, it is important to use sunflower, rapeseed, olive and soybean oil. A huge amount of seafood and fish, shrimp and caviar are contraindicated. A serving of lean meat per day should not exceed 120 g.

You should avoid any baked goods; it is better to eat whole grain black bread, oat bran, and corn flour. Eat more naturally grown vegetables and fruits (if possible).

When dieting after ischemic stroke the best drink There will be purified water, as well as green tea without sugar and compote. Alcohol after a stroke is strictly prohibited in any doses.

How to prevent a stroke?

First of all, you need to adhere to a stroke diet, eat foods low in salt, fat and cholesterol. Yandex.Direct Stroke. Effective treatment. How to quickly overcome the disease without leaving home, spending only 12 minutes a day. There are contraindications. Consult your doctor. It is also necessary to normalize your weight, exercise regularly and take a blood test for cholesterol. The diet should have enough potassium, magnesium, vitamin E and essential fatty acids. Women who have already had a stroke should not use birth control pills further.

How to safely lose weight after a stroke?

Because of the risk of another stroke, a gradual approach to weight loss is necessary. First, you need to reduce your fat intake by 30%. Buy products with no more than 3 percent fat content. Limit your total fat intake to 40 to 70 grams (three to four tablespoons) per day.

Prohibited foods after a stroke


Pork, poultry skin, all types of sausages (especially salami), fried and smoked meat.


Fried and smoked fish are not allowed. Fatty fish varieties are limited.


Cream, condensed milk, sour cream and other high-fat dairy products.

Cereals, bakery products





Strong coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, sweet nectars, fruit drinks.


Ice cream and other types of ice cream, butter creams, chocolate, fondants and toffees.

First meal

Rich broths.


All types of mushrooms in any form are prohibited.

Allowed products after a stroke


Veal, chicken and turkey, rabbit. All dishes are boiled or baked. Sometimes lean beef and lean pieces of lamb are acceptable.


Cod, walker, flounder, and other low-fat varieties of fish, baked or boiled. Sometimes it is allowed to eat herring, sardines, salmon, tuna, and mackerel. (But not canned goods!)


Cheese (low-fat varieties), yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, milk. Sometimes processed cheese is allowed. Butter is allowed only occasionally and no more than 20 grams.


Egg whites are allowed. Sometimes you can eat a whole egg, but no more than 1 per day.

Cereals, bakery products

Oatmeal, brown rice, buckwheat, millet. It is advisable to use salt-free bread, rye bread or wholemeal bread. Crackers and savory cookies are acceptable. Sometimes you can allow a little white bread and sweet cereals. Sometimes pasta is acceptable.


Boiled, baked or sometimes stewed potatoes. Cabbage – white, cauliflower, other types. Zucchini, eggplant, pumpkin, tomatoes, carrots and cucumbers are healthy. These vegetables can be used to prepare side dishes and casseroles. Garlic, onions, horseradish, parsley and dill, and fennel are useful.


Dried fruits and berries, sometimes candied or preserves, jams, marmalade. In the absence of allergies - oranges and other citrus fruits. Apricots, dried apricots and bananas, rich in potassium, are very useful.


Compotes, unsweetened fruit drinks, jelly, kvass. Freshly squeezed juices from fruits and vegetables. Decoctions of rose hips and herbs, weak tea or tea with milk (without sugar). Sometimes you can drink cocoa.


Jelly, marmalade, puddings, dietary treats with sugar substitutes. Sometimes marshmallows, jams, and honey can be used.

First meal

Vegetable vegetarian soups are welcome. Borscht, beetroot soup, cabbage soup cooked in weak meat or fish broth. Cereal soups. Sometimes you can eat milk soups.

Such a diet after a stroke will help not only prevent the risk of developing the disease, but also get rid of excess weight. And this is also good for the heart and blood vessels. Doctors have long known: the slimmer a person, the lower his risk of stroke. Walking on fresh air, moderate physical exercise. But remember that the load must be agreed upon with your doctor.

Sample menu after an ischemic stroke

Breakfast: soft-boiled egg, a glass of green tea without sugar, a slice of rye bread with cheese, a vegetable salad dressed with low-fat sour cream.

Lunch: vegetable soup, maybe with cabbage, or borscht, but the beets are not fried and the broth is boiled with chicken breast. Buckwheat porridge, cooked without salt, and a glass of kefir. One piece of bread. Toast with honey or jam. All food should be cooked without salt; you can add a little salt to the food during consumption.

Dinner: skim cheese and any dairy products, boiled chicken breast, any 2 fruits and greens. A glass of fruit juice or green tea. You can also drink black tea, but it should not be strong.

If a person was an alcoholic before a stroke, but he wants to quit and improve his health, then he has a chance. It is impossible to give up alcohol right away; the body will not accept the new lifestyle abruptly, so it should be prepared. First you need to reduce the amount of alcohol you drink. You can drink a glass of dry wine 200-300 ml per day, after 2 weeks the dose should be reduced by half, after a month you should completely stop drinking alcohol, because alcohol destroys and healthy body, and in the event of a stroke it can be the cause of death.

If the patient is a heavy smoker, it will be difficult to give up cigarettes. But it is better to replace cigarettes with a special patch or tablets.

Diet after a hemorrhagic stroke

Patients after treatment medicines should eat plenty of vegetables and fruits that contain magnesium. If the patient suffers from high blood pressure, then the use of salt should be completely avoided. Blood pressure should be monitored at least 3 times a day. Nutrition after a stroke should be balanced.

An approximate recipe for health is quite simple: no alcohol, tobacco and fatty foods. Weight should be normal. If the patient is overweight, then you must first bring the weight back to normal, eliminating everything salty, smoked, fatty and fried. Eat more fruits and vegetables chicken meat and steamed fish.

To clean blood vessels, it is good to eat sea fish and seaweed at least once a week. Sea kale is rich in iodine; it perfectly cleanses blood vessels and reduces the risk of a hemorrhagic stroke.

Many patients add some medications to their food traditional medicine. Their recipes are extremely simple. You need to buy apple cider vinegar, but natural, in a glass bottle. One tablespoon of honey is diluted in a glass of warm water and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar is added; a glass of the solution should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.

Sample diet menu after a stroke

Breakfast: a glass of milk with honey, two slices of rye bread.

For a snack, you can eat a green salad with a slice of black bread, and drink a glass of lightly brewed tea.

Lunch: vegetable soup with beef broth, mashed potatoes, fruit salad with lemon wedges.

We have dinner with two tomatoes, a piece of black bread, spread with butter and sprinkled with dill. A glass of low-fat kefir.

Attention: after a stroke, a person’s taste changes, so you should not refuse food, even if it is prohibited foods. The main thing is to eat little by little, 5-6 times a day, eat puree soup, drink plenty of fluids. Do not eat food that is too cold or hot. You should also take a full vitamin course.

Diet after a stroke for every day

The severity of a patient's condition after a stroke varies. Therefore, if a patient has lost chewing function after an attack, he is given nutrition through a catheter. For this, either specialized mixtures or nutrients are used.

Patients with less severe pathology feed on their own. But if you feed a person the same type of food, even if it’s black caviar with pineapples, it becomes boring, and even for human body This approach to nutrition will not be beneficial. Therefore, the diet of a stroke patient should be varied; fortunately, the diet after a stroke for every day allows for the opportunity to eat not only healthy, but also varied and tasty.

Diet for stroke is not a temporary measure that, after restoration of health, can be subsequently ignored. The recommendations it carries should forever become a habit and become an integral part of your lifestyle. People who introduced it into their daily life protected themselves from many health problems that are associated with disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Only attentive attitude towards yourself and your health, refusal bad habits, "healthy diet", healthy image life will give you the opportunity to feel great, even if you are far beyond...

  • fried foods - baked or grilled;
  • crackers - croutons.

Limiting cholesterol in foods is an important step in preventing cerebral stroke. This is achieved in this way:

  • cutting off visible fat from meat, skin from poultry;
  • reducing the amount of meat in the diet; one serving of meat should contain no more than 150 grams;
  • limiting the amount of butter;
  • eliminating lard from the diet;
  • choosing low-fat dairy products.

Salt is a cause of hypertension

When following a diet after an ischemic stroke at home, it is important to reduce the amount of salt in the diet, it promotes fluid retention and increases blood pressure, putting a strain on the blood vessels of the brain. Instead, you can add herbs and spices that do not contain salt to your dishes.

Diet affects:

  • development of heart disease, diabetes and blood vessel diseases, as well as recovery from them;
  • immune system;
  • mental acuity;
  • the quality of life.

Diet is even more important for stroke survivors than for everyone else because diet affects so many aspects of recovery. For example, diet affects energy levels, physical performance, mood, cardiovascular health (stroke is a cardiovascular disease) and muscle strength. And of course, diet affects weight. The less you weigh, the easier it is for you to move. The opposite is also true: the heavier you are, the more difficult it is for you to move. The gained weight has to be lifted while moving. The more a stroke survivor weighs above the optimal weight, the more difficult the path to recovery. People who have had a stroke tend to gain weight. In some patients, a stroke triggers a downward spiral that might look like this.

How it's done?

So what is the right diet for someone recovering from a stroke? There is a lot of useful information available from libraries, the Internet, and health professionals about any diet options you need. Here are some basic diet guidelines for anyone trying to improve their fitness.

  • Try to stay within your optimal weight. It is much easier to lift your arm if it weighs 1 kilogram rather than 1.5. Your doctor can tell you your optimal weight. Weighting more than optimal makes exercising after a stroke difficult because every time you move, you have to lift, move and hold additional weight. In addition, unnecessary fat must be vascularized (the body has to create blood vessels to feed additional cells). This extra vascularization causes the heart to work much harder to pump blood to new vessels.
  • Choose quality carbohydrates. Carbohydrates can be bad (processed) or good (unprocessed).
    • Processed (also known as refined or simple) carbohydrates, such as white rice, chips, crackers, white bread, white sugar, candy, soda, etc., are quickly digested and absorbed into the bloodstream, causing blood sugar levels to skyrocket . The rapid influx of sugar puts pressure on the system, causing it to vigorously reduce blood sugar. The pancreas is responsible for controlling blood sugar. She uses a chemical called insulin to lower blood sugar levels. The pancreas and insulin do their job well. They do it so well that high level Blood sugar caused by eating simple carbohydrates decreases. People eat again, often reaching for simple carbohydrates in an attempt to replace lost energy (caused by low blood sugar). With a large number of such changes in sugar levels, the pancreas cannot cope with the load and cannot produce enough insulin. If this happens, there is a risk of developing diabetes.
    • Unprocessed (also known as unrefined or complex) carbohydrates, such as whole grain bread, browned rice, and whole fruits (apples, oranges, etc.), provide much slower absorption of carbohydrates, resulting in a gradual release of sugar into the blood. The slower the sugar is delivered, the better, because with gradual absorption it can be better absorbed, stored and used by the body.
  • Avoid unhealthy fats. Unhealthy fats include hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats. Hydrogenated fats are oils that are heated, then cooled and remain solid at room temperature. Partially hydrogenated fats are oils that are heated so that at room temperature their consistency is between solid and liquid. Hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils are found in fried foods and are found in cakes, chips, cookies, crackers, muffins, donuts, candy, and most fast foods.
  • These unhealthy fats are listed on the ingredient list on product packaging as hydrogenated vegetable oil, partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, or shortening.
  • Use healthy fats. An alternative to unhealthy fats is to increase the proportion of healthy fats in your diet. Healthy fats include extra virgin olive oil, fish oil, nut oil, linseed oil and canola oil. Fish oil is important for the body. It features an almost perfect ratio of three important fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and alpha-linoleic acid (ALA). Fish oil helps people who have had a stroke in two ways:
  1. DHA and EPA may reduce swelling in the brain after stroke;
  2. Fish oil improves overall nervous system function and is considered a “neuroprotective” (nervous system protecting) substance.
  • Healthy fats reduce levels of unhealthy fats and can improve health. High levels of healthy fats before a stroke reduce memory loss and the likelihood of disability after it.
  • Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. They contain important vitamins, minerals and amino acids (the building blocks of proteins). Fruits and vegetables should be consumed in an unprocessed state whenever possible. “Processed” means “cooked and/or combined with other ingredients.” For example, simply cutting up fruits or vegetables will reduce the amount of vitamins and minerals in them because some of the nutrient-rich juice is lost. Unprocessed and fresh fruits and vegetables have the highest nutritional value, and also help satisfy hunger, which keeps you from consuming less healthy foods.
  • One of the habits important to a healthy diet is simply becoming familiar with the ingredients of what you eat. Reading the ingredient names will force you to ask simple but important questions:

    • “What is this ingredient?”
    • “Why is this chemical in this product?”
    • “What is the difference between this food and its whole (unprocessed) version?”

    These questions inevitably lead to a choice best diet, because they provide information about what you eat and ask the next question: “Why am I eating this?”

    Deposits on the walls of arteries—the blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to all the cells in the body—are responsible for many strokes. These deposits are called plaques. High blood levels chemical substance homocysteine ​​may cause plaque formation. People who have had a stroke tend to have high levels of homocysteine ​​in their blood. This problem can be easily solved. Ask your doctor how you can use vitamin B 12 to reduce homocysteine ​​levels. It should be noted that high levels of this substance also increase the likelihood of disability after a stroke.

    A stroke can weaken or impair your ability to taste foods, including making them taste strange and unpleasant. There is a term for this change in the ability to taste after brain injury: dysgeusia. With it, there may be a desire to overcome the lack of taste by adding flavor enhancers such as salt, additional sauces and spices, as well as consuming fried foods. When trying to make food tasty, be smart and choose healthy foods.

    What precautions should you take?

    Tell your doctor about any significant changes to your diet, even if they are considered healthy. For example, switching to a vegetarian diet is considered healthy, but it may not be right for you at this time.